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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 21:48:14

At 1/16/07 09:10 PM, Shanus wrote:
My b/p-ing status has picked up the last couple of days and I'm now getting around 70 points a day. Which is really helping me get to my target. The only thing is it is rather eating into my sleeping schedule but I can sleep when I'm dead, the portal need protecting.

Getting 70 B/P points a day is a great pace you have there. With this pace, you'll get to be an Elite Guard Sergeant First Class in no time. About B/Ping eating into your sleeping schedule, don't worry about that, I believe we all can relate to this. You have great determination soldier! And you are using it well in serving the portal. Glad to see some enthusiasm here in the Barracks! :)



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 21:58:11

At 1/15/07 08:18 PM, Sterockicy wrote: BIG NEWS!

I am now officially the new Barracks Portal Violations Officer. It may be only temperarely as LittleWashu may want her position back in which case I would surrender the position. But as of now I am "The guy". Thankyou very much for allowing me to take on the responsibilitys of this job Phantom, I promise I wont let you or the Elite guard barracks down. I will do my best to make the Elite Guard Barracks a better place for everyone!

Congrats man you earned it man of all the people here I believe you can do this job best that was why I nomanited you for it. Due to by limited online time I figured I would need a temp replacement. Now everyone give My replacement the same respect you would give me or it you will all face the wrath of my Frying pans and Diamond baseball bats!


I have noticed lately that my Batting Average rank has been lowering each day. I believe some unknown user is purposly voting 0's on all of my movies to get back at me for something. I am very dissappointed to see this happening because I was sooo close to my goal of a 3.00 BA and now I have dropped back to 2.91. It even further annoys me that I have tried my best to do only good things for Newgrounds and in return and being punished by someone for doing so. The only someone I can think of who would have something against me would be a user who got some of there abusive reviews deleted thanks to my posts in the Abusive reviews thread. I know I havent done anything wrong by posting those links, after all im helping clean up newgrounds and giving people the chance to get a shinier whistle. Im just so dissappointed that this could happen when I was so close to reaching my goal. :-(

Hmm It could be that. I had many problems with people in the past in other ways because of my flagging ways and Trust it it does get annoying after a while. Heck you could check the thread and you might find some of the old Washu Alts made to made fun of me still here "IF they weren't already deleted" Oh well that is what happens when you have people who hate you they find ways to piss you off without you knowing it is them.

At 1/15/07 07:31 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 1/15/07 07:14 PM, HomerDough wrote:
Did your rate go down or up after the holidays?
Mine didnt ive still got another 2 weeks on holidays! I start year 10 on the first of Feb.



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 23:18:18

Shanus has already passed me, Sterockicy is gaining om me quickly and Dela is way ahead of me. boy did I slow down? i think it was because i started reviewing again but I wanna review so cant do notin about that.

Damn I hate non holiday days

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 23:47:49

After weeks of little to no progress i have finally made Elite Guard Corporal. Oh and congratulations to Sterockicy on his new position.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 09:47:51

Well, congratulations to everyone who deserves it. And for now that is all I have to say, glad to see the place is doing well without me watching like a hawk above ( don't really have the spare time for it now either ).

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 20:33:41

At 1/16/07 11:47 PM, sparkingAC195 wrote: After weeks of little to no progress i have finally made Elite Guard Corporal. Oh and congratulations to Sterockicy on his new position.

Congratulations, sparkingAC195. Keep up the great work!

I decided to write a short story. Dunno, I guess I was somewhat bored or just felt like writing a quick story. I am fully aware this piece has some grammatical errors and contains foul language, sorry about that. Be sure to let me know what you think about it! :D

The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

Bullets were flying everywhere. The green uniform soldiers were defending their post with all cost. One soldier said, “Get a damn machine gun up here, damn it! We can’t hold on much longer!” Two soldiers ran inside their post and struggled to bring out the machine gun. Bullets kept flying everywhere, occasionally hitting their targets. The soldier that was the most prominent yelled again, “God damn it! Hurry the hell up! If I’m going to die here, at least let me die with satisfaction by killing some of those bitches up there! Now hurry up!”

There was this silent soldier. This soldier did not talk at all and never talked to any of his fellow soldiers. He had never done anything right and was constantly being yelled at for his inability of protecting the post. This soldier was quietly hiding from enemy fire when he heard the prominent soldier yell: “You! Yes you! Get the hell up and help these men here! Move it, move it! God damn it!”

The silent soldier got up and ran across the field. The soldier constantly kept seeing his fellow soldiers get shot and others yelling for help and screaming for their life. There were soldiers screaming of pain because of their missing limbs and there were puddles of blood everywhere. The soldier ran with his eyes closed until he reached the soldiers carrying out the machine gun.

“Grab it here!” Yelled one soldier holding the machine gun. The silent soldier grasped the machine gun and helped carry it out with the other two soldiers. The three soldiers finally reached the soldier in charge. “What the hell took you so damn long!! Get that shit loaded up and start firing!” The two soldiers loaded up the machine gun and the Silent Soldier ran for cover once again.

The soldier in charge kept seeing his fellow men getting shot at and he got tired of it. “God Damn it! Soldiers, I’m going out there. Guard me well!” The soldier in charge ran up the hill of the post with his gun and yelled, “Die you sons-a-bitches!” The soldier shot at every moving object in front of him. He then ran out of ammo and yelled “Guard me damn it while I load!” The two soldiers with the machine gun shot at every enemy soldier but since the soldier in charge was taking a long time reloading, the machine gun ran out of ammo as well.

The two soldiers panicked and one ran to get more ammo inside the shack of the post. More recruitment soldiers were coming out of the enemy post and the Silent Soldier saw this. The Prominent soldier was struggling still with reloading his gun that he threw it and grabbed his handgun form his utility belt. The Silent Soldier saw that there was two enemy soldiers coming at the Prominent soldier behind his back. The Silent Solider ran with all his might up the hill and shot at the two soldiers. He successfully killed them both. The Silent soldier for once in his life smiled because he had just saved his fellow commander’s life when he felt something in him. He felt this pain a second, third, fourth, and fifth time. He then noticed he had just been shot multiple times behind his back. Blood oozed out of the bullent wounds.

Blood came out of the Silent Soldier mouths. He dropped his gun and fell down his knees, smiling. The Commander hadn't noticed his life had been saved by the Silent Soldier and was still yelling “Die you bitches, die!” He then suddenly got shot by an enemy soldier on his right that he hadn't seen and he fell down, yelling in pain. The Commander turned to look at the soldiers at the machine gun but he saw that they were both dead. The Commander then looked at his handgun, while clutching his wound and said, “Fuck this.” The Commander shot himself right in the head and blood splattered across the ground. The green uniform soldier’s post was now fully taken by the enemies and the enemy soldiers were killing the remaining soldiers that were left guarding the post. Moments later, all the ally soldiers had been killed. They had failed.

The Silent Soldier stayed kneeling and then finally fell to the floor. He looked at the sky and then his eyes went blank. He died smiling, knowing that for once he had done something right in his life.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 23:02:10

At 1/17/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
I decided to write a short story. Dunno, I guess I was somewhat bored or just felt like writing a quick story. I am fully aware this piece has some grammatical errors and contains foul language, sorry about that. Be sure to let me know what you think about it! :D

The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

Well since nobody else is saying anything about it, I will. I thought that was an awesome short story. I really got into it. Its a shame its as short as it is because I would have liked it to be a bit longer. But its a short story so making it long wouldnt make sence. And the ending, BRILLIANT!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 23:06:49

At 1/17/07 11:02 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Well since nobody else is saying anything about it, I will. I thought that was an awesome short story. I really got into it. Its a shame its as short as it is because I would have liked it to be a bit longer. But its a short story so making it long wouldnt make sence. And the ending, BRILLIANT!

Heh, thanks a lot! Yeah, I really didn't want to make it that long because maybe some of the members wouldn't bother reading it. Thanks a lot for giving your comment on it and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 23:16:12

At 1/17/07 11:06 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Heh, thanks a lot! Yeah, I really didn't want to make it that long because maybe some of the members wouldn't bother reading it. Thanks a lot for giving your comment on it and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

hey it was long enough as it is. If you count three minutes long (or shorter). It was a good story altogether. Great ending too

Just one question, where'd this take place in? I dont know where

The rate of mine has went up a bit because the portal is getting more active around the time I og on.

I just hit 250 reviews. I'm a 1/4th away now to 1000

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-17 23:26:41

At 1/17/07 11:16 PM, HomerDough wrote:
The rate of mine has went up a bit because the portal is getting more active around the time I og on.

Did you notice how neck and neck we are for b/p points today HomerDough? I have 49 you have 51! Im sure PenguinLink will reply to this saying he has double or triple that, PLEASE DONT >:-(

Its good to see you getting above 30 today as for the last few days you have been getting around the 30 mark!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 01:59:04

At 1/17/07 11:16 PM, HomerDough wrote: hey it was long enough as it is. If you count three minutes long (or shorter). It was a good story altogether. Great ending too

Thanks a lot for the kind words. :)

Just one question, where'd this take place in? I dont know where

Actually, it doesn't take place in any real place here in the world. We can just assume it took place in a desert wasteland of some kind.

The rate of mine has went up a bit because the portal is getting more active around the time I og on.

I'm sure it has. Keep up the great work HomerDough! =)

I just hit 250 reviews. I'm a 1/4th away now to 1000

Congratulations on 250 reviews! Half-way through 500 and 1/4th away from 1,000 indeed.

At 1/17/07 11:26 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
Did you notice how neck and neck we are for b/p points today HomerDough? I have 49 you have 51! Im sure PenguinLink will reply to this saying he has double or triple that, PLEASE DONT >:-(

Oh yeah? Well my rate.... Nah, just kidding. You guys are doing great. I don't know why you say my B/P rate is better than yours, but you guys are doing just fine. Keep up the good work and keep protecting the portal, soldiers!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 08:19:55

At 1/17/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote: The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

Not bad, I'll say this to you as an aspiring author. Overuse of the word "Soldier", replace it a bit with anything you can. Complete plot holes and curse a bit less. Soldiers or not, they don't have to curse every second.

I'm planning to right a true war story soon. It'll be about 8-10 pages long and when I can have the chance to do it and finish, I'll show you how the pro's do it. But overall, not bad.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 11:49:53

At 1/17/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

Apologies for the late response- I was busy with my own war last night (ah, the greatness of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory).

I quite liked your little story- the ending in particular was great and was not what I was expecting. As Phantom said there are a few problems with repetition, especially of the word soldier, and there was probably a little too much foul language, even for a group of soon to be dead soldiers. I realise it was meant to be short, but it could probably have done with being a little bit longer and having a touch more character development, especially with 'the two soldiers'. As you had the 'silent soldier', and the 'prominent soldier' maybe they would have been better with some kind of distinguishing feature as well. I do like that nobody had names though, and that they were just anonymous figures in war.

A good little read to wake up to this morning :)

As for all you people discussing B/P pace- the portal is painfully slow at the moment so anything around 50 is a very good effort. Before Christmas I was getting 100 per day consistently, even during the week, but at the moment that is a real struggle. Right now I'm averaging about 90-95, but with the amount of time I am B/Ping it really should be much more than that.


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 12:53:05

Well, I continue to move up in the 20's, but harryjarry shall soon take me down. However with time I should get most of every one else. And today, Hippo got the worst of it :-(

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 16:24:23

At 1/17/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote: The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

Sorry for the even later response, had lots of work today, not the best. Great story, really enjoyed it. Actually reminded me of a story I wrote in my final year of secondary school, minus the profanity of course. ^_^

Well I see people are comparing B/P per day's, hmmm well I've got today's goal for points already before I even start which is good. I got 270 in the last 4 days, which I'm pretty proud of, and I actually got sleep last night. I thought I deserved a break. But I'm well on track for the rank up by monday. Also learned that for my 18th birthday I'm getting a laptop so you may see more of me than I originally thought.

Well good luck to everyone with their B/P-ing


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 18:01:13

At 1/18/07 05:49 PM, Odyssic wrote: Damn I got to post here a lot more, anyway I have a Question. OK I've been working for 2 weeks and I like it in fact tomorrow is my last day, so can I work there full time. I'm only 14 years old and I hate school, do you think the think the school will let me work. I bet its a no but I think I would be good there.


You can legally work at 14, but you need a work permit from your school, along with ( I think), your parent or guardians signature.
I don't know if it's the same in all states or wherever you reside, but that's how it is in Indiana.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 18:31:12

At 1/17/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote: The Silent Soldier
(A Short story by PenguinLink)

It's stories like these that make me wonder how people can write so well. :(

But yeah, great story. It was a nice read, and the ending was also neat. But I can't count the number of times, that I saw the word "soldier" in that story.

That aside, it's still great.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 19:15:04

I thin this is stolen:

lol UU intro

Hes not a UU member and its just the clip of the UU beginning followed by a blank white screen.

I flagged it anyway. So what? 1 negative point? Its gonna take a lot more to take this deity from me

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 20:08:16

At 1/18/07 08:19 AM, Phantom wrote:
Not bad, I'll say this to you as an aspiring author. Overuse of the word "Soldier", replace it a bit with anything you can. Complete plot holes and curse a bit less. Soldiers or not, they don't have to curse every second.

Yes, I guess I did overuse the word "Soldier" a bit. The cursing I did put on purpose. The reason why I made the characters curse frequently was so that it would portray their desperation and anger they were experiencing in the situation they were in. I know real life soldiers don't curse like the ones in the story did, but again, I did that on purpose to convey their anger.

I'm planning to right a true war story soon. It'll be about 8-10 pages long and when I can have the chance to do it and finish, I'll show you how the pro's do it. But overall, not bad.

Great! I look forward to reading it. But I want to let you know, I am not a professional nor a experienced writer such as yourself to completely know all there is to literature. Thanks for the constructive criticism and I'm glad you didn't find it to be bad, as you said. Because I know it's difficult for you to like things. Hey, I'm the same. Look at my favorite submissions. You will notice I only have one. Thanks again for your words, Phantom! :D

At 1/18/07 11:49 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Apologies for the late response- I was busy with my own war last night (ah, the greatness of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory).

There is no need to apologize Donthurtme. :D Every soldier needs a break from protecting the portal everynow and then. =)

I quite liked your little story- the ending in particular was great and was not what I was expecting. As Phantom said there are a few problems with repetition, especially of the word soldier, and there was probably a little too much foul language, even for a group of soon to be dead soldiers. I realise it was meant to be short, but it could probably have done with being a little bit longer and having a touch more character development, especially with 'the two soldiers'. As you had the 'silent soldier', and the 'prominent soldier' maybe they would have been better with some kind of distinguishing feature as well. I do like that nobody had names though, and that they were just anonymous figures in war.

Thanks! You have very well thought out comments there buddy! The repetition of the word soldier has been an error I truly have wanted to fix. Again, I added foul language so that it would portray the soldier's anger. (If you guys haven't noticed, I am not that type of person who likes to constantly post or write foul language.) I agree it would had been better if it would have been longer but it was just a quick write I had in mind sometime ago. The characters truly needed character development and there was also a lack of detail. But hey, this is my first story I have posted and hopefully in the future I'll come up with better, detail filled, stories. Thanks a lot for the nice words and well thought out comments. :)

A good little read to wake up to this morning :)

Haha, maybe the foul language woke you up. =)


At 1/18/07 04:24 PM, Shanus wrote:
Sorry for the even later response, had lots of work today, not the best. Great story, really enjoyed it. Actually reminded me of a story I wrote in my final year of secondary school, minus the profanity of course. ^_^

Thanks! It's interesting that it reminded you of a story you wrote on Middle School, which is some time ago, wasn't? Again, thanks for taking the time in reading it and I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Also learned that for my 18th birthday I'm getting a laptop so you may see more of me than I originally thought.

You're so lucky. I have been wanting one for ages and still no luck. :(


At 1/18/07 06:31 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:
It's stories like these that make me wonder how people can write so well. :(

That's not true! >:( I believe everyone has the ability and the skill to write a good story way much better that mine. You should try writing one some day, Mr. Molotov, and you'll be amazed how muck skill you'll have.

But yeah, great story. It was a nice read, and the ending was also neat. But I can't count the number of times, that I saw the word "soldier" in that story.

That repetition of the word soldier is really killing me here. If I ever write another story, I'll be sure to use a damn thesaurus. :) Thanks a lot for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

That aside, it's still great.


Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my short story and for the comments you guys left. It really means a lot. :)


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 20:26:48

At 1/18/07 04:24 PM, Shanus wrote:
Sorry for the even later response, had lots of work today, not the best. Great story, really enjoyed it. Actually reminded me of a story I wrote in my final year of secondary school, minus the profanity of course. ^_^
Thanks! It's interesting that it reminded you of a story you wrote on Middle School, which is some time ago, wasn't? Again, thanks for taking the time in reading it and I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

No more like 2 years and I wrote a war story in my final exams last year (and yes if you haven't noticed I'm very young to be going to college) If I can dig it up I'll post it. I'm very proud of it.

Also learned that for my 18th birthday I'm getting a laptop so you may see more of me than I originally thought.
You're so lucky. I have been wanting one for ages and still no luck. :(

Yeah out of the blue, my parents just tell me. It's a pretty good one aswell but I really need it for college etc (lol). Just hold in there you'll get one, took me some time.




Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 20:38:53

At 1/18/07 08:26 PM, Shanus wrote: No more like 2 years and I wrote a war story in my final exams last year (and yes if you haven't noticed I'm very young to be going to college) If I can dig it up I'll post it. I'm very proud of it.

So does this mean that you skipped one year of High School? Maybe that's why I found it to be peculiar to see you post that you go to college because you're a little young. And if you find the story you wrote, feel more than welcome to post it. :)

Yeah out of the blue, my parents just tell me. It's a pretty good one aswell but I really need it for college etc (lol). Just hold in there you'll get one, took me some time.

Haha, funny. *Shanus arrives home from college. Mom says, "Honey, I'm buying you a laptop for your birthday." Shanus stares at her and screams "Thanks mom!" Out of the blue.* :D



(Omg a salute chain!!!!111oneone111.)

*Note to Shanus. Cut this salute chain before it becomes more longer or this time Phantom will really kill us. Seriously. I'm not the person to cut salute chains. So stop it before it kills us all!* :0

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 20:56:46

At 1/18/07 08:38 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
So does this mean that you skipped one year of High School? Maybe that's why I found it to be peculiar to see you post that you go to college because you're a little young. And if you find the story you wrote, feel more than welcome to post it. :)

Nope, just a weird system in Ireland, but I can't complain. I'd advise being a college student as early as possible. Greatest time of my life. And I'll look for it tomorrow, way too late now :)

Haha, funny. *Shanus arrives home from college. Mom says, "Honey, I'm buying you a laptop for your birthday." Shanus stares at her and screams "Thanks mom!" Out of the blue.* :D

That's about it, except I got to college like 50 miles away. So it was more like me after coming from an hour journey, wrecked from the night before, but I still shouted the thanks mom bit

In another note, the portal's even slow than usual today. It seems even spamming entries are down. Looks like I've got no work to do. So I'd just like to ask what everyones next goals are on NG, they can be anything they don't have to be stat related.

Mines obviously the next rank by monday, but I'd also like to make it to level 11 before the redesign, but I dont think it'll be held back that long.

*Note to Shanus. Cut this salute chain before it becomes more longer or this time Phantom will really kill us. Seriously. I'm not the person to cut salute chains. So stop it before it kills us all!* :0

*Hangs head in shame* Greatest apologies


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 21:11:35

thanks in advance to PenguinLink who is two B/p points away from Praporshickt or whatever its called. You are so close to evervigilant. But after that you're about 5000 away from the next person in the Barracks.

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-18 22:18:06

At 1/18/07 08:56 PM, Shanus wrote:
Nope, just a weird system in Ireland, but I can't complain. I'd advise being a college student as early as possible. Greatest time of my life. And I'll look for it tomorrow, way too late now :)

Oh, I see. Yeah, I guess you're lucky to be in college right now. Study now, rest later once you're done with school is what I always say! :)

That's about it, except I got to college like 50 miles away. So it was more like me after coming from an hour journey, wrecked from the night before, but I still shouted the thanks mom bit

Dang, college is a long way from your home. It must suck going to college so far away. But I guess what matters most is the education that you get, rather worrying about how far the school is.

In another note, the portal's even slow than usual today. It seems even spamming entries are down. Looks like I've got no work to do. So I'd just like to ask what everyones next goals are on NG, they can be anything they don't have to be stat related.

My next goals in NG are the following: I want to become an Elite Guard Supreme Commander before 2008 and I want to have at least 1,000 reviews before 2008 as well. Another goal is to reach level 11 before the redesign as well (which will be sometime this week or next week)

Mines obviously the next rank by monday, but I'd also like to make it to level 11 before the redesign, but I dont think it'll be held back that long.

Good luck on your reaching the next rank by monday. You're doing a nice job and I think you'll reach it without any problems.

*Hangs head in shame* Greatest apologies

I'm sorry you had to be the one to break the Salute Chain. It hurts, does it? :(



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 00:54:38

Well im back from bowling after kicking my family's asses. I somehow managed to get 11 strikes in 2 games! How, I will never know!

A congratulations must go out to PenguinLink on reaching Elite Guard Praporshchik. <- Had to copy and paste it because its very hard to spell! Not sure that I like the word Praporshchik but 8000b/p points is awesome!

HomerDough, I think im starting to catch you! I managed something like 56 today while you only managed to get around 24. :-( Once I go back to school im sure it will even up a bit!

Shanus, if your not already in bed, GO TO BED! And arent you lucky for getting a laptop just randomely!



Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 02:07:29

At 1/18/07 08:08 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Great! I look forward to reading it. But I want to let you know, I am not a professional nor a experienced writer such as yourself to completely know all there is to literature. Thanks for the constructive criticism and I'm glad you didn't find it to be bad, as you said. Because I know it's difficult for you to like things. Hey, I'm the same. Look at my favorite submissions. You will notice I only have one. Thanks again for your words, Phantom! :D

I'm just here posting from school... Writing won't begin for a while now but eventually when I have time. Better make this short before I'm busted.

But do trust, when I do write, it's good. As for liking things, I can like things, but as one who has read fine literature I am a bit more harsh with writing. Back to B/P now before harryjarry catches up.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 05:39:00

Requiring deep investigation. The following games are likely to have been stolen, previous author or not, this little "change" in style, and the fact the game was featured on other sites ages ago ( I should know ) makes me suspicious. If you feel the same:

Could be stolen

And could also be stolen.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 12:24:24

At 1/19/07 12:16 PM, Odyssic wrote: Oh fuck not safe for work.

Or for school. But hey, no one is forcing you to play it.

Its like the same thing.

Same? Clearly you didn't spend many hours playing them, have you now?

Crap, said too much...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 12:38:47

I have been gone for awhile due to school and World of Warcraft and I am stopping by to say a few things,

Conratulations to you Sterockicy, you deserve the role. Make the members here proud with your new responsibility.

Cool story PenguinLink, I enjoyed it. It was a nice little story and I enjoyed reading it, I do agree with Phantom with the over use of soldier. You better broaden your vocabulary boy! Other then that, it was a very goo story, nice job.

Donthurtme, I can't believe you have a better pace this week so far! You are going to be extremely hard to hold back, but I shall do my best! It wouldn't hurt if you missed 10-20 points though.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-19 12:49:03

At 1/19/07 12:38 PM, Hemlok wrote:
Donthurtme, I can't believe you have a better pace this week so far! You are going to be extremely hard to hold back, but I shall do my best! It wouldn't hurt if you missed 10-20 points though.

HA, you didn't think I would give up without a fight, did you? In all honesty I could have gone faster this week, but after a full day of B/Ping I've tended to get bored and do something else for a few hours in the evening. Yesterday was particularly slow- I've just collected point 400 for the week in 4 and a half days, so I've slipped from the 90 per day pace I was moving along at (not by much mind). Hopefully Saturday will boost it back up before the update.

You just carry on selling your soul to WoW, and I'll carry on selling mine to ET- I'm sure that will balance things out :)

Sig by lebastic

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