At 1/11/07 06:10 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Problem understood. That is exactly the reason why you only lose 2 points for being inactive for 1 week. If you have read my post about EGB revolution, you will see that you get plenty of chances to pick the points up. (e.g reporting portal violentions) If most of you still feel uncomfortable for the rules, feel free to discuss and I can teel you that those rules/systems can be modified based on the benefits of EGB. As an EGB member, you have the reponsibility of complying to your superior officers. Thus there will be no points awarded for that because it is your duty.
Your idea has a bit of merit as a way to keep track of who is active and who is causing trouble, but I have to agree with Phantom that it is an enormous work load for one user to take on. I'm on here more than most and I still don't think I would have time to keep track of every user, reading over each and every post.
Also, and don't take offence to this, I just don't see any real reason to implement it. We all know who posts a lot and who doesn't, and we also know who creates the most spam or causes trouble. Those who deserve to become officers eventually do through recognition by their superiors.
I also don't agree with penalising people for not posting regularly, either in this club or any other for that matter. When joining up here you are not commiting yourself to remain active day after day, but rather to visit the thread on occasion and contribute to the conversation. There have been plenty of weeks where I have been active on NG, but not posted here simply because I didn't feel that I could contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way, but that doesn't make me any less of a member in my opinion. In fact I'd like to think it makes me a better user- I don't simply post to increase my post count, but rather to say something I want to say. On top of that there is no guarentee that people's connections are stable, or that the outside world won't get in the way for some reason, and to be penalised for that just doesn't feel right to me.
I do think that people should be able to voice their opinion about officers though, and even go so far as to suggest replacements if necessary. Of course all decisions would be left to Phantom or Eagle in the end, but I'm sure that all the officers won't complain about a bit of feedback on how they are contributing to the thread, and how they could improve in their respective roles, so long as any feedback is both with good reason/evidence and with some respect- we don't want people just flaming people because they don't like them for whatever reason.