At 1/11/07 09:34 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: the brothers Me, Myself, and I respectuffly wish to joind the Elite Guard, SIR.
get 1500 B/P points and we'll talk
At 1/11/07 09:34 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: the brothers Me, Myself, and I respectuffly wish to joind the Elite Guard, SIR.
get 1500 B/P points and we'll talk
At 1/11/07 08:05 PM, Shanus wrote:At 1/11/07 07:09 PM, DarkSoldier wrote:Im pretty sure Im flagging them correctly unless something weird is going on??Have you been using the Abusive review thread in the Where is/How to? forum? That's where I got the vast majority of my whistle points. An d is really the place to go, if you want a higher whistle and to get rid of abuse. If you have just keep at it, it does take a long time.
Yeah I'll be sure to ask if i don't know. I'll be sure to check KK and CC and SS reviews because i know they get a lot of abusive reviews.
Yeah i been using that thread. I use Sterockicy 50 links or about 50. There pretty helpful. I just can't believe it i clicked the abusive button so many times and its got me back Bronze?
At 1/11/07 08:14 PM, Major-punk wrote:I read it, it took a long time but I read it. But theres no need for an official reputation system and I think everythings fine the way it is now. Besides I doubt anyone will want to do it, I know I don't.At 1/10/07 10:40 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:EGB Revolution (1)
List 1: behaviors that will cause you losing reputation points:
List 2: good behaviors that will increase your reputation points: is all right, MP. You do not have to if you do not want to. I felt that the system could be helpful. Sure it takes a huge amount of time to update and record, but the potential benefits can be enormous. Based on the current system, officers are appointed by Eagle instead of being selected by all the members. In other words, members are not involved in those decisions. Thus, some members may think that it is the officers' responsibility to contribute the EGB and get everything settled. such thoughts will affect their performance negatively. Some members may even think that they will never be officials and thus lower the standard for themselves because they have nothing to hope for. I am not saying that such thoughts exist in the EGB, but there is a chance that some people MAY think like that.
With the reputation system, members can be qualified for officers' positions as long as they keep on performing well here. The system gives them something to work on which will increase their moral. Meanwhile, the reputation system also concludes penalities when they violate the EGB policies. When someone runs low on the points, he/she will have to be extra careful if he/she wants to stay which means that the individual will perform better in the future for surviving. It is always a good thing for EGB when people try their best to contribute. More importantly, the system also ensures that officers will not lay in their positions and think they are safe forever. Because if they still do, they will lose points quickly and eventually lose their positions to more deserving people.
To make my explanation simple, the reputation system will make everyone here more competitive in positive ways which will make them to do more for the EGB. In all, I still insist that the system has huge potential to be superb if it is designed//modified nicely. If I am not mistaken, the reason why the once so mighty blam club dead is because the lack of membership management. In the end, people took it as an social club to post random things rather than a blam club --- the major reason that lead the once superior club to its demise. If the blam club had a decent system that could maintain and manage its huge population, it would have survived the ordeal of time. I fear that similar things may happen to EGB if the place does not have a strict system that can manage its growing members. Sure EGB has suppassed the blam club in page wise. But it does not mean that it will last forever, I have seen threads over 1000 pages dead before. I fully understand the amount of work for such a system, but it is worthy a try. Plus, you can always change back to the old system if people are not too fond of the new one. Just think how much it takes to update the b/p 51+ rankings every week. Still, everyone will have to admit that the creature of the b/p 51+ ranking have done wonders to keep b/p users encouraged. I am not saying that the reputation will have the same impact, but at least I personally think that the system has something worthy to have a try at the EGB. Still, MP, you do not have to if you do not feel like. I was just giving some ideas about how to make the place better.
At 1/11/07 09:34 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: the brothers Me, Myself, and I respectuffly wish to joind the Elite Guard, SIR.
If you want to join the Elite Guard Barracks, you need to have at least 1,500 B/P points. If you were to acquire such points be sure to read The Elite Guard Barracks FAQ very well. Good luck out there soldier!
At 1/11/07 10:02 PM, HomerDough wrote:get 1500 B/P points and we'll talk
HomerDough, or any member that is present while an individual is requesting for membership, if me or Phantom are not here, please give a link to the Elite Guard Barracks FAQ. While saying that needing 1,500 B/P points is helpful, it would give much more information and insight to the rules established and would further inform the person of the requirements needed in order to join. But thanks for trying to help out, HomerDough.
At 1/11/07 10:41 PM, DarkSoldier wrote:
Yeah i been using that thread. I use Sterockicy 50 links or about 50. There pretty helpful. I just can't believe it i clicked the abusive button so many times and its got me back Bronze?
I know it can seem very unfair sometimes, about a month into using that thread i went from silver to normal, in just one day. But I only really did it part time, as I didn't have enough time, with college and that, so you could probably get gold from Sterockicy's post alone, it's just a hell of a lot of work, anyway i'm off for the night as it's now 4 in morning here, I made myself very comfortable in my bottom bunk.
*Salutes to all*
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
At 1/10/07 10:40 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: EGB Revolution (1)
Okay dammit. You posts are quickly becoming a chagrin to the Barracks in my opinion. EGB Revolution???????????? What the hell are you trying to say...that the Barracks isn't good like it is? I would not consider you to be the model NGer to determine a system. I've had a demerit system ready for implementation for at least 8 months...I don't need yours for an idea.
Also, you were kicked out of the Barracks for a reason. My officers nearly unanimously voted you out. I've given you too many chances at this point, and it appears since you were kicked out, you're posting here more than normal.
Frankly, I've had a really shitty day, and my job has basically turned into babysitting my co-workers who seem to have no form of competency nor work-ethic. I really don't need to come home and go on Newgrounds, on my leisure time, to this.
If you're going to post here, fine. Let's just try to keep your ideas to yourself. Trust me when I say that I'm fully capable of figuring out what the Barracks needs. And if I'm not here to do it, I've set myself up with officers that will probably do a better job than I can.
...I'm sorry I'm being a royal asshole tonight, but I am not in the mood for fucking revolutions.
Eagle, it is perfectly fine that you do not like my ideas. I still feel that I can do something to make EGB a better place. Maybe my ideas are dumb, but I mean no harm. To be honest, I did not expect to totally deny me, even Phantom said that my ideas were ok. Saddly, the respect people show me and my posts has been going downhill ever since the hot-and-charming incident. To tell you the truth, I would never created the alt if I could forecast my demise. Eagle, I remember the good old days in the first 80 pages of the thread when you and other people kept on encouraging me and praising me for the posts that I put efforts into. I miss the good old days when you always encouraged me to express my feeling and ideas. Guess that the good old days are gone for good. Ever since my demise, I only posted 4-5 total here with the permission of Phantom which is way less than I used to post when I was a member. Last time, you said that I could still return if the officers agree in an overwhelming fashion. Since then, I have focused on improving my post quality and tried my butt off with the dream of returning. If you check my posts, you will see that all my posts have been long and reasonable ever since I was kicked out. Unfortunately, with all the evil (encourage mass voting, alt incident...) I did in the past, it looks more and more clear that people here have given up on me. I am not feeling the warm welcome and kindness I used to get anymore which is sad. I wish that I am wrong saying so, but there is a growing feeling that my image and reputation have been iced on the pillar of horrible. It saddens me, Eagle, as my ideas were entirely declined in a cold hard way. In the good old days, you would kindly reponse to my posts and explain to me even when I was wrong. I do not want to admit it, but it seems that my efforts of returning to the glorious place have further drawn me out of the place. However, I am not planning to give up like this, but I will when I have to. I truly want to return to this place and do all I can do to make it better. If I can get the respect I used to back, I would rather go all the way back to citizen level again. Eagle, I understand why you and other people dislike me. But such posts by you really hurt my feelings. If you find it unenjoyable to see me posting here, just tell me that you and the others do not want to see me again for the rest of my life, and I will never post again ---- if seeing me leave for good is all what you want.
At 1/12/07 01:26 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: blahblahblah
Good Lord Man!
Haven't you ever heard of Paragraphs?!
It's hurting my eyes trying to read about whatever the hell's going on right now >;{
At 1/12/07 01:26 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:If you find it unenjoyable to see me posting here, just tell me that you and the others do not want to see me again for the rest of my life, and I will never post again ---- if seeing me leave for good is all what you want.
Here is my view on the matter. As EagleRock said in his post, he isn't really in the mood right now. How do you expect him to reply to you in a nicely matter for 1) You have upset him in the past and in the present (on violating the rules), 2) He isn't really happy right now, 3) He has defended you for quite some time now, and I think he is getting somewhat tired of doing so. You have gotten many chances by him in the past, and now you still expect him to buy your "You used to encourage me stuff?". 4) Maybe he feels the Elite Guard Barracks don't need any improving upon. (And I feel the same.) Look, Dream-of-Duke, your ideas are really thought out and great but I believe the Elite Guard Barracks are great as they are. I know you want to make this is better place, but why fix something if there isn't anything to fix? I know you are trying really hard to have access as a member in here again, but I believe it is way to early. EagleRock said in one of his posts that maybe, MAYBE, he will grant you the privelage to be a member here again. He didn't say, "Dream-of-Duke, impress me with your lengthy posts and ideas of making the Elite Guard Barracks a better place and you'll be a member here again." Maybe if you give him a little more time, and give good examples and morals that you have changed, he won't be so dissapointed in you. No offense, but what you are doing right now in yourcurrent post it seems to me that you are practically whining. Whining and telling him he hurt your feelings and how he doesn't defend you anymore. Here's my advice: Don't try to make EagleRock and Phantom or any of the members of the Elite Guard Barracks mad. In other words, don't piss them off by frequently whining of how nobody respects you no more. Try to give or show reasons why you have changed. Giving examples of how you would make the Elite Guard Barracks a better place are only portraying your feelings and opinions towards how the EGB would be a better place and not really demonstrating EagleRock or us that you really have or want to change. Dream-of-Duke, I believe you are not a bad person and actually have good intentions, but maybe if you think about changing, rather than feeling sad or moaning how EagleRock doesn't defend you anymore, will not get you anywhere.
At 1/12/07 01:36 AM, MadCow wrote:At 1/12/07 01:26 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: blahblahblahGood Lord Man!
Haven't you ever heard of Paragraphs?!
It's hurting my eyes trying to read about whatever the hell's going on right now >;{
I do know paragraphs, but the damn Tab key is not working. :( I am really tired of people treating me like this now. Sure I am not a member anymore because of my unforgivable mistakes, but I still have an heart which means that I still feel hurt and sad when people get mad at me. Please, please show me some love I used to get!
A quick little check-in from one of the LEAST prolific posters ever to be accepted into the Barracks. Today, I reached EG Major. Rah-rah! That is not sarcasm, but at least it's not profanity either.
I come to NG every day to relax and de-stress. I joined the Barracks because I had the required b/p points and thought it was a club that would be more serious than the lunchroom dramas that play themselves out in the General Forum, amusing though some of them are. When I joined I had either no offensive posts to my credit or more likely, hardly any posts at all, and was graciously accepted nonetheless. Since I am so much older than everyone else here, I rarely feel I have anything useful to contribute to the conversations and so choose to remain silent. I do, however, make it a point to come to the Barracks as often as possible and check up on what has been said, even if it means scrolling back a couple of pages to read up on what I missed.
The thing I personally as a regular old, nothing special about me member find upsetting and offensive is the level of profanity recently. It seems to have gone up. I am by no means a prude nor do I object to the occasional use of mild profanity to make a strong point. However, when I see so much of it in so short a time that when a member posts "Hey, I made EGSFC," my first impression was actually, "Oh look! Someone else made it to Elite Guard Supreme *&^%$# Commander!" As a whole, it does not reflect well on the Barracks at all to have that much profanity. Is there a rule against it? Maybe yes, maybe no. It is quite disrespectful to carry on in that fashion and to be honest I expected better of a club that prides itself on being mature and responsible. It is among the reasons I rarely post. Please be aware that I mean this with the utmost respect for all the officers, members and visitors. Back to b/p lurkdom for me.
Thanks a lot, PL. Sorry that I did not see your post there when I posted 5 minutes ago. You are damn right about one thing: if I want respect, I will have to EARN it instead of whinning. You are a person who knows me well and give me a hand when I am down. No matter if I can complete the mission of coming back, you are and will be one of my best friends who I respect the most here, Hat down to you, buddy!
At 1/12/07 02:02 AM, arianna1 wrote:A quick little check-in from one of the LEAST prolific posters ever to be accepted into the Barracks. Today, I reached EG Major. Rah-rah! That is not sarcasm, but at least it's not profanity either.
Congratulations on becoming an Elite Guard Major, arianna1! =) Keep up the great work!
The thing I personally as a regular old, nothing special about me member find upsetting and offensive is the level of profanity recently. It seems to have gone up. I am by no means a prude nor do I object to the occasional use of mild profanity to make a strong point.
I agree. I try to reduce the level of profanity in my posts (although there has been one in which I used an unsuitable word...). Using profanity in posts once in a while doesn't really bother me but when some users use it extensively, it does. I agree, using less profanity would lessen the amount of immaturity here in the Elite Guard Barracks and would make it seem more civilized, so to speak. I respect my fellow EGB members and officers in the way they make their posts, but making them include less profanity words, would definetly make the EGB look better. But I guess it is hard to detain yourself once you are really pissed off, which I guess some members would agree with me.
Anyway, I don't know why the heck I am up so late since I have to go to school tomorrow. I guess I'll be heading up to my bunk. Don't kill yourselves over night. :)
*Salutes all members*
At 1/11/07 11:20 PM, EagleRock wrote: Also, you were kicked out of the Barracks for a reason. My officers nearly unanimously voted you out. I've given you too many chances at this point, and it appears since you were kicked out, you're posting here more than normal.
I'll have to agree with that. Getting kicked out doesn't mean we still all really really like you. It means getting kicked out, and sure doesn't mean posting more than ever before. So I'd appreciate very fucking much if you didn't post as much, AND FUCKING GOD, PARAGRAPH
If you're going to post here, fine. Let's just try to keep your ideas to yourself. Trust me when I say that I'm fully capable of figuring out what the Barracks needs. And if I'm not here to do it, I've set myself up with officers that will probably do a better job than I can.
Again agreed fully. It would also be a good idea to take a break and post much less often, loosing one's membership usually means that. It makes DoD look a bit idiotic (no offense, not too much any way), it's like showing up every day at a job you were fired from. Just....Why?
...I'm sorry I'm being a royal asshole tonight, but I am not in the mood for fucking revolutions.
Again, agreed. I am at a state where I am active here, and this close to being really pissed off, and I feel very sorry for whoever fucks with me this weekend, and that is a fucking promise.
At 1/12/07 01:36 AM, MadCow wrote: Haven't you ever heard of Paragraphs?!
Not since the invention of chop sticks apparently...
At 1/12/07 02:01 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Please, please show me some love I used to get!
Oh...Shut the fuck up already. I’ve heard of blabber mouths before but I fucking swear I’ll send some one to chop your fucking fingers off.
Also, press enter twice while typing. You’d be amazed to know it goes to another line and lets you type like a human fucking being
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/12/07 01:26 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Eagle, it is perfectly fine that you do not like my ideas. I still feel that I can do something to make EGB a better place.
Okay, look. I know you mean well, which is why I usually end up defending you all the time. But you need to understand that what you did is quite insulting. You are kicked out of the Barracks, and then come-a-postin' with these huge, lengthy posts that try to tell us how to make the Barracks better. Not a way to win over a group.
Saddly, the respect people show me and my posts has been going downhill ever since the hot-and-charming incident.
I wonder why. Honestly, that really embarrassed the Barracks and hurt our overall credibility. Like I said before, things like that have had people coming to me asking you to be kicked out many times in the past. This time was the time that I could not afford to ignore my officers anymore.
Since then, I have focused on improving my post quality and tried my butt off with the dream of returning. If you check my posts, you will see that all my posts have been long and reasonable ever since I was kicked out.
The size of your post is not the only thing that makes your post better. If you want tips on posting, take these:
1) Be THOUGHTFUL, not preachy. We don't need someone telling us how to make things better
2) USE PARAGRAPHS separated by blank lines!!! You notice how most of us separate our posts into thoughts? It makes it very easy to read and pleasing to the eye. One huge post in one paragraph makes the post hard to read and makes it so that people do not want to read the whole thing. If I'm going to make a long, huge post, I will at least have the courtesy to others to make it easy for them to read. This IS a forum, not a book club.
3) Grammar and spelling. Someone that goes to Duke University should have the competence to check for spelling, grammatical errors, etc. I'm not insulting you, I'm just saying that words like "stuffs" don't go over well. I understand that you are from China and that English is not your first language, but at least try.
4) Respond to others rather than make your posts all about you. Instead of initiating conversations, try to engage in others around here.
You'll note most of this stuff is etiquitte-based. Most of people's issues with you stem around forum etiquitte or just plain "netiquitte." Please work on your posts, as it will make you less misunderstood.
In the good old days, you would kindly reponse to my posts and explain to me even when I was wrong. I do not want to admit it, but it seems that my efforts of returning to the glorious place have further drawn me out of the place.
Well, you did catch me on a particularly bad day. Working at a job where I usually end up 2-3 hours performing damage control on other people's messes generally doesn't prepare you for a post like that.
However, I am not planning to give up like this, but I will when I have to. I truly want to return to this place and do all I can do to make it better. If I can get the respect I used to back, I would rather go all the way back to citizen level again.
Good spirit. It's stuff like this that tells me you are good deep-down and that a lot of this is misunderstanding. But let's face're not going to get back in the Barracks right away. I'd recommend keeping posting to a minimum here for now and occasionally coming by. Work on your posts in General and give it a shot. I guarantee you if you try to work on the tips that I gave you, you'll see people warm up to you.
When you do come back to the Barracks, don't try to come back in a blaze of glory with these grandiose ideas and such. Instead, just come back and post like everyone else. People will respect you more for that than if you come around with huge posts trying to "revolt" the Barracks.
Eagle, I understand why you and other people dislike me. But such posts by you really hurt my feelings. If you find it unenjoyable to see me posting here, just tell me that you and the others do not want to see me again for the rest of my life, and I will never post again ---- if seeing me leave for good is all what you want.
That is not what I want. Ideally, it'd be nice to see you back here, because I don't like turning anyone away. HOWEVER, if you are going to do that, you need to work on it. And it's not going to happen now. Give it time, and you might come around.
At 1/12/07 01:58 AM, PenguinLink wrote: Maybe he feels the Elite Guard Barracks don't need any improving upon. (And I feel the same.)
Good point, but let me clear something up. I'm not saying the Barracks is perfect and it doesn't need improvement. I'm only one person, and I'm not perfect. Trust me when I say, leadership requires humility. The second you think you got it covered all by yourself is the second you fall flat on your face. I value every single member's input and take it seriously. Everyone's here for a reason, and they have a right to have their say.
However, my distaste with DoD's post was that he was JUST kicked out and he comes back with a huge paragraph of ideas on how to "make the Barracks better." Surely my explanation above explains why.
Here's my advice: Don't try to make EagleRock and Phantom or any of the members of the Elite Guard Barracks mad. In other words, don't piss them off by frequently whining of how nobody respects you no more. Try to give or show reasons why you have changed.
Sound advice. If you want to come back, prove it to us. And proving it does not entail huge posts with great requires being a normal, competent, and respectful poster.
At 1/12/07 02:01 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I do know paragraphs, but the damn Tab key is not working. :(
Tab doesn't even work on these forums...try pressing enter twice between each thought. It'll make it easier to read and make people want to read your posts more.
At 1/12/07 02:02 AM, arianna1 wrote: The thing I personally as a regular old, nothing special about me member find upsetting and offensive is the level of profanity recently. It seems to have gone up.
Good point. It has nothing to do with you being a prude, it's just common sense. I usually don't swear (online or IRL), but coming across stuff like this make it hard not to. However, I'll try to keep my swearing down and ask everyone (yes, even Phantom) to try the same. There's no rule against it, but less profanity will certainly not hurt us around here.
Please be aware that I mean this with the utmost respect for all the officers, members and visitors. Back to b/p lurkdom for me.
Don't worry, your post was taken as being constructive. Thanks for the input.
I agree that the level of profanity should be reduced around here. Obviously there have been some fairly heated arguments in recent weeks, but I just don't see any need to swear on a forum. I'm not a person who swears much in real life, let alone on the internet, so maybe I'm just a little easier to offend than most.
When posting there is always a measure of control that is lacking when in the real world. There is time to go back and check what you have said before you have said it, and set the tone of the post as you want it. Maybe swearing can be a useful tool to get your point across in some situations, but when you have the time to come up with coherent arguments and opinions I just don't see a need for it.
Like I said, maybe this is just my way of looking at things. I know people in the real world who swear in pretty much every sentence they say, to the point where it doesn't even have a meaning anymore, but is just a filler in a sentence while they look for the next thing to say. Sometimes I feel people use it here in a similar way- using it to portray anger when there are other ways to do so, and no need to swear at all.
Sig by lebastic
At 1/12/07 02:04 PM, Donthurtme wrote: I agree that the level of profanity should be reduced around here. Obviously there have been some fairly heated arguments in recent weeks, but I just don't see any need to swear on a forum. I'm not a person who swears much in real life, let alone on the internet, so maybe I'm just a little easier to offend than most.
Agreed. Swearing on the internet doesn't serve a purpose at all. When I think about it only a few members here swear frequently but they do it a lot. I have said a few words in here that I shouldn't have, but very few. I don't think it would be that hard for people to reduce their use of profanity in the Barracks.
When posting there is always a measure of control that is lacking when in the real world. There is time to go back and check what you have said before you have said it, and set the tone of the post as you want it. Maybe swearing can be a useful tool to get your point across in some situations, but when you have the time to come up with coherent arguments and opinions I just don't see a need for it.
Exactly. I say swearing can only be used when it is needed, may it be to set someone straight or if your just setting your point across, it should be reduced to a minimum. Noeone really thinks your cool when you swear, so don't think you guys are all cool when you say bad words because it mostly just makes you look immature.
Like I said, maybe this is just my way of looking at things. I know people in the real world who swear in pretty much every sentence they say, to the point where it doesn't even have a meaning anymore, but is just a filler in a sentence while they look for the next thing to say. Sometimes I feel people use it here in a similar way- using it to portray anger when there are other ways to do so, and no need to swear at all.
Swearing is used a lot to blow off steam. Most people swear like a sailor when they are pissed off, I even do that. It's hard to control what you say in the real world but it's fairly simple to change your wording in a post. Just delete it and think of something better or more witty to say. That is all.
Welcome back, budday!
Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
At 1/12/07 06:08 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
#1: Ahahaha! A Garbage Whistle?
#2: Here, this will help you get rid of that thing. 264
At 1/12/07 06:08 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
Really, woah very strange, bout think of it this way, you probably don't need that many points to get back to normal. Just go through the abusive review thread. I'll even find you a few links and post them up, I don't like to see a good soldier down
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
DarkSoldier, STOP PRESSING ABUSIVE FOR EVERYTHING. Just make them abusive when they're all CAPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, hateful to the author, advertisement for something irrelevant, and babble (like sagdjgklasjgklkljhakljhjkyjal)
At 1/12/07 06:37 PM, HomerDough wrote: Just make them abusive when they're all CAPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
A review just in all caps doesn't make it abusive, or that's what one of the review mods told me, it's usually abusive but if it's a good review it won't be taken off
And DarkSoldier i just posted a few links, i'm actually not that impressed with my finds today, but the should get you back to normal
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
At 1/12/07 06:08 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
You should be proud of your garbage whistle, darksoldier. Most of the time the mods think the reviews are abusive but you got lucky.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 1/12/07 06:37 PM, HomerDough wrote: DarkSoldier, STOP PRESSING ABUSIVE FOR EVERYTHING. Just make them abusive when they're all CAPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, hateful to the author, advertisement for something irrelevant, and babble (like sagdjgklasjgklkljhakljhjkyjal)
But i've been checking if they were abusive like swearing to the author.
And SeaMonky i always used the abusive review thread. And thanks to that thread i got GARBAGE.
Hey, Guys, long time no see!
Before you read anymore of my post, I must admit something, that will make you all wet with suprise. I am in, SlashFirestorm. I know, I know, it is all very shocking, but I feel I must say this, because I do not enjoy deceiving the people I care about. :)
Anyways, time to talk about something different. I have read through the last few pages, which means I read the who DoD thing. I just want to say, that even though him and I didn't get along too well, especially the last few weeks, that it is a shame to see a long time member go. When I avoided dishonerable dischargement in the NGPD, I was super, ultra lucky.
I havn't been active on either of my names because I have been absorbed into World of Warcraft, and I will try and post everyday like I was doing not too long ago. Anyways, time to get back to working on a few projects. Make sure to look in the Portal tonight. :)
I'm not really SlashFirestorm! XD
I'm Slash Firestorm, the real Slash Firestorm, all you other Slash Firestorms are just wannabe bitches...
oh god, WHEN is the new layout? :'(
At 1/12/07 07:20 PM, Socially-Failed wrote: Hey, Guys, long time no see!
Yes, it has been some time now. :)
Before you read anymore of my post, I must admit something, that will make you all wet with suprise. I am in, SlashFirestorm. I know, I know, it is all very shocking, but I feel I must say this, because I do not enjoy deceiving the people I care about. :)
Oh no! What is going to happen to us now?
I havn't been active on either of my names because I have been absorbed into World of Warcraft, and I will try and post everyday like I was doing not too long ago. Anyways, time to get back to working on a few projects. Make sure to look in the Portal tonight. :)
Welcome back, soldier! It has been quite some time since you have posted in here. Since you have been gone for so long as well, your bunk and your stuff has piled up an awfully amount of dust. I'll make someone dust it off (*Looks at DarkSoldier, and see's him crying in a corner blowing his garbage whistle sadly*), well, uh yeah. I guess you'll have to do it yourself (*Hands Socially-Failed a duster and a brush.*) Anyway, you have slacked enough, so go out there and protect the portal soldier! :D
I'm not really SlashFirestorm! XD
Aww... and I thought you really were. Bummer.
At 1/12/07 07:27 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I'm Slash Firestorm, the real Slash Firestorm, all you other Slash Firestorms are just wannabe bitches...
oh god, WHEN is the new layout? :'(
But, Mr. Link, I don't want to dust, I'm gaining XP with my party via TeamSpeak!
At 1/12/07 06:08 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
At 1/12/07 06:08 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Im really sad right now. I need you guys to cheer me up. I GOT GARBAGE WHISTLE this must be some kind of mistake. (sniff) (sniff).
Thats tough going from gold to garbage like that (or was it deity?) well i guess all you can do is keep on trying and hope that you can get back to normal and just take it slowly from there.
I know i havent posted in a while but i havent done much b/p in a while either (i clocked Twilight Princess two days ago and now im busy playing Redsteel) so ill just try to do what i can.