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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-09 21:50:40

At 1/9/07 08:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/9/07 08:23 PM, AcousticGamer92 wrote: Sir, This is Acousticgamer again Sir! I would like to join the Elite Barracks again, Sir. I may be a lowly maggot, sir! But give me some time and I will be The best soilder I can be! Sir, Requesting Perrmission to Join again Sir! I have Raised my stats sir!
It appears you didn't read the the Elite Guard Barracks FAQ very well, soldier. On the FAQ Phantom directed you to, it stated all the information you needed to know in order to join us. Once again, you need to have at least 1,500 B/P Points. Please make sure to read the FAQ and if you did, please read it again so that you will futher understand the requirements of joining the Elite Guard Barracks. Good luck soldier!

LOL...I like the bolding of "1500." Really sets it in.

Well, I see my fellow officers made my decision in my absence (rightfully so). I stand by my officers, therefore the decision is just. I always did fight for DoD, but that in the end didn't help him, it only let him act the same way over and over. If you're reading, DoD, there might be a time in the future you can come back, but it would have to be after a decent period of time and only if my officer approached me suggesting the notion in an overwhelming fastion. I am glad you are not bitter, however, as it shows a man of character in the end. Best of luck to you.

In other news, I've been busy...too busy. Work kept me away from NG at this rather crucial time, and I apologize. I only have my Lieutenant and my other officers for being there in my absence. Time for me to settle into the Barracks for the evening with a nice Guinness. I'll be around for the evening...

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-09 22:01:55

At 1/9/07 09:50 PM, EagleRock wrote: LOL...I like the bolding of "1500." Really sets it in.

Thank you sir, I hope he gets the message now for the second time... :)

In other news, I've been busy...too busy. Work kept me away from NG at this rather crucial time, and I apologize. I only have my Lieutenant and my other officers for being there in my absence. Time for me to settle into the Barracks for the evening with a nice Guinness. I'll be around for the evening...

You don't have to apologize, Sir. We know you are a very busy man and you have many important things to do in life. By the way, how's the wii gaming coming along? :) Have you beaten your high score in bowling? Those tips of bowling of yours really helped me out the other day, and I didn't have the chance to thank you, so thank you sir! :)

Anyway, Phantom really did an extraordinary job with Dream-of-Duke's judgement case and he handled everytime very well. You gave the role of Second in Command to a great man, Sir.

Nice seeing you post again, Sir! =)


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-09 23:03:54

At 1/9/07 10:01 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Thank you sir, I hope he gets the message now for the second time... :)

Let's hope.

You don't have to apologize, Sir. We know you are a very busy man and you have many important things to do in life.

Unfortuantely. I'd say that work is taking over for a while...I have to go on two trips over the next two weeks...one to Baltimore, and one to Atlanta. I'll have my laptop with me while I'm on those trips, so I probably will not need to worry about being on the Internet... ;-)

By the way, how's the wii gaming coming along? :) Have you beaten your high score in bowling? Those tips of bowling of yours really helped me out the other day, and I didn't have the chance to thank you, so thank you sir! :)

I'm glad my advice did help you...so far my highest score is still 280, and it's tough for me to beat it. I'm still getting a good 220 average, though.

Anyway, Phantom really did an extraordinary job with Dream-of-Duke's judgement case and he handled everytime very well. You gave the role of Second in Command to a great man, Sir.

He certainly did. I didn't exactly "give him the role," though, he earned it.

Nice seeing you post again, Sir! =)


Good to be around here agin. :-)


Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-09 23:28:04

At 1/9/07 09:50 PM, EagleRock wrote: Well, I see my fellow officers made my decision in my absence (rightfully so). I stand by my officers, therefore the decision is just. I always did fight for DoD, but that in the end didn't help him, it only let him act the same way over and over. If you're reading, DoD, there might be a time in the future you can come back, but it would have to be after a decent period of time and only if my officer approached me suggesting the notion in an overwhelming fastion. I am glad you are not bitter, however, as it shows a man of character in the end. Best of luck to you.

To Eagle: Thanks for your post, I have been spending most of my online time here reading posts although I did not post until just now. To say that I was not bitter was not true, I had a rough day trying to get over with the mishap. In fact, I even thought about stop posting for good because of the bitterness I experienced last night. However, I realized that in order to get a fresh start, I had to get over the past. More importantly, the desire of rejoining the EGB and contributing to the glorious place finally had me decide to post again. Like I said a few pages ago, I will have my head up and start a new life not only at EGB, but the entire NG. Eagle, I am thrilled with the news that I may rejoin the group after some decent amout of time and words cannot describe how much I appreciate your forgiveness. It may take me a long time to rejoin, but I will let my future actions do the talking/persuading.
To MP, Phantom and all the other officers: I really do not know what to say besides thank you all. Thank you all for those who voted for me because you were the ones who give me a hand even when I was down. Thank you all who voted against me in the trial. Without you people, I do not know how long it is going to take me to realize what a ignorant and arrogant asshole I was. Like I promised to Eagle, I will use my future actions as the appreciation for all your support I have received from you. Phantom, I know that I may ne asking too much, but please allow me to post if there is a violation (e.g an entry was stolen) in the portal. Sure I am not a member anymore, I still find that I have my duty to protect the portal. Just because I lost my membership, it did not mean that I lost my duty of protecting the portal, Personally, I think that I am given the duty by NG until the day I go to the icy grave, So Phaantom, I hope that you can meet my request of continuing to protect our holy land (portal) here. Thank you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 12:15:49

At 1/9/07 06:04 PM, Phantom wrote: Wrong. EGB is a Hierarchy, meaning the higher leveled members defined by a certain job and title rank, are the ones that get to vote.

Which is what I originally thought.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 16:26:31

Slow day today, I even saw several flashes I voted last night still on the portal.

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"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 16:36:33

At 1/10/07 04:26 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Slow day today, I even saw several flashes I voted last night still on the portal.

Yeh I know. Yesterday I managed to see just ONE under judgement film. Thats really sad.

In other news, I just made Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. 4000 b/p

Heres my sexy screenshot.

The Elite Guard Barracks

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 16:47:41

At 1/10/07 04:36 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Heres my sexy screenshot.

You also belong an increasing group of more saves than blams... Congratulations, my average would never change so hard...maybe with ten consecutive clock days.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 17:43:44

At 1/10/07 04:47 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 1/10/07 04:36 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Heres my sexy screenshot.
You also belong an increasing group of more saves than blams... Congratulations, my average would never change so hard...maybe with ten consecutive clock days.

My average will change eventually since my Saves are catching up to my Blam points. I usually get off the computer for a while and come back in the next 3 hours when more good flashes come through the Flash Portal.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 17:47:33

At 1/10/07 04:36 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
In other news, I just made Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. 4000 b/p

Congratulations man! Now i have a lot of catching up to beat you. Oh dear.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 18:03:20

At 1/10/07 04:47 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 1/10/07 04:36 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Heres my sexy screenshot.
You also belong an increasing group of more saves than blams... Congratulations, my average would never change so hard...maybe with ten consecutive clock days.

Phantom, although I am no longer a member here, I still feel that I can contribute to the EGB. For instance, if there is a stolen entry in the portal, I would love to post it here so that we can get it flagged before it passes the judgement. Will you kindly give me the chance to do so in the future as a guest vistor? As a matter of fact, I came here for more important reasons. Several pages ago, I saw someone bringing on the issue of EGB members being inactive. Ever since my discharge, I have been thinking about how I can give helpful suggestions to improve the EGB because I feel that I can still do something which I did not do well when I was a member to make this place the best club at NG. After some further brain storms, I have got several ideas to improve the quility of EGB. I summed up those ideas and typed a long paper called EGB revolutions. In general, EGB revolution includes ideas and methods of updating the roster effectively, EGB history/glory recording, membership managing and popular voting. Considering that the four dimentions include many details and explicit explanations, it is going to take me another 4 long posts to show those ideas/methods. However, I do not feel like posting without your or Eagle's permission. If you think that I cannot post here because I lost my membership, tell me and I will obey the order never post here again. I will be very delighted if I am given the opportunity to express my suggestions. Thanks for reading my post, I will check back for your response later on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 18:32:19

At 1/10/07 06:03 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Phantom, ............................................. ..................................

Well...Emm, I guess you can post that as a visitor, but I do warn you, utter neutrality and objectivity. Plus don't be offensive to any one, Officer as well as member. Also, paragraphing.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:03:53

At 1/10/07 04:36 PM, Sterockicy wrote: In other news, I just made Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. 4000 b/p

Congratulations on becoming an Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Keep up the good work!

My B/P pace has dramatically decreased this week. I average around 15 or less B/P points a day. These are not very good averages. I am approximately half-way through of becoming an Elite Guard Praporshchik and with the portal being inactive these days, the chances of me acquiring a new B/P badge anytime soon are slim to none.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:29:21

I got 29 yesterday. 29!!!! That's like the lowest day I actually B/P ed on. I thought I wouldv'e gotten like 50 at least but 29. DELA GOT 77. HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET THAT?

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:35:46

Shanus, reporting for duty, sir
I have been trainin hard by myself,
but have gotten tired of treacherous days and long sleepless nights
servin my portal, alone and cold,
and in a chance stumblin upon your camp,
i would like to offer my services

and votin power

into joinin your mighty barracks, SIR!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:42:10

At 1/10/07 07:35 PM, Shanus wrote: into joinin your mighty barracks, SIR!!

Nice attitude, nice stats, nice posts. ( You really shouldn't go a line down after every punctuation mark, some people get pissed off at that, and it makes every post look like a poem ). Look through the EGB FAQ very well and then you may join.


Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:44:47

At 1/10/07 07:35 PM, Shanus wrote: Shanus, reporting for duty, sir
I have been trainin hard by myself,
but have gotten tired of treacherous days and long sleepless nights
servin my portal, alone and cold,
and in a chance stumblin upon your camp,
i would like to offer my services
and votin power
into joinin your mighty barracks, SIR!!

Execellent attitude, soldier! It is apparent you have trained long and hard to be an Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Wait until either EagleRock or Phantom approve your membership and while you wait, read the Elite Guard Barracks FAQ very carefully and make sure you understand the rules. If you have any questions regarding the rules, be sure to ask them. Other than that, I hope to see you in the Barracks soon!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 19:54:18

At 1/10/07 07:44 PM, PenguinLink wrote: *Salutes*

Em....Déjà Vu much? I posted the exact same thing 2 minutes before you, long enough to check up on it. In the future now, it's whoever gets their first, we don't need two people saying the same thing.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:01:51

At 1/10/07 07:42 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 1/10/07 07:35 PM, Shanus wrote: into joinin your mighty barracks, SIR!!
Nice attitude, nice stats, nice posts. ( You really shouldn't go a line down after every punctuation mark, some people get pissed off at that, and it makes every post look like a poem ). Look through the EGB FAQ very well and then you may join.


Read, and ready. I will try my best to further help the portal and the barracks. And i will
also try my best to adjust my posts, sir. Thank you for this opertuninty, and I will not let you down.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:06:17

At 1/10/07 07:54 PM, Phantom wrote: Em....Déjà Vu much? I posted the exact same thing 2 minutes before you, long enough to check up on it. In the future now, it's whoever gets their first, we don't need two people saying the same thing.

When I checked the thread, you still hadn't posted anything. So while I was writing out my post, you posted the information first. And yes, it took me that long to write out that post. When I make my posts, I check to be sure if everything I keyed was correct. I don't see a user requesting for membership and immediatly click "reply to post" (As if it were a race to see who posts the information first anyway...) and type out a quickly post giving him the information the individual needs. And besides, why the hell would I want to post the same information again?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:11:16

At 1/10/07 08:01 PM, Shanus wrote: Read, and ready. I will try my best to further help the portal and the barracks. And i will
also try my best to adjust my posts, sir. Thank you for this opertuninty, and I will not let you down.

See? Much better. Any way, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine with a warm welcome, but I need my 3 hours sleep and then 8 hours school, so see you later people.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:16:48

At 1/10/07 08:01 PM, Shanus wrote: Read, and ready. I will try my best to further help the portal and the barracks. And i will
also try my best to adjust my posts, sir. Thank you for this opertuninty, and I will not let you down.

Welcome to the Elite Guard Barracks, soldier! I hope you have a nice stay here. Pick your bunk and get to work! As Phantom said, he is going to rest for some time now so be sure not to disturb him. He tends to have anger that shouldn't be messed with. Anyway, get to work and make the Elite Guard Barracks proud!



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:27:16

At 1/10/07 08:01 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 1/10/07 07:42 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 1/10/07 07:35 PM, Shanus wrote: into joinin your mighty barracks, SIR!!
Nice attitude, nice stats, nice posts. ( You really shouldn't go a line down after every punctuation mark, some people get pissed off at that, and it makes every post look like a poem ). Look through the EGB FAQ very well and then you may join.

Read, and ready. I will try my best to further help the portal and the barracks. And i will
also try my best to adjust my posts, sir. Thank you for this opertuninty, and I will not let you down.


Its good to see you joining us Shanus. You know I was just wondering the other day if I should ask why you havent joined. I was going to ask you in the near future if you wanted too but you clearly dont need me to anymore. Welcome to the club and im sure you will fit in wonderfully. THe elite guard barracks in my opinion is the best club ever. I hope you will feel that way once you start to post here often.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:40:56

At 1/10/07 08:27 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
Its good to see you joining us Shanus. You know I was just wondering the other day if I should ask why you havent joined. I was going to ask you in the near future if you wanted too but you clearly dont need me to anymore. Welcome to the club and im sure you will fit in wonderfully. THe elite guard barracks in my opinion is the best club ever. I hope you will feel that way once you start to post here often.

Actually, you're probably the person that cemented my decision into joining. I was considering joining a while back but I recently saw you were a member. And I finally plucked up the courage and joined. So take all credit in recruiting me. Anyway, as its 01:39, I think I shall get comfortable in my nice new bunk, and rest up for the night. Got a lot of work to do tomorrow

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 20:44:53

Actually, you're probably the person that cemented my decision into joining. I was considering joining a while back but I recently saw you were a member. And I finally plucked up the courage and joined. So take all credit in recruiting me. Anyway, as its 01:39, I think I shall get comfortable in my nice new bunk, and rest up for the night. Got a lot of work to do tomorrow

Ahhh, that makes me feel special. Now make sure you dont screw up and break the rules, because then I will get the blame for making you join. lol!

Cya later

Completely different subject:

Is it just my memory screwing with me or didnt ramagi go up to the No.1 Position? It says she is number 2 on the b/p rank list. Does it change around every few days so both users with the same b/p points are happy?

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 21:30:18

At 1/10/07 08:44 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Is it just my memory screwing with me or didnt ramagi go up to the No.1 Position? It says she is number 2 on the b/p rank list. Does it change around every few days so both users with the same b/p points are happy?

It matters whoever signed up earlier. Ramagi signed up 2 years before Denvish and they have the same B/P, so she's always 1st until someone passes her.

Anyway, have you ever played the game Ragdoll Masters? You can download it on ragdollsoft.com It's amazing. Find out yourself.

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 21:33:37

At 1/10/07 09:30 PM, HomerDough wrote:
Anyway, have you ever played the game Ragdoll Masters? You can download it on ragdollsoft.com It's amazing. Find out yourself.

i played that and its pretty kickass. I thought it was going to be kinda weak and dumb. The more i played the more interested i became in the game

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 21:42:01

At 1/10/07 09:30 PM, HomerDough wrote: Anyway, have you ever played the game Ragdoll Masters? You can download it on ragdollsoft.com It's amazing. Find out yourself.

Wow, that was completely random.

The portal seems to have become more active. There is now more than 10 submissions in the portal as of now. I miss the active portal during my Winter Break. The portal some days was packed by 50 under judgement submissions and although there were few occasions when that happened, the following day turned out to be great as well becasue the Portal was still packed.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 21:42:41

At 1/10/07 09:30 PM, HomerDough wrote:
At 1/10/07 08:44 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Is it just my memory screwing with me or didnt ramagi go up to the No.1 Position? It says she is number 2 on the b/p rank list. Does it change around every few days so both users with the same b/p points are happy?
It matters whoever signed up earlier. Ramagi signed up 2 years before Denvish and they have the same B/P, so she's always 1st until someone passes her.

Yeh, I knew that but on the b/p rank list in the "users" section it says she is ranked 2. I know her profile says #1. Thats why i am confused!

Anyway, have you ever played the game Ragdoll Masters? You can download it on ragdollsoft.com It's amazing. Find out yourself.

It looks great. Im downloading it now!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-10 22:40:12

EGB Revolution (1)
Thanks to Phantom, I can post my ideas about the EGB revolution here. In general, EGB revolution is a set of theories, ideas and methods that can make the glorious place shinning more brightly. Today, I would like to introduce some improved theories about members' management. The center of those theories is the repuatation system. Let me explain how it works.
For each enrolled member, he/she has a basic repuation points of 20. If you are an officer, you start from 80 points.The repuation points increase or decrease based on the behaviors of the member/officers after enrolling at the EGB. Once the repuation points go down to 0, the member will be put into trial and wait for the votes of officers. However, members also have chances to improve their repuation points by being a respectful, alert, responsible and active.
List 1: behaviors that will cause you losing reputation points:
A. Abuse Eagle or Phantom in public (-20 per post, that is the "death" penalty here, so do not offend the commanders of EGB noo matter what.)
B. Encourage mass voting (-15, we all know that EGB is against mass voting. Consequences are going to be serious when members cross the line.)
C. Intentional spam (-10 points per post. The least EGB wants to see is spamming, if you have nothing to say, please do not spam.)
D. Refuse to comply orders from Eagle, Phantom or other officers. (-5 points per disobey. Always obey your boss, boys!)
E. Being inactive for no reason (This rule does not apply to Eagle and Phantom since they are the commanders of EGB. For the rest of you, if you do not post in 7 days without being excused, 2 points will be reduced. 4 for 14 ays, 6 for 21 days and so on...)
List 2: good behaviors that will increase your reputation points:
A. Correctly report portal violations like stealing, being malicious or containing explicit content. (+1 per report)
B. Usefiul suggestions on EGB (+2 points per suggestion. If your suggestion is accepted by the officers, you get 4 points.)
C. Treasure hunt: (+5 points for each discovery. If you find users swapping files in the portal, please report to the forums. If it turns out that you are correct , 5 points will be rewarded.)
Every two weeks, the repuatation system should be updated. For those people whose repuatation points are between 2 and 10, you will constantly get warnings through your PM so that you will knoiw that you need to work hard and behave well in order to avoid the trial.
In the last a few days of every month, there will be a popular voting which all the EGB members are invited. The voting is about the popularity of the officers. Offcers who get the highest supporting rates will receive 1 repuatation points and the one who finishes the last will lose 1 point. Please notice that Eagle and Phantom will not be included because they are the commanders of the EGB.
Non-offcers who have a minium reputation of 60 points are qualitied to race for the officers positions (if they want to) against current officers who have their reputation points below 60. In case all the officers' reputation points are above 60, no elections will be held unless the officers announce their departures in the public for personal/business/school reasons. If (when) an officer's reputation points drop below 60 there will be an election which all the EGB members can determine who will take the position. Notice that people who are involved cannot vote. More importantly, each officer's vote counts twice as much as each member's vote because of their higher positions. The announcements will be made 5 days after the initial day of voting which should give each individual enough time to fillfull the rights.
Members who are willing to join the EGB (if qualified b/p wise) must agree on the reputation system in the FAQ before registering. In case you have drooped all your reputation points and been sent to trial, it is going to be nobody but your own fault. Excuses like "I never noticed that my reputation points had dropped under the safety line (10 points, because you will receive kind warnings once your score is under 10 because EGB hates kicking people out.)" will not be evaluated as acceptable excuses.
The major benefit of the reputation sysytem is that members will be able to know how they fare in the EGB through the reputation updates and get time to adjust their behaviors if they want to stay. It also gives officers pressure so that they will compete and contribute positively instead of laying on their positions. More importantly, the usage of reputation system can drive away those who just want the mebership as a protector to spam (e.g BonusStage) or at least kick them out fast. It is also an ordeal for those who trulty want to become a member because of the system is designed for those who can mentally tough enough to outlast the ordeals of EGB and other events. I know that there are still many flawsa in the system waiting to be modified, that is the exact reason why I am posting here --- so that you can improve and modify the rules if it is necessary. Please take your time and at least consider the EGB revolution on membership management. If you think that this post is unworthy, please ignore it. If you find something worthy that can be used to improve the EGB, you are more than welcome to use the system and make your adjustment. Once again, thanks for reading, salutes!

BBS Signature