Checking in....I hope everyone is able to get to where they want to be for Christmas and has a great holiday, however you celebrate.
I finally managed to reach EG Captain! That will likely be my last new badge until after the new year, but who knows. I hope to make some good progress on the next one, though.
My family does everything super early on Christmas, so I will definitely be online and watching the Portal for flash to watch and vote on.
It's been interesting to see some new competitions between Barracks members and all the reminiscing about memorable events of the past year. For me, the most memorable bit was reaching Elite Guard status in the first place. This past year was also the first year that I was aware of Clock Day. What a fun but exhausting day that was. The points were worth it and some of the flashes were really funny, too. Next year, I should manage to reach EGSC at some point, though not likely especially early in the year. But, that's next year's goal.