At 12/22/06 04:49 AM, arianna1 wrote:
Checking in....I hope everyone is able to get to where they want to be for Christmas and has a great holiday, however you celebrate.
Thanks! Luckily for me, I just have to drive an hour and a half to reach my family, really isn't that bad.
I finally managed to reach EG Captain! That will likely be my last new badge until after the new year, but who knows. I hope to make some good progress on the next one, though.
Congratulations! One of my favorite badges. You should make the next one by late January.
My family does everything super early on Christmas, so I will definitely be online and watching the Portal for flash to watch and vote on.
Good to hear.
It's been interesting to see some new competitions between Barracks members and all the reminiscing about memorable events of the past year. For me, the most memorable bit was reaching Elite Guard status in the first place. This past year was also the first year that I was aware of Clock Day. What a fun but exhausting day that was. The points were worth it and some of the flashes were really funny, too. Next year, I should manage to reach EGSC at some point, though not likely especially early in the year. But, that's next year's goal.
Yeah, I've had my share of competition with a member of the Barracks. He's still behind me and will be for another month, then he will bash right through me. :( I remember you and ElMaster were always going at it, your in front of him now, right? Everyone wants to reach Elite Guard Supreme Commander, I'm planning on reaching it sometime in April or early May, but I really have no idea how it is going to happen.
At 12/22/06 06:35 AM, Black-Flame wrote:
Yup, a good ol' 360. Merry Christmas to you too.
The Wii all the way!
My family does everything super early on Christmas, so I will definitely be online and watching the Portal for flash to watch and vote on.
I would say that the portal would be almost empty on Christmas morning.
Maybe later in the day.
Are you kidding? I bet the Portal will be flooded on Christmas. Not everyone gets excited about playing with their new toys you know.
At 12/22/06 06:59 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
All I want for Christmas is Twilight Princess for the Gamecube...cuz I'm too damn poor to get a Wii. :-(
Well that sucks. Get it for Gamecube and it still will be fun.
On a side note...
A lot of new recruitments have been made since you left.
I <3 j00!
At 12/22/06 10:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
Second of all... Slash returned, only to disappear once again. ANd last but not least, I passed Major-Punk.. you hear that, I passed youuuuuu!
Finally passing Major-Punk, congratulations! He never use to be as active as he is now, wonder what got into him.
And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.
Thanks, you too. If you celebrate it that is.
At 12/22/06 11:08 AM, Dela wrote:
Hahaha. Slash loves to toy with the hearts and minds (and pants) of the people.
Sounds hawt.
Christmas just came early for me!
With a total of 4,000 B/P points, I reached Staff Sergeant! I aim to get my next badge before the 15th of January! :3
Congratulations! Isn't one of my favorite badges but at least you ranked up. You should reach the next one by the end of this month, I bet. Keep up the good work, Sergeant!
At 12/22/06 11:21 AM, MetalDart wrote:
Damn, long time no see guys. Haven't been able to check much of this thread.
Still, I miss a lot of you guys. Especially SlashFireStorm. You drove me crazy when you were in the hospital. So, just checking up.
Here I thought we were good friends, bah! Does this mean your back? Would be nice to see you around here more often. What happened to you and your B/Ping pace? You use to be in head of me by a lot then I passed you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
You too budday!