Well, our forums is screwed up for me. I tried logging on but the password I kept trying wasn't working so I said I forgot my password and they sent me it via E mail. I checked my e mail and I got the password, I then logged on and went into my profile. I was changing a few things. My e mail adress, password and a picture sine they were out of date. When I saved the changes I checked my profile again just to be sure they changes worked but instead I was logged off for some reason. I typed in my name with my new password and it said my password was wrong, so I tried my older one and it still said it was wrong. Then I clicked I forgot my password again but this time it told me I was inactive and couldn't recieve my password. I'm supposed to inform the administrator about this problem, I take it that Phantom or EagleRock are the administrators so I need your help guys, how do I retrieve my password?