Okay, I'm back.
Now listen, this is the last time I'm going to respond, as this is getting tired, as you have said. Let me answer your questions once and for all, and after that, consider the situation dropped.
At 12/17/06 02:14 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
It is GETTING sick. Whenever I do something, Eagle posts a SUPER long post s about how I should not have done what I did and critizes me for the whole posts.
You are not the only one I do that to.
I am sick and tired of him critizing me no matter what I do. I do not bother arguing more, Eagle, because I am tired of being critized by you.
The only times I have criticized you is when there was a reason to do so. I apologize if you took it so harshly, but you need to understand from my point of view that going against how the Barracks votes and going against what I said about contacting mods all in one night did NOT put me in a good mood. You weren't the only one that did something that night...others, Phantom included, responded to the spammer, which pissed me off, too. However, just because Phantom slipped up one time (none of us are perfect) doesn't give you a right to screw up, either. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Eagle, why did you still critizing me KNOWING that (a) I was just trying to help out because Phantom was drunk and (b) the problem was SOLVED already?
The problem I had was that you said basically, in the future, you will contact mods no matter what happens. Basically you're saying you no longer trust me or the rest of the officers here to do their jobs. If you really don't trust me that much, say so.
In your eyes, I am a trouble maker who cannot do anything right, is that what you think of me?
That is not true. I think you are a good guy that stands for the right things. However, the way you come across on the BBS makes you easily misunderstood. I have defended you on and off the BBS when people have complained about you. If you think all I do is criticize you, you are only seeing half the picture. I try to explain things to you so that you understand where others are coming from. I've done so all year, and I will keep trying to do so. Try not to take it as criticism and take it as someone that trusts you enough to try and help what in my opinion is a bunch of misunderstandings.
I am so sick and tired of being critized all the time even when I was trying to help Phantom out. Eagle, I still support you as our leader, but you critized me AGAIN in the previous post which is not fair in my opinion.
Well, I'm sorry, but when my decisions (and those that I've trust as officers) are brought into question, I must respond. I do things around here for a reason, not at random and not just for shits and giggles. I assure you that if I didn't approach things certain ways, the Barracks would have been locked months and months ago. It's hard to make everyone happy around here, and it takes time and effort. I'm not saying I'm some amazing leader or anything, but I care enough about this place and what it means to Newgrounds to bust my ass keeping things in line around here. All I ask from you and from everyone else is that you trust me enough to know that when I say something, it's for a reason.
Hopefully you realize I'm talking to you man to man and am NOT criticizing you here. I personally do not want more discussion about this from you, me, or anyone else. Let's just move on, okay?
In other news, I got my Wii component cable today...so yay for 480p!