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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 21:30:33

At 12/17/06 09:02 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
The b/p 51+ is updated every Saturday evening by Afro-Underscore. Unfortunately, the list only includes top 300 b/p user so you will not see your name there very soon. Just keep on working hard on b/p, you will make it one day. :)
No but isnt there a list of the active users in the Elite guard barracks and there gains since the last time or something? Ive been on the list before but it said new for two of the parts and my total b/p or the other one. Do you know what that is?

Major-punk is in charge of the EGB b/p updates. You can find the last update on page 605. I believe that he updates the rankings every 11 days. As you can see, the first number is the total b/p points for each individual. The second number is the amount that the individual has gained between the latest update to the second latest update. The last number is his/her average (per day) in the span. Understand now?

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 21:34:04

Okay, I'm back.

Now listen, this is the last time I'm going to respond, as this is getting tired, as you have said. Let me answer your questions once and for all, and after that, consider the situation dropped.

At 12/17/06 02:14 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: It is GETTING sick. Whenever I do something, Eagle posts a SUPER long post s about how I should not have done what I did and critizes me for the whole posts.

You are not the only one I do that to.

I am sick and tired of him critizing me no matter what I do. I do not bother arguing more, Eagle, because I am tired of being critized by you.

The only times I have criticized you is when there was a reason to do so. I apologize if you took it so harshly, but you need to understand from my point of view that going against how the Barracks votes and going against what I said about contacting mods all in one night did NOT put me in a good mood. You weren't the only one that did something that night...others, Phantom included, responded to the spammer, which pissed me off, too. However, just because Phantom slipped up one time (none of us are perfect) doesn't give you a right to screw up, either. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Eagle, why did you still critizing me KNOWING that (a) I was just trying to help out because Phantom was drunk and (b) the problem was SOLVED already?

The problem I had was that you said basically, in the future, you will contact mods no matter what happens. Basically you're saying you no longer trust me or the rest of the officers here to do their jobs. If you really don't trust me that much, say so.

In your eyes, I am a trouble maker who cannot do anything right, is that what you think of me?

That is not true. I think you are a good guy that stands for the right things. However, the way you come across on the BBS makes you easily misunderstood. I have defended you on and off the BBS when people have complained about you. If you think all I do is criticize you, you are only seeing half the picture. I try to explain things to you so that you understand where others are coming from. I've done so all year, and I will keep trying to do so. Try not to take it as criticism and take it as someone that trusts you enough to try and help what in my opinion is a bunch of misunderstandings.

I am so sick and tired of being critized all the time even when I was trying to help Phantom out. Eagle, I still support you as our leader, but you critized me AGAIN in the previous post which is not fair in my opinion.

Well, I'm sorry, but when my decisions (and those that I've trust as officers) are brought into question, I must respond. I do things around here for a reason, not at random and not just for shits and giggles. I assure you that if I didn't approach things certain ways, the Barracks would have been locked months and months ago. It's hard to make everyone happy around here, and it takes time and effort. I'm not saying I'm some amazing leader or anything, but I care enough about this place and what it means to Newgrounds to bust my ass keeping things in line around here. All I ask from you and from everyone else is that you trust me enough to know that when I say something, it's for a reason.

Hopefully you realize I'm talking to you man to man and am NOT criticizing you here. I personally do not want more discussion about this from you, me, or anyone else. Let's just move on, okay?


In other news, I got my Wii component cable today...so yay for 480p!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:06:32

EagleRock, Sir! I have a question, Sir! How did your Christmas concert go, Sir?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:07:07

At 12/17/06 09:15 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
Oh man i missed it. I didnt go to check the barracks for new posts because it still said you were the last to post. I didnt know you double-posted. Oh well, The portal is moving at a steady pace, Im sure something else will pop up sooner or later.
It has been moving well all day which is great. I should have 200 points by the end of tonight since the last update in the top 300 thread yesterday evening.

It pains me to hear this. I have been gone for mos tof the day and I think I will only end up with about 60-70 points at the end of the day.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:13:38

Guys, I'm real frickin' pissed off now. Every damn movie I have voted on hasn't given me a damn point. The reason being is of a "Portal Error" that says someone else with my unique IP address has already voted on them. If this happens tomorrow, I'm gonna break my damn computer. I swear.

*Gets a baseball bat ready...*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:16:15

iI didn't get to B/P much this weekend. Saterday I did't realy do much and today I was trying to get a Wii and had a party to go to. Hopfully I'll get more during the week.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:18:44

At 12/17/06 10:07 PM, Hemlok wrote:
It pains me to hear this. I have been gone for most of the day and I think I will only end up with about 60-70 points at the end of the day.

I thought you would like to hear that :) You've got just 27 points on me right now (assuming my addition is correct, which it might not be), with just three more days to hold out before I leave. I'd love to be ahead just for one day, even if you do go steaming straight back past again once I leave, and I'm going to give the next few days my all to make that happen :D.


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:27:37

Donthurtme and Hemlok, will you guys please stop voting on submissions? How about you guys rest from guarding the portal and allow people like me to catch up with you guys?

You guys know this is a joke, right?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:28:06

At 12/17/06 10:18 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
At 12/17/06 10:07 PM, Hemlok wrote:
It pains me to hear this. I have been gone for most of the day and I think I will only end up with about 60-70 points at the end of the day.
I thought you would like to hear that :) You've got just 27 points on me right now (assuming my addition is correct, which it might not be), with just three more days to hold out before I leave. I'd love to be ahead just for one day, even if you do go steaming straight back past again once I leave, and I'm going to give the next few days my all to make that happen :D.

If what you say is true, you will get about 200 points today. I will most likely get arond 80-100 it looks like. I think after all of the points are tallied, you will be in the lead. Just wait until when you leave, I will ramm right past you and you won't even know it! I'm loving this competition. Even though your going to kick my ass when you get back, I'm loving it!


Hah, it's not your fault I had to go to one of the most uncomfortable parties ever.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:35:33

slow down Sterockicy. You got 72 so far and I only have 64. There are about 30 in the portal so hopefully we'll both have 100 today.

Also, I'm very close to Sergeant, about 36 away. I hope to reach it when i wake up.

I WILL catch you. Just watch your back.

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:38:45

I have got 80 points so far today which is good. With a steady portal pace, I will have no problem making my gain 3 digits by the end of the day. My daily b/p record is 121 points. There is a good chance that I will break it tonight. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:40:01

At 12/17/06 10:27 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Donthurtme and Hemlok, will you guys please stop voting on submissions? How about you guys rest from guarding the portal and allow people like me to catch up with you guys?

You guys know this is a joke, right?

NEVER!!! Muahahahahahaha....


I've been B/Ping for 2 years now, and the last couple of months have been easily the best pace I have ever managed. For the first year I was lucky to get 50 per day, and there have been long periods of inactivity thrown in as well, not least because my computer back in the UK is a) very slow, b) constantly used by my sister c) doesn't have a unique IP, resulting in the problem of not being able to vote on everything as other people get there first.

While I have so much time on my hands, not to mention a lightning fast connection and a flashy new laptop, I'm going to rack up as many points as I possibly can. With luck I'll hit EGSC in three or four months, although I doubt that will slow me down much.

And anyway, I am by no means the fastest person around here- pepeatumi has me beat week in week out, and Phantom probably would too if he was B/Ping as much as he was.

At 12/17/06 10:28 PM, Hemlok wrote:
If what you say is true, you will get about 200 points today. I will most likely get arond 80-100 it looks like. I think after all of the points are tallied, you will be in the lead. Just wait until when you leave, I will ramm right past you and you won't even know it! I'm loving this competition. Even though your going to kick my ass when you get back, I'm loving it!

I'm loving it too- a bit of competition makes it so much more interesting, and gives me that extra push to B/P. I haven't got 200 B/P today, just 200 since the update yesterday, and a number of those points were picked up yesterday evening. I'll still probably have over 150 today though. If you B/P for the rest of the evening I won't catch you tonight, but I might get you tomorrow :)

Hah, it's not your fault I had to go to one of the most uncomfortable parties ever.

I'm sorry to hear it was uncomfortable. Better than me though- I'm in on my own with only my laptop and a case of Bud to entertain me (God that sounds lame). At least I have the San Diego game on the TV (hopefully they will do Denver a favour and beat the Chiefs) and constant updates of England's demise in the Ashes on my laptop.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 22:41:46

You guys are lucky... Everyone is gaining points except me. But watch out, I'm going to come out of no where and and pass all you of you guys!

I half believed what I said right now...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:04:04

At 12/17/06 10:35 PM, HomerDough wrote: slow down Sterockicy. You got 72 so far and I only have 64. There are about 30 in the portal so hopefully we'll both have 100 today.

Also, I'm very close to Sergeant, about 36 away. I hope to reach it when i wake up.

I WILL catch you. Just watch your back.

YES, MWAHAHAHAHAHAH! Its definately been a good day for me. You know, before I found out you had been on nglog looking at my stats I was very confused to see my stats had changed. I thought it autmatically changed and I was getting very pissed. You know seeing that I had done a whole days b/ping and only received 5 points. Then i found out you did it. Now I do it to your account too. Did you notice that as well?


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:08:01

At 12/17/06 10:27 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Donthurtme and Hemlok, will you guys please stop voting on submissions? How about you guys rest from guarding the portal and allow people like me to catch up with you guys?

No way Jose (lol), I have been defending this portal for a whole year now. The beginning of my career was shaky. I was still into Warcraft more then Newgrounds so after about a month or two of B/Ping (I got to Captain) I quit and spent three more months on Warcraft, I didn't even go on to deposit! Boy did that one really bite me in the ass when I returned. Now my career is booming with no more Warcraft craves (well, not really) and no more sister obsessed with Myspace to hold me down. I still do have a shitty computer that is slow as hell, but I am managing. Keep up the good work, and you will reach were I am in no time. Seriously, when I hit the Gold badges, they just flew by.

You guys know this is a joke, right?

Oh, are you serious?

At 12/17/06 10:38 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I have got 80 points so far today which is good. With a steady portal pace, I will have no problem making my gain 3 digits by the end of the day. My daily b/p record is 121 points. There is a good chance that I will break it tonight. ;)

That's good to hear DoD! I hope you do break that record, I think mine is like 130 (not including Clock Day!) and I haven't got close to that in awhile. Still, it's always nice to break a record. Keep this up man, you will become Elite Guard Supreme Commander by February!

At 12/17/06 10:40 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
I've been B/Ping for 2 years now, and the last couple of months have been easily the best pace I have ever managed. For the first year I was lucky to get 50 per day, and there have been long periods of inactivity thrown in as well, not least because my computer back in the UK is a) very slow, b) constantly used by my sister c) doesn't have a unique IP, resulting in the problem of not being able to vote on everything as other people get there first.

Damn, you have been B/Ping for a whole more year then me, and I'm in head of you, what's the deal? Shouldn't be saying much, your right on my trail. In fact, I can see you in the distance.

"Slow the fuck down!"

While I have so much time on my hands, not to mention a lightning fast connection and a flashy new laptop, I'm going to rack up as many points as I possibly can. With luck I'll hit EGSC in three or four months, although I doubt that will slow me down much.

I wish I had time on my hands. School is really important to me and I've been doing my best to get good grades but they are just comming out average. It's tiring seeing how much I try and just being average.

And anyway, I am by no means the fastest person around here- pepeatumi has me beat week in week out, and Phantom probably would too if he was B/Ping as much as he was.

No question. I think I'm like, the 5th fastest here in the Barracks, maybe 6th, it's kinda hard to tell with Dave since we keep getting fairly close averages every week.

At 12/17/06 10:28 PM, Hemlok wrote:
If what you say is true, you will get about 200 points today. I will most likely get arond 80-100 it looks like. I think after all of the points are tallied, you will be in the lead. Just wait until when you leave, I will ramm right past you and you won't even know it! I'm loving this competition. Even though your going to kick my ass when you get back, I'm loving it!
I'm loving it too- a bit of competition makes it so much more interesting, and gives me that extra push to B/P. I haven't got 200 B/P today, just 200 since the update yesterday, and a number of those points were picked up yesterday evening. I'll still probably have over 150 today though. If you B/P for the rest of the evening I won't catch you tonight, but I might get you tomorrow :)

Oh well, that is a bit relieving. I still might have a chance o hold you off a bit more. I'm glad your doing a good job defending the Portal out there. If you pass me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I respect you, so it's all good. You will be the second one to pass me.

Hopefully I catch up to Omgee, he has been slowing down a bit.

Hah, it's not your fault I had to go to one of the most uncomfortable parties ever.
I'm sorry to hear it was uncomfortable. Better than me though- I'm in on my own with only my laptop and a case of Bud to entertain me (God that sounds lame). At least I have the San Diego game on the TV (hopefully they will do Denver a favour and beat the Chiefs) and constant updates of England's demise in the Ashes on my laptop.

Lame? That is a great thing to do on a sunday evening. The one highlight of my day I watched the Eagles Vs. the Giants and one twenty bucks. Too bad my lap top doesn't work, then I can watch the game, and stay on here at the same time. Ah well, hope you had a good day.

At 12/17/06 10:41 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You guys are lucky... Everyone is gaining points except me. But watch out, I'm going to come out of no where and and pass all you of you guys!\

Good luck on passing me. Believe me, you will need it!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:08:28

At 12/17/06 10:06 PM, PenguinLink wrote: EagleRock, Sir! I have a question, Sir! How did your Christmas concert go, Sir?


It went well. I used to sing about 5-6 times a week, and my voice was getting near-professional. Lately my voice has not been up to par, but tonight I felt a bit of my old voice come back. Quite exciting.

At 12/17/06 10:13 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Guys, I'm real frickin' pissed off now. Every damn movie I have voted on hasn't given me a damn point. The reason being is of a "Portal Error" that says someone else with my unique IP address has already voted on them. If this happens tomorrow, I'm gonna break my damn computer. I swear.

*Gets a baseball bat ready...*

If you have AOL, that would explain it. Or, if you have highspeed, your IP address just got renew, and it probably just so happened to be of someone that was B/P ing on Newgrounds. I'd check it out and see if it happens tomorow.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:38:46

At 12/17/06 11:08 PM, Hemlok wrote:

Good luck on passing me. Believe me, you will need it!

Oh, so you think I won't? Huh? Well, Mr. Elite Guard Brigadier General, one day. Watch me. The Magnificent Penguinlink will catch you one day! And no, I don't need your good luck! :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:40:02

At 12/17/06 11:38 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 12/17/06 11:08 PM, Hemlok wrote:

Good luck on passing me. Believe me, you will need it!
Oh, so you think I won't? Huh? Well, Mr. Elite Guard Brigadier General, one day. Watch me. The Magnificent Penguinlink will catch you one day! And no, I don't need your good luck! :)

I see how it is. *Gives the evil eye.* Well PenguinLink, the race is on!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:46:33

At 12/17/06 11:40 PM, Hemlok wrote:

I see how it is. *Gives the evil eye.* Well PenguinLink, the race is on!

The Race is on indeed. There will not be any mercy!


And I mean no MERCY

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:47:14

At 12/17/06 11:40 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/17/06 11:38 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 12/17/06 11:08 PM, Hemlok wrote:

Good luck on passing me. Believe me, you will need it!
Oh, so you think I won't? Huh? Well, Mr. Elite Guard Brigadier General, one day. Watch me. The Magnificent Penguinlink will catch you one day! And no, I don't need your good luck! :)
I see how it is. *Gives the evil eye.* Well PenguinLink, the race is on!

OOOOOHHH, this race will be awesome. I will watch your progress for say 3 years and see how the race is going. Because im sure PenguinLink will still be trying to catch up by then.

Good luck with that.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:48:53

At 12/17/06 11:47 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
OOOOOHHH, this race will be awesome. I will watch your progress for say 3 years and see how the race is going. Because im sure PenguinLink will still be trying to catch up by then.

Unless I slow down. which I highly doubt I will.

Good luck with that.

If this was addressed to me then, thanks!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:50:58

Good luck with that.
If this was addressed to me then, thanks!

It was more addressed to Penguin, but if you think you need luck then it can be for you too.

I dont see why you need luck!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:51:35

At 12/17/06 11:08 PM, Hemlok wrote:
That's good to hear DoD! I hope you do break that record, I think mine is like 130 (not including Clock Day!) and I haven't got close to that in awhile. Still, it's always nice to break a record. Keep this up man, you will become Elite Guard Supreme Commander by February!

My record is around 180 I think, but that was good day over the Summer. I usually aim for about 100 per day.

Damn, you have been B/Ping for a whole more year then me, and I'm in head of you, what's the deal? Shouldn't be saying much, your right on my trail. In fact, I can see you in the distance.

Like I said that is due mainly to inactivity for long periods. If I had been going at this pace from the start I'd be right up near the top of the B/P ranks by now. I can see you too by the way... and I'm inching closer all the time :)

"Slow the fuck down!"

No, no, and did I mention... no? :D

I wish I had time on my hands. School is really important to me and I've been doing my best to get good grades but they are just comming out average. It's tiring seeing how much I try and just being average.

School is always far more important than anything else, at least at this time of your life. I was lucky to be out of school before I joined Newgrounds, but my University grades are always my main priority at the moment. Fortunately this year of my university degree is more about gaining experience in a lab environment than grades, giving me a good deal more time to B/P both at home and at work. Don't let the hard work get you down though- it is worth it in the end.

At 12/17/06 10:28 PM, Hemlok wrote:
Oh well, that is a bit relieving. I still might have a chance o hold you off a bit more. I'm glad your doing a good job defending the Portal out there. If you pass me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I respect you, so it's all good. You will be the second one to pass me.

I'd like the honour of being the second to pass you, even if the update is unlikely to show it next Saturday as you will have gained the spot back by then. You're one of the users I respect most on here as well, as are many of the other members of the EGB. That is the main reason why I hand around here so much- I can't stand most of the idiots in General.

Lame? That is a great thing to do on a sunday evening. The one highlight of my day I watched the Eagles Vs. the Giants and one twenty bucks. Too bad my lap top doesn't work, then I can watch the game, and stay on here at the same time. Ah well, hope you had a good day.

Well I never consider staying in and drinking on your own a good thing to do, but I guess it has been a rather good evening. San Diego did their job, but sadly England are on the very brink of defeat, needing another 200 plus runs with just one wicket remaining in order to save the match and with it the Ashes. I know cricket is a sport that most Americans can't understand (much like baseball is for me), but to me this a real blow after England won the Ashes back off Australia last Summer for the first time in 20 years. Thank god for all this beer... :D

At 12/17/06 10:41 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You guys are lucky... Everyone is gaining points except me. But watch out, I'm going to come out of no where and and pass all you of you guys!\

Lol, keep up a steady pace and you may catch me one day, but don't count on it :)

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:52:45

At 12/17/06 11:47 PM, Sterockicy wrote:

OOOOOHHH, this race will be awesome. I will watch your progress for say 3 years and see how the race is going. Because im sure PenguinLink will still be trying to catch up by then.

Good luck with that.

Well, watch away my friend. You'll see. And no, I don't need your good luck either. :)

Mark my words, On the 17th of December of 2006, Page 621 of the Elite Guard Barracks, Penguinlink declared War on Hemlok. May the best Blammer/Protector Win.

lol, who am I kidding.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:56:32

At 12/17/06 01:27 AM, Hemlok wrote: That's why I got it! Sadly, I don't think it will be out for awhile. :(

Not until next year. And other than that, we're not even sure what month it will be coming out. D:

Well, I get around a 70-73 pace normally. This week wasn't very normal, per say.

That's because you're not very normal. :P

At 12/17/06 10:41 PM, PenguinLink wrote: But watch out, I'm going to come out of no where and and pass all you of you guys!


You'll need it.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-17 23:58:48

At 12/17/06 11:56 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:


You'll need it.

Stop with the Good lucks! I don't need yours either! Man, you guys think I won't catch Hemlok, do you? :)

Haha, what a hardheaded bastard I am. :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-18 00:03:48

At 12/17/06 11:58 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 12/17/06 11:56 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:


You'll need it.
Stop with the Good lucks! I don't need yours either! Man, you guys think I won't catch Hemlok, do you? :)

Haha, what a hardheaded bastard I am. :)

Hey, I will join you in the fight to catch Hemlok. I have been doing some hardcore b/ping lately and I want to catch him too. Maybe we could do some extreme double team action moves on him and take him out.

I know you dont want good luck, but maybe if everyones good lucks combined, it could become SUPER GOOD LUCK and you will fly through those points.

Oh it's on, Oh its definately on!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-18 00:08:59

At 12/18/06 12:03 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Hey, I will join you in the fight to catch Hemlok. I have been doing some hardcore b/ping lately and I want to catch him too. Maybe we could do some extreme double team action moves on him and take him out.

I know you dont want good luck, but maybe if everyones good lucks combined, it could become SUPER GOOD LUCK and you will fly through those points.

Oh it's on, Oh its definately*

*Shakes hands with Sterockicy* With our combined forces, we will leave Hemlok on the floor begging for Mercy. You better watch out Hemlok! Now you got two people on your tail.

*Sees Hemlok is fidgeting and sweating.*

Don't be scared, in a matter of years, this will all be over.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-18 00:11:37

At 12/18/06 12:03 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 12/17/06 11:58 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Stop with the Good lucks! I don't need yours either! Man, you guys think I won't catch Hemlok, do you? :)

Haha, what a hardheaded bastard I am. :)

Oh man, I forgot to wish you good luck! GOOD LUCK :D

Hey, I will join you in the fight to catch Hemlok. I have been doing some hardcore b/ping lately and I want to catch him too. Maybe we could do some extreme double team action moves on him and take him out.

I know you dont want good luck, but maybe if everyones good lucks combined, it could become SUPER GOOD LUCK and you will fly through those points.

Oh it's on, Oh its definately on!

Hey, hey, I want in too!! With a triple team he doesn't stand a chance :D

I have no idea why everyone is picking on Hemlok when I think I am probably a far more attainable target. I may be going a bit faster than him right now, but I'm a hell of a lot less consistent. There is always a chance with me that I will vanish for a month of two and not get any B/P at all.

But whatever. The more people pestering him the less are paying attention to me :) (plus those 27 points will be gone before he can blink!)

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-18 00:17:34

At 12/17/06 11:46 PM, PenguinLink wrote: The Race is on indeed. There will not be any mercy!


And I mean no MERCY

Why am I getting the feeling like this race will be the most uninteresting race ever?

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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