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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 18:52:46

Washu, may I ask you why you chose light aura? Your b/p ratio is still above 1.5 even after te portal improved its quality 1 month ago. In my opinion, you should change it to neutral until the ratio decreases under 1.5. At least that was what I did last year.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 18:59:39


Hey guys I know that this is stolen but I cant remember where is was stolen from. Do you guys know where I have seen this before?


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 19:01:50

At 12/13/06 06:52 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Washu, may I ask you why you chose light aura? Your b/p ratio is still above 1.5 even after te portal improved its quality 1 month ago. In my opinion, you should change it to neutral until the ratio decreases under 1.5. At least that was what I did last year.

This is your 4,000th post, Dream-of-Duke! Let's celebrate!

*Takes out a cake*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 19:10:38

At 12/13/06 05:34 PM, SilentSoldier wrote: Just wondering, but do they have any grip features for the Wiimote so that when your swinging it around, it doesn't slip out of your hand and hit the T.V. or something?

Im pretty sure I've seen #rd company Wii-mote beer huggys(Do you know what I mean?).

Otherwise the wiimore comes with a wristband thing.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 19:21:17

Oh, ok I get what your saying, thank you. Also...Sterockicy, you are right, I beleive it was stolen, I know that I have seen that before also. Yet I can't seem to remember exactly where it was stolen from (but I did flag it)

My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 19:48:13

Hey guys, do you remember when you guys where Civilians and Safety Guards? Well, during those times, I was very proud of myself when I reached 100 blams... Wow, and come to think of it, people might get 100 points in one day! In contrast with 2 weeks or so I took to get 100 points... Back in those early stages, what achievement(s) did you guys make that made you proud of yourself which right now you see them as "meh."?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 20:10:54

At 12/13/06 07:48 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Hey guys, do you remember when you guys where Civilians and Safety Guards? Well, during those times, I was very proud of myself when I reached 100 blams... Wow, and come to think of it, people might get 100 points in one day! In contrast with 2 weeks or so I took to get 100 points... Back in those early stages, what achievement(s) did you guys make that made you proud of yourself which right now you see them as "meh."?

Ah yes, I do remember those days. In fact in my early days of B/P I went at a very slow pace. It was almost a year before I made it to my first Elite Guard rank, and every 100 points did seem like a big deal. I remember thinking back then that my pace must be really fast compared to everyone else as I was gaining ranks so fast (this is way before I discovered the BBS and the top 300 thread). How wrong I was :).

Now I get 100 points a day on a regular basis (although not this week).

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 20:16:58

At 12/13/06 08:10 PM, Donthurtme wrote:

Ah yes, I do remember those days. In fact in my early days of B/P I went at a very slow pace. It was almost a year before I made it to my first Elite Guard rank, and every 100 points did seem like a big deal. I remember thinking back then that my pace must be really fast compared to everyone else as I was gaining ranks so fast (this is way before I discovered the BBS and the top 300 thread). How wrong I was :).

Now I get 100 points a day on a regular basis (although not this week).

Yes, that's true. I remember I was passing like 20 ranks each day and I thought, " Whoa by this rate, I might even pass Denvish..." But then I discovered, as you said, the BBS and the top 300 thread and my dream of becoming the number one Blammer and Protector was diminished...

I hate dreams...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 21:21:14

Stolen from Homestarrunner.com

Can't link to original because of HSR being made in flash.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 21:23:17

I remember those days. For a while I just made stupid reviews for my old favorites like LegendaryFrog and illwillpress. I didn't even get or know about the Blam/Protect system nor the BBS. I remember my first BBS post was my own thread called "Stupid Flash Noobs" where I ranted about people getting crap passed. Now look at my Flashes, lol.

Speaking of Flashes, I finished my script for my Christmas contest entry. The Flash's name is going to be "A Harry Dick Christmas", pun intended entirely. So look out for it fellow Barracks members.

Back to the ol' days. I hit Safety Patrol and bragged to my friends about it, lol. They actually thought that I must be one of the highest ranking B/Pers on Newgrounds, boy were they wrong. Then I remember being hitting Police Captain, and someone recruited me into the Newgrounds Police Department, back when me and some guys, whose name I do not remember, tried to be heros and we spammed the Alliance forums. Hahaha, oh yeah.

Anyways, when I was recruited into the NGPD, I tried to act all superior, not realizing that I was still low in the ranks, which I still am now. I eventually learned though. Now I'm a Elite Guard Staff Sergeant, yes, I'm gay like that.

Wow, that was a hefty post.

Fudge dapping.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 21:24:36

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 22:24:44

At 12/13/06 02:10 PM, Seamonky wrote:
At 12/13/06 10:39 AM, EagleRock wrote: *EagleRock then took the blood-stained Wiimote that Socially-Failed tried to use, and played Wii Bowling. He bowled a 254 with it.*
Man, that bowling game for the Wii sounds like fun. Too bad I'm not getting the Wii. :(

It's super-addicting. I play Wii bowling more than I play freakin' Zelda.

At 12/13/06 03:53 PM, Imacow wrote: I thought that Wii tenis looked cool. Wii boxing looks prettty dumb to me. It looks like you swing around the nunchuck and the Wii-mote rapidly to play.

If you saw the one with the girl playing boxing, she is a complete moron. You don't have to play like that. You play just like you would box in real life.

At 12/13/06 05:23 PM, Socially-Failed wrote: Damn, you EagleRock.

You don't found a Barracks and become a Supreme Commander by being dumb, you know. :-)

As for the lack of Blams, as much as I like Blam points, this just means the people of Newgrounds are improving, allowing us to maybe one day have far more Protections than Blams.

That day would be so nice. Let's just hope the protections are resultant of proper flash, and not mass-voting.

At 12/13/06 05:34 PM, SilentSoldier wrote: Just wondering, but do they have any grip features for the Wiimote so that when your swinging it around, it doesn't slip out of your hand and hit the T.V. or something?

I guess that's what the strap is for...As far as grip, it is easy to lose grip on the Wiimote. However, if you grip the trigger, you have a rock-solid hold on the Wiimote. Problem is games like Wii Bowling require you to let go of the trigger button.

Time for a...

DEFCON Update:

Very fast. Many flash that are suspect of mass-voting. I am hereby raising the DEFCON from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 2. This is the first time in months that the DEFCON has been raised this high. Please be on alert at all times for flash, as those that are genuinely trying will be gyped out of a fair vote, while mass-voters will attempt to get their flash passed. All Barracks Members are being called out to the Portal immediately for surveilace. Proper, fair votes are needed all across the Portal immediately! Move out!

...And don't forget the Wiimotes! They will definately come in handy!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 22:32:40

At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 12/13/06 03:53 PM, Imacow wrote: I thought that Wii tenis looked cool. Wii boxing looks prettty dumb to me. It looks like you swing around the nunchuck and the Wii-mote rapidly to play.
If you saw the one with the girl playing boxing, she is a complete moron. You don't have to play like that. You play just like you would box in real life.

Yea I should of figured. I could still just picture the nunchuck getting pulled out of the Wii-mote when you "punch".

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 22:33:31

I'm going to pass Black-Flame today unless he don't B/P right now. So I'm coming for you Sterockicy. But it has come to my attention that a new contestant has emerged. A lil someone I call godfukinc. I'll beat you both after Christmas break.

Good luck to both of you and to myself.

hopefully I will pass you

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 22:37:57

At 12/13/06 09:23 PM, Socially-Failed wrote: I remember those days. For a while I just made stupid reviews for my old favorites like LegendaryFrog and illwillpress.

When I first made an account, I thought reviewing flash would get my rank up...LOL.

I didn't even get or know about the Blam/Protect system nor the BBS. I remember my first BBS post was my own thread called "Stupid Flash Noobs" where I ranted about people getting crap passed. Now look at my Flashes, lol.

I was amazed that my whole 40B/P didn't get my rank up!

Speaking of Flashes, I finished my script for my Christmas contest entry. The Flash's name is going to be "A Harry Dick Christmas", pun intended entirely. So look out for it fellow Barracks members.

I will be on the watchout.

Back to the ol' days. I hit Safety Patrol and bragged to my friends about it, lol. They actually thought that I must be one of the highest ranking B/Pers on Newgrounds, boy were they wrong.

My wife (fiance at the time) couldn't hear the end when I hit Safety Patrol.

Then I remember being hitting Police Captain, and someone recruited me into the Newgrounds Police Department, back when me and some guys, whose name I do not remember, tried to be heros and we spammed the Alliance forums. Hahaha, oh yeah.

Yeah, I remember performing espionage against you, then giving you a nice ol' chat. Your actions (though, granted, mostly Mutant_BusterJr's) caused many retalliations against not only the NGPD, but the Barracks. Oh well, at least we straightened them all out. TailsPrower and I had to do some serious damage control on that one.

Anyways, when I was recruited into the NGPD, I tried to act all superior, not realizing that I was still low in the ranks, which I still am now. I eventually learned though. Now I'm a Elite Guard Staff Sergeant, yes, I'm gay like that.

You do get a bit big-headed sometimes, buddy. :-) But you're heart is in the right place, which is all that counts.

Wow, that was a hefty post.

Yeah, triple your post size, and you'll hit half the size of my posts!

At 12/13/06 10:32 PM, Imacow wrote: Yea I should of figured. I could still just picture the nunchuck getting pulled out of the Wii-mote when you "punch".

Not really. The cord is a good 3 feet long. You could have a huge armlength and it wouldn't affect it in the slightest.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 22:52:18

At 12/13/06 10:33 PM, HomerDough wrote: I'm going to pass Black-Flame today unless he don't B/P right now. So I'm coming for you Sterockicy. But it has come to my attention that a new contestant has emerged. A lil someone I call godfukinc. I'll beat you both after Christmas break.

Good luck to both of you and to myself.

hopefully I will pass you

Good luck with that. You probably will catch me with your persistence but today i have probably got about 100 B/P points at least. I have been on all day and still most of the ones I have voted for recently are still under judgement so my stats will go up even more when the pass/blam. I will not let you pass me without a fight!

Bring it bitch!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 23:00:57

At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
DEFCON Update:

Very fast. Many flash that are suspect of mass-voting. I am hereby raising the DEFCON from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 2. This is the first time in months that the DEFCON has been raised this high. Please be on alert at all times for flash, as those that are genuinely trying will be gyped out of a fair vote, while mass-voters will attempt to get their flash passed. All Barracks Members are being called out to the Portal immediately for surveilace. Proper, fair votes are needed all across the Portal immediately! Move out!

Sir! I will do my best to defend the Portal, sir! I am pleased to announce that the Kitty Krew has reduced their spam flashes to a minimum, at least for the moment. I will do my best out there!

...And don't forget the Wiimotes! They will definately come in handy!

*Slips wiimote into holster and squints eyes*

Let's rock!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 23:04:10

At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
DEFCON Update:

Very fast. Many flash that are suspect of mass-voting. I am hereby raising the DEFCON from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 2. This is the first time in months that the DEFCON has been raised this high. Please be on alert at all times for flash, as those that are genuinely trying will be gyped out of a fair vote, while mass-voters will attempt to get their flash passed. All Barracks Members are being called out to the Portal immediately for surveilace. Proper, fair votes are needed all across the Portal immediately! Move out!

Ah, it sure is good to have the old DEFCON back! I can't help but comment on it being 'the first time in months' that it has been this low though. After all the DEFCON has been back for all of a couple of days- hardly an impressive feat considering that :).

During your inactive period there was a number of weeks where there were over 50 UJ submissions in the portal at once, and one notable day with over 120 at one time (which caused the admins to take away the waiting time for the voting bar in order to speed things up). I feel sure there would have been call for DEFCON 1 for much of that time, and certainly 2.

Nevertheless I'll be heading to the portal to do my part! There are as many mass voted submissions as ever just waiting to see the wrong end of my blam rifle. I'll be up late tonight most likely as I'm sitting here keeping track of the Ashes series in Australia (cricket for those who don't know). COME ON ENGLAND!

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 23:14:03

At 12/13/06 11:00 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
DEFCON Update:
Sir! I will do my best to defend the Portal, sir! I am pleased to announce that the Kitty Krew has reduced their spam flashes to a minimum, at least for the moment. I will do my best out there!

Damn good to see some enthusiasm out of my members! Especially from a Brigadier General! You have the energy of a newly-recruited Private ready to start his journey up the ladder! Hooah!

...And don't forget the Wiimotes! They will definately come in handy!
*Slips wiimote into holster and squints eyes*

Let's rock!

*strikes powerful-looking pose*

At 12/13/06 11:04 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
DEFCON Update:
Ah, it sure is good to have the old DEFCON back! I can't help but comment on it being 'the first time in months' that it has been this low though. After all the DEFCON has been back for all of a couple of days- hardly an impressive feat considering that :).

...Yeah, you got me on that one. It sounded impressive, though. :-)

During your inactive period there was a number of weeks where there were over 50 UJ submissions in the portal at once, and one notable day with over 120 at one time (which caused the admins to take away the waiting time for the voting bar in order to speed things up). I feel sure there would have been call for DEFCON 1 for much of that time, and certainly 2.

Definately true, Brigadier General donthurtme, definately true. Of course, I was AWOL like you said, so the DEFCON kind of went by the wayside.

Nevertheless I'll be heading to the portal to do my part! There are as many mass voted submissions as ever just waiting to see the wrong end of my blam rifle. I'll be up late tonight most likely as I'm sitting here keeping track of the Ashes series in Australia (cricket for those who don't know). COME ON ENGLAND!

Great to hear it! From some reason, Brigadier Generals are the energetic ones today! Hooah!

it makes me want to review my officers and see who needs promotions...

...I have to finish decorating for Christmas, though. Though I will definately review my roster and see what I can do.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 23:44:53

*Finds bloody Wiimote on the ground, picks it up*

Portal, here I come. *Falls asleep*

--------------------------------------------- ----------

I am super pissed right now at my reading group for English #1. Ok, so we have to act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet, we picked Act IV, Scene II. Well, I was suppose to be the Nurse, I would only have two lines, well guess what. Some fucking burnout, who has been held back twice got put in our group. I mind you, he has a 0% in our class, 0%, I saw. So, he gets the part of the Nurse, which he will still do nothing about.

So my girlfriend, of all people, decides to make me Lord Capulet. Well, I have 9, lines, two of them are pretty lengthy, as apposed to the rest of my group, which none surpass more than 4 lines. I have more than double of anyone else.

So I'm pissed, I'm playing hooky tommarrow. Sorry to my girlfriend, but I don't think so.


Fudge dapping.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-13 23:55:09

At 12/13/06 11:14 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 12/13/06 11:00 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/13/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote:
DEFCON Update:
Sir! I will do my best to defend the Portal, sir! I am pleased to announce that the Kitty Krew has reduced their spam flashes to a minimum, at least for the moment. I will do my best out there!
Damn good to see some enthusiasm out of my members! Especially from a Brigadier General! You have the energy of a newly-recruited Private ready to start his journey up the ladder! Hooah!

I have been doing my best to clean up the trash in the Portal for over a year now. I have no intention on stopping until I reach 1,000,000 B/P points!

Crazy, no?

...And don't forget the Wiimotes! They will definately come in handy!
*Slips wiimote into holster and squints eyes*

Let's rock!
*strikes powerful-looking pose*


Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:08:47

At 12/13/06 11:55 PM, Hemlok wrote: I have been doing my best to clean up the trash in the Portal for over a year now. I have no intention on stopping until I reach 1,000,000 B/P points!

You remind me of Slash. Let's test you.

*Hands LittleWashu lolicon hentai*

Sorry, for the short post.

Fudge dapping.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:12:20

Yeah, I remember those old times, I remember getting excited over safety patrol rank... But as soon as I got security guard I started a much higher pace which only kept improving and I was already getting a 100 a day at that point, which only kept improving till I get General rank when I peaked at over 143 points a day for a week, and now at EGSC and with an astonishing amount of things to do, I've been forced to slow to about 80 a day...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:15:45

At 12/14/06 12:12 AM, Phantom wrote: I've been forced to slow to about 80 a day...

Pfft, you think that's slow?

Wait until you find out you've barely passed 50 a day. D:

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:24:34

At 12/14/06 12:15 AM, Tantera wrote: Wait until you find out you've barely passed 50 a day. D:

Or 10.

Fudge dapping.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:32:18

At 12/13/06 11:55 PM, Hemlok wrote: I have been doing my best to clean up the trash in the Portal for over a year now. I have no intention on stopping until I reach 1,000,000 B/P points!

Crazy, no?

Most definately. You'll be here till doomsday. It took me, what...6-7 months for 30,000 points? Even assuming I could keep my old pace, it would take me about 17 years to make it to 1,000,000 points. I'd be over 40 by then.

*strikes powerful-looking pose*

*wind starts blowing in EagleRock's face, blowing his hair in a very heroic fashion*

*holds that pose...*

...DAMMIT! Stupid wind dried out my contacts.

At 12/14/06 12:12 AM, Phantom wrote: Yeah, I remember those old times, I remember getting excited over safety patrol rank... But as soon as I got security guard I started a much higher pace which only kept improving and I was already getting a 100 a day at that point, which only kept improving till I get General rank when I peaked at over 143 points a day for a week, and now at EGSC and with an astonishing amount of things to do, I've been forced to slow to about 80 a day...

Sadly, my star pace days were right around this time last year...way before Denvish reinstated the star system. I've never returned to that level. Oh well, we'll see what kind of pace I can re-muster out of myself.

At 12/14/06 12:24 AM, Socially-Failed wrote:
At 12/14/06 12:15 AM, Tantera wrote: Wait until you find out you've barely passed 50 a day. D:
Or 10.

OR 3!!!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist. What a child I'm being here. Some leader. LOL.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 00:55:39

Actually, in lieu of being a leader...let's talk about Barracks business.

As far as Officer positions, I'm afraid I have a lot of dusting to do on the good ol' official Officer list.

First order of business, I noticed our Supreme Commander Major_punk has performed the last few updates...is this a permanent change, or a mere break for our current Records Officer? I only ask so that credit may be given where credit is due.

Second order of business, has Peregrinus been around? If not, are we in the need for a new NGPD LaisoN?

Third order of business, I notice SlashFirestorm has not been around...are we in the need for a new Recruitment Officer while Slash is on his haitus?

Last order: I have Barracks members in mind for a reinstatement of either the Advancement Officer position. I've seen quite a large amount of Portal-protection spirit that I feel must not go unrecognized. i would like the Barracks Members' input on this. Most notably, I would like my Lieutenant to fill me in on these positions and Barracks members, as I am only recently back to Newgrounds.

In other news, I am freshing up the Official Officer List in the meantime before these officer positions are determined.

Thoughts from the Barracks members?

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 01:02:15

At 12/14/06 12:55 AM, EagleRock wrote: Actually, in lieu of being a leader...let's talk about Barracks business.


Drops wiimote

As far as Officer positions, I'm afraid I have a lot of dusting to do on the good ol' official Officer list.

First order of business, I noticed our Supreme Commander Major_punk has performed the last few updates...is this a permanent change, or a mere break for our current Records Officer? I only ask so that credit may be given where credit is due.

That I don't know.

Second order of business, has Peregrinus been around? If not, are we in the need for a new NGPD LaisoN?

Peregriunus left the Barracks because he didn't feel right being apart of something he didn't put much time into.

Third order of business, I notice SlashFirestorm has not been around...are we in the need for a new Recruitment Officer while Slash is on his haitus?

Slash said he will return once the new layout is installed. Which noeone knows the exact date of this occasion but we know it won't be until 2007

Not too far from now.

Last order: I have Barracks members in mind for a reinstatement of either the Advancement Officer position. I've seen quite a large amount of Portal-protection spirit that I feel must not go unrecognized. i would like the Barracks Members' input on this. Most notably, I would like my Lieutenant to fill me in on these positions and Barracks members, as I am only recently back to Newgrounds.

I'm glad your putting thought into putting fresh, well deserved members into new positions.

In other news, I am freshing up the Official Officer List in the meantime before these officer positions are determined.

Sounds good.

Thoughts from the Barracks members?

I'm liking what I am seeing.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 01:08:09

Sir! I have a comment! STOP DOUBLE POSTING, Sir!

*Runs away and dodges thousands of Wiimotes from EagleRock.....*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-14 01:12:32

At 12/14/06 12:55 AM, EagleRock wrote:
First order of business, I noticed our Supreme Commander Major_punk has performed the last few updates...is this a permanent change, or a mere break for our current Records Officer? I only ask so that credit may be given where credit is due.

As far as I know he is doing it for the time being, although I'm sure I've seen offers from other Barracks members to help out from time to time.

Second order of business, has Peregrinus been around? If not, are we in the need for a new NGPD LaisoN?

Kind of reiterating what Hemlok said- he resigned from the Barracks and more precisely his role as NGPD liason a few weeks ago. He didn't feel he was putting the time into B/Ping to merit being a part of the Barracks, and felt that the NGPD no longer knew him as they once did due to the constantly evolving roster. I believe Slash was meant to be covering the NGPD liason role as he was better known and more respected, but due to his inactivity I'm not sure what the situation is. Littlewashu certainly posts in there from time to time.

Third order of business, I notice SlashFirestorm has not been around...are we in the need for a new Recruitment Officer while Slash is on his haitus?

He'll be back eventually, and in the mean time Phantom has been officially welcoming new members, although we all chip in with pointing them to the FAQ etc.

Last order: I have Barracks members in mind for a reinstatement of either the Advancement Officer position. I've seen quite a large amount of Portal-protection spirit that I feel must not go unrecognized. i would like the Barracks Members' input on this. Most notably, I would like my Lieutenant to fill me in on these positions and Barracks members, as I am only recently back to Newgrounds.

If I may I'd like to suggest Elite Guard Brigadier General Hemlok for an officer role in the Barracks. I'm not sure which he would be most suited for, or what he would like to do, but he is one of the most active and experienced users in the Barracks that doesn't already have an officer duty here, and I think he could fill the role admirably.

plus if you can occupy him here I might be able to catch him in the B/P ranks :D
In other news, I am freshing up the Official Officer List in the meantime before these officer positions are determined.

Thoughts from the Barracks members?

I'd certainly like to see things get organised a little better as far as the officers go, and there are plenty of new members who post often and well enough to merit some kind of recognition in the Barracks.


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature