*Finds bloody Wiimote on the ground, picks it up*
Portal, here I come. *Falls asleep*
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I am super pissed right now at my reading group for English #1. Ok, so we have to act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet, we picked Act IV, Scene II. Well, I was suppose to be the Nurse, I would only have two lines, well guess what. Some fucking burnout, who has been held back twice got put in our group. I mind you, he has a 0% in our class, 0%, I saw. So, he gets the part of the Nurse, which he will still do nothing about.
So my girlfriend, of all people, decides to make me Lord Capulet. Well, I have 9, lines, two of them are pretty lengthy, as apposed to the rest of my group, which none surpass more than 4 lines. I have more than double of anyone else.
So I'm pissed, I'm playing hooky tommarrow. Sorry to my girlfriend, but I don't think so.