At 12/10/06 03:13 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Top 5 Gainers!
Congrats to everyone who made the top 5.
01 // 44,747 // 0770 // 70.0- // ADT
02 // 44,369 // 0405 // 36.8- // BlueHippo
03 // 42,741 // 0673 // 61.1- // Tantera
04 // 42,035 // 0884 // 80.3- // Phantom
Suddenly. None of you are out of sight.
I mean I'm not going anywhere...
05 // 35,672 // 1005 // 91.3+ // Major-punk
Last time I had 88/day, so I did a little better. I'll assume that as we get closer to Xmas there will be more holiday submissions and I can do even better.
06 // 35,470 // 1171 // 106.4- // pepeatumi
Heh, for over a month you've been within 1,000 points of me and slowly but surely been creeping up. Only 200 points now.
Can I get a little forecast about how your b/ping will go this week? =P
At 12/10/06 03:26 PM, Hemlok wrote:
Yes, and only about five-ten that actually post in the Barracks.
five-ten? Last page alone we had posts from 18 different EGB members...
The other half tend to post weekly, and a small portion of that half are new recruits who post asking to join then dissapear.
At 12/10/06 03:34 PM, Phantom wrote:
When you weren't lazy? ;-)
No when ADT used to update it. =)
At 12/10/06 04:11 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Does anyone know wh is is going to close in December?
Read the quoted text below:
At 11/12/06 09:21 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I will be updating the list during either my four day Christmas weekend or my three day New Years weekend, depending on my holiday plans for the former.
And that is all.