At 12/10/06 01:21 PM, Phantom wrote:At 12/10/06 11:32 AM, EagleRock wrote: She's actually really good, too. She's almost at pro status in Wii Bowling. I usually win, but not by much. She can average 150-200, which is not bad at all. I average about 180-220, so it can be a battle between us sometimes. You should see when her parents come over...both of them bowl in real life, so it's a struggle of epic proportions.I'm sure it would make the LOTR Trilogy look like child's play.
It makes it look like a bully got a big stick in the schoolground, and 7 kids had to try to throw it out on him. :-)
LOL. I'm in a good mood, though. After the 150 laps, BEER AND BUFFALO WINGS FOR ALL.Who'll pay for the foot ointment?
After 10 beers, the pain will go away quick. If not, then take 800mg of ibupofen...LOL
Jeez...and I thought it was hard to get consoles in the States...Well, I'm sure if you go into some Arab village it will be hard to find electricity, but in here, the Wii and Xbox are harder to come by than the flooded PS market.
Flooded PS market? As in it is EASY to get a PS3????? Jeez.
At 12/10/06 02:15 PM, PenguinLink wrote: I have a Wii also. I can pwn everyone as tennis.
Congratulations on your upgraded B/P rank, Homerdough.
*Sees that EagleRock makes a strike in bowling for the 10th time.*
That'd guarantee me 270 points...two more strikes would get me the 300 points... *hopes*
*Stands up straight* Sir! I have a question for you sir! In Wii sports, what sport is the least you are good at, Sir!?
Hmm...good question, Sergeant First Class. Well bowling I'm good, golf I'm not too bad, I played tennis a little bit, and I am not the greatest, while boxing I haven't played enough to gauge. I'd have to say baseball, sadly. First day I got the Wii I got about 10 homers in one game. It actually ended in the first inning due to a mercy rule...LOL. Now I can't bat for crap.
Major-punk has no Wii. =(At 12/10/06 11:09 AM, EagleRock wrote:Who else feels my pain? Or has a Wii? Let's get some Barracks Wii numbers on here!
If I had a nickel for every damn time the PS3 fanboy at work made that joke at me (Peter's going home to play with his Wii), I'd probably have enough to buy his stupid PS3 off of him.
At 12/10/06 03:13 PM, Major-punk wrote: Barracks Roster Update - Wii.
*cough* I mean December 10th, 2006. Damn all this Wii talk. =)
Nice one.
Remember when this used to be updated weekly?
Remember when I pused to post 10x daily? what you can.
At 12/10/06 03:20 PM, Hemlok wrote:07 // 30,944 // 0073 // 06.3+ // EagleRockMeh.
AHEM...I used to get consistently 700+ points a day, most of the time close to star pace (sadly, once Denvish started reinstating stars for the star pace, I could never do it again...) I have a job that keeps me too busy to B/P, too much stuff to do at home, and, well, a Wii to play with (which I haven't touched in 4 days, either. :-( )
At 12/11/06 12:24 AM, PenguinLink wrote: Hey, guys, have any of you wondered how it would be like if there wouldn't be any movies under judgement? We would never get some points! We would never level up B/P ranks! How horrible!
Go to the Portal at 3AM...just be prepared for the shock. DEFCON 5 all the day at that time...
Incidentally, has the DEFCON system gone to waste? I think it's time for a...
DEFCON Update:
Portal is very slow due to few UJ flash and slow churn. The DEFCON is being lowered to DEFCON 4 until further notice. Please, however, be aware the Portal can speed up at any time.