Happy EGB DAY!!!! The little group that got so masive over the years... let's hope it grows and becomes more fun and interesting...
Happy EGB DAY!!!! The little group that got so masive over the years... let's hope it grows and becomes more fun and interesting...
At 11/29/06 05:45 AM, Casualty wrote: I didn't even get a goddamn award! Super Mario Hardcore had 3.85 when it passed, 3.75 when I went to sleep and today it was there with a fucking 3.65!! I can't fucking believe I missed it. That's probably because it is on the front page and then it gets loads of faggot dudes who know nothing of flash >=(
yes. the best way to lower the score of your flash is to get it on the frontpage ;)
sorry you didn't win :(
At 11/29/06 03:07 AM, arianna1 wrote: but for those of us who would prefer men???
Hey, you are surrounded by them, *smirks as flies die whenever approaching the men's area*
Well, as 2IC, I say that as much as it may bruise other egos, we'll make some arrangements, but it will have to be in another room, damn male strippers will spoil our fun, and if Slash finds out he'll just join them :-(
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
591 pages and 365 days ago, our fearless leader ( at least before he got married ), EagleRock, or may I say Peter, created this place as the kind of place people like us, the B/P fans and fanatics can join, talk and enjoy ourselves while keeping to a strict routine all the same, we have done many things over that time, a crappy freewebs website, an ever growing forum, a marvelous, virtually flawless FAQ ( note the FAQ has a little added section for today ) and last project we did since Peter was to wed and abandon us in the sake of his wife… the EGB’s first and hopefully not last Podcast.
Things have still changed, I joined as a lowly Master Sergeant on page 4, when Peter was simple a plain Sergeant, since then we have both, and many more grew and B/Ped our asses off. But today I stand proud before you, a year has passed and we still stand strong with over 30 active members and God knows how many inactive ones. With representation everywhere all over NG we are the current largest group in NG with B/P, NG and the Flash Portal as our theme.
Nearly 600 pages in one year, meaning in two, or less years, we will be the 2nd largest if not the largest club of the entire C&C. And that my friends, brings cyber tears to my eyes. And now…With that been said…Take the day off and lounge in the trashiest, cheapest, most skanky party ever to exist. Strippers, of both genders…Enough food to kill a horse, enough Booze to kill Slash and much more.
now I better got find Peter, he can’t even spare us a day  :'-(
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
Sorry for my lateness (is that a word?), but Im glad I got here just in time for the speeches beer and food (Strippers wont touch me, REFUND!!! ) I've only been here for a few months and since arriving this club has been one of the best things to happen to me while I've been on NG. The friendly atmosphere and the people inside are what makes this group great. Heres to a succesful year of the barracks and hopfully many more.
Now where are the sausage roll and the easy women?
Happy Birthday to the Barracks, and a nice speech there Phantom :)
I may not be the most active around here (how I love to lurk), but this is always the first thread I come to when I sign on in the morning, and the last one I check when I go to bed at night. NG would be a far more boring place without it, and I hope it goes from strength to strength in the next year and beyond.
now where is the alcohol- I could do with a nice drink to help the day go by.
Sig by lebastic
Happy Birthday EGB.
I havent been around for long but if it werent for this crew, I wouldnt have half the B/P points I have now.
Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club
Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09
Steam ID: BlackFlameNG
Damn Peter, where the hell is he? Any way, I'm glad most of you could turn up for the birthday. It's been a good year and I hope that in 365 days more we will all meet here again.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
I have terrible news news. Elite guard Major general Littlewashu went to the cursed springs and got cursed. Afterward she was turned into a duck and cooked by hungry amazons. Lucky for everyone Elite guard Liutenant general Littlewashu was born from from the ashes of that death and will ready for duty.
Happy B-Day EGB!
One whole year of stat whoring! <(n_n)>
Maybe by next year, I'll be an experienced member! :3 Hopefully I'll have a gold badge by then ;) (Probably not)
At 11/29/06 02:24 PM, LittleWashu wrote: I have terrible news news. Elite guard Major general Littlewashu went to the cursed springs and got cursed. Afterward she was turned into a duck and cooked by hungry amazons. Lucky for everyone Elite guard Liutenant general Littlewashu was born from from the ashes of that death and will ready for duty.
#1: Umm, yeah.... good story there...
#2: Anyways, Happy 1st Birthday EGB! I'm such a noob. lol!
Happy birthday Elite Guard Barracks!
You know I don't think I would have ever became a review mod if it wasn't for this club because I was about to stop going to the forums for good but I found this place and because of this place I didn't stop coming to the forums. Then I went to help post abusive reviews and get them flagged which made me a review mod! Thank you Elite Guards and thank you Eagle for making this club!
Happy Borthday Elite Guard Barracks. Even though I haven't been here long, it's still good to see a fine place like this see it's first birthday. I hope we have many more.
I haven't been around much because I have been busy with redoing my Forum and getting my site ready. Hope you guys aren't mad.
I have nothing more to say but wait for Peter, I've said everything I needed in my little speech. Still I’m glad to be here for such a historical day and I wish more members from past times could be here today.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 11/29/06 02:24 PM, LittleWashu wrote: I have terrible news news. Elite guard Major general Littlewashu went to the cursed springs and got cursed. Afterward she was turned into a duck and cooked by hungry amazons. Lucky for everyone Elite guard Liutenant general Littlewashu was born from from the ashes of that death and will ready for duty.
Congratulations on EG Lieutenant General! Looks good in your profile!
Would look better in mine.
Returns to the stippers, the booze, and the cake!! :D
Heh, it's only been a year? Feels like the EGB has been around forever. It's the first club/crew I've ever joined in exactly a year ago today, I remember how close it was to being locked in it's first few days.. =P
But yeah many great times and lots of early members leaving a new ones joining, quite a large handful of elite guard supreme commanders were/are members as they gained point after point, rank after rank until they finally made it. =)
From building guns, BOO!, seperate forums, arguing with DoD, secret episodes, Slash's crazy b/ping, ADT's rosters, fake girlfriend's, Clock Day, Phantom taking leadership, to a full year.
Happy 1st B-day Barracks!
membership update 4-8 hours from now.
Oh and phantom you said that EagleRock might go online today?
So will he be online then?
Is someone gonna update the member list soon? or was it already updated?
I know that Eagle does not want us to paste a picture with a two lines post. But I just want to say: "Happy B-Day, EGB!" :D
At 11/29/06 01:03 PM, Phantom wrote: Damn Peter, where the hell is he? Any way, I'm glad most of you could turn up for the birthday. It's been a good year and I hope that in 365 days more we will all meet here again.
Yea, it would be if nice if Eagle shows up and gives us an anniversary speech. I am not saying that Phantom did not have a good speech, but as the original EGB founder, Eagle should be the one who gives us the speech. Damn, I miss him... :'(
Barracks Roster update - Nov 29th, 06.
Note: beside the 'gain per day' is either a +, = or - sign. The "+" means their daily average has imptoved since last update. The "=" means they tied their average from last update. Lastly the "-" means they gained less then the previous update.
ADT is now numero uno. =O
Top 5 gainers:
1) 1021 - pepeatumi
2) 1011 - pwroftheseagoat
3) 1010 - Donthurtme
4) 0825 - LittleWashu
5) 0822 - Phantom
yay less grey text. =)
Rank // B/S // Gain // Gain/day // Name
01 // 43,977 // 0656 // 72.8+ // ADT
02 // 43,964 // 0444 // 49.3- // BlueHippo
03 // 42,068 // 0594 // 66.0- // Tantera
04 // 41,151 // 0822 // 91.3+ // Phantom
05 // 34,667 // 0792 // 88.0+ // Major-punk
06 // 34,299 // 1021 // 113.4- // pepeatumi
07 // 30,871 // 0000 // 00.0= // EagleRock
08 // 30,157 // 0001 // 00.1- // SlashFirestorm
09 // 27,991 // 0517 // 57.4- // Seamonky
10 // 23,530 // 0825 // 91.6+ // LittleWashu
11 // 22,956 // 0320 // 35.5- // Dream-of-Duke
12 // 18,723 // 0759 // 84.3- // Hemlok
13 // 18,391 // 1010 // 112.2+ // Donthurtme
14 // 18,201 // 0814 // 90.4+ // dave
15 // 15,856 // 0654 // 72.6+ // MadCow
16 // 14,784 // 1011 // 112.3+ // pwroftheseagoat
17 // 13,647 // 0278 // 30.8+ // Casualty
18 // 12,082 // 0383 // 42.5= // FrankTheHedgehog
19 // 11,904 // 0615 // 68.3+ // ElMaster
20 // 11,599 // 0606 // 67.3+ // arianna1
21 // 07,394 // 0000 // 00.0- // HoboPorn
22 // 06,801 // 0312 // 34.6+ // ever-vigilant
23 // 05,994 // 0150 // 16.6+ // Peregrinus
24 // 05,487 // 0000 // 00.0- // KungFuCow
25 // 04,932 // 114 // 12.6- // Sixers1fan
26 // 04,012 // 0149 // 16.5+ // Tukeybean
27 // 03,228 // 114 // 12.6- // dawin4529
28 // 02,820 // 0250 // 27.7+ // Dela
29 // 02,556 // new! // new. // Black-Flame
30 // 02,061 // back! // new= // homer8722
31 // 01,926 // new! // new. // WalksWithGrizzlies
32 // 01,916 // 0043 // 04.7- // generalmario
33 // 01,796 // 0049 // 05.4- // DarkSoldier
34 // 01,671 // New! // new. // OtakuAI
35 // 01,665 // new! // new. // ILoveToYiff
hey pepeatumi, slow down a little k?
At 11/29/06 09:40 PM, Major-punk wrote: Barracks Roster update - Nov 29th, 06.
Thanks for the update Major-Punk its well aprreciated.
ADT is now numero uno. =O
Big congrats go out to ADT for that.
Top 5 gainers:
1) 1021 - pepeatumi
2) 1011 - pwroftheseagoat
This was a bit too close for my tastes, but I'll take it anyways.
hey pepeatumi, slow down a little k?
I'll think about it... But I probably won't slow down, maybe you should speed up.
Once again thanks for the update MajorPunk.
At 11/29/06 09:40 PM, Major-punk wrote: Barracks Roster update - Nov 29th, 06.
Rank // B/S // Gain // Gain/day // Name
23 // 05,994 // 0150 // 16.6+ // Peregrinus
I love how I still make the list even though I'm on break from the EGB.
What's funny though is that I've been B/Ping more since I left the Barracks. Actually, I just ranked up to Master Sergeant...
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 11/29/06 09:47 PM, pepeatumi wrote:At 11/29/06 09:40 PM, Major-punk wrote: Barracks Roster update - Nov 29th, 06.Thanks for the update Major-Punk its well aprreciated.
Thanks for the update!
ADT is now numero uno. =OBig congrats go out to ADT for that.
This was a bit too close for my tastes, but I'll take it anyways.
Top 5 gainers:
1) 1021 - pepeatumi
2) 1011 - pwroftheseagoat
hey pepeatumi, slow down a little k?I'll think about it... But I probably won't slow down, maybe you should speed up.
Once again thanks for the update MajorPunk.
I'm only human so second is fine with me. Who knows maybe my wife will be twice as fast! I've got about a week before I leave so I'm on track for my goal of LtCol before I go but I'm cutting it pretty close.
At 11/29/06 09:40 PM, Major-punk wrote: Barracks Roster update - Nov 29th, 06.
Note: beside the 'gain per day' is either a +, = or - sign. The "+" means their daily average has imptoved since last update. The "=" means they tied their average from last update. Lastly the "-" means they gained less then the previous update.
ADT is now numero uno. =O
congratsTop 5 gainers:
1) 1021 - pepeatumi
2) 1011 - pwroftheseagoat
3) 1010 - Donthurtme
4) 0825 - LittleWashu
5) 0822 - Phantom
Wow I didn't think i would be real high up on this listlet alone in the top 5 gainers of thr EGB. though the point gaps between most of us are very small with the exception of me and Donthurtme. Congrats to everyone else who made the list as well.
Hey everyone!
Thought I'd stop by and say hi...
Anything interesting going on?
At 11/29/06 10:42 PM, EagleRock wrote: Hey everyone!
Why hello there...
Anything interesting going on?
I left a while back...
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 11/29/06 10:43 PM, Peregrinus wrote:At 11/29/06 10:42 PM, EagleRock wrote: Anything interesting going on?I left a while back...
OH! I KNEW that I forgot something...something's been nagging me like I should have known this for a full year or some crap like that...it MUST have been that you left for a while.
At 11/29/06 10:42 PM, EagleRock wrote: Hey everyone!
Thought I'd stop by and say hi...
Anything interesting going on?
Yay you did make it in time to celebrate the anniversery. Could you give up a speech oh great founder who made my second thread on NG.
Sorry but no matter what the Abuse review thread is my first home on NG
At 11/29/06 10:42 PM, EagleRock wrote: Hey everyone!
Thought I'd stop by and say hi...
Anything interesting going on?
Hi. ADT is now the all-time leader in B/P... In the EGB anyways, and there's thing about a one-year nniversary but its not really that important.
So, how's married life treating you?