At 11/27/06 05:54 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 11/27/06 04:54 PM, Hemlok wrote:
Someone's excitied.
No shit...
I had it comeing.
Very nice my friend! I knew you would eventually pass Andersson but I didn't expect it so soon, good job!
Next in sight, Bahamut who once said I'll never get the better of him, and then ADT, the only man to have ever "passed" me in B/P to this very day. Thanks for the congrats.
I'm sure you will get Bahamut in a matter of a few weeks but I bid you luck on passing ADT, he's a speed demon he is!
At 11/27/06 10:33 PM, homer8722 wrote:
I got Private First Class!!! I'm so happy I got out of that Private crap. Now I'm first class biatch. Now I aim for out of the silver ranks and on to the colonel and EGSC
Congratulations! Good luck on making it to your next rank.
At 11/28/06 01:10 AM, ADT wrote:
Well only one day to go until the Elite Guard Barracks is a year old!
We shall celebrate until dawn!
At 11/28/06 02:43 AM, BlueHippo wrote:
congrats on finally passing me ADT :'(
*Starts playing some Simple Plan songs*
Congrats, ADT!
At 11/28/06 02:44 PM, Casualty wrote:
I submitted this about an hour ago. Not even 30 minutes later, I got front page and Mario collection. Looks like Tom liked it. What's next? Daily? I sure hope so.
Very nice Casualty! I'll be sure to play it soon.
At 11/28/06 05:02 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Lookie what else I found:
It's about damn time! Very Nice MP, very nice. I am destined to be on that list one day.
Destined I tell you!