egale do you ever sleep whenever I'm on NG BBS and I see the elite gaurds your useally the last post

egale do you ever sleep whenever I'm on NG BBS and I see the elite gaurds your useally the last post
At 1/7/06 12:08 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: It's our fault entirely... You have not understood our subtle hints... Let me be a little blunter: Leave.
so do you like flame wars? Do you want to fuel rage? Do you realize that saying harsh comebacks leads to COMEBACKS which leads to me not leaving.
let me be a little blunter: Ignore don't Ignite.
At 1/7/06 12:25 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so do you like flame wars? Do you want to fuel rage? Do you realize that saying harsh comebacks leads to COMEBACKS which leads to me not leaving.
SO you really can't take a hint now can you?... Well if you really want me too I'll ignore you... Hey EagleRock, anything new going on?
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to get the other stuff out of the way before I get back to my usual postings, so I can pay due attention to the Barracks members and their posts.
DEFCON Update:
As the Portal is slowing to its usual nighttime activity level, the DEFCON has been decreased from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 4. Expect few flash to go through the Portal until morning, but ever keep diligent of malicious flash that could spring up.
At 1/7/06 12:07 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Day's end report:
126 points. Quite profitable! Today seemed to have an abundance of crappy flash, although there were some good ones as well (such as today's Daily Feature, which made me laugh a lot...and Omega vs Sigma 5 just got submitted).
Not a bad day I would say. I received around 115 today, and should be up for at least another hour or two. My Portal patrol isn't quite done, as I feel the need to provide additional protection.
Might I add that Omega vs. Sigma is absolutely hilarious.
I hope tomorrow, being a weekend, will be equally (or more) profitable! If it goes well, I may be a Sergeant First Class before Monday...^_^
Good luck with that, Staff Sergeant!
At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, -Platinum- wrote: EagleRock, jeez! You're already a fucking Praporschik?! And you're only LV9, too! Do you do nothing except B/P all day? <3
A fucking Praporshchik I am. And I shall let you interpret that statement as objectively or suggestively as you want, Sergeant.
And no, I don't B/P all day. In fact I spend a lot of time doing other things while protecting the Portal on the side. If you wish to know other things I do, I refer you to the above statement.
Pardon my lack of tact, but after today, I am in the mood for some good laughs.
At 1/7/06 12:25 AM, xthesnarfx wrote: egale do you ever sleep whenever I'm on NG BBS and I see the elite gaurds your useally the last post
I usually retire to the bunks at around 0300-0400 hours. I am a late sleeper at that.
At 1/7/06 12:25 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so do you like flame wars? Do you want to fuel rage? Do you realize that saying harsh comebacks leads to COMEBACKS which leads to me not leaving.
let me be a little blunter: Ignore don't Ignite.
Listen. I accepted your apology as the Chief Barracks Officer here. We understand your dislike of the Barracks and accept it. We simply ask you to go your own way and let bygones be bygones. I would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Thank you. I shall now stop posting about it in effort to not fuel the flames as you suggest. Thank you for your cooperation.
At 1/7/06 12:32 AM, EagleRock wrote:At 1/7/06 12:25 AM, xthesnarfx wrote: egale do you ever sleep whenever I'm on NG BBS and I see the elite gaurds your useally the last post
yeah, whenever i come on, guess whos there too? and that's a good thing because he's the co of the barracks. and the co must be a gool example for the rest of us. and this is something that he has done very well.
I usually retire to the bunks at around 0300-0400 hours. I am a late sleeper at that.
@_@ wow. well if only school was out i would be doing the same thing. but sleep is a must have. just curious sir, but how much sleep do you usually get?
Come on you guys, weve gone through 5 pages in one day! and thats not a good thing.
At 1/6/06 11:03 PM, xthesnarfx wrote:hears an idea for BB files swapping. If any flash has the name barney in it we jsut vote 0 as soon as we can cause chances are its gana be swapted
Like SlashFirstorm already said. Its not that simple, and you should be voting on the submission by its quality not its name. = (
At 1/6/06 11:03 PM, manwithcity wrote:Oh and Eagle Rock as you see im getting better. Im trying to join department of defence. I cant wait till im an elite guard . well until then see ya!
I know your talking to EagleRock but im gonna respond anyway. Its great your getting better but you should have waited a little longer before giving us an update on where you stand. Anyway good luck and hopefully you can become a responsible regular one day. = )
At 1/6/06 11:04 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: At 1/6/06 11:01 PM, xthesnarfx wrote: could I work with you guys while my team is logged off or it seems they areYou are welcome at this place, sir! But you need to be at least an Elite Guard Private to be qualitifed. By the way, what do you mean by saying that your team is logged off?
He knows already and hes been here a few times before, which is fine as long as hes responsible with his posts.
xsnarfx ill recommend you to go to portal since thats usually what "work" is around here. :P
At 1/6/06 11:06 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so, basically your a chat crew full of elitist basturds?
no chat clubs allowed
Whos alt are you? and seriously thats uncalled for.
At 1/6/06 11:16 PM, EagleRock wrote:I did read it, sir. I am still unwilling to attack pre-fileswap without Wade's approval. I would consult Supreme Commander nimmer if you with to discuss it more, sir. He is indeed more experienced and could explain it better than me.
That is a good idea, if anyone is confident enough that the flash will be file-swapped they can wait until it does switch to vote on it.
At 1/6/06 11:24 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:Guys, I am very concerned about something. I have seen some ignorant n00bs coming in and insulting our club.
Define n00b? Im sure that word started out to innocently enough to describe a new person but now its used as an insult in too many cases. If you want my vote for Conduct Officer you will want to be more clear on who your refering to like the persons alias. In my opinion that just fueled the fire.
At 1/6/06 11:34 PM, xthesnarfx wrote:does that mean I cany post hear any more.
EagleRock already talked to you but I just want to add that, your making alot of typo's. =' (
At 1/6/06 11:28 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: What in the hell are you talking about?
At 1/6/06 11:34 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:You ignorant ass.
Acting all angry because you can't get in the club means you should stop posting and grow some balls and a higher rank so that people might actually care... but one more post out of you and your balls will be in a little jar
You know, if people would ignore him he wouldnt have anything to reply to.
The greatest thing about users like this, is that they usually leave abusive reviews to flag, but in this case because im convinced hes an alt, now why would someone insult the barracks as an alt?
At 1/6/06 11:40 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: At 1/6/06 11:37 PM, General_Ivan wrote: hmmmm?Also one word posts are frowned upon because of their striking resemblance to spam.
Like 90% of his posts are like that from his post history. I really dont think hes sincere about wanting to join either. Unless he asks specificly we should ignore him.
At 1/6/06 11:52 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:Yea, everyone is welcome to post here and share their ideas about how to defend the portal better with us. But your guys purpose is to spam.
Well said.
At 1/7/06 12:07 AM, SlashFirestorm an attempt to return things to normalcy...
I noticed you didnt contribute to this... dark spot. id rather someone stay out than make it worse.
At 1/7/06 12:22 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: /salut.Sir! If we encounter any more problems with him we know where to find you. Seeing as this was his first warning I hope he takes it seriously... Now back to work every one.
Im still not convinced bringing a mod into this is the best idea. But well just see the long term.
Anyway specific reason why you chose FIGMENTUM?, or was he lurking these forums at the time?
At 1/7/06 12:25 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote:At 1/7/06 12:08 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: It's our fault entirely... You have not understood our subtle hints... Let me be a little blunter: do you like flame wars? Do you want to fuel rage? Do you realize that saying harsh comebacks leads to COMEBACKS which leads to me not leaving.
let me be a little blunter: Ignore don't Ignite.
Sorry to be rude, but can someone come and zip his mouth? He failed to understand the purpose of our club, and his posts have NOTING to do with the club. We have tried to explain to him, but he seems not to understand. I personally have had enough of him posting trash, can you guys find a mod right now and have his mouth zipped for 7 days?
At 1/7/06 12:51 AM, xthesnarfx wrote: he'll jsut keep coming back I bet
no I won't, this will be my last post unless an occasion where something that needs serious blamming comes up
BYE, don't make a post about it, mmkay? People who say "Oh I'm glad he's gone he's a n00b" really that makes me mad and causes MORE yes, you heard me MORE posts and derogatory remarks
bye (again)
To EGP Major_punk. That is my way to define n00b: There is NOTHING to do with b/p and exp points. A person can be an e-n00b even if he is a level 20 user with 20000 b/p points IF he posts immature posts or spam intentionally. Of course, that is my own defination. I was referring the level 2 user who intentionally flamed (insult) our club n00b as he even seems to have problems understanding the purpose of our club despite being told clear by Eagle and Mafia for numberous times.
At 1/7/06 12:30 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Hey EagleRock, anything new going on?
Well, I know today was a hectic day in the Barracks. It was especially hectic for me, keeping up with everything and trying to keep an eye on here, the forums, the website, the Portal, and my personal life.
I also realize some of the problems were my fault. I hope that noone lost respect for me and that they still have confidence in me as Chief Barracks Officer. As I hope I've already make clear, feedback is important to me. I certainly hope I have not changed for the worse in anyone's eyes.
At 1/7/06 12:42 AM, Grizzley wrote: @_@ wow. well if only school was out i would be doing the same thing. but sleep is a must have. just curious sir, but how much sleep do you usually get?
Well, I'm off school and work due to the fact that is in-between semesters. When I do have work, I go in at 10, I can go to bed as late as 2AM, as I can still get around 7 hours of sleep. I am a night owl, though. Late nights are in my blood.
At 1/7/06 12:48 AM, Major_punk wrote: Come on you guys, weve gone through 5 pages in one day! and thats not a good thing.
I agree, sir. It is a problem. Today was a trying day just keeping up with everything.
That is a good idea, if anyone is confident enough that the flash will be file-swapped they can wait until it does switch to vote on it.At 1/6/06 11:16 PM, EagleRock wrote:I did read it, sir. I am still unwilling to attack pre-fileswap without Wade's approval. I would consult Supreme Commander nimmer if you with to discuss it more, sir. He is indeed more experienced and could explain it better than me.
Might I note now that I have not e-mailed Wade about it. I would reserve this for the true advocates of this, as I feel it is the right thing to happen. If Captain Dream_of_Duke or Praporshchik Sekky wish to contact him regarding the matter, I would appreciate it. I would rather someone that is truly behind the cause to e-mail him, as they would be the best to describe it to Wade.
At 1/6/06 11:52 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Yea, everyone is welcome to post here and share their ideas about how to defend the portal better with us. But your guys purpose is to spam.Well said.
I actually missed that one! Quite a gem from the Captain! I'm not trying to fuel the flames or something, I just had to comment on his little gem there. :-)
Anyway specific reason why you chose FIGMENTUM?, or was he lurking these forums at the time?
He was probably just there.
In any rate, I would agree with Praporshchik Major_punk. Let's try to keep the Barracks how it always was, as a constructive environment rather than a volatile one. I would ask Barracks members to use our forums for extra posts which can be addressed outside of the major topics of the Barracks.
At 1/7/06 12:51 AM, xthesnarfx wrote: he'll jsut keep coming back I bet
He does make a good point. Stop instigating him. Let the issue die, already! No more comments about it!
At 1/7/06 12:57 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Stuff about n00bs
You are true in what you say, sir, but I think we should just let the issue die. If you wish to converse about it more, do it in our forums. I'm sure you understand why I say this, sir, as I just want the situation to go away.
EagleRock, my respect toward you goes up day by day due to all the work you have done to the Barracks. There is no need to worry about losing your respect. We will stand by you no matter what happens. For the emailing Wade issue, I fully understand that you are busy. I posted a decent-length post at the Police Headquaters a while ago asking for suggestions on dealing with the BB fileswaps beside emailing Wade. I hope that we will get some brilliant suggestions from them soon. Once again, sir! I hope that you can accept my suggestion on page 50 since it may take a long time to get Wade's reply.
At 1/7/06 01:18 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: EagleRock, my respect toward you goes up day by day due to all the work you have done to the Barracks. There is no need to worry about losing your respect. We will stand by you no matter what happens.
Thank you for your support, sir. I do try my best and hope that everyone sees that.
For the emailing Wade issue, I fully understand that you are busy. I posted a decent-length post at the Police Headquaters a while ago asking for suggestions on dealing with the BB fileswaps beside emailing Wade. I hope that we will get some brilliant suggestions from them soon. Once again, sir! I hope that you can accept my suggestion on page 50 since it may take a long time to get Wade's reply.
Well, I am still reluctant to the ideas as it has ramifications far worse than negative whistle points. Say we do practice the habit of whistleblowing potential fileswaps. If Wade or another admin is against the idea and sees that we are doing it regularly in the Barracks, he may have a problem with us and shut us down. Indeed, it could end up in OUR IP ban, not the Barney Bunch's! Do you see why I am reluctant?
I did not write to Wade partly because I am busy, but that is not the whole reason. I really want you (or Praporshchik Sekky) to do it, as you are the ones that are really behind the idea and could sell it the best. If we are going to contact Wade about it, I want to do it right. I have more confidence in those fully behind the idea doing it rather than me. That being said, I don't think it would be too long to wait for Wade to reply. He does delete Barney Bunch flash within a day, which indicates that he does read his e-mail. Just make sure that you have "Newgrounds Help" or whatever he wants in the submission, as I am sure it will expedite his reading it.
Not much happened lately, except that I whistled a flash. In the afternoon I will continue.
BtW, maybe a noob question, what's the main difference between this and the NGDD?
At 1/7/06 02:51 AM, Domnikathor wrote: BtW, maybe a noob question, what's the main difference between this and the NGDD?
Quite simple really. NG police HQ accepts and works with ranks of Security Guard to Police Captain. We work if all ranks higher. Citizens and safety patrollers are stuck in a no club limbo...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
-Mitsubishi- falling in, sir! I bring with me new intelligence on the current threat to the Portal, the "BB Daily Drew" Project. Here are some posts that I cam across reguarding this current planned attack, as well as my personal interpretation and opinion. All copied posts will be in ITALICS.
-Mitsubishi- Intelligence Report #002
On my rounds this morning, I noticed a little bit more about the BB current plan of Drew Day, as well as the Daily Drew project. It is unfortunate, however, that the two BB sources I have have yet to state exactly WHEN this attack will occur. Here are the posts made some far:
Posted By: PsychoticStar
"Me and the other Barneys came up with the idea of submitting DailyDrews, which are like BB Dailytoons in a way. When we reach 100, we will make Drew Day. Instead of using the date in the title will include the number in it (i.e. DailyDrews #20)."
"Now, we can't just start making these and expect a ton of submissions. I say we make DDs ahead of time and once we get a big enough number, we submit them in organized DailyDrews. People who are not BB members have the option to submit their flashes too. I'm aiming for a time around February or March. If the admins want to add more information to this they can do so."
Posted By: SuicideBarney
"so, we should just start making parts, cause i'm ready to make some pretty decent flash (unless you would like total spam)"
Posted By: BarneyPoop
"Good idea. So we need more than one person to organize these each day"
"People like Soviet, Psychotic, Nazi should organize this..."
"I won't expect EVERY day to have a DD. Because it's kind of a lot of work. So at least once every three days... or two days..".
Posted By: PsychoticStar
"I prefer decent flash but spam is acceptable."
As these posts appear to state, the Barney Bunch is in a state of transition. They want to create decent flashes, however many of them still rely on spam to gain attaintion and recognition. This isn't really much of an update, however it shows that this IS a prevalent threat, since they plan to use Spam as a (with lack of a better word) weapon. As stated earlier, I will keep an eye out for further info.
This is my morning report for January 7th, 2006
At 1/7/06 06:06 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/7/06 02:51 AM, Domnikathor wrote: BtW, maybe a noob question, what's the main difference between this and the NGDD?Quite simple really. NG police HQ accepts and works with ranks of Security Guard to Police Captain. We work if all ranks higher. Citizens and safety patrollers are stuck in a no club limbo...
Ah, sounds quite logic :)
Its good to be elite :D
Quoted for truth.
Oh yeah, I saved a movie today :)
At 1/6/06 10:24 PM, EagleRock wrote: You did read the above line, right? They are not planning on doing this for at least a month. I don't think this affects us quite so severely.
I understand that, sir! However, BB activity has gone up over the past little while. They went fro submitting nothing (or a few flashes here and there) to their old file-swapping ways. Call me paranoid, sir, however I fear that the BB may be rebounding. They are becoming harder to trace as welk. Perhaps I was hasty in requesting a mandatory DEFCON 4 minimum. However, the BB are becoming more (dare I say) intelligent and more cunning. I just don't want to get caught off gaurd, thats all.
At 1/7/06 06:06 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Quite simple really. NG police HQ accepts and works with ranks of Security Guard to Police Captain. We work if all ranks higher. Citizens and safety patrollers are stuck in a no club limbo...
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up! Well handled, sir!
At 1/7/06 08:59 AM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up! Well handled, sir!
It's a life motto of mine, always get to the point. People won't like but they will respect you and go to you for an honest answer, second word of advice, lie all the time, but only to women. They can create questions that honesty will get you killed... I have a book report due like real soon so I might not be as active as I want but I will be checking up so no wild parties without me... Back to work men! *salutes and goes to read dull book*
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, -Platinum- wrote: EagleRock, jeez! You're already a fucking Praporschik?! And you're only LV9, too! Do you do nothing except B/P all day? <3
There are some NGers that seem to just B/P all day long. I don't know how they can manage that. When I'm on NG for at least 10 hours, I do eventually get a little bored of NG.
And four new pages to read through? Jesus, this thread seems to just get more and more active. However, I am late coming to NG today since I woke up at the time I was leaving the house to go shopping, so I was outside until now. I guess four new pages here is to punish me for being lazy.
BTW, I know about another swapped Barney flash and actionscript to make your computer print? Dammit, they are going completely over the top now!
At 1/7/06 06:06 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/7/06 02:51 AM, Domnikathor wrote: BtW, maybe a noob question, what's the main difference between this and the NGDD?Quite simple really. NG police HQ accepts and works with ranks of Security Guard to Police Captain. We work if all ranks higher. Citizens and safety patrollers are stuck in a no club limbo...
he didn't mean the NGPD, he meant the NGDD (the newgrounds departement of defence)
Cry Havoc! Let Loose The Dogs Of War!
At 1/7/06 09:55 AM, the_fallen_one1 wrote: he didn't mean the NGPD, he meant the NGDD (the newgrounds departement of defence)
Ah... My bad, I don't know a thing about the NGDD... I think Bahamut should take this one...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
i see that n00b was handled easily but dosen't know how to take a hint even after a mod told him not to come back but at least he stopped........for now. as for my outburst earlier, i just hate it when people call others hard work crap and just piss all over it. so i'll be seeing y'all and never fill your kegs with tooth paste again because after trying to steal some from the department of defense, lets just say what happens in there stays in there and just say my arm a nd leg just fell off for no reason. after losing some body parts, i fell in the tooth paste and it hurts like a bitch and no one bothered to call for a medic. as for me getting them reattached, hell i don't know but at least i learned one thing, never try to steal a keg from the NGDD or you will lose an arm from a robot pit bull. now i will be heading back to NGPD, Lieutenant out! *salutes*.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.
At 1/7/06 10:11 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/7/06 09:55 AM, the_fallen_one1 wrote: he didn't mean the NGPD, he meant the NGDD (the newgrounds departement of defence)Ah... My bad, I don't know a thing about the NGDD... I think Bahamut should take this one...
i know im not bahamut, but from the first page of the NGDD i got this
the purpose is to defend NG from dumb entries, whistle them, look for entries and clubs that are against the rules etc.
not sure if this is still what they do, but its all i found.
At 1/7/06 11:02 AM, -meh- wrote:At 1/7/06 10:11 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:i know im not bahamut, but from the first page of the NGDD i got thisAt 1/7/06 09:55 AM, the_fallen_one1 wrote: he didn't mean the NGPD, he meant the NGDD (the newgrounds departement of defence)Ah... My bad, I don't know a thing about the NGDD... I think Bahamut should take this one...
the purpose is to defend NG from dumb entries, whistle them, look for entries and clubs that are against the rules etc.
not sure if this is still what they do, but its all i found.
we still do most of that, but i don't think we search for clubs that are against the rules, or at least not a lot.
Cry Havoc! Let Loose The Dogs Of War!
I have found notice that Elite Guard Barracks has been attack by the level 2 n00bs. I may think about the level 2 n00bs are not allow to join this Club only they become an Elite Guard. They will not spam in theis Club ever again. Thank you.
DEFCON Update:
The DEFCON is being raised from DEFCON 4 to DEFCON 3 as per usual daytime activity.
At 1/7/06 02:51 AM, Domnikathor wrote: Not much happened lately, except that I whistled a flash. In the afternoon I will continue.
BtW, maybe a noob question, what's the main difference between this and the NGDD?
NGDD? Are you talking about the NG Department of Defense? Most people have been telling you about the NGPD HQ.
As far as the DoD, I honestly have no clue. I believe a member here is also a member of the DoD and could clue you in.
The main premise of the Barracks and the NGPD HQ is that your acceptance and rank is based on your Newgrounds B/P rank. If you have 1,500 B/P, which qualifies you for Elite Guard Private, you are in. That is how our ranking system works; it is entirely depenent on the Newgrounds system.
The NGPD HQ is the same. The only difference is that they accept all Police Officers (300-1,499 B/P) in their club, as well as Security Guards as trainees. They are indeed tied to us, as their honorable dischargees are our new recruits. In essence, they "pick up" the lower ranks that we don't cover. However, don't let that fool you. As you have seen, many NGPD HQ members post here, as they are our friends as protectors of the Portal.
I hope that clears things up.
At 1/7/06 02:52 AM, Original_SHM wrote: Its good to be elite :D
The Elite Guard Barracks: Where you can almost be sure everyone has a higher rank than you. :-)
At 1/7/06 08:36 AM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: -Mitsubishi- Intelligence Report #002
Thank you, PFC! Your update is a very good one! Though it is really a continuation of report #1, it has given us a lot of good intel that we can use.
As these posts appear to state, the Barney Bunch is in a state of transition. They want to create decent flashes, however many of them still rely on spam to gain attaintion and recognition.
Making decent flash, yes...but for what? Couldn't the decent flash be for a fileswap, PFC? Rather than making a transition, perhaps they are instead getting new disguises to hide under!
This isn't really much of an update, however it shows that this IS a prevalent threat, since they plan to use Spam as a (with lack of a better word) weapon.
Your update is very important, I would daresay much more than your first. If they are making so many new flash, it will be very difficult to track them! This is exactly why I am against attacking pre-fileswap, as they will always try to deceive us. However, let us devise some battle plans.
As stated earlier, I will keep an eye out for further info.
This is my morning report for January 7th, 2006
Your report is duly noted, PFC. Might I add I'm not sure what you would be best suited for, as you've shown competence in both webmastering and your Intel Ops. As you've had experience with both, I would ask you to determine which you like better and keep working on it!
Allow me to comment on further posts, then I shall devise battle strategies:
At 1/7/06 08:59 AM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Perhaps I was hasty in requesting a mandatory DEFCON 4 minimum. However, the BB are becoming more (dare I say) intelligent and more cunning. I just don't want to get caught off gaurd, thats all.
Oh, I fully agree. I think the time is too early to affect the DEFCON, but further Intel Ops are definately necessary. Indeed, your second report proves that more investigation is required into the matter!
At 1/7/06 09:10 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: I have a book report due like real soon so I might not be as active as I want but I will be checking up so no wild parties without me... Back to work men! *salutes and goes to read dull book*
*pauses, then reluctantly replaces the keg in exchange for some milk*
At 1/7/06 09:53 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: There are some NGers that seem to just B/P all day long. I don't know how they can manage that. When I'm on NG for at least 10 hours, I do eventually get a little bored of NG.
I just happen to be by a computer almost all the time. I actually do a lot of stuff throughout the day. I just B/P in between the cracks and usually can catch most of them when I'm awake.
Okay, now onto battle strategy:
I suggest the following actions be taken:
- Further investigation from PFC -Mitsubishi-
- Outlook for Barney Bunch fileswaps (if possible)
- Evaluation of the Barney Bunch's non-fileswapped flash. Please evaluate fairly, as they might be trying to make a turn for the good
- Outlook of any other Barney Bunch rumors
- I think the Mafia and NGPD HQ should be alerted to this. I would ask the Barracks Relations Officer to determine if this is necessary
That is all for now. I must be off again, as I have places to go and people to see. I will be back as soon as possible to evaluate any further intel.
Protect the Portal, soldiers! Hooah!
how do we know that the BB is a whole group. It could be some 12 year old kid with 200 e-mail adderses and 200 accounts so when he gets banned he makes another so NG cant track him
At 1/7/06 12:21 PM, xthesnarfx wrote: how do we know that the BB is a whole group. It could be some 12 year old kid with 200 e-mail adderses and 200 accounts so when he gets banned he makes another so NG cant track him
simple, just ip ban them and if they have more, instead of ban, just ip ban right away.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.