At 1/6/06 11:06 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so, basically your a chat crew full of elitist basturds?
no chat clubs allowed
Who the hell are you? Please stop insulting our club and leave.

At 1/6/06 11:06 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so, basically your a chat crew full of elitist basturds?
no chat clubs allowed
Who the hell are you? Please stop insulting our club and leave.
At 1/6/06 11:02 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Eagle, I hope that you read through my post on the last page already. Facing the BB fileswap attacks, do you have any better suggestions than mine? By the way, everyone is more than welcome to discuss. We will compare all the suggestions and select the best one.
I did read it, sir. I am still unwilling to attack pre-fileswap without Wade's approval. I would consult Supreme Commander nimmer if you with to discuss it more, sir. He is indeed more experienced and could explain it better than me.
At 1/6/06 11:03 PM, xthesnarfx wrote: hears an idea for BB files swapping. If any flash has the name barney in it we jsut vote 0 as soon as we can cause chances are its gana be swapted
No. That puts innocent flash in jeopardy. Indeed, many indicators of potential Barney Bunch flash could be innocent, legitimate authors attempting to sumbit information. Attacking pre-fileswap is indeed dangerous, which is why I am against the idea. Supreme Commander nimmer did open my eyes on the topic, and I suggest you talk to him more about the matter.
At 1/6/06 11:06 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: so, basically your a chat crew full of elitist basturds?
no chat clubs allowed
No. Don't bother posting if you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I already cleared this club with ramagi who didn't give us trouble about it. Don't bother posting in a club if you aren't even willing to determine what it is about.
Guys, I am very concerned about something. I have seen some ignorant n00bs coming in and insulting our club. I person feel that our club's posting quality is so degraded because of those posts. More importantly, there is a chance that some of those n00bs are BB members. I really don't want this high quality to be degraded because of their ignorant posts. So I wonder if we have any mod as our member so that those insulting posts can be deleted.
At 1/6/06 11:24 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Guys, I am very concerned about something. I have seen some ignorant n00bs coming in and insulting our club. I person feel that our club's posting quality is so degraded because of those posts. More importantly, there is a chance that some of those n00bs are BB members. I really don't want this high quality to be degraded because of their ignorant posts. So I wonder if we have any mod as our member so that those insulting posts can be deleted.
What in the hell are you talking about? Of course n00bs are going to flame you for being so level loving and completely rejecting them for not being an "elite guard." So do us all a favor and let this topic die, all you do is act like soldiers and put down n00bs for not being elite guards.
At 1/6/06 11:24 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Guys, I am very concerned about something. I have seen some ignorant n00bs coming in and insulting our club. I person feel that our club's posting quality is so degraded because of those posts. More importantly, there is a chance that some of those n00bs are BB members. I really don't want this high quality to be degraded because of their ignorant posts. So I wonder if we have any mod as our member so that those insulting posts can be deleted.
I agree with you, sir. However, I imagine that we can just leave be for now. If the problems continue, I am sure that our Barracks Relations Officer, Second Lieutenant Ghost_Phantom, can resolve the issue. Indeed, the NG Mafia has had similar problems, and they have been able to consult moderators to solve the problem. I appreciate your concern, and will ask the Second Lieutenant to use his contacts if necessary.
At 1/6/06 11:28 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: What in the hell are you talking about? Of course n00bs are going to flame you for being so level loving and completely rejecting them for not being an "elite guard." So do us all a favor and let this topic die, all you do is act like soldiers and put down n00bs for not being elite guards.
So far, you're the first.
The fact is this club is for those that are protectors of the Portal and have made it into the Elite Guard. There is another club for police officers who accepts almost everyone. If you don't care about the Portal nor the Elite Guard, then DO NOT POST HERE.
This is a group of people with a like interest. If you do not like it, go post somewhere else.
Listen, you level 2 n00b, the club was a much better place and all the posts had high quality. I was not putting you down, but all you did was coming in and insulting our club. Why don't you leave for good before I lose my cool?
At 1/6/06 11:28 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: What in the hell are you talking about? Of course n00bs are going to flame you for being so level loving and completely rejecting them for not being an "elite guard." So do us all a favor and let this topic die, all you do is act like soldiers and put down n00bs for not being elite guards.
You ignorant ass. The purpose of this club is to help keep the portal clean from malicious, stolen, unsuitable or just plain bad entries off... Acting all angry because you can't get in the club means you should stop posting and grow some balls and a higher rank so that people might actually care... but one more post out of you and your balls will be in a little jar right next to the mod who will ban you for spamming.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/6/06 11:34 PM, xthesnarfx wrote: does that mean I cany post hear any more.
Oh my god...what is with the confusion? Anyone with vested interest in the Portal can post here! I said that right in the first post! I don't get where everyone is saying that the Barracks is against non-Elite Guards! However, this individual obviously doesn't care about the Portal, so why should he even bother post here! You are an officer of the NGPD and a member of the NGPD HQ. You are our friend and are ALWAYS welcome to post here.
At 1/6/06 11:37 PM, General_Ivan wrote: hmmmm?
General Citizen? Funny... any way if you want to join read the first page. Also one word posts are frowned upon because of their striking resemblance to spam.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/6/06 11:34 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: You ignorant ass. The purpose of this club is to help keep the portal clean from malicious, stolen, unsuitable or just plain bad entries off... Acting all angry because you can't get in the club means you should stop posting and grow some balls and a higher rank so that people might actually care... but one more post out of you and your balls will be in a little jar right next to the mod who will ban you for spamming.
ignorant eh? If you have n00bs your powers will increase en masse, and if you keep them out that causes spam, en masse, so if you think making a club that will only lead to mass voting and unneeded chat then go to some other respective flash site. If you think that being elitist makes you cool or tough or more attention worthy you're wrong, lots of level 1/2/3 users are really influintial, like Crimson_Edge, _Luis_, and -JoS-. so I hope this post makes you think twice about your club. And spamming? I don't think I did that did I? No I didn't, I ranted/flamed against your little club you have.
At 1/6/06 11:40 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/6/06 11:37 PM, General_Ivan wrote: hmmmm?General Citizen? Funny... any way if you want to join read the first page. Also one word posts are frowned upon because of their striking resemblance to spam.
Sorry sir, im sorry ive anger a elite guard please forgive this low life citizen for spaming
At 1/6/06 11:44 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: ignorant eh? If you have n00bs your powers will increase en masse,
You were warned... I guess I'll have to do my job... let that reply button have a couple day rest.
At 1/6/06 11:45 PM, General_Ivan wrote: Sorry sir, im sorry ive anger a elite guard please forgive this low life citizen for spaming
Forgiven, you are free to go civilian. Maybe one day you will return to us as an Elite Guard...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/6/06 11:44 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: If you think that being elitist makes you cool or tough or more attention worthy you're wrong, lots of level 1/2/3 users are really influintial, like Crimson_Edge, _Luis_, and -JoS-.
If you actually read the first post you would know that the requirement to enter the club is bassed on B/P rank, not level. So, why don't you shut the hell up until you know what your talking about.
At 1/6/06 11:44 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: If you think that being elitist makes you cool or tough or more attention worthy you're wrong, lots of level 1/2/3 users are really influintial, like Crimson_Edge, _Luis_, and -JoS-.
This has nothing to do with being elitist. As far as I've checked, you haven't blammed or protected a single entry on the Portal. How is that influential? Also, in case you didn't notice, this club is about protecting the Portal, which is something that you are obviously not interested in. So, why do you even care?
so I hope this post makes you think twice about your club.
Not in the slightest. Thank you.
At 1/6/06 11:45 PM, General_Ivan wrote: Sorry sir, im sorry ive anger a elite guard please forgive this low life citizen for spamingForgiven, you are free to go civilian. Maybe one day you will return to us as an Elite Guard...
Thank you sir i wont let you down
How did you spammy n00bs get in? EagleRock and Mafia have explained clearly to you guys. Yea, everyone is welcome to post here and share their ideas about how to defend the portal better with us. But if you guys purpose is to spam. Please leave and do not return.
At 1/6/06 11:52 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: How did you spammy n00bs get in? EagleRock and Mafia have explained clearly to you guys.
Is Mafia my new nickname? Could be fun I guess… Thanks for the interesting nickname.
A mod has been called to deal with spammer and the general has learned his lesson so no need to throw a tantrum fellow Dream_of_duke...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/6/06 11:52 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: How did you spammy n00bs get in? EagleRock and Mafia have explained clearly to you guys. Yea, everyone is welcome to post here and share their ideas about how to defend the portal better with us. But if you guys purpose is to spam. Please leave and do not return.
Well I didn't exactly read through more than 3 pages, since your posts are sort of long, so sorry, but with people like BB why don't you send them crap like e-mails that lead to viruses or malicious pop-ups, send them pictures of penises and send them our own great type of flash invention, I call it xx--TOM FULP PORNO PARTY--xx. And you can do all sorts of things to start war, since you're high levels you could influence more people to protect newgrounds while the BB is fucking owned by a huge nuke full of ambush and viral disease
I'm givin it all I got captain, so I guess if you forgive me I'll join.
At 1/6/06 11:28 PM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: What in the hell are you talking about? Of course n00bs are going to flame you for being so level loving and completely rejecting them for not being an "elite guard." So do us all a favor and let this topic die, all you do is act like soldiers and put down n00bs for not being elite guards.
just shut up and get the hell out, got a problem with the blammers? who gives a fuck and stop whining you dumbass, fuck with the elite guard then you may as well wake up in a dark room tied to a chair with me holding a chainsaw, so if you come back, it ain't gonna be good.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.
At 1/6/06 11:58 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: just shut up and get the hell out, got a problem with the blammers? who gives a fuck and stop whining you dumbass, fuck with the elite guard then you may as well wake up in a dark room tied to a chair with me holding a chainsaw, so if you come back, it ain't gonna be good.
wow, right after I apoligized too. :(. so you think that big B/P will help? nobody takes the liberty to check a profile and say that hes high in B/P so I'm gonna follow him. If you have very high post count and are a forum regular then you will influence more people, but making a club like this is sort of overdone you know? an attempt to return things to normalcy...
Day's end report:
126 points. Quite profitable! Today seemed to have an abundance of crappy flash, although there were some good ones as well (such as today's Daily Feature, which made me laugh a lot...and Omega vs Sigma 5 just got submitted). I hope tomorrow, being a weekend, will be equally (or more) profitable! If it goes well, I may be a Sergeant First Class before Monday...^_^
Due to the number of malicious flash today, I'll stay on the portal for several more hours. I may not be here Sunday night...damn friends and their insisting I have a life (whatever THAT is), but I'll be here during peak hours so it'll all be okay.
I'm headed back out. Good hunting everyone! :salutes:
At 1/6/06 11:58 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: just shut up and get the hell out, got a problem with the blammers?
Junior... SIT! You are not yet qualified to deal with this person… Leave it to the big boys…
At 1/7/06 12:03 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: wow, right after I apoligized too.
It's our fault entirely... You have not understood our subtle hints... Let me be a little blunter: Leave.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
EagleRock, jeez! You're already a fucking Praporschik?! And you're only LV9, too! Do you do nothing except B/P all day? <3
At 1/7/06 12:03 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: blah blah I hate you guys.
You may not think much of The Elite Guard Barracks, but that doesn't mean you can come in here and continually give them a hard time. Clubs are for people who share similar interests, if these people are interested in high stats or managing the Portal, what's it to you? It is not your place to decide what clubs are and are not allowed. Let the people be who they are, your trolling is neither needed nor wanted. If you continue to harrass this club I'm going to have to try alternate ways of getting the message across.
Some of you classified teh_ecks_bawks_hater's posts here as spam. While I'm completely open to varied interpretations of the word, I personally can't see how his/her posts constituted worthless excrement. As far as I can tell simple disdain and disagreement has been expressed. It's something very minor, but I just thought I'd mention it.
As you were soldiers.
At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:At 1/7/06 12:03 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: blah blah I hate you guys.lots of things against me
Jesus Christ! I give them an apology and NOONE FECKING NOTICES. Seriously, why do you have to be pricks AFTER I apologize? Lets find me an example.....thinking...... Sarai! Sarai made a huge goddamn essay dissing almost half the planet, and then made it up by saying "just kidding" so I give you a four line essay on why I'm sorry and make a continuation on it thats 5 lines as of now and she gets off with two words? I realize that this is off topic but it's just an example, if somebody posts crap against me about me having a invalid example or being off topic, then they are official ignorant retards. SORRY
is that enough?
At 1/6/06 11:58 PM, Mutant_Busterjr wrote: just shut up and get the hell out, got a problem with the blammers? who gives a fuck and stop whining you dumbass, fuck with the elite guard then you may as well wake up in a dark room tied to a chair with me holding a chainsaw, so if you come back, it ain't gonna be good.
Now now, Police Lieutenant. No need to get so rash over a disgreement.
At 1/7/06 12:03 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: wow, right after I apoligized too. :(.
Well, I think your entrance here did kind of give you a bad vibe with everyone here, no offense.
so you think that big B/P will help? nobody takes the liberty to check a profile and say that hes high in B/P so I'm gonna follow him. If you have very high post count and are a forum regular then you will influence more people, but making a club like this is sort of overdone you know?
Well, I would tend to disagree. Sure, I realize that B/P isn't everything, nor is rank. Hell, I'm only level 9, so by all rights I'm technically still a n00b. This isn't about elitism like you claim, it is just a place where Elite Guards can congregate and be Elite Guards. It has nothing to do with excusion. Surely you see that there are non Elite Guards that post here because they aspire to become one and have a vested interest in protecting the Portal. I hope now you realise this club is not about exclusivity. If that were the case, I would have said it right on the first post. Instead, we welcome all to post here. However, since it IS the Elite Guard Barracks, we reserve membership to only those with that title. We do, on the other hand, give those support and motivation to achieve such a rank in return.
At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Let the people be who they are, your trolling is neither needed nor wanted. If you continue to harrass this club I'm going to have to try alternate ways of getting the message across.
Thank you greatly for your support, sir.
Some of you classified teh_ecks_bawks_hater's posts here as spam. While I'm completely open to varied interpretations of the word, I personally can't see how his/her posts constituted worthless excrement. As far as I can tell simple disdain and disagreement has been expressed. It's something very minor, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Agreed. "Spam" is a harsh word. His first post were spamlike, but afterwards he did actually post intelligable points, even if they were against the club. However, I can see the situation dying down now, and thank you again for your attention here.
As you were soldiers.
At 1/7/06 12:16 AM, teh_ecks_bawks_hater wrote: Jesus Christ! I give them an apology and NOONE FECKING NOTICES.
I did. Read above. I just didn't post it quick enough. Your apology is accepted. I just ask that you respect our right to have our Barracks and recognize that our special interests are important here. If you disagre with the Barracks, we respect that. We just ask of you to please let us go our way as you go yours. It will make life a lot easier for all of us. Thank you.
At 1/7/06 12:09 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: /salut.
Sir! If we encounter any more problems with him we know where to find you. Seeing as this was his first warning I hope he takes it seriously... Now back to work every one.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.