At 7/16/06 10:58 AM, BRGIAD wrote:
There no honor here, stuff like that is what's wrong with peopel who vote on the portal. It's all about OMG I NEED POINTS!
I can see where you are coming from. Especially from the looks of our last couple pages it does appear that that is all we are about. It can be quite dificult to see the difference between those who wish to help newgrounds and those simply out for points. There are those who want to give movies and games a fair shake though.
I remember a day when there was honor in blamming a movie. Then they put in the current system it tunred it into a I need to get points.
As I said, there still is for some. I still take pride in reading an obituary for a lessthan par entry. It is good to get the vote.php and know that you were able to destroy somthing somone put no effort into. I get tired of seeing flashes pass that have no right on newgrounds. Once they are here, they are stuck.
The orginal clocks would be sad if they saw what clock days has turned into. I was about show casing your work and showing others how good your work now.
Even in my short time, compared to some, here on newgrounds there has been a definite change in the quality of flash clubs such as the CC. I can remember when they were producing decent flash. I also remember when one of thier flashes would actually get deleted. Now it is all about spam days and crappy entries.
Last year was a farse, it was more about the authors seeing what crap they could get to past judgement ,because of the point hungry voters had to get their points.
A lot of the honor was lost within the individual flash groups. I will admit that the authors were doing what they did because of point hungry veiwers, but they are also at fault for falling to such a level. They were subbmitting flash they knew was crap, but would proably pass due to veiwers greed. How is that any different?
Maybe everyone should take a moment and think before they vote, then maybe stuff like loading movies would actually get blammed and such. Or even the thought oh this is made by so and so, I'm not even goign to watch it I'll give it a 2.
That is the prolem. The new generation of newgrounders are all stuck in a rat race. Just as the rest of the world is. Everyone feels as though they should be number one. No one cares about how things will turn out in the end. The only votes people cast these days are 0's and 5's when things are UJ.
Do not think I do ot understand where you are coming from. I can see that this is a message to be given to all. If everyone is not aware there is less of a chance for everyone to change. I do persoanally hope people will get their senses about them and stop being greedy, but that will probably never happen.