Daily report
Blams: 48
Saves: 40. Good, I want more and more saves.
Total B/P: 88
Saves until 10k: 450
Posts: 13
Reviews: 1. First time I've ever been above exactly 1k and I am sure I will lose another review soon.
At 7/14/06 04:22 PM, -MetalDart- wrote: It's not really something to be proud of. And if my parents saw that, it would goodbye to Newgrounds forever (maybe).
Which is why I try keeping Newgrounds a secret from my mum and dad.
At 7/15/06 03:27 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Great, and I was asleep. Gay time zones.
Heh, why can't the time be all the same everywhere in this world? It would make things a hell lot easier.
At 7/15/06 03:59 AM, DashNCrash wrote: At the rate I'm going, it's going to be a while, before I reach 33,333 b/p. :(
I will be at 33333 quite soon.