To all of the Barracks members,
I congratulate all of us on making it to page 400! Sure, we've had hard times, but we always pull through. Through the hard work of all of you, the values that we have grown to hold are ever stronger. If we keep it up, we will soon propogate the values of a better Portal.
I ask you all to keep at it and enjoy yourselves as usual.
I would, however, ask to keep the celebrations to a minimum. I don't need any more lock threats from angered mods. They do enough around here with the spammers that we get, so I don;t need them getting annoying with the members themselves.
To another 400 pages...HOOAH!
At 6/28/06 11:02 PM, JoKeR_ADT wrote:
I'm lost here when did any of us say to flag it? There are other people out there with whistles you know! Here is an example: Slashfirestorm's flashes where getting flagged for no reason. Now I'm not sure if any of the barracks members took part this but I'm sure that people like Eagle, Phantom, and I did not do this. I simply voted zero on it because... well we all know why.
I checked as well. Barracks members would not flag it anyway. It goes against Portal rules and the values we hold in general. If anyone is blaming us for the flagging, it wasn't us. We believe in a fair vote, and even though Arizona is just a loading screen, it deserves a fair vote and should not be flagged. It isn't breaking any rules, after all.
At 6/28/06 11:11 PM, West_CoastShadow wrote:
Requesting permission to join the Elite Guard Barracks Staff Sergeant Eagle rock I will follow your duties as a private and hope to soon become as good as you. (some day!) do realize you made a gross error about my rank, don't you? I was a Staff Sergeant back around when I started the Barracks...I'm a General now.
As far as your rank goes, as a mere Civilian, you do not qualify for the Barracks. Please read the FAQ that my Relations Officer has made here:
At 6/28/06 11:16 PM, good_guy_o wrote:
Sir, I apologize for posting on the wrong account, sir!
Welcome to the Barracks! Just be sure to read the FAQ above.