Extra points if you can guess what movie this is from...
By the way, I am saying Major General for a reason, so don't take it as a typo.
Major General EagleRock and Major General Ghost_Phantom come into the Elite Guard Barracks after the long fight they had to endure against that Portal perpetrator. Somehow, in the back of their minds, they knew they were dealing with a real hush-hush operation that is bigger then they could have imagined. While they had infiltrated a simple thread on the Clubs and Crews section of the BBS, it was showing signs towards a bigger, deeper-rooted group on Newgrounds, the Star Syndicate. The club appeared as a front, at least to EagleRock and his hunch. Ghost_Phantom was definitely not happy they had to go in there, but EagleRock's zeal got the best of his better judgement. They knew they were supposed to report to General JoKeR_ADT's office immediately. They headed up to the administrative offices and entered JoKeR_ADT's room, greeting him.
Ghost_Phantom: General.
EagleRock: What's up?
JoKeR_ADT (looking out his pane glass wall): ...I still look out there, expecting to see the old faces of the Barracks...XwaynecoltX, Major_punk, TITROTU. Instead, there's a buncha kids whose names I barely remember. We're dinosaurs. Headed for extinction. Making way for the new, improved Elite Guard. Guys with guns and psychology degrees. Like worldfamous.
EagleRock: worldfamous has a psychology degree?
Ghost_Phantom: More like a psycho degree.
JoKeR_ADT: I got nothing against it. Times gotta chance... Hell, I got shot once by an '02er using Windows 98. That's how far back I go.
Ghost_Phantom (after a beat): ...Uh, you wanted us for something, General?
JoKeR_ADT: Yeah. Some things DON'T change. The Barracks lost its insurance carrier. All the damage you to do with your Portal protection, they can't get a new one with you on the streets. Can't fire you, either. So they're promoting you.
EagleRock: Lieutenant General??
JoKeR_ADT: Nope. No open Lieutenant General spots. The Supreme Commander is using his special privilege to make you Generals.
EagleRock and Ghost_Phantom look at each other in disbelief.
EagleRock: So, we're all the same rank now?
JoKeR_ADT: Just until they get the new insurance.
Ghost_Phantom: What the hell are we supposed to do?
EagleRock: What Generals do. Hang out by the coffee, take long lunches, yell stuff like "EagleRock, Ghost_Phantom, get your asses in here! The Supreme Commander's shitting bricks! You got any idea how much it costs to replace an entire Flash collaboration?"
JoKeR_ADT: Just stay off the streets and out of trouble, huh?
EagleRock (after a beat, then salutes): General Ghost_Phantom.
Ghost_Phantom (salutes back): General EagleRock!
EagleRock (to Ghost_Phantom): Thank you, General!
Ghost_Phantom (to EagleRock): Thank you, General!
EagleRock (to JoKeR_ADT): Thank YOU, General!
Ghost_Phantom (to JoKeR_ADT): Thank YOU, General!
JoKeR_ADT (annoyed): Enough with the General shit!
EagleRock (to Ghost_Phantom): After you, General!
Ghost_Phantom (to EagleRock): After you, General!
EagleRock: Oh, General, my General...