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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-27 22:31:25

DEFCON Update:

Apparently the Barney Bunch have subsided, which has lowered the DEFCON from DEFCON 1 to DEFCON 3.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-27 22:57:57

At 12/27/05 09:49 PM, boloneyman wrote: I finally reached my goal of 10,000 B/P points. I don't know if I should relax, or keep going until I rank up.

Relax a bit maybe ease your pace to around 20-25 per day opposed to your current 50+ and then maybe every now and then come out with a 80+ week. Better than burning yourself out or letting NG take over.

Also Congrats on 10,000, Im unsure how long that will take me to reach because im trying to ease up myself but im finding hard to do with all this free time over the Chrismas holidays. Also with EalgeRock consistantly grabbing 100+ days. Its hard to give myself a break :P

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-27 23:37:37

Hello, everyone! Tomorrow I shall be back on the portal, after a three-day break caused by a mixture of the holidays and my internet deciding to betray me! I have a lot to catch up on...(also, my internet caused me to miss a deposit! :grrr!:)
I see it was DEFCON 1 today for a while! I'm sorry to have missed that...hopefully the portal will be active tomorrow, and hopefully my internet will stay operational then, as well! Good night, and good hunting! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 02:27:10

At 12/27/05 09:49 PM, boloneyman wrote: I finally reached my goal of 10,000 B/P points. I don't know if I should relax, or keep going until I rank up.

Congrats, thats a nice number to have, now how long will it take for another 10,000 :-)



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 06:02:20

I saw the B/P 51+ update and I'm glad to have first time appearances on several lists... I hope to make the Barracks proud. Too bad yesterday was a slow day for me... with the average of 118 points a day they gave me... I only got 83 points yesterday...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 06:31:00

Ya this list was great tobad it didnt capture me entering the top 50 b/p's ohwell maybe next week...

Screenie :-)


The Elite Guard Barracks


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 06:40:51

At 12/27/05 06:23 PM, EagleRock wrote: DEFCON Update:

Wow, look what I missed out here. Damn!

At 12/27/05 09:49 PM, boloneyman wrote: I finally reached my goal of 10,000 B/P points. I don't know if I should relax, or keep going until I rank up.

You could relax a little now that you got 10000 B/P, but if you want to get to EGSC, you might not want to relax a little then.

At 12/28/05 06:02 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: I saw the B/P 51+ update and I'm glad to have first time appearances on several lists...

Me too. I managed to make 89 a day,although it could've been over 90 if I wasn't so lazy with getting up in the mornings. Well, to increase my pace on B/P, I better wake up early in the morning and not go to sleep.

At 12/28/05 06:31 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Ya this list was great tobad it didnt capture me entering the top 50 b/p's ohwell maybe next week...

Excellent work, sir!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 08:43:42

At 12/28/05 06:31 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Ya this list was great tobad it didnt capture me entering the top 50 b/p's ohwell maybe next week...

Screenie :-)


congratz on making your way back in the top 50 B/P X

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 12:11:15

I have just noticed something.
I only have 464 B/P until my next rank up.
And my LAST rank up was on the Saturday before last, when I got 22 B/P in the early morning to reach Sergeant. Thus, assuming that i don't gain any more B/P today (likely, since I have to head off for the rest of the day at 1 PM PST), I'll be averaging 46.5 B/P points since I became a Sergeant. At this rate, however, it will take me 1.56 YEARS to reach EGSC. ARGH. > : ( Then again, there's the fact that my B/P per day count will go up very quickly once Summer Vacation arrives, but this 46.5 per day just won't cut it if I want to reach EGSC before college takes over my life.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 15:56:39

DEFCON Update:

The Portal seems rather normal at this point in time, but Barney Bunch flash have been showing up rather repeatedly. Therefore, the DEFCON will remain at DEFCON 3 until further notice.

Fellow soldiers,

I am pleased to announce that my superiors have felt me fit for another promotion, so I shall hereforth be known as Sergeant Major EagleRock! Again, I will use this added power to the best of my ability in the protection of our Portal! Hooah!

I would like to apologize for the sparseness of my posts lately, as I have been involved in many things due to the holiday season. I am even having difficulty maintaining my daily quota, which has been slipping ever-so-slightly. However, I am still ahead of schedule and am doing my best.

I have also lapsed in equipping the armory...do people wish to see more, or were they apathetic about it? I also was planning on trying to develop the game I mentioned earlier, and was thinking of working on that. Any ideas, soldiers?

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 16:04:15

Ahh...apologies for a second post, but I realized that there are other matters to attend to...I noticed Second Lieutenant boloneyman reached a milestone...congratulations!

At 12/27/05 10:57 PM, Major_punk wrote: Also Congrats on 10,000, Im unsure how long that will take me to reach because im trying to ease up myself but im finding hard to do with all this free time over the Chrismas holidays. Also with EalgeRock consistantly grabbing 100+ days. Its hard to give myself a break :P

Hard to give yourself a break, sir? Because of ME? But why??? :-)

I'd also like to extend congratulation to General XwaynecoltX to make it into the top 50! It must be nice to know that there are less than 50 Elite Guards that have higher rank than you, sir!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 16:09:31

At 12/28/05 03:56 PM, EagleRock wrote: I am pleased to announce that my superiors have felt me fit for another promotion, so I shall hereforth be known as Sergeant Major EagleRock! Again, I will use this added power to the best of my ability in the protection of our Portal! Hooah!

Very good work Sergeant Major. If I don't look out you may just beat me...

I would like to apologize for the sparseness of my posts lately, as I have been involved in many things due to the holiday season. I am even having difficulty maintaining my daily quota, which has been slipping ever-so-slightly. However, I am still ahead of schedule and am doing my best.

Same thing with me... Having some problems with the daily quota but I made some first time appearances on the B/P rank up 51+ thread.

I have also lapsed in equipping the armory...do people wish to see more, or were they apathetic about it? I also was planning on trying to develop the game I mentioned earlier, and was thinking of working on that. Any ideas, soldiers?

Em... How to put this gently? Work on the game, ditch the guns. The guns were just a fad for a short while... it was fun while it lasted... and I would like to a better B/P game I saw one but it felt clunky as I reached the Elite Guards level and was based on the space theme... I sure hope you do better. Good luck Sir! *Salute* (haven’t done that in a while…)

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 16:19:28

EGFL Dream_of_Duke reports for duty, sir! I am inching close to EGC. According to my pace now, I can get it in 3-4 days. :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 16:42:59

At 12/28/05 06:31 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Ya this list was great tobad it didnt capture me entering the top 50 b/p's ohwell maybe next week...

Screenie :-)


Whew,alot changed since I've been gone..

I fell back a level..and all.

Congrats on making to the top 50 bp list..

So how are things going for you,X?

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 17:20:12

At 12/26/05 04:15 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
The portal is slow today. :( By the way, I am dying for the b/p 51+ update, sir!

; At 12/27/05 06:04 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:

Wow, a massive BB attack! Let's blam them all, lol!
At 12/27/05 06:52 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
Great news, sir! I have voted 0 on all the BB craps, they will rest in peace very soon. :)
At 12/28/05 04:19 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
EGFL Dream_of_Duke reports for duty, sir! I am inching close to EGC. According to my pace now, I can get it in 3-4 days. :)


First Lieutenant Dream_of_Duke ,
As of late your posts have become very spammy and havent contributed to anything. Dont let this become a habit.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 17:42:38

At 12/28/05 05:20 PM, Major_punk wrote: Comments about me spamming and not contributing.

What do you mean, Major_punk? Since when have I become a spammer? I would get my ass banned if I spam. Did you also say that I did not contribute to the barracks? Are you kidding me? I gained more than 89 b/p points per day in the past week. If you check -absentminded-'s b/p 51+ update list, you will see that I am one of the most active users. If you have any problem with me, tell me. You don't have to deny my contribution to the place. Yes, I made a few short comments lately. But that's because I don't have too much to say. I mean, I protect the portal and it is my job as an Elite Guard. You also do make short comments, how will you feel when I say that you are a spammer who has not contributed to the barracks despite you gain 100+ points per day? So here is the bottom line: what you said hurt my feelings and I need you to apologize to me. Or I can grantee you that you will not get my respect that I used to give you.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 18:55:27

First off, congratulations on your advancement in the ranks, Sergeant Major EagleRock! I hope to have a promotion of my own before the year is out...those three days of shoddy internet really slowed me down, but I can recover if I work hard enough!
Today has been kind to me so far...I've netting about 70 points so far, and there is a small backlog of Under Judgement flashes as well, which means I'll be netting a decent addition as they clear judgement (or are blammed...). I should have no trouble getting 100 before the next NG day.
Ah, it's nice to be back. My internet is still spotty, and for some reason my computer is about three times slower than usual, but it is great to roam the portal once again. A few Barney Bunch flashes came through earlier, but it wasn't too bad. On the subject, I heard that -Dreg- got his account briefly hacked? If that is so, I feel sorry for him. It'd be horrible to have a few obviously BB-created reviews clutter up your history...do any of you know if NG passwords are case-sensitive? I'd like to add a little extra protection to my account if I could, lol.
Well, I'm headed back to the portal! Keep up the good work, superiors and subordinates! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 19:17:42

At 12/28/05 04:42 PM, NewgroundsSPG wrote: So how are things going for you,X?

OH MA GOD i never thought i would see the day haha how ya doing old general you hehe, not much just a gazillion points later same place and same channel how is life on the eastcoast??



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 20:10:18

At 12/28/05 05:42 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
What do you mean, Major_punk? Since when have I become a spammer?

I mean in the last few days your posts have been used just for the sake of posting. They have been short posts that state the obvious.

Did you also say that I did not contribute to the barracks? Are you kidding me? I gained more than 89 b/p points per day in the past week. If you check -absentminded-'s b/p 51+ update list, you will see that I am one of the most active users.

I dont mean how much b/p points youve gained recently, you've misread my post I mean your posts havent been contributing to conversation. Im bringing this to your attention because clubs like the NG Army have been locked because one sentence posts like "reporting for duty" or "the portal is slow today".

You don't have to deny my contribution to the place. Yes, I made a few short comments lately. But that's because I don't have too much to say.

Thats why I brought this to your attention, if you dont have much to say or then why post it right away?

You also do make short comments, how will you feel when I say that you are a spammer who has not contributed to the barracks despite you gain 100+ points per day?

I really wish I remembered the word to describe this, but what your pretty much saying is if you dont like my action figure ..... then I dont like your action figure

So here is the bottom line: what you said hurt my feelings and I need you to apologize to me.

Will an apology really make you feel better?
Im sorry, I hurt your feelings it wasnt my intent I wanted to bring to your attention that other clubs/crews have been locked for reasons that include short posts. We were even given a "tip" by a ( in my opinion ) respected NG user on page 35 Not to just make posts saying "reporting in sir" and short posts that are off topic...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 20:10:31

stolen entry. get it while you can

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 20:35:00

At 12/28/05 04:09 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Very good work Sergeant Major. If I don't look out you may just beat me...

Surely it'd be hard, sir. A respectful warrant officer with such a pace as yourself would be a hard target to hit. However, I am more interested in earning the final rank of Supreme Commander, as we are indeed a brotherhood (and sisterhood for you female Guards out there) with a common goal of protecting the Portal. Surely it'd be nice to make Supreme Commander soon after you, sir!

Em... How to put this gently? Work on the game, ditch the guns. The guns were just a fad for a short while... it was fun while it lasted... and I would like to a better B/P game I saw one but it felt clunky as I reached the Elite Guards level and was based on the space theme... I sure hope you do better. Good luck Sir! *Salute* (haven’t done that in a while…)

Terseness is surely not a crime here, sir. I appreciate your honesty and will concentrate any time I get to the game I wish to make. I cannot, of course, make any promises or deadlines (I am very green at flash and AS), but I will try, sir!


Also, I'd to make a quick comment about First Lieutenant Dream_of_Duke and Praporshchik Major_punk if I may:

Respectfully, First Lieutenant Dream_of_Duke, sir, I would like to say that while Praporshchik Major_punk was possibly a bit harsh in his first comment, he did have a point, sir. We were given plenty of warning by a noble Elite Guard here (link in Praporshchik Major_punk's second post) that warned against "reporting in" posts and spam-like posts. Note I am not accusing you of spam, so please do not mistake me, sir. I am concerned about the longevity of the Barracks and do not want a moderator or administrator to accuse us of spam-posting and being a club about nothing. Perhaps you can understand our concern, sir.

Also, I would have to agree with Praporshchik Major_punk that there is a difference betweeen contributing to the Elite Guard as a whole and contributing to the Barracks. Surely your contributions in protecting the Portal are not even questionable, sir. However, posts about reporting in and slow portal days are not ones to post constantly. I would follow Praporshchik's advice and not post when in doubt. Surely you'll notice that I haven't been posting lately, as I do not post unless I know I can make a proper post.

I would surely hope you understand my concern and not take offense to my comments, as that is not my intent. Thank you, sir.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-28 20:45:30

it seems that the star syndicate are making false death declarations again.
look out for more of these.


Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 00:24:53

Day's end report:
126 points! Not bad...it helps me catch up on the points I lost, at least. There were quite a few BB flashes over the course of the day...at least there weren't any fileswaps (that I noticed). It seems that the BB has pretty much stopped with that annoying practice, which means we can get blam points from their crap! Hoo-rah. ^_^

now if only the SS would stop mass-voting...

I'll stay on a bit longer. I need to get a few more points so I'm closer to regaining lost ground. At least that huge 180+ point haul I got on Christmas Eve balances things out a bit. Well, good night to those of you who are turning in, and good hunting to those who fight on into the night! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 02:48:38

Forgive the double post, but I just wanted to let you guys know that a...chopping video...just got whistled. Author's name was john_flint. As usual, an account made just for the prank, but sometimes this crazy guy tries to get a couple re-submits out of his new alias. So anyone still up, keep a look out.
I'm headed back to pick up a few more points (and maybe a few more whistles if this guy tries again). Good hunting, everyone! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 03:03:34

DEFCON Update:

As Sergeant SlashFirestorm mentioned, there was indeed anti-phallic matter on the Portal which was promptly whistled by the likes of myself. As these usually come in bunches, please be extra careful about your Portal duties for a while. The DEFCON is being kept at DEFCON 3 for now, but please note that a slow Portal as this would normally have a DEFCON 4 rating. Therefore, keep diligent for anti-phallic flash and be alert!

Unfortunately, I think I'm too tired to fight anymore on the Portal. Today was a busy day for me, but I was still able to secure around 120 B/P. Slowly but surely I'll regain the extra 100 B/P I almost did before Christmas, which will allow me to finally shift my schedule. I was attempting to make Sergeant Major in 8 days, but ended up with 9. However, this shift will undoubtedly help me achieve Praporshchik in 9 days as well. Oh well, that's enough about me...

Good day on the Portal, fellow soldiers! Keep up the excellent work as usual! Hooah!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 05:35:24

Hello fellow Elite Guards have not been posting lately (at all) Anyway I helped in all the Barney bunch flashes (aka pics with audio) getting blammed a good day for us. I am almost to my next rank where I enter the gold with that name that no one can say (me two) just 18 points away.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 05:38:23

Interesting day it was busy, only 112 for me but strangely it was dead even at 56b's//56p's abit odd...

glad to see the portal at a more of east at the moment it gives me time to take care of other stuff...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 07:17:11

At 12/28/05 08:45 PM, nimmer wrote: it seems that the star syndicate are making false death declarations again.
look out for more of these.

Damn, they're at it again? I guess they didn't choose Knox this time since it would've been too obvious that it was fake if they chose Knox. Meh, they could say other people died. People they don't like such as me. :S

And as of now, I am 92 B/P away from my next rank. I think I can managed to reach it by tonight, but again, I have woken up late. :S

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 07:36:44

At 12/29/05 03:03 AM, EagleRock wrote: DEFCON Update:

heh is it just me is defcon 3 more frequent then defcon 4?

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-29 10:41:27

At 12/29/05 07:36 AM, nimmer wrote: heh is it just me is defcon 3 more frequent then defcon 4?

It probably is because it in the middle of numbers 1 to 5... So it's mot likely to have. On other news I spend some time with my 5 year old cousin today and while it may have taken time from the portal I'm glad I did... I might make up fir it with a late night...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature