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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 03:16:38

here is a closeup:

The Elite Guard Barracks


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 03:18:15

here is a pic of me celebrating, i made a cake an everything!!!!

The Elite Guard Barracks


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 03:20:17

heres a pic of my 2145th blammed movie MAN it sucked!!!!

The Elite Guard Barracks


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 04:04:35

Coop83's Morning Report
Blams: 8,111 (+36)
Saves: 3,555 (+23)
Total: 11,666 (+59)

I love all those triples :)

Points until EG Captain: 834
Predicted rank up date: 15th June 2006

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 05:22:29

At 5/18/06 03:20 AM, F00D wrote: heres a pic of my 2145th blammed movie MAN it sucked!!!!

ROFL, 4 posts in a row. :P ;) F00D, I bet that you hate the rule which says that an user can only post 4 in a row before resting in the thread for 30 minutes. As a matter of fact, the picture was so hot that I had to save it in my document. I was trying to vote 5 but my right hand shaked and I happened to click 0 instead. Accidents like this have cost me from lowing my b/p rate under 1.5. Plus, I am still trying to get 10000 protection posits ASAP. F00D, it is all you fault to post such a hot picture. Because of it, I had to change my wet trousers and lost 1 precious protection points while I was enjoying myself underway. F00D, I hate you. >:(>:(>:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 06:02:42

At 5/17/06 06:11 AM, mr_trivia wrote: 5/17/06 Report - As of 0545 Hours:
Blam/Protect Rank #481 +3 from yesterday
Blams: 3665 +4 from yesterday
Saves: 2128 +2 from yesterday
Next Rank: 207 points until Master Sergeant

5/18/06 Report - As of 0535 Hours:
Blam/Protect Rank #480 +1 from yesterday
Blams: 3667 +2 from yesterday
Saves: 2134 +6 from yesterday
Next Rank: 199 points until Master Sergeant

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 06:24:25

At 5/18/06 03:20 AM, F00D wrote: heres a pic of my 2145th blammed movie MAN it sucked!!!!

And yet, that picture is gonna get you in trobule, I don't like it when people invade and stay here unwelcome, I'll make sure it stops. You have been warned before and I'm tired of not taking measures against you.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 10:47:40

At 5/17/06 05:21 PM, -MetalDart- wrote: Congrats to -Bahamut for Review Crew Pick!

Thanks for the congrats MetalDart! :) Although now some people are accusing me of mass voting. :O Well, no-one gave the flash a low score review before Wednesday.

At 5/17/06 09:10 PM, Major_punk wrote: I promise I will! It'll most likely be blammed at first sight but I'll try. =P
So when is this day?

12th July. :)

congrats on 1k reviews!


At 5/17/06 10:13 PM, harryjarry wrote: I will, tell me when and I will pull off something =P.

12th July.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 12:08:33

I've got lots of stuff to do in the next few days...a lot of housework today, relatives coming over for my brother's graduation, a little rendezvous with a certain lady friend of mine, stuff like that...so if I'm not around as much in the next few days, that's why. I'll TRY to get at least a couple runs at the portal whenever I get a breather, but I doubt I'll get more than a couple dozen points a day for the next day or two.
I'm sure Ghost_Phantom or Eagle can handle any new recruits that might apply. I'll do background checks and the like when I get a moment.

So yeah, everyone, just keep doing what you're doing...Slash will be active again soon enough...


Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 12:22:03

At 5/18/06 12:08 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: So yeah, everyone, just keep doing what you're doing...Slash will be active again soon enough...

Good luck with that, I'll handle new people while your away, to see you make a dozen points a day would make my eyes bleed but if you must...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 16:25:34

At 5/18/06 12:08 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:

Well, we'll see you in a few days then. Hope you have fun and hope you'll be back for Secret Episode Day and Lock Day!

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 18:27:19

At 5/18/06 10:47 AM, Bahamut- wrote: 12th July.

Okay, that gives me a lot of time, well more than I got for Afro_Stud =P.

I made Afro_Stud's Birthday! In like 2 days, But now that I think about it, it might have been 1 because I couldnt think of anythign good the day before =/.

I will start working on it sometime later =P, I get to make a flash for my school though. And the great thing is that it doesnt have to be anything strictly educational I dont even think I have to have one educational thing in it.

So I will be working on that until I think wednesday is when we all get to watch it in class =).

A civil war All your base came to mind for a bit >_>.

Hit 19,000+ B/P a bit ago and a couple days ago I got 6,000+ saves =P.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 19:28:35

Hey! Just letting you guys know that I took your advice and added Ebaum to my sig. He appears at the end, but I hope you guys like. :D

Comments appreciated

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 20:44:41

At 5/18/06 07:28 PM, -MetalDart- wrote: Hey! Just letting you guys know that I took your advice and added Ebaum to my sig. He appears at the end, but I hope you guys like. :D

are you sure you did? i cant see anything about ebaum in your sig right now. but i could be missing something.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 20:54:03

At 5/18/06 08:44 PM, face_on_fire wrote:
At 5/18/06 07:28 PM, -MetalDart- wrote: Hey! Just letting you guys know that I took your advice and added Ebaum to my sig. He appears at the end, but I hope you guys like. :D
are you sure you did? i cant see anything about ebaum in your sig right now. but i could be missing something.

If you can't see it then refresh the page and it should show I saw it and I think it's perfect for him.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 21:07:00

Hey, could someone make one of those sigs displaying your Elite Guard ranks for me?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 21:23:48

At 5/18/06 08:54 PM, JoKeR_ADT wrote: If you can't see it then refresh the page and it should show I saw it and I think it's perfect for him.

yea i tried refreshing it several times before, but i just did again and its all straight. it most definitely is perfect for ebaum. great addition.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 21:40:11

At 5/18/06 05:22 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: F00D, I hate you. >:(>:(>:(

lmfao. now there's a man with a sense of humor!

At 5/18/06 06:24 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: And yet, that picture is gonna get you in trobule, I don't like it when people invade and stay here unwelcome, I'll make sure it stops. You have been warned before and I'm tired of not taking measures against you.

and there's a man without a sense of humor

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 21:48:44

Holy shit...

it's been a SLOW fuckin week.... only about 100 points total since sunday....

well, I'm back in the fray! >:U!!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 22:38:11

I am lost...even now, IT is installing. IT, will suck up all my free time. IT will take away my life. IT, will yank me away from ng. Through peer pressure, IT will take the controls of my life. I am about to emerse myself,... in the world of warcraft...


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 22:44:34

At 5/18/06 10:38 PM, ElectricMoose wrote: I am lost...even now, IT is installing. IT, will suck up all my free time. IT will take away my life. IT, will yank me away from ng. Through peer pressure, IT will take the controls of my life. I am about to emerse myself,... in the world of warcraft...

watch out dude. that stuff can get addicting. i know some kids who literally dont sleep some nights just to level up before school in that game. i dont play, but i tried it out at a friends house and i can see why anyone would get hooked quick. you better not get too involved. wow can get pretty bad.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 22:47:37

I'll try, but i have a feeling i will be unable to stop once i start playing. Oh well...I will fight it!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 22:50:32

At 5/18/06 10:47 PM, ElectricMoose wrote: I'll try, but i have a feeling i will be unable to stop once i start playing. Oh well...I will fight it!

Just consider yourself lucky because its not Oblivion you're installing now that's an addicting game.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 22:52:49

At 5/17/06 09:58 PM, Warhammer_40K wrote:
Where you find the courage to summon such a task

I really had no other choice, his parents took his younger brother to some overnight tournament so I just crashed there for the nights. Got a couple days off school too. ^_~

At 5/17/06 10:13 PM, harryjarry wrote:
Still 40 deposits away eh?


Haha, hey guys guess what? I call that award >=(.

Heh, I totally forgot about you and you still have plenty of time left. The end is near.

Meh, if NG wasnt down for however much yesterday I could have been a bit closer =P. Made it somewhat closer though =).

Nobody missed any b/p points while the server was down. Since nobody could vote on UJ submissions or upload any new ones so I have no idea where people are getting the idea they missed out. It's like time froze or something...

Award? You mean Bahamut right? =P

I thought you might of won Underdog. =|

Accept plz.

Awesome thanks, now I have a BA.

My alarm clock goes of in the morning so I can wake up earlier but I always wake up turn it off then like fall back to sleep immediately >=(.

I tried that but quit it early. I'm not as motivated to b/p in the morning for some reason.

Makes me wonder how many people set their alarm clock in the middle of the night for some quick b/ping...

At 5/18/06 10:47 AM, Bahamut- wrote:
12th July. :)

Plenty of time to put something together. ^_^

At 5/18/06 10:38 PM, ElectricMoose wrote:
I am about to emerse myself,... in the world of warcraft...

A good friend of mine dropped out of school mainly because of that game, see he would constantly stay up well past midnight just playing it and would lose track of the time. Eventually he simply started to fail at school and later quit.

Just don't turn your life upside down because of it, k?


Oh and one last thing.

The Elite Guard Barracks

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 23:13:42

Another member of the EGB reaches the leaf badges.. Nice!

Congrats to Major_punk on his promotion/

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-18 23:14:50

At 5/18/06 10:52 PM, Major_punk wrote:
Oh and one last thing.

congrats on finally making it to those general badges. thats quite a few barracks members that have entered that relam lately. enjoy it and the added vp.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-19 00:29:19

Daily Report For 5/17/05

Start: 9,775 Blams/5,032 Saves
End: 9,830 Blams/5,059 Saves
Total: 55 Blams/27 Saves (82 Total)

Next Rank: 611 Until Lt. Colonel

Congratulations to Major_punk for making Brigadier General

Good Hunting, Everyone.


Happy 23rd Birthday To Me (5/19/83 - 5/19/06)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-19 00:56:08


Man with dignity, integrity and basic moral values.

dicF00D & F00D

Man with none of the above and a 2 inch penis.

I hope Avie gets on your case soon, he will, I just don't know when...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-19 01:57:57

I'm sorry that I haven't been very active lately. I've been really busy with school. I'll be on a cruise shortly after school ends, so I probably won't be around much until late June.

At 5/19/06 12:56 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:
dicF00D & F00D
Man with none of the above and a 2 inch penis.

F00D is a funny guy I like F00D :(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-05-19 02:57:30

At 5/19/06 01:57 AM, GameSlaveClock wrote: F00D is a funny guy I like F00D :(
well if you like him so much, why don't you go screw him?

There is a lot you like that the rest of us aren't exactly fond of... Excuse me if I'm being skeptical here but you don't really have the history behind you to get any trust by me at least...So for the time being, I don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature