At 2/15/24 07:52 AM, onyx wrote:Unrelated to my report here and it isn't my intention to fire shots at any authority here (I keep my anarchistic behavior here to a minimum if I can help it), but I feel like the whole approach to revealing the new criteria surrounding GoAnimate could have been done a lot better.
I've already apologized for not making it perfectly clear re: GoAnimate Movie unpublishing.
I feel like y'all should have waited until the said discussions regarding this have concluded.
It had concluded. The discussion was between myself & Tom in the Moderators Forum. I asked the question, he anwered the question. That was the end of the discussion. He stated categorically 'just delete them'.
Then from there doing a big, organized post containing all the information and criteria that was important to the case at hand.
That needed to be done, because it seemed not everyone understood fully.