Barracks Roster as of December 1st, 2023:
December is upon us, and with that, the celebrations that hopefully bring out the best in all of us. With all the insanity in the news, both domestic and foreign, we sometimes may lose track of what is important. We let the hype and opinions of the news, influencers, corporations and businessmen shape our views and distort what we see.
There's no arguing that there's a lot of wrong in the world today - and it's even harder to know what's right. I don't have any real answers, and I'm not going to get on my soapbox about what should and shouldn't be going on. But I will share this with you: the only person I can change - is me. There is a mural on my wall, and it reads like this:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The strength to change what I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference".
I can't change the news or public opinion or politics or social media. But I can change how I act. I can answer distrust with kindness, fear with compassion, and end a disagreement with silence. I can listen more and speak less, and when I do, focus on the person and not the events around us.
I can also show gratitude for all things, great or small. I am so grateful and honored to be part of this fine community, and stand tall with all the members of the Barracks as we do what we can to keep Newgrounds safe for all. The mere fact that you all do this voluntarily, day in and day out, is testament that you really are good people IRL. It's easy to walk away from a problem, passing it off to someone else. But all of you here do your part, knowing that it needs to be done, even though most users may not appreciate it. But I do, and I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything, for all you do, and for doing it so well.
As for me, I am working on the gift of reconciliation this year. I'm reaching out to friends and family that I haven't spoken to in a long while and see if I can mend some fences. I don't expect it all to go 100%, but even if I can repair one broken friendship or get back on terms with a relative, it was worth it. I'm no spring chicken, and at my age I've faced the passing of friends and family that departed while we were at odds. It's a bit sad that we'll never know if we could have been back on better terms. But there are still many folks I can call, and regardless of the outcome, they will know I am here, ready to try again. None of them did anything directly to hurt me or my family - it's all been about politics, religion, opinion and the other nonsense that polarizes us. But no more. I'm not going to let that get in the way of friends and family ever again.
Thank you for listening, and for being part of my life. You have all made me a better person in your own way. And with that, I leave you with a quote from The Wyld Stallions: "Be excellent to each other - and party on, dudes!"
May you all have a happy holiday season, and may 2024 be the best year of your lives (so far)!
@byteslinger - 213K saves, 241K total B/P
@EchoTense01 - 26K total B/P
@Exedor - 32K blams
@Guthrie - 140K saves, 170K total B/P
@Jolly - 58K saves
@Pingu - 55K saves, 68K total B/P
@tox - 51K saves, 56K total B/P
_The Roster:_
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
01) 241,945 | 1,724 | 57.47 | A | -046.63 | @byteslinger Sup. Commander | 3 | D
02) 170,804 | 2,614 | 87.13 | A | -045.38 | @Guthrie Sup. Commander | 10 | C
03) 90,471 | 0,011 | 00.37 | D | -050.00 | @GameJunkie Sup. Commander | 0 | F
04) 79,791 | 0,290 | 09.67 | C | -009.38 | @Exedor Sup. Commander | 5 | C
05) 70,835 | 0,075 | 02.50 | D | +316.67 | @Little-Rena Sup. Commander | 2 | D
06) 68,846 | 0,353 | 11.77 | C | +133.78 | @Jolly Sup. Commander | 0 | F
07) 68,680 | 0,991 | 33.03 | B | -049.41 | @Pingu Sup. Commander | 0 | F
08) 56,885 | 2,495 | 83.17 | A | -046.10 | @tox Sup. Commander | 28 | B
09) 49,518 | 0,001 | 00.03 | D | -087.50 | @Asandir Sup. Commander | 0 | F
10) 46,474 | 0,016 | 00.53 | D | +128.57 | @Big-Boss Sup. Commander | 1 | D
11) 44,061 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @Fro Sup. Commander | 0 | F
12) 31,834 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @Lizzardis Sup. Commander | 0 | F
13) 31,749 | 0,188 | 06.27 | C | -069.38 | @freaks-heart Sup. Commander | 3 | D
14) 29,783 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @Decky Commander | 0 | F
15) 28,514 | 0,001 | 00.03 | D | -098.61 | @ZomAlien Commander | 0 | F
16) 26,042 | 0,120 | 04.00 | D | -088.63 | @EchoTense01 Commander | 0 | F
17) 24,941 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | @Jackho General | 0 | F
18) 22,712 | 0,069 | 02.30 | D | -085.89 | @AnalPenguinFarming Lt. General | 1 | D
19) 18,792 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | @ZJ Colonel | 0 | F
20) 5,849 | 0,003 | 00.10 | D | +000.00 | @ADR3-N Sergeant | 0 | F
21) 4,676 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @solitonmedic Corporal | 0 | F
22) 4,216 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @dovod Corporal | 0 | F
23) 4,210 | 0,042 | 01.40 | D | -073.42 | @Anonymous-Frog Corporal | 6 | C
24) 1,870 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @TheRoboTrickster Police Lieutenant | 0 | F
_Top 5 Gainers:_
@Guthrie - 2,614 (29.07% of total)
@tox - 2,495 (27.74% of total)
@byteslinger - 1,724 (19.17% of total)
@Pingu - 991 (11.02% of total)
@Jolly - 353 (3.93% of total)
Top 5 users accounted for 90.93% of B/P points (8,177 total)
_Top gainers, repeat appearances:_
@byteslinger (167)
@Guthrie (78)
@Big-Boss (65)
@Pingu (51)
@GameJunkie (50)
@Asandir (50)
@Exedor (37)
@Jackho (25)
@ZomAlien (24) * 2 Years *
@Decky (16)
@Lizzardis (15)
@Jolly (14)
@tox (14)
@freaks-heart (12) * 1 Year *
@Little-Rena (12) * 1 Year *
@EchoTense01 (11)
@Fro (7)
@AnalPenguinFarming (5)
Total gain for month: 8,993 (16 Active Members)
That's 299.77 per day, or 18.74 per day per active member.