At 11/22/23 07:33 PM, ThylaTank wrote:I also have a question, can I also report users(I found that an infamous child predator in the Goanimate community has joined this website, and I'm worried he could try to hurt the younger users of the website. He's also rather obsessed with "kid-friendliness" to the point where it feels outright elitist. He'll also pick fights with people that criticize/troll him. There's video essays on youtube about the damn guy)?
No, you cannot report users. If you wish to "report" a user, you gotta PM a mod (Or Tom Fulp cuz Antmaster208 beat me to it but fuck it.). And I should note that you have to share proof if you're gonna say "that fucko's a pedophile" because for one, child safety is a thing, and for two, if you're not gonna share proof, you're asking a target on your back. The Elite Guard Barracks is indeed a topic finding and reporting "bullshit" content, that is if you mean by "bullshit" you mean by "submissions that violate the Portal Guidelines." It should be noted that this forum ONLY takes matter in Games and Movies, because there's already a thread dedicated to whistling Audio submissions. Reporting Art submissions are a way different matter that you likely shouldn't talk about, nor about "reporting" BBS topics and also Reviews (Yes, you can whistle on reviews, learn what's fucked up to do in a review in here), as those are matters you probably wanna take in PMs with a mod or so.
But anyway, keep in mind what you post in here. Some people (Like me.) want Whistle points, others like people in the club also report submissions and they're very through about reporting stuff here. Whether you care about getting better whistles or not, it's important to not give us shit that doesn't violate the guidelines and in return waste our time. So expect people to question your stupidity if you're not going to:
A. Cite what the submission specifically violates. Make sure you explain why is the rating wrong for say Improper ratings report. A Movie submission just cannot violate guidelines from the Games portal. If you're not sure what if it does violate, just ask here.
B. Provide evidence of said report. Now, this is REQUIRED by stolen, unlicensed music/sample, and malware reports, and this is because these are serious reports that can legally fuck anyone over, like for example, copyright or malware. Nobody wants to catch a computer virus on purpose here so please make sure you're being serious here.
And here's some tips for you in case you wanna do some stuff in here:
- Porn shit. The club's open for ALL kinds of submissions, even for adult submissions. Just remember to mark it as NSFW and also ensure that the submission doesn't have a preview. You can easily prevent this by adding something like <nsfw link> or something. A lot of beginners who read the underage clause think this submission is illegal because they bring up the character's age from some buttfuck wiki. It doesn't matter. The rule is a very black and white, easy to rememberize: when I see a underaged bitch, I know it's a underaged bitch. The first second a viewer sees it ONLY matters. A easy example of underaged shit is say a way bigger heads and shorter limbs or the proportions are WAY too similar to a child's.
- Fetish content. If it's fetishy shit, it gets the M rating. If there's nudity with fetish shit, then it gets the A rating. Just because you're from DeviantArt does not mean everything IS sexual. The tags are in the details, if it was tagged like something like "breast-expansion" in a submission, yet has a T rating, then it should be slapped with a M rating.
- Improper ratings. The easiest way of getting a grasp of what content gets what rating is by experimenting the project's ratings. For example, the T rating is achieved by some of X, while the M rating is achieved by lots of X. Nudity is an exception, as some of it warrants a M rating, while lots of it warrants an A rating. Alternatively, you can look for other submissions to get a grasp of what separates the E from the M.
- Older submissions. A problem that we hate to see is old ass submissions from 2005 or 2006 be here. The thing is that guidelines change and authors will NEVER foresee those changes, so don't expect us to be like "Wow, this submission has violated the rules for THIS long??" The rule of thumb is if a submission is 3 years or older, don't report it.
- There will be times where this submission is made as an exception. Don't expect this to be very common. A lot of submissions here come from people who straight up are just nobodies (IE no fans or just a really low amount of fans.) and this is something that ONLY Tom Fulp can call what gets this exception. It is absolute, so don't complain about it if someone gets it. Unless you're Anonymous-Frog, then you're going to arguably disregard whatever I've said in this point and complain regardless.
- Whistling and blamming are not the same. Sometimes you might be told to vote on a submission, but there's a difference between having a submission be blammed versus a submission being taken down by mods. Blam points are gained by simply voting on a submission while whistle points are achieved by correctly reporting submissions. There is no punishment in blamming good submissions, unlike whistle points in which you can lose them by reporting the wrong submissions. Not to mention blamming is much harder to achieve because unless it's a really bad submission, you're not allowed to post threads about zero-bombing the fuck out of submissions, so don't try it.