Cool to see you on the team @MalwareShop!
This is how I do it. I open up this: (This one includes movies and games)
It is awesome that we have to opportunity to see amazing creativity! There are going to be good experiences and there's gonna be bad experiences with browsing the portal.
1. I open all of the highlighted links with (Middle Mouse Button) now you have a lot of tabs.
2. Primarily, I have my left hand hovering over (Ctrl + Tab). I see the movie, and I vote accordingly. Issues are rare. I press (Ctrl + Tab) to go to the next entry.
-- 3. If there is an issue; flag it with the relevant problem. Then the issues are posted on this topic.
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For example:
(WARNING. Adult material in this link: .link)
RL porn.
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List of issues I focus on:
Sound visualizer set to music.
Let's Play Gameplay Footage. -- This one counts if the individual who's playing the game did not make it.
RL porn. (WARNING. Adult material in this link: .link)
Incorrectly rated materials. (WARNING. Adult material in this link: .link)
Stolen materials. Stolen from: link
Hate speech. (Debatable must be discussed before flagged)