At 3/13/06 06:58 PM, Afro_sauce wrote:
Excellent idea! I am managing to start posting here more often so I can keep my activity up to date.
That'd be great, Captain!
At 3/13/06 07:32 PM, Major_punk wrote:
I stopped using it because I didn't like what I made. I'd rather just use common sense for who's a member then some official policy.
Good point, Major. I mostly give it a subjective feel in the first place, but I feel your inactivity policy is a good benchmark to target people. I wouldn't consider using it as an absolute guide anyway...just an idea to start making decisions on.
At 3/13/06 07:59 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
Ok, this might be a long one, and sorry, but I really can't be bothered to quote every relevant post (its almost 1AM here and time I was asleep really) so bear with me.
Don't be's good to hear support on the matter. I'm glad you agree with my idea, and I will bang out the details tonight when I get home (or tomorrow morning if I fall asleep at the computer...) and let you know my plans.
I'd like congratulate you on making it to Praporshchik as well. Excellent work!
At 3/13/06 08:29 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/13/06 08:14 PM, AtheeT wrote:
We dont mass vote. We vote fair.
Thanks for saying that...that post did annoy me a bit when I saw it.
At 3/13/06 08:36 PM, space_cowboy101 wrote:
At 3/13/06 06:34 PM, EagleRock wrote:
If you are a full member (30+ posts or so), inactivity happens in 30 days.
If you are a newer member (10-30 posts), inactivity happens in 15 days.
If you are a brand new member (<10 posts), inactvity happens in 5 days.
Sir, i have to say this looks good. It seems like good reasoning for inactivity.
It's only a rough benchmark to base this off of. Like I said to Major Major_punk, the real gauge is the subjective feel of the Barracks. For instance, if you post once a week just to say your points, you're not really that active. On the other hand, if someone goes on vacation, that's not really being inactive.
Also, the officers are even more subjectively based...I won't even go into it until later once I sort everything get my point, though.