just audio to a sound visualizer
KZERO OST: Funk Factory Zero
Documenting here in case we need it in the future:
Two submissions in quick succession. Both called Test Game but submitted by different users.
At 5/24/22 10:58 AM, GUTHRIE wrote:Two submissions in quick succession. Both called Test Game but submitted by different users.
Wow, those are horrible. Blam fodder.
Clown who doesn't understand what blamming is, resubmits anyway
edit - and reading the description, it's not their submission anyway
I don't know what this person is on about with this kind of "game" but I for one DO NOT like the smell of it
I'm calling this on a suspicion of being a virus or a hacking network or something
At 5/25/22 01:18 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:Bendy-Spidey (newgrounds.com)
Author admits not his original work.
there is a second one that the author put out shortly after as well, same MO
Mario Combat DX
At 5/25/22 02:26 AM, HandsomeTyler wrote:I have played this game before, months ago, though I cannot remember who posted it earlier. Anyone else seen this game here or know if this is a sample game that comes with some sort of game producer software?
to answer your question
here is how to make that exact game
this uploader is going to keep doing his nonsense, uploading blamed content
MasonStick and BlueStick meet Batman!
Just gmod gameplay here, also no animation included as well.
At 5/25/22 06:05 PM, HandsomeTyler wrote:just videogame footage
Megaman videogame footage
Nop. Just a sprite movie.
At 5/25/22 05:31 PM, EchoTense01 wrote:Just gmod gameplay here, also no animation included as well.
Poop, but it should blam. If not, I'll flush dat shizzz
At 5/25/22 06:05 PM, HandsomeTyler wrote:just videogame footage
Megaman videogame footage
>Megaman videogame footage
People can't tell what's an animation anymore?!?!?!?!?
Octillery Social Credit Test DX | Octillery VS Collection
You ever take a rat...cut it open, stick your pee pee in, let it live? You remind me of that rat.
At 5/26/22 01:40 AM, tox wrote:uploading blamed content
Mini MasonStick
wait a second...
i forgot the link to the original :)
uploading blamed content
First episode (daily doses of foxy s1 ep1)
looking at the hips, the chest, and looking up the character for what the character is "supposed to be" in the movie, the character is supposed to be 12 at the start, and then by the end/final movies she is supposed to be *turning* 18
im going to call CP on this
Harry Potter ENF - Hermione's magic duel
adult https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/844594
copyright music
It always ends up like this
I wouldn't have called it if it was a better animation but this is just... not great
there is no way that this is not CP. the model does not even have any puberty features on her body yet.
Sounds like one of those meme songs everyone uses on YouTube. I don't know the copyright status, so I can't really act on this one just yet.
At 5/26/22 09:33 PM, Anonymous-Frog wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/844622
Sounds like one of those meme songs everyone uses on YouTube. I don't know the copyright status, so I can't really act on this one just yet.
to answer your question about this,
the audio came up 2 years ago, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVHXy8Sx-vs&ab_channel=MaxResDefault
the artist seems to be copyrighting the other submissions that he is putting out, but this one song is copyright free
the uploader admits to not owning the submission
"I don't hold any ownership, nor am I the original creator of this game."
Combat Tournament Legends
At 5/26/22 08:02 PM, tox wrote:looking at the hips,
the chest,
the character is supposed to be 12 at the start
then by the end/final movies she is supposed to be *turning* 18
im going to call CP on this
You put too much vigor into this, then.
Determination IS. BASED. On how the character APPEARS, NOT the stated age or canon. Pretty sure I posted this twice within the last few posts or pages. She does not look 12, so this is evidently NOT from the first movie. If she's *almost* 18, and you were analyzing her hips and her waist, I hope you washed your hands. ...twice.
there is no way that this is not CP. the model does not even have any puberty features on her body yet.
...did you say puberty features? *snicker snicker* Anyway... This had a little more ground to stand on, so yeah, removed. Now. go wash your hands. Again.
Two animations with copyrighted music
2 Super Mario World tracks
LEGO stop motion animation based on Hajime No Ippo (and uses music from the series)
What's the verdict?
I feel like there's more submissions to the portal than I ever remember in the past, save for the specialty days like Clock Day and Pico Day. Are there more submissions or do they remain in the portal for longer?
Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.
At 5/27/22 08:35 PM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote:I feel like there's more submissions to the portal than I ever remember in the past, save for the specialty days like Clock Day and Pico Day. Are there more submissions or do they remain in the portal for longer?
This isn't that out of the ordinary. Sometimes when there's a large influx of submissions but the number of voters doesn't significantly change, so they start to pile up. In the past when it's gotten really bad Tom enabled double or triple XP days in order to encourage more people to vote on under judgment submissions.
User posted the same game, only updated slightly, rather than editing the existing version.
What's the verdict?