Here's something you don't see every day. A '0' KB submission. A whole lot of nothing.
Here's something you don't see every day. A '0' KB submission. A whole lot of nothing.
That was close. A gamesgrow shit almost made it out of the portal.
Here's another one:
And one from that "soccerchamp" site:
The month gone by so quick now it is august and time for the Roaster again I have not gotten any change in b/p. Thanks for the list and, Spretznaz yes the account gamesgrow sure is annoying. Talking of games I have gotten really addicted to my PC game Plant Vs Zombies. Fantastic game very funny and playable. Funny how a simple concept works so well.
At 8/3/12 03:48 PM, gamejunkie wrote: Here's something you don't see every day. A '0' KB submission. A whole lot of nothing.
I caught 3 in one day! Glad I didn't catch this one though - I usually PM the author with the usual reasons why it didn't work: didn't convert fla to swf, and maybe why.....
Sucks to vote zero on 'em otherwise. How can you rate something that you can't see or play? I made that mistake in a review not so long ago, and got a nasty little bot message saying it had been deleted - can't vote zero in a review if there's no content to observe.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
At 8/3/12 04:44 PM, Spretznaz wrote: That was close. A gamesgrow shit almost made it out of the portal.
Here's another one:
And one from that "soccerchamp" site:
IF this is gamegrow then two out of these three already passed judgement my friend.
Ugh. Two more gamesgrow turkeys.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
At 8/2/12 11:25 AM, byteslinger wrote: The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
01) 107,986 | 1,259 | 40.61 | A | +007.42 | Coop Sup. Commander | 1 | D
02) 93,011 | 1,252 | 40.39 | A | +002.04 | byteslinger Sup. Commander | 5 | C
Welcome to the new guys, just managing to nose ahead of byte by seven points this time around. Upped my pace, which was also good.
I've now also lapped phantomlassuk, which is another noteworthy statistic.
Thanks for the update, byteslinger. Much appreciated
At 8/2/12 11:30 AM, byteslinger wrote: Sorry about the double post, but, yes...sad but 40+ month run in the top 5 has come to an end. Coop pushed me out by a few points - and all of the others really seem to pound it out month after month as well. I am glad to see that type of activity here in the barracks - but I'd rather see MORE members active than just a handful doing 70% of the work...
42 months. For three-and-a-half years, you have been the figurehead of B/Ping in this barracks, byte. Still cranking out the B/P and still fighting the good fight. I guess that I just proved that there is enough life in the old dog to end your streak, like you ended mine so cruelly about six months ago :P
At 8/2/12 11:25 AM, byteslinger wrote: Before I post the Roster, let us all welcome FOUR new members to our ranks - let's hear it for: Supreme Commander GameJunkie, Corporal Spretznaz, Corporal Jackho and PFC J-Rex. They will all bring some much-needed help and energy to our cause!
Congratulations to you all!
Awesome, Thank You so much. I wish I could be super excited about this right now but as most of you already know, this has not been such a great week for me. I will probably remain a bit lowkey for the next couple of weeks or so, butrest assured I will dive in at the deep end when I return to full mental capacity.
Barracks Roster as of August 1st, 2012:
(New members will have data in next month's report)
Looking forward to it.
Entering The List (will be displayed next roster)::
Corp. Jackho
Corp. Spretznaz
S.C. GameJunkie
Yay. Congrats to you other guys.
At 8/2/12 12:40 PM, Decky wrote: Indeed these new members to the list shall be good especially seasoned veterans like GameJunkie.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Decky, very much appreciated.
At 8/2/12 07:02 PM, Jolly wrote:At 8/2/12 11:25 AM, byteslinger wrote: let's hear it for: Supreme Commander GameJunkieFinally.
Thanks Jolly. It's good to be here finally. I would have come over here earlier but I've been busy doing nothing. ;-P
At 8/4/12 05:57 AM, Coop wrote: Welcome to the new guys, just managing to nose ahead of byte by seven points this time around. Upped my pace, which was also good.
Thanks Coop. Looks like you guys will need to up that pace a little bit more now. You have some new competition. ME. LOL!
At 8/2/12 11:25 AM, byteslinger wrote: Before I post the Roster, let us all welcome FOUR new members to our ranks - let's hear it for: Supreme Commander GameJunkie, Corporal Spretznaz, Corporal Jackho and PFC J-Rex. They will all bring some much-needed help and energy to our cause!
Welcome guys, always good to see some new blood.
RohantheBarbarian - Sup. Commander
Finally made it to the top rank, at the pace I've been b/ping for the last year or two I thought I'd never get there haha.
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
09) 30,130 | 0,257 | 08.29 | C | -015.74 | RohantheBarbarian Sup. Commander | 0 | F
Didn't post all month? Huh, will have to try and rectify that.
At 8/2/12 11:30 AM, byteslinger wrote: Sorry about the double post, but, yes...sad but 40+ month run in the top 5 has come to an end. Coop pushed me out by a few points - and all of the others really seem to pound it out month after month as well. I am glad to see that type of activity here in the barracks - but I'd rather see MORE members active than just a handful doing 70% of the work...
End of an era, I figured you were never gonna be pushed out short of a significant dropoff in activity. You make a good point though regarding others being active; it's excellent to see so many gains being made.
Thanks for the roster byte.
Here we go again. 1.3kb of Unanimated Smiley Face Picture.
At 8/4/12 09:45 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Here we go again. 1.3kb of Unanimated Smiley Face Picture.
I can't even vote 0 on this one because it keeps spawning popups for me. I don't know what they are (just that its something to do with Adobe), because it spawns so many it crashes my computer.
At 8/4/12 09:52 AM, SFS1313 wrote:At 8/4/12 09:45 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Here we go again. 1.3kb of Unanimated Smiley Face Picture.I can't even vote 0 on this one because it keeps spawning popups for me. I don't know what they are (just that its something to do with Adobe), because it spawns so many it crashes my computer.
Did you not notice that it was called Crash? I have a feeling it was named that for a reason. Sounds like you may need to upgrade your security. I didn't get one pop up. If you want to vote on it, you might try turning the Pop Up function on whatever browser your using, to the off setting, that will probably allow you access to it to vote.
At 8/4/12 10:32 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Did you not notice that it was called Crash? I have a feeling it was named that for a reason. Sounds like you may need to upgrade your security. I didn't get one pop up. If you want to vote on it, you might try turning the Pop Up function on whatever browser your using, to the off setting, that will probably allow you access to it to vote.
I noticed the name, but didn't think the uploader was gonna be some kinda royal a-hole who just wanted to screw with people. It's like that last person who uploaded those flashes where it popped up porn and tried to force you to print it out. Now I gotta be wary of certain flashes that have names like those, which sucks.
Idiots who upload this kinda garbage frustrate me, and undermine those who actually try.
At 8/4/12 12:44 PM, SFS1313 wrote: I noticed the name, but didn't think the uploader was gonna be some kinda royal a-hole who just wanted to screw with people. It's like that last person who uploaded those flashes where it popped up porn and tried to force you to print it out. Now I gotta be wary of certain flashes that have names like those, which sucks.
Thanks for that. For some reason I forgot to add him to my userpage blacklist. He shall be add to my blacklist momentarily.
At 8/4/12 10:32 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Did you not notice that it was called Crash? I have a feeling it was named that for a reason. Sounds like you may need to upgrade your security. I didn't get one pop up. If you want to vote on it, you might try turning the Pop Up function on whatever browser your using, to the off setting, that will probably allow you access to it to vote.
I just stopped the page from loading so the flash didn't have time to load. It's definitely not going to bother us anymore.
At 7/31/12 09:40 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 7/31/12 08:11 AM, Decky wrote:At 7/31/12 06:36 AM, phantomlassuk wrote:
It is so bad now that the users who are doing the right thing are being punished while the abusers are gaining points and becoming more powerful. Also as I stated before even if the admins remove the shit after it passes the users who did the right thing don't get their reward while the people who abused the system keep their ill gotten point. So as sad as it is to say the B/P system as of now is doing more harm to NG them good thanks to those users who care more about points then what comes onto NG itself.
why don't they just go back to the way it was years ago where it takes 15-20 seconds of watching the video for the 0-5 buttons to load? that way users have no choice but to watch it and make an informed decision. that seems like it would solve a lot of problems; that's probably a big reason why so many people just 5 shit so frequently. i always thought they made the system that way so spam votes couldn't happen, but now the buttons are accessible even without the video playing. when i first logged back in a couple months ago after 6 years of inactivity i thought that was kind've strange.
At 8/4/12 04:24 PM, Spretznaz wrote: I just stopped the page from loading so the flash didn't have time to load. It's definitely not going to bother us anymore.
That's what I had to do too in order to vote. Took me a few times to get it in time, but I wanted to vote zero, (and hope others did as well) so others didn't get annoyed by it as I did.
Much appreciated, Spretznaz. :)
At 8/2/12 11:25 AM, byteslinger wrote: Before I post the Roster, let us all welcome FOUR new members to our ranks - let's hear it for: Supreme Commander GameJunkie, Corporal Spretznaz, Corporal Jackho and PFC J-Rex. They will all bring some much-needed help and energy to our cause!
How did I not see this before? Anyways, this is awesome, many thanks to all.
In less-enjoyable news, this was deleted by Wade last week, only to be resubmitted.
This looks stolen: new account and this is the only thing listed.
Game AND description stolen from maxgames... has to be, 'cause maxgames has their own account here.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Spot the Difference
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
At 8/5/12 02:45 PM, Spretznaz wrote: Spot the Difference
I'm not too sure if Spot the Difference games are against the rules. I guess if it gives the impression that it was put together in under a few hours with next to no effort then it should be blammed but still not sure is it is technically against the rules.
Anyone else noticing that now these guys are just naming their accounts whatever the game is called.
GAMESGROW of course.
And here's the second one from that account. Gamesgrow again.
And still they come! Back for another try it's
They sure are taking their time during submissions today. once again.
This is maybe the 3rd or 4th time I've seen this submitted in the past couple of weeks.
At 8/5/12 10:21 AM, VicariousE wrote: This looks stolen: new account and this is the only thing listed. Game AND description stolen from maxgames... has to be, 'cause maxgames has their own account here.
So this game got Daily Third..... I'd email the production company and ask, but WTF, why bother? The company got it's game exposed, and I didn't recall any ads running, other than the page itself.
Feel like I'm guilty of stop, frisk and slander O_o
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
At 8/6/12 07:01 AM, gamejunkie wrote: And here's the second one from that account. Gamesgrow again.
They are not stopping:
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
At 8/7/12 06:02 AM, Knuckstrike wrote: They are not stopping:
I'm truly starting to become mentally disturbed by the amount of something V. Zombie games that are appearing. I'm guessing that it all stated with the Plants V. Zombies game that came out for iPhone a few years back, I never played it but a few mates got really into it. Now though every 20th game here is something V. Zombies. I'm just waiting for such future classics as Haemophiliac Baby V. Zombies or The Peoples Front of Judea V. Zombies
*Ends mild rant on V. Zombie games*