At 8/7/12 12:25 PM, Spretznaz wrote:
1. It's that same foreign site. Again.
2. They submitted it 5 days ago without ads.
Oh, and I now think that this site's ANOTHER gamesgrow alt. I find it a little strange that it starts naming its accounts after its games at the exact same time gamesgrow does.
And here's some more Soccerchampmanager:
This guy's literally uploaded the same thing 3 times now-often enough to be considered shovelware.
The first one was deleted.
Here's another one of those "gamergoogle" flashes...another site to add to the blacklist?
Oh, and here's a dressup:
Steady on there Spretznaz, save some for the rest of us buddy.
Did somebody say gamesgrow?
At 8/8/12 06:53 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Did somebody say gamesgrow?
Is this yet another alt. How many email addresses must this guy be going through. Probably has to have a list to keep track of them. All this for a few dollars in advertising revenue
Wow. So Dazzling and Mermaidy!
The dreaded
Soccer Champ Manager
yet again. You know there's another one coming in the next few minutes. I'm going to bed, so someone else can take care of it.
What is this I don't even-I think I'm horribly scarred now.
At 8/8/12 06:17 AM, gamejunkie wrote:
Steady on there Spretznaz, save some for the rest of us buddy.
I ran out of ammo, I didn't have a choice. Maybe I should go buy a bigger mag...
At 8/8/12 01:00 PM, Decky wrote: Dress up game
Are you sure that's shovelware? It doesn't have predrawn graphics, plus there's no (insert annoying "games for girls" site here) logo plastered all over it. Honestly, it looks like it was something made in 3 minutes for some kid's first game.
The Plant Vs Zombies game funny someone should submit something near it I would love a sequel to this game. I have now gotten to the roof levels fun game. I have been playing some hidden objects game too on my PC. I should try some games out on Newgrounds too. Anyone like the Olympics? I love it I'm not usually into sports, but this is great the gymnastics I love watching that.
At 8/8/12 01:00 PM, Decky wrote: Dress up game
Awww, some little girl did this! At least check the authors page to see if there's a person behind the upload..... still, it is of blammable quality - I posted a message explaining things to her, so, no harm done. We all strive through adversity.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Unpublished Submission
This will likely pass, since it's a video file, but there's no original content in it. It's all 20th century WWi and WWII footage with 2 or 3 classical music pieces over it. I like the guy who submitted this, but there's only 2 or 3 original stills in it, and no text or voice.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Oh look, another soccerchampmanager.
And here's a Mario clone of Bubble Trouble.
Unpublished Submission
At 8/9/12 09:40 AM, gamejunkie wrote: This one again.
That's gotta be one of the funniest obituaries I've read since the redesign.
Good gravy, I thought this account was deleted. An igirlgames dress-up.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Unpublished Submission
Here we go again another one of these cooker cutter dress up games. I swear they are like cockroaches. No matter how many times you squash them they always seem to come back.
Unpublished Submission
Not instantly noticeable, but it has that zombie thing in the intro animation, which was the logo of a gamesgrow alt.
Oh, and here's soccerchampmanager.
At 8/10/12 04:23 PM, mandog wrote: Don't expect gamesgrow to die down soon, he is making over Ã'£100 in revenue currently, he is also mass submitting in other sites.
And how, exactly, are you privy to this information?
Unpublished Submission
Another cookie-cutter Mario flash.
A looping video clip from some TV show (stolen).
Not gamesgrow, but their site does have a bunch of games that have the telltale watermark. Either way, it's shovelware.
Plant Vs Zombies what an additive game I have completed the main adventure mode of the game, but you unlock tons of stuff. It has got fantastic replay value. I'm playing it on my laptop I hope to earn more money in the game. Good work with reporting that gamesgrow account sure is very busy does not give up. Sad to see the Olympics games is now over for another 4 years so fast the two weeks has gone by. commercial dressup game - bleh
Unpublished Submission
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Another gamesgrow alt?
Unpublished Submission