I hear you, Phantom.
The flaw with all of the crap passing is the way the voting system is designed. However, with a few minor tweaks, we may be able to get Newgrounds back on balance:
1) The first 500 flashes a user votes on will count toward experience, but only be rated at 0.5 votes. Also, anonymous votes (not signed in) will be treated the same way.
Reasoning: prevent a bunch of new users to create accounts and immediately influence the votes
2) Users below a certain level (Portal security) can only vote on a limited number of flashes a day (20? 30?) - and if the vote is anonymous, limit by IP address
Reasoning: Same as before. You need to earn the right to vote.
3) You must have a bronze whistle or better for the vote multiplier to count.
Reasoning: Show that you know how to be a balanced user - if you have a normal or garbage whistle, you're really not trying.
4) If an entry is blammed, anyone who voted to protect it LOSES a protection point (just like someone who blows a whistle and shouldn't have)
Reasoning: The stat-whores who upvote the crap aren't being penalized when it is ultimately deleted by Newgrounds. Now you have to be careful.
5) Users less than a certain level (Private?) can only vote once on a flash, period. Same if voting anonymously - limit by IP address
Reasoning: You need to earn the right to have more weight in voting. New accounts will find it harder to up-vote a flash after it passes. Anonymous votes will also weigh less.
6) If a flash passes protection with a score of 1.5 or less, it should be monitored for additional votes, for a period of time ( a week or two?) and if it drops below 1.0, it should be auto-blammed.
Reasoning: This will give ALL Newgrounds users (especially those in the NGPD and the Barracks) time to properly evaluate flashes that may have passed while they were sleeping, and help remove the crap after the fact.
These changes may not prevent older accounts from being stat-whores, but the ability to do a post-pass blam and the risk of losing protection points afterwards will make it harder for them to be successful. Also, sweeping purges from the Fulps will reward the blammers and penalize the upvoters.
Just my opinion - but these are not hard to implement - all the data is in each user profile now; the voting code just has to be made "more aware" of the situation of the voter.
Maybe the Fulps will hear us out - and help us out.
Meanwhile, don't lose heart - it's always darkest before the dawn!