At 3/19/11 11:05 PM, phantomlassuk wrote:
I confused about these Choco Breaker games I thought too that they may be stolen, but clicking on this link to the website . esources/game-dev-resources/the-games-fa ctory-2
So maybe they are okay to upload?
Rule #1 of uploading flashes: Your movie must not be someone else's work.
Yes, these things were each created from following tutorials, but the majority of the work involved in making the chocobreak game was done by Clickteam (in the form of making the tutorial steps to follow). Ergo, although they're not your classic copy-pasted flashes, it's still not OK to upload them.
Also, I was watching Tom's weekly broadcast thingy one time, and he found a chocobreak flash. His literal words were: "Oh look, chocobreak! .....I think we need a quicker 'delete' button".
If that's not proof he doesn't want them here, I don't know what is.