At 1/20/11 01:05 PM, Jolly wrote:
Why not make posting reviews that aren't abusive a bannable offense? I think that should be done. Then Rage's thread could be re-opened. Of course, occasionally, exceptions would be made if the review could easily be mistaken for abusive review, but otherwise you would get banned from the BBS for a few days.
No won't work. Here is a list of the reasons why.
First there is now a time limit on reviews before you have to leave them alone. Meaning you would have to find recent abusive reviews in order to flag them. When the rage thread was started this wasn't an issue, and most of the reviews from the thread old acient reviews that were long forgotten. If the thread was opened back up people might post ancient abusive reviews and while it is abusive it is old, and because of this the Mods would have to clear flags making even more work for them. Also since it isn't written in the Review rules that there is a time limit on review people can and mostly likely would post links to old reviews.
Next reason let's face it some people who blow the whistle on thing are bad stat whores. This meaning they will blindly flag anything they think is abusive just to get a deity whistle without checking the rules. This leads to one again more work for the review mods then they need. Once they clear the flags most of the time with penelty whistle level drop, then these people go on bitching 'WTF my whistle level went down!' I have seen this happen many a time and let me tell you it wasn't pretty.
Lastly relying on others to find the abusive reviews for you was good back in the day, but now no. When the whistle system was first made it wasn't as stiff as it is now. As long as it broke the rules that where in black and white you got points for it. Now it would do more harm then good. I mean even if you do find abusive review you have to worry about if it is too old, if a mod or Admin made it, (In the old days only admins were protected now mods share this as well) and a couple of other things as well. All and all it would be de ja vu all over again.
Or maybe the people that blindly flag the reviews, then complain about it, could be banned from the BBS?
Wouldn't help as they may still do this and more work would be given to the review mods. The best thing I can say is if you really want to try this is flag the abuse, copy the links and PM them to a review mod. They take care of the reviews and you get your points. I do it whenever I find some abusive reviews myself.