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For some reason, it's not actually on the Nickelodion website, but it's all over the internet anyway, including
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For some reason, it's not actually on the Nickelodion website, but it's all over the internet anyway, including
At 1/17/11 03:10 PM, Cootie wrote: Woah woah woah, you mean to tell me that every time Chocobreak is submitted I can flag it as stolen? Why didn't I figure this out already? I could've been deity by now if I knew that.
Just saw this today and decided to throw in my own input on it. It seems like a ton of games make it through by TGF2 which is pretty detrimental to the portal (in my own opinion). It's stated that if a game comes from TGF2 then it is in fact stolen. However, no matter how many times I blow my whistle/downvote a game from this program, it still somehow always ends up with a passing vote and even worse CONSTRUCTIVE REVIEWS.
I'm all for helping a flash artist with a game, but many of these games are complete trash. If I see another chocobreak game I'm going to flip out. People really aren't using their whistles and I'm at the point where I'm starting to realize I don't have much of a chance at obtaining a "diety" regardless of my whistle blowing habits.
The stat doesn't matter, it's more of the principle fact that these games keep passing through.
Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.
At 1/18/11 08:37 PM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote:At 1/17/11 03:10 PM, Cootie wrote: Woah woah woah, you mean to tell me that every time Chocobreak is submitted I can flag it as stolen? Why didn't I figure this out already? I could've been deity by now if I knew that.Just saw this today and decided to throw in my own input on it. It seems like a ton of games make it through by TGF2 which is pretty detrimental to the portal (in my own opinion). It's stated that if a game comes from TGF2 then it is in fact stolen. However, no matter how many times I blow my whistle/downvote a game from this program, it still somehow always ends up with a passing vote and even worse CONSTRUCTIVE REVIEWS.
I'm all for helping a flash artist with a game, but many of these games are complete trash. If I see another chocobreak game I'm going to flip out. People really aren't using their whistles and I'm at the point where I'm starting to realize I don't have much of a chance at obtaining a "diety" regardless of my whistle blowing habits.
The stat doesn't matter, it's more of the principle fact that these games keep passing through.
You know that even if you get the stuff marked for review that you won't get the whistle points or blam points until the Admins check and delete it. You best bet would be to flag the abusive reviews in flash that passed judgement. You will get the points a lot faster that way. Heck I had deity for 4 years + and I still flag abusive reviews and flash.
Just keep at it and you will get your bonus (since doing the right thing is it's own reward.
I've done separate experiments with an alt account and a friend's account, to see how the whistle works. I flagged mostly reviews with one, and with the other, mostly flashes. This was during the summer, when stolen flashes were pretty common.
Long story short, the one with more flash flags than review flags made Bronze in a much quicker time. Flash flags give more points than reviews.
However, combining the two really makes it quick.
I don't know how this is related, but I thought it was interesting.
At 1/18/11 11:39 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: Long story short, the one with more flash flags than review flags made Bronze in a much quicker time. Flash flags give more points than reviews.
Long story short goes that you could have asked us about that and we could have told you we already knew this so you wouldn't have to test it for yourself lol!
That's one thing that the admins and mods have actually been open about with whistle points, it's that flagging flashes is worth more points (Positive or negative, depending on the results) than flagging abusive reviews...
But, hey good on you for trying to help, it was just kind of already known unfortunately.
It's kind of like having an experiment to see if alcohol makes people drunk.
At 1/18/11 09:48 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Just keep at it and you will get your bonus (since doing the right thing is it's own reward.
I think you misunderstood me. I have absolutely no interest in the level my whistle is at all. I only have a silver basically from doing the shit in Rage's old thread. Now I try and flag these games and really don't see any changes most of the time. That was the issue I had in my post.
Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.
At 1/19/11 03:54 AM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote:At 1/18/11 09:48 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Just keep at it and you will get your bonus (since doing the right thing is it's own reward.I think you misunderstood me. I have absolutely no interest in the level my whistle is at all. I only have a silver basically from doing the shit in Rage's old thread. Now I try and flag these games and really don't see any changes most of the time. That was the issue I had in my post.
That just means not enough people with enough whistle power has flagged the flash. Once the bar has been reached for the flash to get marked for review it will happen. But then again not everyone on NG knows that choco break flashes count as stolen. If they did they would most likely flag them when they see them or at least vote 0
At 1/19/11 04:18 AM, LittleWashu wrote: That just means not enough people with enough whistle power has flagged the flash. Once the bar has been reached for the flash to get marked for review it will happen. But then again not everyone on NG knows that choco break flashes count as stolen. If they did they would most likely flag them when they see them or at least vote 0
Yeah I would have honestly never thought of those but thanks for bringing that to my attention. As for whistle points I have had a damn silver whistle for the longest time really and just can't seem to find enough to get that gold and then deity whistle which I have been hunting for some time now.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 1/19/11 05:03 PM, Pandamir wrote:At 1/19/11 04:18 AM, LittleWashu wrote: That just means not enough people with enough whistle power has flagged the flash. Once the bar has been reached for the flash to get marked for review it will happen. But then again not everyone on NG knows that choco break flashes count as stolen. If they did they would most likely flag them when they see them or at least vote 0Yeah I would have honestly never thought of those but thanks for bringing that to my attention. As for whistle points I have had a damn silver whistle for the longest time really and just can't seem to find enough to get that gold and then deity whistle which I have been hunting for some time now.
Well not that you know that it counts for stolen you can flag and vote zero to help keep the portal clean of that crap.
On another note if you think leveling up is hard now it was near impossible back in the days before the change. I mean sure it was a lot easier to find abusive reviews and flash but the bar wasn't fixed. Some people would flag for years and would still be stuck with silver. In fact out of all the users back after ramagi and joe where finished their competition against each other only two people were able to get past silver before the change and only one to diety. (but then again deity was only for the best of the best back then unless you were tied with someone.)
But then again I wouldn't know how hard it is to get those by this fix system either.
I never had much trouble getting a diety whistle I still have that whistle status, but I got that on rage's thread like 4 years back now. Two years ago it was locked how times fly. I have noticed that Newgrounds now has its own Youtube page, Tom Fulp news post got my attention cool. I'm thinking of also getting back Red Dead Redemption, I traded it in for other games but did not think much of Mass Effect by Bioware. Who also made Dragon Age Origins OK but I thought nothing special.
An obvious mark. It just repeats that "EyeLovePoozy" is the world's biggest faggot. The author even marked the genre as spam, at least he was able to get that right.
At 1/19/11 10:42 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: I never had much trouble getting a diety whistle I still have that whistle status, but I got that on rage's thread like 4 years back now. Two years ago it was locked how times fly. I have noticed that Newgrounds now has its own Youtube page, Tom Fulp news post got my attention cool. I'm thinking of also getting back Red Dead Redemption, I traded it in for other games but did not think much of Mass Effect by Bioware. Who also made Dragon Age Origins OK but I thought nothing special.
I still sheds tears for my favorite thread getting locked due to mindless statwhores blindly flagging everything in the attempt to get a diety whistle. It is the same shit that is happening in the portal now that caused the rage thread to get locked except instead of voting blindly on Flash they were voting blindly on reviews.
But that is what happens when people try to fly with the eagles when they are really scraping with the chickens.
At 1/20/11 12:55 AM, LittleWashu wrote: But that is what happens when people try to fly with the eagles when they are really scraping with the chickens.
I still don't see why Rage's thread needed to be shut down. There were more than enough users utilizing that thread for its intended purpose, cleaning up Newgrounds. Even though I did not visit it as much as I would have liked, I always felt that when I did head there it made a great difference for the site. There is no reason why Newgrounds should be overrun with spam and abuse. The authors don't deserve what was being said and the other reading should not have had to read it. Getting rid of Rage's thread had a bigger impact here than most people probably realize. In a way it seems to have made people not want to flag flash and reviews anymore. I watch as more and more trash floods the site every day. It would be great if there was a way to make people care again. I think recreating a thread for abusive reviews and flash would be a great step in the right direction.
At 1/20/11 01:13 AM, Turkeybean wrote:At 1/20/11 12:55 AM, LittleWashu wrote: But that is what happens when people try to fly with the eagles when they are really scraping with the chickens.I still don't see why Rage's thread needed to be shut down. There were more than enough users utilizing that thread for its intended purpose, cleaning up Newgrounds. Even though I did not visit it as much as I would have liked, I always felt that when I did head there it made a great difference for the site. There is no reason why Newgrounds should be overrun with spam and abuse. The authors don't deserve what was being said and the other reading should not have had to read it. Getting rid of Rage's thread had a bigger impact here than most people probably realize. In a way it seems to have made people not want to flag flash and reviews anymore. I watch as more and more trash floods the site every day. It would be great if there was a way to make people care again. I think recreating a thread for abusive reviews and flash would be a great step in the right direction.
The thread was made in 2003 when the whistle system was new. Back then the old system whistle rigid at best didn't have as many bad statwhores. But over time they came and flagged blindly giving the review mods and admins a lot of unneed work. Eventually they said enough was enough and gumonshoe locked the thread and made it illegal to recreate the thread or post abusive reviews.
It saddens me to see my favorite thread die because of a couple of knuckleheads who were too lazy to read the reviews and flag correctly but it is better the thread be locked then to give the mods unneeded work. But I have to say this. The old system while it did shoot NG in the leg did have one good thing about it. It kept the bad stat whores away since the stat was nearly impossible (I won't say impossible since I actually beat that system) to get.
But we can't cling to the past and we must move forward. So now all we can do is flag abusive reviews on our own and if you are serious about it send a PM to a review mod to bring the abusive reviews to their attention.
I really wish Rage's thread would be given a second chance. I think by now, everybody has learned there lesson.
I could be wrong though. It could be quite the opposite.
At 1/20/11 07:41 AM, Jolly wrote: I really wish Rage's thread would be given a second chance. I think by now, everybody has learned there lesson.
I doubt it highly. As much as I would love to have my old hang out brought back like family guy was it will be abused because let's face it more people want a diety whistle because it looks nice then to do the right thing with it.
It is just like all those bad stat whore who blindly protect crap in the portal because they think everyone else is doing it. In other words they will blindly flag any review they see because they think it is abusive and in the end will end up bitching because they either went down in whistle level and eventually end up with a garbage whistle.
Then they will end up bitching about "WTF I was flagging reviews posted and I ended up with garbage what gives. So I think it would be best if the thread would stay locked. Though if they did open it up again I would still contribute to it like I used to.
Hey guys, I'm back. I've been bumming around for a while and I think it's time I came back and helped out here.
I saw I wasn't in last place as far as blams and saves are concerned on the last roster update. That's nice. How long will that last?
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
Why not make posting reviews that aren't abusive a bannable offense? I think that should be done. Then Rage's thread could be re-opened. Of course, occasionally, exceptions would be made if the review could easily be mistaken for abusive review, but otherwise you would get banned from the BBS for a few days.
Or maybe the people that blindly flag the reviews, then complain about it, could be banned from the BBS?
While Rage's thread will never be reopened, I do think something needs to be done about the review system. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I used to write spammy one-liner reviews, but I changed. It's not that hard. I'm tired of seeing dumb reviews flooding the Top 100 flashes... Especially Cyanide & Happiness flashes.
I mean, seriously, we don't want to turn into YouTube here. I hope the review system gets an overhaul on the next redesign. Or at least the rules get a bit tighter. I'm beating a dead horse here.
I miss the old reviewing system where you choose individual things about the flash and it came out with the total score. That seems a lot better than the current scoring system.
Why was that removed, anyways?
At 1/20/11 01:32 PM, Jolly wrote: Why was that removed, anyways?
It wasn't as flexible as the current system, ironically. People were forced to give things scores for aspects the submission didn't have, i.e. giving a violence / humour score for a game that wasn't meant to be funny / violent would basically force people to downvote it for no good reason.
Also, the 'yes / no' helpful ratings were removed because people kept thinking a lot of useless ratings meant an abusive review. It resulted in people flagging things just for expressing unpopular opinions... which is about as un-Newgrounds-like as you can get. :P
At 1/20/11 01:45 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:At 1/20/11 01:32 PM, Jolly wrote: Why was that removed, anyways?It wasn't as flexible as the current system, ironically. People were forced to give things scores for aspects the submission didn't have, i.e. giving a violence / humour score for a game that wasn't meant to be funny / violent would basically force people to downvote it for no good reason.
I think it should come back. What you rate the submissions on should be based on the genre of the flash submission. Although, that couldn't be done until every submission has a genre, which could take a while.
At 1/20/11 01:05 PM, Jolly wrote: Why not make posting reviews that aren't abusive a bannable offense? I think that should be done. Then Rage's thread could be re-opened. Of course, occasionally, exceptions would be made if the review could easily be mistaken for abusive review, but otherwise you would get banned from the BBS for a few days.
No won't work. Here is a list of the reasons why.
First there is now a time limit on reviews before you have to leave them alone. Meaning you would have to find recent abusive reviews in order to flag them. When the rage thread was started this wasn't an issue, and most of the reviews from the thread old acient reviews that were long forgotten. If the thread was opened back up people might post ancient abusive reviews and while it is abusive it is old, and because of this the Mods would have to clear flags making even more work for them. Also since it isn't written in the Review rules that there is a time limit on review people can and mostly likely would post links to old reviews.
Next reason let's face it some people who blow the whistle on thing are bad stat whores. This meaning they will blindly flag anything they think is abusive just to get a deity whistle without checking the rules. This leads to one again more work for the review mods then they need. Once they clear the flags most of the time with penelty whistle level drop, then these people go on bitching 'WTF my whistle level went down!' I have seen this happen many a time and let me tell you it wasn't pretty.
Lastly relying on others to find the abusive reviews for you was good back in the day, but now no. When the whistle system was first made it wasn't as stiff as it is now. As long as it broke the rules that where in black and white you got points for it. Now it would do more harm then good. I mean even if you do find abusive review you have to worry about if it is too old, if a mod or Admin made it, (In the old days only admins were protected now mods share this as well) and a couple of other things as well. All and all it would be de ja vu all over again.
Or maybe the people that blindly flag the reviews, then complain about it, could be banned from the BBS?
Wouldn't help as they may still do this and more work would be given to the review mods. The best thing I can say is if you really want to try this is flag the abuse, copy the links and PM them to a review mod. They take care of the reviews and you get your points. I do it whenever I find some abusive reviews myself.
At 1/20/11 06:19 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote:At 1/20/11 03:37 PM, LittleWashu wrote: First there is now a time limit on reviews before you have to leave them alone.I'm pretty positive that's not true.
Yes it's true, I believe if its older then 2 years to just leave it alone. Don't quote me on the how old, since it's been years that rage's thread was locked.
At 1/20/11 08:07 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Yes it's true, I believe if its older then 2 years to just leave it alone. Don't quote me on the how old, since it's been years that rage's thread was locked.
Why? I don't think age should matter, because it's still an abusive review.
At 1/20/11 01:19 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: I mean, seriously, we don't want to turn into YouTube here...
That is really funny considering Newgrounds just launched their big YouTube site.
I completely agree with you about the review system being majorly flawed. Most of the reviews I see these days have less substance than the average general section post. "That was cool" and "WTF" hardly count as read worthy comments. I am all for criticism and praise of art, but make sure it is something that will benefit the artist. People need to learn to put more than two seconds of thought into a review. As far as updating the review system to help with that, you can't fix stupid, people are simply born with it.
At 1/20/11 10:26 PM, Turkeybean wrote:At 1/20/11 01:19 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: I mean, seriously, we don't want to turn into YouTube here...That is really funny considering Newgrounds just launched their big YouTube site.
So I hear. It took them forever. I read a post from Tom a while back, he thought NG would never get the name.
I completely agree with you about the review system being majorly flawed. Most of the reviews I see these days have less substance than the average general section post. "That was cool" and "WTF" hardly count as read worthy comments. I am all for criticism and praise of art, but make sure it is something that will benefit the artist. People need to learn to put more than two seconds of thought into a review.
Yeah, just when I think I've seen it all, the resident idiot population throws something new at me.
As far as updating the review system to help with that, you can't fix stupid, people are simply born with it.
True, but maturity comes with age. Maybe we just have to wait for this wave of noobs to grow up.
On an unrelated and lighter note, you made my first NG sig. I loved that thing.
At 1/20/11 11:23 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: True, but maturity comes with age. Maybe we just have to wait for this wave of noobs to grow up.
Ahh, we can only hope. There have been times in the past that Newgrounds was flooded with noobs that either grew up or just stopped coming. So you are right, we just have to wait out the storm. I just hope it is a short one.
On an unrelated and lighter note, you made my first NG sig. I loved that thing.
Wow, what a trip down memory lane Almost five years ago to the date I made that sig for you, tail end of January 2006. I rummaged through all of my sigs I have made to find that one. That was an awesome trip down memory lane, thanks for that. It took me a minute to remember what it was. I am really surprised you remember me making that for you. Much love man.
At 1/20/11 08:07 PM, idiot-buster wrote:At 1/20/11 06:19 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote:Yes it's true, I believe if its older then 2 years to just leave it alone. Don't quote me on the how old, since it's been years that rage's thread was locked.At 1/20/11 03:37 PM, LittleWashu wrote: First there is now a time limit on reviews before you have to leave them alone.I'm pretty positive that's not true.
Last I heard it is less then six months maybe even shorter then that. This is because the Admins wanted the mods to focus on serving users who break the rules review bans. Also they figured that if the mods erased all the old reviews history would be lost.
At 1/20/11 01:13 AM, Turkeybean wrote:At 1/20/11 12:55 AM, LittleWashu wrote: But that is what happens when people try to fly with the eagles when they are really scraping with the chickens.I still don't see why Rage's thread needed to be shut down. There were more than enough users utilizing that thread for its intended purpose, cleaning up Newgrounds.
When the review mods were continually bombarded with hundreds upon hundreds of reviews being flagged that blatantly weren't abusive in the pile of the reviews with the most flags. They realised that something had to be done and even though the guilty were being punished, they just bawwed all over the forums about losing their precious whistle levels.
Yes, I agree that there was still some shred of good in that thread, but it deserved to die, let all of Newgrounds be overrun with the cancer of the whistle whores.
At 1/20/11 07:21 AM, LittleWashu wrote: But we can't cling to the past and we must move forward. So now all we can do is flag abusive reviews on our own and if you are serious about it send a PM to a review mod to bring the abusive reviews to their attention.
If you've got a deity or gold whistle, it will automatically come to our attention in due course. No need to bring it to our attention, unless it's a really bad case of a serial review spammer or something.
At 1/20/11 01:05 PM, Jolly wrote: Why not make posting reviews that aren't abusive a bannable offense? I think that should be done.
I'll put a mod spin on this. For example, you post a link and say "3rd from the bottom is abusive". People scroll down and don't bother reading the review, they just flag it. If the review mod is quick to this, the review is removed and someone else comes along, flagging the review that is now 3rd from the bottom, which wasn't abusive. The review mod has more work to do and gets pissed. We're back to square one, while the poster in the first place hasn't done anything wrong, though now them might be liable for a ban.
Then Rage's thread could be re-opened. Of course, occasionally, exceptions would be made if the review could easily be mistaken for abusive review, but otherwise you would get banned from the BBS for a few days.
No, Rage's Gift is never going to be reopened. It's just not needed any more.
Or maybe the people that blindly flag the reviews, then complain about it, could be banned from the BBS?
I believe they were.
At 1/20/11 01:19 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: While Rage's thread will never be reopened, I do think something needs to be done about the review system. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I used to write spammy one-liner reviews, but I changed.
I hate those shitty reviews as well, but what can you do? Tom says that he wants helpful reviews to stay and those that say "OMG, I LUV THIS!!!", rated 10 will stay, as they heap praise on the ego of the author, while "OMG I H8 THIS, DIE IN A FIRE!!!", rated anything will get you banned. Where's the justice?
At 1/20/11 01:45 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:At 1/20/11 01:32 PM, Jolly wrote: Why was that removed, anyways?It wasn't as flexible as the current system, ironically. People were forced to give things scores for aspects the submission didn't have, i.e. giving a violence / humour score for a game that wasn't meant to be funny / violent would basically force people to downvote it for no good reason.
Not really, they just scored it 10 10 10 10 10 10 for an average of 10. I tried to be efficient with those, but it never worked.
At 1/20/11 06:19 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote:At 1/20/11 03:37 PM, LittleWashu wrote: First there is now a time limit on reviews before you have to leave them alone.I'm pretty positive that's not true.
Not that I'm aware of. Sure, there's a time limit on how long it should be between a review being submitted and when you can ban the writer, but I've never seen anything about a time limit on flash reviews being called abusive.
At 1/20/11 08:11 PM, Jolly wrote:At 1/20/11 08:07 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Yes it's true, I believe if its older then 2 years to just leave it alone. Don't quote me on the how old, since it's been years that rage's thread was locked.Why? I don't think age should matter, because it's still an abusive review.
If you find abusive reviews from back in the day, flag them. We will still work through them.
At 1/20/11 11:59 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Last I heard it is less then six months maybe even shorter then that. This is because the Admins wanted the mods to focus on serving users who break the rules review bans. Also they figured that if the mods erased all the old reviews history would be lost.
I've not heard that and I've just searched our little mod forum for it and everything. Flag away and we'll deal with them as we see fit.