This is pointed towards anyone, but it's a feature that I just learned about last night. There is a major website that game makers can join where people upload their games to. You then click this distribute button and starting with the A's it takes you to a website that you can upload your game to so you get more views.
I was working my way through this so I could make a few extra bucks here and there to notice that newgrounds was one of the game websites. The thing is, it almost encourages people to sign up right there and then and even to use an email that they don't want people to know about on all of the sites.
This means you might be getting level 1 accounts that just signed up that day submitting flashes that have been around for years with a fake email giving the impression that it's stolen when really it's just someone like me trying to get a few extra thousand views here and there.
Not to try and make our jobs harder or anything, but that really shows you have to be 120 percent sure that it's stolen and simply because it's on another site and it's a new user doesn't mean it is. In fact, I'm sure more times than not it's someone just finding the site for the first time and deciding to get a burst of ad revenue from their game.