This won an award.
...Seriously, Newgrounds? Was it THAT slow of a day here on the Portal?! FFS, it's just a slideshow with no interactivity! That, and also I'm certain none of those drawings were made by the author and the Flash itself is a shameless plug for his website - that's about three Flash Submission rules violations right there (though to be fair, i'd say the last two are excusable).
Okay, if you count the buttons to change between the pictures as interactivity, then please disregard my post - otherwise, please see the rest of the post for my rant.
The reason I'm calling this specific Flash out is because I think it breaks the rules and I don't believe it should have won an award. That game, among many other adult galleries on this site, doesn't have any kind of "interactivity" to it at all and plays like a perverted Powerpoint Presentation. Until the admins put in a Gallery category for games, I don't think we should let these kinds of Flash continue to pass.
Why? Because it's not a game, it's not a movie, it's a slideshow, something clearly prohibited in the Portal submission page rules. A slideshow on Newgrounds is a Flash consisting of images that can viewed in a consecutive order via a play function or buttons to switch between illustrations.
That's where the "interactivity" ends. Because this is the de-facto trait to a slideshow, I would not count it as interactivity at all. This would be like buying a car and expecting it to have brakes, not because they have a function to the vehicle, but because every car is expected to have brakes. Sure, the gallery doesn't just go through all the images without any control over it (i.e. truly, no interactivity of any kind whatsoever. In the car analogy, this would be a car without brakes...), but just putting buttons on the screen to scroll through pictures without anything else is not what I consider interactivity.
Quiz games are okay if you want to reward the user with a slideshow/gallery for completion. Having the user play mini-games or jump through some hoops to get their prize works too. What we have seen by having that particular Flash win 3rd place, in my understanding of the rules and my own personal opinion, is just nonsense. If the buttons to "see next pic", "see last pic", and "changemute music" are a loophole to get past the "no interactivity" rule of some sort, then someone ought to rewrite the rules to be more specific about "interactivity".
Personally, I don't have a problem with adult Flash entering the Portal. In fact many of our greatest and most popular artists frequently use adult themes, explicitly sexual messages, and occasionally nudity and full-blown acts of sexual contact between characters. What I'm not okay with is that some guys see this as an excuse to just post Flash that doesn't involve anything more than a forward and back button between dirty pictures, much like the author of the gallery - in fact, all of his Flash are this.
He isn't alone, either (though the last user has since cleaned up his act and made Spam movies). Nothing personal against them, but Jesus Christ, at least try to make people earn their jollies!
Let's consider the guidelines for blowing the whistle on a submitted entry:
a.) This movie is stolen.
b.) This movie is malicious (e.g. spawns pop-up windows, etc.)
c.) This movie is unsuitable (e.g. hardcore adult, porn slideshow, hateful, illegal, etc.)
I think the only one applicable here is C, as it is a "porn slideshow". Sure it has buttons to switch between pictures and turn off the music, but that shouldn't count. Under any normal circumstances, I would expect this kind of Flash to be flagged and NOT WIN A DAILY AWARD.
So, who is in the right here? Am I coming down too hard on these guys or are they deserving of this tongue-lashing? What is the EGB stance on submissions like this? Honestly, this is quite disheartening to see, though at the same time, every talentless hack who strives for Portal dominance just had a huge window opened for them ON THIS DAY, I SEE CLEARLY...
...I'm in that camp so, w00t?