Well, apparently a few of our newer members didn't read the fine print here, and our live-in mod had to open a can of whup-ass to clear the air. Well done, Coop - gotta keep those new recruits in line.
Now, for the sake of clarity, let me summarize the top rules here
*cue the burning bush and talking clouds*
1. Thou shall not use this forum to discuss flagging reviews, as this is not permitted at any time. As you have seen, you shall incur the wrath of Coop83, and he shall smite you, yea verily, with his ban hammer. Once smitten, thou shalt ne'er be the same.
2. Thou shall not claim a flash to be stolen, lest ye have undeniable proof of such. To claim theft without proof is slanderous, and shall not be abided here. Be careful when labeling a flash as such, for if you mislabel too many, thou shall lose important street cred points, and ye may be banned as well.
3) Thou shall realize that all punishment meted out to thee is for thy own good. Mods do not like to hand out punishment, as it makes them feel bad and causes them to imbibe grain alcohol for extended periods of time. If you break a rule and are smitten, take thy whips and lashes in stride, and make every effort not to fail again.
4) Thou shall realize that there is a natural order within the barracks, and those of lowest rank and stature must work harder to improve not just their rank, but their leadership and worth. Yea, I say unto you, those who merely gather points for the sake of being a stat whore, and yet care not to grow in wisdom here, are merely barrels of camel spit that have no place in these hallowed halls.
5) Lastly, our illustrious and benevolent leader has the final say in all matters here, and he answers to no one except God (and Chuck Norris). Remember that in your rants, oh unwashed minions. He can be a wonderful ally - or a fierce disciplinarian. The choice, as always, is yours.
* clouds slowly fade away as the sun returns; these words are now etched in Latin on the ceiling of the mess hall for all to see*
Hope that clears things up, guys!