At 9/19/10 09:06 AM, BenwaHakubi wrote: I found a spammerbot (I think), look at his/her/its last few posts! hor/shally101
No it's not a spam bot account. It's just some stupid user not reading the rules and posting rather terrible (and maybe rule-breaking) posts.
And I know it's not a spam bot account, since one of my friends has 2 spam bots in his arsenal, and you can't code them to leave random messages in random threads. Yes you can code them to randomize the /topicID URL with some random topic IDs and posting spam/random words, but not coherent sentences like that (and even with that it may freeze if it comes across a locked thread).
Usually a spam bot repeats the same shit over and over again in chain reviews/news post comments in masses, but not different stuff in each comment it spams. And looking at that post history, it stays SOMEWHAT in topic, though it's not exactly contributing.
So TL;DR it's not a spam bot account, but rather a clueless newbie user.