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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 09:45:17

At 7/9/10 09:23 AM, byteslinger wrote:
Do me a favor - next time, give me a little time to respond before you jump in and take over, ok?

I simply decided to post the code of conduct and have him agree to it to save you the time and effort of having to do it yourself. I'm sorry if this has put you at an inconvenience.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 10:18:05

At 7/9/10 02:41 AM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Sorry to say Yamor, but looking through your most recent 150 posts, you spend an AWFUL LOT OF YOUR TIME IN GENERAL.

What does General have to do with anything? It is possible to make quality posts in every forum, including General. It doesn't matter WHERE you post, as long as your posts are decent! For example, look at Sacarab's posts. His post quality is above average, yet he spends most of his time in the General forum.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 10:53:41

At 7/9/10 09:23 AM, byteslinger wrote: Jeez, get a little sleep and suddenly you're out of a job!

Welcome to the world of progress :P

At 7/9/10 10:18 AM, Ismael92 wrote:
At 7/9/10 02:41 AM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Sorry to say Yamor, but looking through your most recent 150 posts, you spend an AWFUL LOT OF YOUR TIME IN GENERAL.
What does General have to do with anything?

I think it was a case of the pot calling the kettle a brotha.

It is possible to make quality posts in every forum, including General. It doesn't matter WHERE you post, as long as your posts are decent!

Exactly, deal with your own posts and make them acceptable, before lambasting anyone else's. Thus concludes Ismael's lesson for the day.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 11:24:36

At 7/9/10 09:45 AM, puddinN64 wrote:
At 7/9/10 09:23 AM, byteslinger wrote:
Do me a favor - next time, give me a little time to respond before you jump in and take over, ok?
I simply decided to post the code of conduct and have him agree to it to save you the time and effort of having to do it yourself. I'm sorry if this has put you at an inconvenience.

It's not a matter of inconvenience; its a situation where your enthusiasm got ahead of you. I can appreciate the fact that you were trying to be helpful. As the Recruitment Officer, it's my duty to respond to these requests, and if I have any issues, take them up to EagleRock. Now, if I hadn't replied in 24 hours, then by all means, jump on in and go for it. In this case, I had some things I wanted to discuss with Eagle prior to responding, but your well-meaning response kind of cut me off.

I'm not trying to start any trouble here - I just want to point out that the handling of new recruits and their requests falls on my shoulders first, and as a matter of protocol, I should be given a little time to respond before someone else does. That's all. But again, I don't fault you for your enthusiasm - and if I hadn't answered in a day, by all means, I'm glad someone was backing me up.

So, we'll just take this as point of clarity, and then move on - no harm, no foul.


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 12:47:35

At 7/9/10 11:33 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Stolen:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 1731

More exact link, since the official playr site doesn't host it's own Betas publicly (ergo: can't prove he actually stole it from there, even though it is annoyingly obvious).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-09 23:11:50

I think you're forgetting who's in second in command for Portal Violations Lizz. I really have lost count as to how many times I have said this, but:

If anyone needs help with their whistles, just drop me a PM or hit me up on AIM.

For those of us who are all set up on the forums, go here. Seriously, I'm not the Lt. PVO for nothin' ya know!

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 10:49:33



You have to love the stupidity of some flash thieves. Stealing something that was uploaded not 12 hours beforehand? Seriously?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 13:12:14

At 7/9/10 11:11 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: I think you're forgetting who's in second in command for Portal Violations Lizz. I really have lost count as to how many times I have said this, but:

If anyone needs help with their whistles, just drop me a PM or hit me up on AIM.

For those of us who are all set up on the forums, go here. Seriously, I'm not the Lt. PVO for nothin' ya know!

I think you are a bit confused as to what an officer position means. Obviously I need to make it clear at this point. I will not continue to tolerate the abrasiveness that's been going around in this thread. Officers are supposed to help one another and support each other, not to bicker and chastise.

From the very beginning, I created officer positions for one reason and one reason only: to provide recognition for those members that were helping fulfill a role in this club. Phantom, for example, had his hand in multiple groups and was well-known on Newgrounds at the time, so he became the Relations Officer. Major-punk took it upon himself to create our roster, so he became the Records Officer. SlashFirestorm was very helpful to prospective members and assisted me with the recruitment process, so he became the Recruitment Officer. That's how it works. It's transparent, and it has worked very well for almost 5 years.

Never were these officer positions meant to be a position of power to flaunt. EVER. In fact, the only power given by these positions are those that are absolutely necessary. It's necessary to have an executive chain of command, for example, to make a decision on behalf of the Barracks if the time comes. Prime examples of this are when problems arise and mods come a-knockin' asking for immediate answers. Additionally, our recruitment process has, out of necessity, become more and more stringent, and therefore requires a process to be followed to make sure every member is vetted and will not damage the reputation of our club. Other than those two specific roles of power, the rest of my officer roles are to recognize what people are doing. Every single member is important to this club, officer or not. Those that become officers are those that rise to the call of duty and leave their mark on this club for the better.

So, let me make this abundantly clear: berating prospective members of this club and going around saying "That's my job" is not why you are an officer. You are an officer because when it comes to dealing with flagging reviews and flash around here, you are quite skilled at it. However, that does not mean that others cannot do the same. Just because you are an officer doesn't mean Lizz cannot help anyone anymore. Last I checked, the entire Barracks was supposed to be helpful with this type of thing. I'd never fault anyone for good intentions.

For example, puddinN64 started the recruitment process a bit early, and Byte was a bit upset because she had concerns she needed to address to me first. In the end, I was well aware of the situation and it worked out anyway. However, I wouldn't be upset at puddin for trying to help...after all, that's how most officers got their roles anyway, including Byte. The only reason the recruitment process is so stoic anyway is out of necessity, not desire. Either way, trying to help the process along is something that I consider trying to help. Yelling at someone about their choice of forum on this site and telling them they are not allowed to join when you have no place in doing so is another.

I really don't have much more time to deal with this matter right now, as I'm quite busy today. Either way, any form of argument in this thread ends now. If you want to continue discussing it, you are free to do so in our private forums. We don't need to make a spectacle here on the thread over it. But take a little bit of time to think it over and calm down. In the entire history of the Barracks (that I'm aware of, anyway), never have we had officers arguing over shit like this right on the thread, and it's not going to start now.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 19:33:59

At 7/9/10 07:55 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote: Abusive review alert!

This guy's breaking just about every rule available: failure to use constructive criticism, personal attacks on the author, ALL CAPS, spamming, mentioning Blamming, etc. I've kept an eye on him for a while, and about five of his reviews have already been removed, but it's enough already.

Just a quick FYI - failure to use constructive criticism is not a bannable offence. People can be advised that their reviews are not being very helpful, but we'll generally only remove the reviews if there are lots of them all doing the same along these lines.

At 7/9/10 11:11 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: I think you're forgetting who's in second in command for Portal Violations Lizz. I really have lost count as to how many times I have said this, but:

Last warning. I think Eagle has spelled it out enough from here. You're not making friends and we don't need reminding of what happened to users like Dream-of-Duke when they rubbed the Barracks up the wrong way.

If you do, I'll be happy to explain that he was dishonourably discharged, for being a complete arse - disregarding the entire reason that the barracks was formed and teling everyone that they should B/P for the points, as opposed to anything else.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 20:11:33

Now, now, boys - I know it's hot and miserable, and it's making everybody cranky. It looks like it's time to sit back, take a deep breath and relax. Yes, even the heat made me a bit edgy, but I got over it - as we all should.

This whole issue can be summed up in one word: testosterone. Yup. That little chemical that makes young men think with the wrong head. Summer is here, the pressure of school is out, and all of you guys begin to focus more on yourself - you work out more, eat better, look better - all to attract the fairer gender. However, this comes with a price - it makes you all macho fools, and very territorial.

So, when someone does something that "crosses your boundary", you get offended - "how dare they do that to me?". Ah, to be young and foolish again! You see, it's not really your fault - blame Nature and the "Testy" twins.

You all just need a nice, cold shower, and then some cookies with a cold drink to wash it down - it'll make you all calm down, think clearer, and feel better all around.

So, lets play nice now, kids - or Uncle Eagle and Uncle Coop will open up a six-pack of whoopass juice, and some of you won't be allowed in this sandbox anymore...and that would make Auntie Byte very sad indeed. Now, you don't want me sad, do you? I didn't think so...

*Salutes - and then hands out copious amounts of cookies, milk and soy drink to all of the members trying so hard to look innocent*

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 20:39:03

At 7/10/10 07:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: If you do, I'll be happy to explain that he was dishonourably discharged, for being a complete arse - disregarding the entire reason that the barracks was formed and teling everyone that they should B/P for the points, as opposed to anything else.

Actually, I got bored enough to go find the pages over which he had his final warnings, his trial, and was discharged (pages 651 to 655, to be exact), and it was apparently for trying to instigate a mass-vote, not statwhoring (though, given all the criticisms levelled at him in those pages, I can imagine B/Ping just for points being among the list of things he was previously warned for). Makes you think about just how damn patient our "beloved leader" (lol) is, huh?

(Just because there are quite a lot of people who weren't around when this happened. This is the first time I've seen it, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.)

At 7/10/10 08:11 PM, byteslinger wrote: However, this comes with a price - it makes you all macho fools, and very territorial.

Y'know, if you want to calm a bunch of guys down, calling them stupid isn't the best strategy...

So, lets play nice now, kids - or Uncle Eagle and Uncle Coop will open up a six-pack of whoopass juice, and some of you won't be allowed in this sandbox anymore...and that would make Auntie Byte very sad indeed. Now, you don't want me sad, do you? I didn't think so...

...That, however, works just fine. :P

*Salutes - and then hands out copious amounts of cookies, milk and soy drink to all of the members trying so hard to look innocent*

HEY! Why is there a plate with my name on it? What the hell did I do?!
....Ah, fuck it; free cookies after all. *nom nom nom*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 22:36:53

Y'all are right, I was just getting in over my head. I really am sorry about that. I guess the main reason I said that is because I guess I'm feeling like I'm not getting the recognition to which I am entitled. I actively look for abusive reviews and give them to everyone and when someone has a question about whistles, reviews, etc. no one seems to point that person in my direction. :( It makes me feel a bit left out.

Again, that's my rationale behind my actions. And I am incredibly ashamed of myself for starting this "bitch-fest" please forgive me.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 23:26:27

At 7/10/10 08:11 PM, byteslinger wrote: *Salutes - and then hands out copious amounts of cookies, milk and soy drink to all of the members trying so hard to look innocent*

That innocent look isn't going to work, you know...

...ooh, cookies!

At 7/10/10 10:36 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Y'all are right, I was just getting in over my head. I really am sorry about that. I guess the main reason I said that is because I guess I'm feeling like I'm not getting the recognition to which I am entitled. I actively look for abusive reviews and give them to everyone and when someone has a question about whistles, reviews, etc. no one seems to point that person in my direction. :( It makes me feel a bit left out.

Nah, you're not being left you. That's why you're the officer and Lizz is not. If you were being left out, Lizz would be the PV Officer and you'd be scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.

Again, that's my rationale behind my actions. And I am incredibly ashamed of myself for starting this "bitch-fest" please forgive me.

Apology accepted. Everyone can have an off day, after all. Just try not to make a habit of it. :-)

At 7/10/10 08:39 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Actually, I got bored enough to go find the pages over which he had his final warnings, his trial, and was discharged (pages 651 to 655, to be exact), and it was apparently for trying to instigate a mass-vote, not statwhoring (though, given all the criticisms levelled at him in those pages, I can imagine B/Ping just for points being among the list of things he was previously warned for). Makes you think about just how damn patient our "beloved leader" (lol) is, huh?

You have no idea how patient I was with that moron. I knew he was a nice guy, but he was a thorn in our side for the longest time. One reason in particular was that he was a very abrasive user that consistently pissed everyone off on Newgrounds. Also, he was very pompous and didn't help our reputation at all. The fact that he tried to institute mass-voting in the EGB and disagreed with our policies basically sealed the deal for him. Even after I gave him a chance to plead for himself he slapped me in the face again...

For those of you still curious about DoD, check out pages 657 and 658. In particular, note his "grandiose idea" on page 657 for the "EGB Revolution." On page 658 he gets my wrath. Now, to qualify my wrath, because I am a royal asshole there:

1) At the time, I was working a shitty help-desk job getting paid half of what I should have
2) The day was particularly tough and I got home late due to other co-workers' screw-ups
3) This is RIGHT after he was dishonorably discharged.

Phantom was none-too-pleased, either. He sure had a way with words sometimes. :-) Ahh, the memories...

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-10 23:31:25

At 7/10/10 10:36 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Y'all are right, I was just getting in over my head. I really am sorry about that. I guess the main reason I said that is because I guess I'm feeling like I'm not getting the recognition to which I am entitled. I actively look for abusive reviews and give them to everyone and when someone has a question about whistles, reviews, etc. no one seems to point that person in my direction. :( It makes me feel a bit left out.

Again, that's my rationale behind my actions. And I am incredibly ashamed of myself for starting this "bitch-fest" please forgive me.

Fair enough, my friend. I think we can end this all here and now with this apology, and get back to business as usual. No sense in beating this to death anymore.

However, I do think the last few pages do bring to bear some common issues: if we are to function as a group more effectively, we should:

(1) all be aware of what roles we perform in the EGB,

(2) try to be respectful of those roles, and let members do their assigned tasks when possible and

(3) not take it personally if someone occasionally does someone else's job in an attempt to be helpful.

Generally, we're all pretty good about working together as a team, but every once in a while we'll need a little pep talk and a reminder. Just a minor adjustment.

Okay, enough of the psycho-babble! We've wasted too much time on this already!

Soldiers, get your rifles, get your heads in the game, and go defend that portal - that's the ONLY thing you all really need to worry about today!



Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 00:28:21

At 7/10/10 11:26 PM, EagleRock wrote: For those of you still curious about DoD, check out pages 657 and 658. In particular, note his "grandiose idea" on page 657 for the "EGB Revolution." On page 658 he gets my wrath.

I do believe his final (well, so far as I can find) post is the biggest crying-spree ragequit I've ever seen.

Phantom was none-too-pleased, either. He sure had a way with words sometimes. :-) Ahh, the memories...

I dunno what the hell you're apologising for over your so-called "wrath" to be honest. It's pretty tame, especially next to Phantom's "I swear to god I'll have someone cut your fucking fingers off!"

...You know the dumb thing about me and all this nostalgia? I've been on Newgrounds since 2002. My first account was registered in '04. If only I wasn't such a dumbshit back then (I lost the password after a week >_<) I could've been here since day 1 of the EGB. Hell, I was just as active thoughout all those years as I am now, I just didn't have an account for most of it (and only found the BBS when I signed up with this one).

God, so many wasted opportunities for fun... :(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 10:13:48

At 7/11/10 12:53 AM, Rabid-Animals wrote: Officers, please excuse me if I'm not supposed to post stuff like this here. I realize that it passed judgment, but there seems to be a lot of foul play involved. I'm still trying to get a feel for the thread. Anyway, I'll check up with you guys tomorrow, and if it's not gone, I'll PM Wade.

I wasn't paying much attention to the portal when it happened, but from what I gather it was fileswapped after winning daily first. As you can see, it's gone now (along with the author).

There's little point reporting fileswaps here, since there's nothing anyone besides an admin can do about it. I don't think there's any specific rule saying you can't notify the barracks of fileswaps (it's actually kinda good for keeping tabs on malicious users anyway), but PMing Wade or Tom is your best bet whenever it happens.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 13:19:56

At 7/10/10 11:31 PM, byteslinger wrote: However, I do think the last few pages do bring to bear some common issues: if we are to function as a group more effectively, we should:

(1) all be aware of what roles we perform in the EGB,

There's an Officer Guide in the Records room that might help with that. If anyone needs clarification, let me know, and I can elaborate. Since I tend to write walls of text anyway, I was trying to keep the guide a bit more succinct. :-)

(2) try to be respectful of those roles, and let members do their assigned tasks when possible and

That's something the Officer Guide won't help, but a slap in the face might. :-)

(3) not take it personally if someone occasionally does someone else's job in an attempt to be helpful.

That's also something that the Officer Guide can't help, but a kick in the balls definitely would. :-P


*Defiantly stands around to piss off Byte, since he outranks her*


*He then walks away remembering she's the one with the cookies, and decides not to screw with that*

At 7/11/10 12:28 AM, Sheizenhammer wrote: I do believe his final (well, so far as I can find) post is the biggest crying-spree ragequit I've ever seen.

I'll give him credit for one thing, though...he finally decided to use the friggin enter key in the middle of a post. Reading his longer posts are like trying to decipher Sanskrit in a sandstorm.

Phantom was none-too-pleased, either. He sure had a way with words sometimes. :-) Ahh, the memories...
I dunno what the hell you're apologising for over your so-called "wrath" to be honest. It's pretty tame, especially next to Phantom's "I swear to god I'll have someone cut your fucking fingers off!"

Ehh...especially in the older days of the EGB, I used to pride myself on never losing my cool on Newgrounds and always being a good-quality, reliable voice of the EGB. While I wouldn't give myself that distinction today (too insane), I still try. Still, when I see myself pissed off and posting like it in the EGB, it annoys me.

...You know the dumb thing about me and all this nostalgia? I've been on Newgrounds since 2002. My first account was registered in '04. If only I wasn't such a dumbshit back then (I lost the password after a week >_<) I could've been here since day 1 of the EGB. Hell, I was just as active thoughout all those years as I am now, I just didn't have an account for most of it (and only found the BBS when I signed up with this one).

God, so many wasted opportunities for fun... :(

Hell, you want to talk about wasted opportunities? I first started screwing around on Newgrounds in 2000. Imagine if I started B/Ping back then...hell, imagine if I started B/Ping in 2003, not 2005? Now THAT is wasted opportunities. :-) Either way, you're here now, enjoying the site today. That's what's important, and that's what counts. :-)


Anyway, before I go out to mow the lawn, let me annouce that the EGB has deliberated, and has decided to welcome Yamor to our ranks! I have notified him via PM, and he will undoubtedly come back soon to reply. Make sure to give him a nice warm welcome! And Byte, keep the '82 beater van OUT of the initiation this time, will you? We have perfectly good '83 Civics that are only 40% rust in the back of the garage. :-)

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 17:02:22

wow robot day got me really B/Ping I am halfway to a new rank!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 19:39:30

At 7/11/10 04:37 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote: Have we gotten any word on the AddictingGames23 account? He's at it again.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 1964

I just sent TomFulp a PM asking if AddictingGames actually bothered contacting him like they said they would. Chances are they didn't, and this is gonna take a lot more figuring than it should.

Lazy bastards.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 20:13:02

At 7/11/10 07:51 PM, Yamor wrote: Hello everyone.

It seems I have been voted in and have gained admittance into your crew. I will gladly keep all the stolen and illegal material that shouldn't be on NewGrounds, off of NewGrounds. I will try my hardest to keep stolen material off of this site. I will swiftly alert everyone to "blow the whistle,baby" when the situation arises.

But actually for me... becoming a member is much more than that. It is a sign that I have changed and am now a better member who does better for the community. I applied before and was not found mature enough. But I realized that if you guys thought that a bunch of other users must think that as well. And that is not how I wanted to be viewed.

So, it makes be happy that people have recognized that I really have changed.


Welcome to the Barracks, Yamor! I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm and encouragement in just one post. The next thing you need to do is PM EagleRock and ask him about setting you up on the BBS. Once you have your account, why not go into the "Barracks Recruitment Desk" forum, and start a new thread introducing yourself? Tell us a little about yourself (NO personal info please, like phone #'s, addresses, your bank account and pin, etc.) and we'll answer back there so you'll learn a little about all of us as well.

One thing to remember is this: if you have ANY questions, or are unsure what to do about a post or review, please feel free to PM ANYONE in the EGB. We are all here to help eachother out. If you read the Officer List on the BBS, you'll get a better idea who to contact when you have a question, but in the end, we're all on the same team here.

That being said, get yourself settled in and grab some chow at the mess - you'll be busy protecting the portal sooner than you know.


Oh, yeah....one more thing...there's this little "welcoming" ritual we have for new recruits. You'll find out soon enough.....hehehehehe...... By the way, what kind of cookies do you like, and do you have any allergies to dairy products?

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 20:28:29

Hello Yamor welcome to EGB cool to see you onboard! I love The Robot Day theme I could not quite work out why there was a Robot Day though any idea anyone? I did not get much bp but I may well check out the pages for the Robot movies and games. Off topic I have got a perforated eardrum which means I have a hole in my eardrum, I don't know how I got it but it may be because of a ear infection. I have blood discharge I have had it checked out and I'm on antibiotics same as the one I took last month lovely sarcasm bit here.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 21:12:03

At 7/11/10 08:46 PM, Yamor wrote: Well, I do know that we are not supposed to post any abusive reviews here. So what you said about reviews confuses me.

Remember, you can ask whatever the hell you like in a PM, regardless of the rules about posting things here. PMs are private, so posting rules don't apply to them after all. You can ask about reviews via PMs, and as long as the discussion doesn't spill out into the thread, it's all good. :)

This ritual sounds ominous... well, besides that. Cookies, you say! Hmmm, I suppose I like all kinds. Just surprise me with whatever you pick out.

Pretty soon you will learn to cringe in fear whenever Byte starts mentioning her sordid "rituals". I swear, that woman is BOUND to have at least one piece of S&M clothing hidden somewhere in her house! >_<

Also, welcome! :P

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 21:43:45

Hey there again. I'd like to say that I've finally registered at the forums, so now I'm an official member once again!

Topics that are under discussion (so I won't need to quote everyone) :

- That ''AddictingGames23'' account is really suspicious indeed. Why would they have two accounts on Newgrounds? And why are the games so badly cropped, with a questionable quality?

- Robot day was nice, although it had less than I expected. MindChamber was organising it, yet he didn't submit anything! I thought he would show us how much he loves his robots yesterday...

- As for flagging submissions, I usually only flag them when I ''stumble'' upon them. Like in the flash portal, for example. I try checking the new submissions after they pass, mainly the spammy ones, where you can usually find a couple of abusive reviews.

- byteslinger, may I have a cookie as well? :P


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 22:01:32

At 7/11/10 09:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hey there again. I'd like to say that I've finally registered at the forums, so now I'm an official member once again!

Topics that are under discussion (so I won't need to quote everyone) :

- That ''AddictingGames23'' account is really suspicious indeed. Why would they have two accounts on Newgrounds? And why are the games so badly cropped, with a questionable quality?

I thought there was a message from AddictingGames confirming that that account was a fake, or did I just imagine that?

- Robot day was nice, although it had less than I expected. MindChamber was organising it, yet he didn't submit anything! I thought he would show us how much he loves his robots yesterday...

XD I had to work all of yesterday and today; I can't believe I missed the whole thing! Quick, show me your all-time favorite portal submissions from yesterday and today!

- As for flagging submissions, I usually only flag them when I ''stumble'' upon them. Like in the flash portal, for example. I try checking the new submissions after they pass, mainly the spammy ones, where you can usually find a couple of abusive reviews.

I do the same thing really. I just lurk in the passed judgment zone for any submissions that have a lowered score. Back in the day, I would write a motivational review for the ones under judgment to inspire the author if the flash gets blammed. Now, I just flag the abusive ones that put em' down and move on...

- byteslinger, may I have a cookie as well? :P


I don't think I've ever saluted in this place before lol :3

French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-11 23:59:33

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-12 06:54:14

At 7/12/10 06:38 AM, Yamor wrote: 98% sure its stolen. I have seen it around the web many times. It has been around for YEARS. I am pretty sure all of you have seen this game before.

Look at all the places it has been for years.


I concur - that's where it's "officially" hosted, so it's a case of in for a penny, in for a pound.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-12 08:46:20

At 7/12/10 06:54 AM, rorypearce94 wrote: If it was submitted by the original creator, they probably would have chosen a more professional username, as well as creating a 46x46 icon.

That's largely circumstantial evidence. Just because you don't have a 46x46 icon doesn't mean you're not legit. Your username is no clue either, as there is plenty of scope here for different names. Your own name could have been taken, thus not giving you the chance to use it.

At 7/12/10 07:00 AM, Yamor wrote: So another member agrees that is stolen. This is very good news to me. Today is just my first day in the Barracks and I have already found a stolen flash. It makes me happy that I am helping out.

I was on my way to report it, but you were about 10 minutes too quick for me :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-12 12:14:37

At 7/11/10 07:39 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: I just sent TomFulp a PM asking if AddictingGames actually bothered contacting him like they said they would.

HAHAHAHAHA!! Well, that makes things a lot simpler.

Not quite the response I was expecting, but it'll certainly do. Thanks Tom!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-12 13:23:33

At 7/11/10 10:01 PM, SupraAddict wrote:
At 7/11/10 09:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: - That ''AddictingGames23'' account is really suspicious indeed. Why would they have two accounts on Newgrounds? And why are the games so badly cropped, with a questionable quality?
I thought there was a message from AddictingGames confirming that that account was a fake, or did I just imagine that?

Well, I haven't heard anything about that, but it's really weird to have two Addictinggames accounts on NG. I was pretty sure it was stealing games, but we needed a confirmation...

- Robot day was nice, although it had less than I expected. MindChamber was organising it, yet he didn't submit anything! I thought he would show us how much he loves his robots yesterday...
XD I had to work all of yesterday and today; I can't believe I missed the whole thing! Quick, show me your all-time favorite portal submissions from yesterday and today!

Well, most of the stuff I liked were front-paged, so just check there and see which ones you like. ;P

- byteslinger, may I have a cookie as well? :P

I don't think I've ever saluted in this place before lol :3

Try it - it isn't that hard. ;)

At 7/12/10 07:00 AM, Yamor wrote: So another member agrees that is stolen. This is very good news to me. Today is just my first day in the Barracks and I have already found a stolen flash. It makes me happy that I am helping out.

It's great to see you helping out. Hopefully you will keep up doing well against them. =)

At 7/12/10 12:14 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 7/11/10 07:39 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: I just sent TomFulp a PM asking if AddictingGames actually bothered contacting him like they said they would.
HAHAHAHAHA!! Well, that makes things a lot simpler.

VICTORY! Great job! It was nice to see the obituaries filled with them. Too bad we don't get points after things pass judgement, but it's rewarding seeing this, nonetheless.


Read the description - you'll know what to do.