At 7/12/10 01:23 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 2057
Read the description - you'll know what to do.
(Yes, that means 'original'. :P)
At 7/12/10 01:23 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 2057
Read the description - you'll know what to do.
(Yes, that means 'original'. :P)
At 7/12/10 01:33 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:At 7/12/10 01:23 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 2057Linkety linkness.
Read the description - you'll know what to do.
(Yes, that means 'original'. :P)
...and that as well. :P
Sometimes I forget to post the original, since the guy who submitted admits it's stolen. Anyway, it's been taken down now, nice job.
Also, I have some suspicion over this flash:
I'm not sure if this is stolen or not, but it certainly looks weird. It has a bad quality, it's badly cropped (white borders) and it ends suddenly (during an action scene)... Anyone knows anything else?
At 7/12/10 04:23 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote: "By the way, i didnt make this. An anonymous user uploaded this on imageshack so i decided to try and make it famous :-) Thanks whoever made this."
To be honest, this has the look of something a bit sneakier than simple theft. It looks like one of those times when a spammer says something's stolen when actually it isn't. If it gets flagged, said spammer can go to Wade and have it cleared (and rightly so, it IS his after all), thereby putting a big dent in everyone's whistle status.
That's why I have a general policy of 'no original = no flag', and I know I'm not the only one who goes by it.
I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!
At 7/12/10 05:55 PM, Yamor wrote: Original linky here.
Ah, OK.
^^That's the importance of the original link: without it you really can't tell what to do with something suspicious. Well, it's passed anyway, so another one for the 'Wade PM get' bin. : /
At 7/12/10 05:06 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!
God I hope that this was a hacked account.
Oh, and hello. Most of you don't know me, but for those that do, I've finally gotten enough free time to actually attempt to b/p and post in more than just the PS3 lounge.
Holy crap! Welcome back dude! Where've you been hiding these last few months? Just hanging out in the PS3 Lounge? I've been meaning to pop in there and get active again, but I feel I've been needed here in the EGB and the NGPD. Just helping people get better whistles, flag stolen/unsuitable/malicious flash, etc.
Also, I thought you were kicked out of here for good Duke.
At 7/12/10 11:33 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Holy crap! Welcome back dude! Where've you been hiding these last few months?
Well, I was working 35-40 hours a week for a while there, plus school and an attempt at a social life. So I was a bit busy to do much. But that job ended, and so did school, and now I have a laptop, so I've got a bit more free time and more time for Newgrounds/the internet.
I honestly haven't b/ped in a solid 9 months.
Also, I thought you were kicked out of here for good Duke.
Yeah, he was, but that post was so ridiculous that it couldn't have been him. I don't even think Duke has a 5.0 scale
At 7/12/10 05:06 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!
I have a GPA of 5 BILLION at the university of AWESOME
As well as many hot and charming lady friends
SLASH! What rock have you been hiding under the last month or so?
is this a massive influx of all the older EGB members who were here when I was but a mere Guardsman? If so, YAY! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!
At 7/13/10 12:43 AM, SlntCobra1 wrote: SLASH! What rock have you been hiding under the last month or so?
is this a massive influx of all the older EGB members who were here when I was but a mere Guardsman? If so, YAY! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Actually this is the only time either of us will post for the next 4 months, so revel in it.
Yet you said you'll have more free time for NG and dickin' around on the internet in general. So why a 4 month Hiatus? That seems a little counter-productive if you ask me.
Hardcore Gay Porn from Suffering.
At 7/13/10 12:43 AM, SlntCobra1 wrote: SLASH! What rock have you been hiding under the last month or so?
Under a conveniently placed cardboard box.
At 7/12/10 05:06 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!
Do I really need to rehash my proving your girlfriend on Newgrounds was a fake? The evidence still lurks right in the EGB thread, you know.
At 7/12/10 11:23 PM, TheThing wrote: Oh, and hello. Most of you don't know me, but for those that do, I've finally gotten enough free time to actually attempt to b/p and post in more than just the PS3 lounge.
Oh, we remember you well enough. Especially if you've ready my second story... :-P Also, not too many people from New Jersey around here, so you kinda stuck out for me. Welcome back!
At 7/13/10 12:35 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I have a GPA of 5 BILLION at the university of AWESOME
As well as many hot and charming lady friends
Poised like a tiger waiting to strike, I see. Old habits die hard, I guess.
Regarding Dream-of-Duke's reappearance:
We have to remember that Fro has being dealing with his account for quite a while now. Look at his previous posts, it's kinda like an alt for him. So it could just be him messing with our minds. :P
At 7/12/10 11:23 PM, TheThing wrote: Oh, and hello. Most of you don't know me, but for those that do, I've finally gotten enough free time to actually attempt to b/p and post in more than just the PS3 lounge.
Hey there, scout boy's mentor! :)
I still find this account to be a little suspicious: /
None of the flashes have icons and they're sponsored by different sites (AddictingGames, Kongregate...), common e-mail... Any thoughts?
Looks like we hit the "summer reruns" here at barracks - everyone is coming out of the woodwork to say hello:
At 7/12/10 05:06 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!
Okay, who's using this account? Looks like D-O-D may have been hacked or alted, 'cause this ain't him!
At 7/12/10 11:23 PM, TheThing wrote:
Oh, and hello. Most of you don't know me, but for those that do, I've finally gotten enough free time to actually attempt to b/p and post in more than just the PS3 lounge.
Welcome back! Yes, we remember you - good to see you're doing well. But you've been a stranger too long...well, not any stranger than usual, just more absent.
At 7/13/10 12:35 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I have a GPA of 5 BILLION at the university of AWESOME
Even though you haven't been around for a bit, your ego still precedes you. Good to hear from you again, old comrade.
As well as many hot and charming lady friends
Translated: I got a hooker for my birthday, and her sister jumped in at half price.
At 7/13/10 08:11 AM, EagleRock wrote: Oh, we remember you well enough. Especially if you've ready my second story... :-P Also, not too many people from New Jersey around here, so you kinda stuck out for me. Welcome back!
Oh, that's right - youse guyz are from Jersey. I knew there was somethin' fishy goin' on here. So, tell me, where exactly is Jimmy Hoffa these days?
So many men to abuse - and so little time! hehehehe.....
Seriously, though - glad to see you all back again, even if it is for a cameo appearance!
Glad to see such warm welcome! And I was just kidding about not seeing me in 4 months; I must have forgotten to leave my sarcasm tag open.
Eagle, I had no idea you wrote a new story. I'll have to check it out, although I'm still (maybe) halfway through Barracks Under Fire, but if this new one strokes my ego, it's coming first. And us Joysy boys gots to sticks together.
Sir-Nuts, I'm more than just a Boy Scout's mentor now; I got my Eagle Scout in December.
Byte, I might even say that I'm even more strange now than I was before. Amazing how much different life can be with a few changes.
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
As the guy who submitted said, it's just an "an edit from the nin10doh poékmon sanp xxx fash by Pikanjo here on newgrounds".
A.k.a, he didn't do shit. ^^
At 7/13/10 08:37 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote:
*Salutes, fishing rod in other hard*
Wait for me! I've got some dynamite if we're unsuccessful!!!!
*Dashes off after him, with pants falling down*
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 7/13/10 07:31 AM, jedi-master wrote: How in the hell did that pass judgment? Well, someone should go message Tom or Wade about this horrendous flash. Preferably Tom, he does things much faster than Wade. ;)
I left a message on Wade's AIM over lunch and when i got back from work, he told me it was removed. Basically, things do get done when Wade sees them. We have to prioritise though, since some submissions are a lot worse than others.
At 7/13/10 08:11 AM, EagleRock wrote:At 7/12/10 05:06 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I just wanted to see how the best club in newgrounds was doing with stuffs. If you guys ever need any help I can make sure to help you guys out with new ideas and stuffs! Duke is going great and I still have my 5.00 GPA!!Do I really need to rehash my proving your girlfriend on Newgrounds was a fake? The evidence still lurks right in the EGB thread, you know.
Like quite a few of us knew that this "reappearance" of Drem-of-Duke was a fake?
Well, I'm now officially the top ranking EGB member, as I've gotten more B/P than any other member has ever had, having now officially passed Phantom. Now it's time to raise the bar sufficiently for byteslinger to try and catch :P
Cool to see old members on here like SlashFirestorm and TheThing hi there. Well Sir-Nuts you have been very busy finding possible stolen content, very impressive and about that account I don't know to be honest. Having other links to other sites may not mean its not his still i will keep an eye on it. Having an earache sucks my ear is getting better but I have to keep it dry for about four to six weeks which really sucks.
Well, after many months of careful whistling, along with the help of Slntcobra1, I am very happy to announce that I have reached the apex of recognition here in Newgrounds:
_- Supreme Commander and Deity Whistle -_
It was a long time coming, but it's not time to stop - it just gives me more leverage to take out more of the garbage and keep things civil in our online community.
Now, back to fighting the good fight!
There is even a staff comment on the original submission.
French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind
Hey everybody i'm finally back around after a long absence. Which is mainly due to the fact my computer crashed and had to wait a while to get it back. But anyway, I have it back now and also with a faster internet connection now so should be able to be quite active once more around here.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 7/16/10 12:03 PM, SupraAddict wrote: ....? 2449 by
But he's not
He doesn't have to be: It's not stolen.
An explanation can be found here, it seems. He just wanted to maximise the number of people who take it seriously by making the impersonation account. Or something. I don't think making gimmick accounts in itself is against the rules, so long as you're not submitting abusive flashes with them.
At 7/16/10 02:11 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
I don't think making gimmick accounts in itself is against the rules, so long as you're not submitting abusive flashes with them.
Yeah that or trying to get around a ban or something of that nature. That is against the rules but I really don't see anything wrong with him creating another account just to serve the purpose of getting his flash out to everybody.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
Eh, this is weird...
HOWEVER, the stolen one has a e-mail, although the original one was submitted about 15 hours ago... WTF?