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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-01 17:09:54

Thanks for the roster Lizz.

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of July 1st, 2010:

Looks very different with all the big names missing and all.


A good month indeed for the Barracks, in spite of the leavers.

The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
10) 22,011 | 0,934 | 31.13 | + 044.36 | RohantheBarbarian Lt. General +4

Decent month for me this month haha, liking the look of the number 10 spot, it's not a bad number to be stuck on (and from the looks of things, I will be here for a long while indeed).

Total gain for month: 11,388

That's 379.60 per day, or 14.06 per day per member.

Back to pulling my weight again :P

Thanks for the roster again Lizz!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-01 18:28:55

At 6/30/10 08:18 PM, SupraAddict wrote:
At 6/30/10 11:31 AM, Ismael92 wrote: This game:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 0819
Is actually this game:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/48 6660
But stolen from here:

Dun dun duuuuun!

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of July 1st, 2010:

Awesome! Thanks a lot of the update!

I'm proud to give you this roster today, the new and fully updated roster of the EGB Barracks! First off, I'd like to thank Ismael for setting up, and organising the Bi-Annual Roll Call. It was a nice thing for him to do, and I'm very grateful for him to do that, he did a pleasant job!

You're welcome! Working as a team is better than working individually. High five! :D

Secondly, Sushi13 did not reply in time to the Roll Call, yet just came a bit late in and did reply just about 20 hours ago, so I've allowed him to be put back onto the roster. However, due to the mess up... I'd already deactivated him, and had to reactivate him... Which means he will not appear on the roster until NEXT month, and even so... Will be put down as *NEW*.

sushi13 PMed me yesterday saying that he had replied soon after I sent him the rollcall PM, but he didn't get a confirmation from me afterwards. However, I've double-checked my inbox and I can't find any PM from him.

However, that shouldn't be a problem, as at least he's actually back on the roster. Haha.

That's all that matters :)

Also, I'm very VERY pleased with the rank ups, and milestones of this month. It's been a hell of a month for us all huh? Apart from the whole +1, +2, +3 etc etc going on with the people being taken off the list due to the roll call... But let's just ignore that shall we? Haha. It'll be back to normal next month, since the ranks would be knackered anyway because of the roll call even if I were doing it manually.

Yes, during the first half of the month I was afraid of Rohan because for a moment he was close to me. However, I'm now on winter holidays and my pace increased as a result. Take that, northern hemisphere!


Those are a lot of milestones and I'm proud of being in that list! Keep up the good work!

Ismael92 - Praporshchik

Hehe, I'm first on this list. Being is a praporshchik is great because I'm finally in the golden ranks! Supreme Commander, here I come!

Lizzardis - Major
RogerBK - Pvt. First Class
RohantheBarbarian - Lt. General
SupraAddict - Sgt. Major

Congrats to all of you!

The List:
11) 16,090 | 0,740 | 24.67 | + 032.62 | Lizzardis Major +5
12) 11,700 | 1,075 | 35.83 | -- 000.83 | Ismael92 Praporshchik +6
13) 10,631 | 0,679 | 22.63 | + 029.33 | SlntCobra1 Sgt. Major +6

Hehe, this was a good month for me. Luckily, I'm far away of SlntCobra1, but unfortunately I'm also far away from you. I'll be in this place for a few months...

At 7/1/10 04:33 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Top 5 Gainers::
byteslinger - 2,112
Coop83 - 1,308
EagleRock - 1,219
DumbassDude - 1,179
Ismael92 - 1,075

Damn you, DumbassDude! Although I'm 5th, that's still good enough.

Top gainers, repeat appearances::
byteslinger (18)
Coop83 (17)
Ismael92 (4)

Yay! I'm here once again ^^

What... I bet I've made another mistake somewhere xD

lol, this is the first time that you don't apologize, but you actually made a mistake (but please don't apologize as it isn't very important). You said that no members were leaving, while the following people are no longer in the EGB:


And yes, for those of you that have been living under a rock, two executive officers are leaving. Now all we have to do is wait for Eagle to post about it.

At 7/1/10 06:14 PM, Lizzardis wrote: *Sigh*

I missed these guys :)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 0958

I was going to post about it too :o

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-01 19:26:17

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Also, I'm very VERY pleased with the rank ups, and milestones of this month. It's been a hell of a month for us all huh? Apart from the whole +1, +2, +3 etc etc going on with the people being taken off the list due to the roll call... But let's just ignore that shall we?

And here I was thinking I'd actually accomplished something good. Oh well... :(

Sheizenhammer - 2K saves

And that doesn't count because I'd have gotten that regardless of how slowly I'd gone. :P

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-01 19:54:03

Hey, Lizz!

Thanks for the roster update. Despite the one-day hiccup, you didn't do anything wrong.

AND...you are correct about the "members leaving" logic. Since they were marked inactive in June (and not on July 1st) they show that they were relieved in June, and not on July's roster at all.

Had you waited until after 12:00 noon on 7/1 and then marked them inactive, they would have been shown as "left barracks" in this month and not June. It's all a matter of timing. I guess going forward, you should do your roster maintenance at the first of the month, just before you post it. Make your changes, then refresh the roster, and you'll get a better picture of what really happened.

Thanks again for the monthly update. I'm very curious as to what EagleRock has to say about the vacant officer positions...hmmmm.....


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-01 20:16:28

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of July 1st, 2010:

thanx for the update man...


congrats to all

aldlv - 36K total B/P


The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
04) 48,543 | 1,219 | 40.63 | + 544.97 | EagleRock Sup. Commander +2
05) 36,129 | 0,419 | 13.97 | + 010.55 | aldlv Sup. Commander +2

top 5... cool, but catching EagleRock, sounds almost imposible...

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 01:43:33

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of July 1st, 2010:

Excellent work as usual, Lizz!


Holy crap, lots of milestones!

The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
01) 76,064 | 1,308 | 43.60 | -- 007.37 | Coop83 Sup. Commander +1
02) 54,084 | 2,112 | 70.40 | + 001.34 | byteslinger Sup. Commander +2
03) 49,165 | 0,045 | 01.50 | + 055.17 | Little-Rena Sup. Commander +2
04) 48,543 | 1,219 | 40.63 | + 544.97 | EagleRock Sup. Commander +2
05) 36,129 | 0,419 | 13.97 | + 010.55 | aldlv Sup. Commander +2

I can see I'm in the top 5 now...I'm definitely going to show more B/P in the near future, but I still won't be near my prime levels. Shame, really. Stupid "job" getting in the way. :-)

Top 5 Gainers::
byteslinger - 2,112
Coop83 - 1,308
EagleRock - 1,219
DumbassDude - 1,179
Ismael92 - 1,075

I can see I'm back in the top 5, along with some other heavy hitters. Somehow I doubt I'll ever make top gainer again though...the competition is just too stiff. :-)


Well, now that we have our roster all squared away, it's time to go over officer evaluations. I'm going to list ALL of the positions here, whether they were inactive before or after roll call. So, here's a current view of the officers:

Executive Officers

Chief Barracks Officer - EagleRock
Lieutenant CBO - Inactive
Second Lieutenant CBO - RohantheBarbarian
Emergency Operations Officer - Inactive

Peacetime Officers

Recruitment Officer - Inactive
Advancement Officer - Inactive

Records Officer - Ismael92
Lieutenant Records Officer - Lizzardis

Portal Violations Officer - phantomlassuk
Lt. Portal Violations Officer - SlntCobra1
Reviews Violations Officer - Coop83

Wartime Officers (all are inactive due to peacetime)

Portal Operations Officer - Inactive
Intelligence Operations Officer - Inactive
Reconnaissance Operations Officer - Inactive

Barracks Laisons

Barracks NGPD Liaison - Lizzardis
Barracks NGDD Liaison - DOD is Inactive
Barracks NG Mafia Laison - Inactive

Now, as you can see, we have a lot of inactive positions, but a lot we won't need. So, I'm going to go down the list and explain who I had in mind for each one. Keep in mind that these are NOT SET IN STONE. If you have opinions, VOICE THEM. I want to emphasize that people should be active in these decisions, as this club is just as much yours as it is mine:

Executive Officers

Chief Barracks Officer - EagleRock

Right now, I'm pretty active as you all know, and I don't plan on being inactive for a while.

Lieutenant CBO - RohantheBarbarian

It's tough seeing Slash and Phantom off the roster. However, they were pretty much inactive anyway, so having them announce it officially in Roll Call wasn't so much as loss as it was recognizing they were gone in the first place. Rohan, on the other hand, is quite active, reliable, and is always there to assist me when I need him. I don't think many would argue that he isn't fit for the role. I have talked to him on the side and he says he's planning to stay active. Therefore, he fits the role perfectly.

2nd Lieutenant CBO - Coop83

Coop was originally an Executive Officer, but he kinda got bumped off the totem pole when I became active again in the EGB. Now that both Slash and Phantom are gone, it's time he's back where he belongs. I can't say enough good things about Coop, and I think we all know he is the caliber for the position.

Emergency Operations Officer - Keep Inactive

A lot of people might get upset at this idea, but let me explain my reasoning. Originally, my second-in-command was the Relations Officer (Phantom), which pretty much became a defunct role over time. Phantom more officially took the role as second-in-command. I was inactive a lot at the time, so he was the de facto CBO for the time. However, the EGB has a bad habit of not really wanting to take the top brass out of power.

Eventually, Phantom was going inactive a lot as well. This caused problems and we needed someone to step in. I eventually appointed Slash as the third-in-command to handle both Phantom and me being inactive. Eventually, Slash started becoming inactive as well (notice a pattern here?), so Slash put the EOO role to handle this.

Now, we have finally "cleaned the cobwebs" of the inactive officers, and we will have three active Executive Officers once all is said and done. Therefore, having a fourth is more superfluous than not. I'd like to keep the role open for now, as I do not believe it is pressing to fill. Additionally, if someone like Slash or Phantom decides to go back and the Barracks wants to place them back in the executive chain, there is a place for them.

Again, if you don't agree with this, tell me. I'm up for suggestions. I do have my own ideas for this position for this role if we do fill it, but again, I'd rather not unless too many people disagree with me.

Peacetime Officers

Recruitment Officer - ByteSlinger

Byte has certainly done enough to prove that she is officer material, and honestly, she is usually the person that gets to the recruitment speech before me... :-). Since I always felt like officer roles were really recognition for what people do around the Barracks anyway, it's a perfect fit.

Advancement Officer - Open to ideas

Traditionally, this role went to the person in the Barracks that was the best role model of the bunch. For example, XwaynecoltX, the original advancement officer, was one of the top B/Pers in the EGB and always emphasized more than just B/Ping, such as reviewing flash/audio, as well as whistleblowing. Right now, the only people I can think of that are fitting for the role I have already suggested for other officers, so I think the role might just stay inactive as before. But, again, I'm up for people's ideas if you have 'em.

Portal Violations Officer - phantomlassuk
Lt. Portal Violations Officer - SlntCobra1

This tag-team of violations officers does a damn good job of it, and I'd hate to fix what isn't broken. Both lassuk and Cobra have indicated that they don't plan on going anywhere, so we won't have a need to fill inactive positions.

Reviews Violations Officer - Inactive

To be honest, this role was given to Coop to keep him as an EGB Officer when he kinda got "kicked out" of the executive chain. Since I'm recommending he gets put back into it, the officer role kinda goes by the wayside.

Records Officer - Lizzardis
Lieutenant Records Officer - Ismael92

Again, as with our Violations Officers, we have a great tag-team here taking care of not just the roster, but roll call, and the records in the forums. However, Ismael has mentioned that Lizz is taking the brunt of the work lately, and therefore deserves the head role. Ismael isn't going inactive, but prefers to take on more of an advisory role. I haven't brought this up to Lizz yet, so I'm interested in his reaction. :-)

Wartime Officers - All are open

Again, these have been kept inactive for a while, but I don't want to let people think I won't hear ideas about these positions. If you're unsure what these positions do, check my detailed FAQ in the Records Room. But to give you an idea, the Portal Operations Officer is a head advisor to the Executive Officers on dealing with Portal onslaughts and the like. The Intel Ops and Recon Ops positions report to the Portal Ops and help gain information needed to protect the Portal.

Barracks Laisons - All are open

Right now, the only truly needed Laison is for the NGPD, which Lizz is handling perfectly. However, I'm always up to hearing ideas.


Well, that pretty much covers it! I'll be waiting to hear all of your suggestions and opinions! By the way, if you wish to make a suggestion or state an opinion privately, feel free to send me a PM or IM me through AIM. I'll be glad to hear you privately, and anyone coming to me in confidence will stay anonymous.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 08:39:29

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of July 1st, 2010:

Thanks Lizzardis!

Good evening Barracks! I hope you're all well.

Finished A-Levels so I've been partying hard and looking for a job, and of course, getting money for the Glasgow meet next week.

I'm proud to give you this roster today, the new and fully updated roster of the EGB Barracks! First off, I'd like to thank Ismael for setting up, and organising the Bi-Annual Roll Call. It was a nice thing for him to do, and I'm very grateful for him to do that, he did a pleasant job!

Yeah thanks Ismael, it's a shame so many good members/officers left but as I can see, more of the active unsung users in the barracks have been given the chance with some important roles. Good luck everyone =)

Secondly, Sushi13 did not reply in time to the Roll Call, yet just came a bit late in and did reply just about 20 hours ago, so I've allowed him to be put back onto the roster. However, due to the mess up... I'd already deactivated him, and had to reactivate him... Which means he will not appear on the roster until NEXT month, and even so... Will be put down as *NEW*.

Damn, I didn't get to thrash my arch rival this month while he continuously thrashes me in the NG Gamerscore league. The battle shall commence next month.

Also, I'm very VERY pleased with the rank ups, and milestones of this month. It's been a hell of a month for us all huh? Apart from the whole +1, +2, +3 etc etc going on with the people being taken off the list due to the roll call... But let's just ignore that shall we? Haha. It'll be back to normal next month, since the ranks would be knackered anyway because of the roll call even if I were doing it manually.

I'm very happy I'm in the top 10 now, even if it is by shitty circumstances, but yeah, let's just ignore that and focus on all the sexy rank ups.


Probably the most milestones I've seen, congrats everyone.


Congrats everyone! I'll be on the promotion list next month =p

The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
07) 31,228 | 0,076 | 02.53 | + 000.00 | ArtDanVal Sup. Commander +4
08) 27,833 | 0,015 | 00.50 | -- 042.31 | idiot-buster Commander +4
09) 25,230 | 1,179 | 39.30 | + 096.17 | DumbassDude General +4
10) 22,011 | 0,934 | 31.13 | + 044.36 | RohantheBarbarian Lt. General +4
11) 16,090 | 0,740 | 24.67 | + 032.62 | Lizzardis Major +5

Pretty happy with my pace, haven't hit 1000 in awhile and it looks like if I keep this up, I'll go up to 7th place in a few months. I think if I don't keep this pace up and Rohan is consistent with his, I might have some more challenges in the coming months.

At 7/1/10 04:33 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Top 5 Gainers::

Congrats everyone! Byte thrashing everyone in the barracks as usual. Hope I can make the Top Gainers constantly for awhile like I use to do.

At 7/1/10 06:28 PM, Ismael92 wrote: Damn you, DumbassDude! Although I'm 5th, that's still good enough.

Knowing me, it won't be a regular thing, don't worry =p


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 09:23:47

At 7/1/10 04:30 PM, Lizzardis wrote: The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
01) 76,064 | 1,308 | 43.60 | -- 007.37 | Coop83 Sup. Commander +1
02) 54,084 | 2,112 | 70.40 | + 001.34 | byteslinger Sup. Commander +2

Wow, it's unusual to say the least, seeing myself up top on one of these lists...

I'm still plugging away and I'll continue to keep on going as long as I see a goal ahead of me!

Out of respect for Phantom (which I never had much of in the first place - it's not like I tried to hide it) I still think that he should be ghosted as the top of these rankings. Oh well, from next month, I'll have passed his EGB retirement figure, so I'll be happy there.

Looks like I'm safe at the top for a while. Then, when Ms. Slinger comes to take over, I think I'll be suitably close to 100,000 B/P to smile.

At 7/1/10 04:33 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Top 5 Gainers::
byteslinger - 2,112
Coop83 - 1,308
EagleRock - 1,219
DumbassDude - 1,179
Ismael92 - 1,075

Wow, 5 soldiers in the +1,000 - very good minth.

Top gainers, repeat appearances::
byteslinger (18)
Coop83 (17)
Ismael92 (4)

Seven more months to go and it's two years!

At 7/2/10 01:43 AM, EagleRock wrote: 2nd Lieutenant CBO - Coop83

Coop was originally an Executive Officer, but he kinda got bumped off the totem pole when I became active again in the EGB. Now that both Slash and Phantom are gone, it's time he's back where he belongs. I can't say enough good things about Coop, and I think we all know he is the caliber for the position.

Ah, an executive officer position - I hope that comes with a pay rise *straightens tie, slicks back hair*

Keep those superlatives coming, Eagle :P

At 7/2/10 08:16 AM, Lizzardis wrote:
At 7/2/10 01:43 AM, EagleRock wrote: 2nd Lieutenant CBO - Coop83
However, if you wanted to go off activity, than I may recommend that Coop takes 2nd in command, and the Rohan? Not that i'm disrespecting Rohan in any way, because we both know he's fit for the job... I'm just saying because Rohan has been more inactive than Coop.

It's quite difficult to be more active than me? Second pay rise in a day, you say?

Oh yeah, there's a new Protectors Update for your viewing pleasure today.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 10:27:52

Before I say anything, here's a word of warning. Apparently, some people (including me) have been receiving PMs telling us to download a "NG toolbar". This is a scam, please don't click the download link as other users have reported that their anti-viruses have detected malicious stuff.

Keep your eyes peeled!

At 7/2/10 01:43 AM, EagleRock wrote: Executive Officers

Chief Barracks Officer - EagleRock

Right now, I'm pretty active as you all know, and I don't plan on being inactive for a while.

Lieutenant CBO - RohantheBarbarian

2nd Lieutenant CBO - Coop83

As I told you before, I believe that Coop deserves an executive officer position, so I fully agree with this. Rohan may not post here daily as other members do, but he's here whenever he need him so I think he's fit for the role.

Emergency Operations Officer - Keep Inactive

That's sounds good. Now that all of our executive officers are active, I don't think we really need an EOO, and if we ever do, we can appoint someone.

Peacetime Officers

Recruitment Officer - ByteSlinger

This is great. ByteSlinger has done so much for the EGB that she completely deserves this, and she's really active as well. Congrats ;)

Advancement Officer - Open to ideas

If we're going to appoint someone, then I also think that Byte would do a good job. She's a role model, and I think that everyone could learn a thing or two from her ;)

Portal Violations Officer - phantomlassuk
Lt. Portal Violations Officer - SlntCobra1

Again, this is great ;)

Records Officer - Lizzardis
Lieutenant Records Officer - Ismael92

Now that Lizzardis is updating the roster, I don't see why he shouldn't have the primary role. I was going to say this today but you beat me to it and PMed me a few days ago :o

The "lieutenant" role is good enough for me. I'll take care of other stuff, and I'll take over the primary role if Lizzardis ever goes inactive or decides to quit.

Barracks Laisons - All are open

If Lizz is active at the NGPD, then he should be the Liaison. BTW, you spelt "liaison" wrong :P

Now I can finally go and watch the World cup...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 10:39:16

Just a random question:

Where in the new forums is the description of what all these officer roles actually entail? I've forgotten what half of the inactive ones were supposed to be for in the first place.

...Come to think of it, do we really need a dozen people managing every task individually? I'm just wondering if it would work better if it were more a case of whoever's available (and competent enough to be trusted with administrative tasks) doing whatever's currently needed in the barracks. That way it wouldn't really matter when people go inactive; as long as there's one officer left, the place can function as normal, without the kind of managerial hiccups we had with RogerBK's voting thread.

But meh; what do I know? I can't even remember what half the officer roles are for. :X

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 10:55:02

At 7/2/10 10:39 AM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Just a random question:

Where in the new forums is the description of what all these officer roles actually entail? I've forgotten what half of the inactive ones were supposed to be for in the first place.

The "Officer Guide" is in the records room. Direct link to the thread:
http://web.eagleworld.net:8000/egbforums /viewtopic.php?f=14&t=10

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 12:46:58

At 7/2/10 01:43 AM, EagleRock wrote:
Executive Officers

Chief Barracks Officer - EagleRock

Right now, I'm pretty active as you all know, and I don't plan on being inactive for a while.

We know you'll always be there for us, Eagle!

Lieutenant CBO - RohantheBarbarian

It's tough seeing Slash and Phantom off the roster. However, they were pretty much inactive anyway, so having them announce it officially in Roll Call wasn't so much as loss as it was recognizing they were gone in the first place. Rohan, on the other hand, is quite active, reliable, and is always there to assist me when I need him. I don't think many would argue that he isn't fit for the role. I have talked to him on the side and he says he's planning to stay active. Therefore, he fits the role perfectly.

Ah, the swarthy Irish lad! Indeed, a well-deserved position. Congrats!

2nd Lieutenant CBO - Coop83

Coop was originally an Executive Officer, but he kinda got bumped off the totem pole when I became active again in the EGB. Now that both Slash and Phantom are gone, it's time he's back where he belongs. I can't say enough good things about Coop, and I think we all know he is the caliber for the position.

Another wise choice!

Emergency Operations Officer - Keep Inactive

Maybe you don't want to officially fill this position, but might I offer up an idea in it's place? If you could specifically list the proper chain of command, starting from yourself, of who would make decisions in the event that the someone in command could not be reached? That may not happen often, but it has happened recently - you were settling in your job, Slash was busy, Phantom was off the scope - we really were fumbling for a few days. But if we had a decisive list that read "if so-and-so is not reachable in a reasonable time, defer to this person , and so on. At least, in those times of weirdness (like new jobs, people taking vacations, etc all at the same time) if something comes up in the forum, at least we'll be able to respond intelligently.

Peacetime Officers

Recruitment Officer - ByteSlinger

Byte has certainly done enough to prove that she is officer material, and honestly, she is usually the person that gets to the recruitment speech before me... :-). Since I always felt like officer roles were really recognition for what people do around the Barracks anyway, it's a perfect fit.

WOW! REALLY! I am honored, and I will do my best to keep the potential new minions...er, recruits informed and warmly welcomed! *Note to self: order more cookies!*

Advancement Officer - Open to ideas

Traditionally, this role went to the person in the Barracks that was the best role model of the bunch.

Hmmm... why not put it up to a vote? Everyone nominate their first and second choices (who currently do NOT hold a position) and see who bubbles to the top? You could make a voting / poll thread on the BBS (2nd floor, of course) with all the potential candidates. Also, that thread would give someone the ability to politely decline in private as well.

Portal Violations Officer - phantomlassuk
Lt. Portal Violations Officer - SlntCobra1

This tag-team of violations officers does a damn good job of it, and I'd hate to fix what isn't broken. Both lassuk and Cobra have indicated that they don't plan on going anywhere, so we won't have a need to fill inactive positions.

Agreed! They are like Starsky and Hutch, or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Reviews Violations Officer - Inactive

To be honest, this role was given to Coop to keep him as an EGB Officer when he kinda got "kicked out" of the executive chain. Since I'm recommending he gets put back into it, the officer role kinda goes by the wayside.

This is one busy position! These are the reviews that would be whistled, and on the occasions where I'm online with Cobra, he can find dozens of these in an hour. That is a damn near 24/7 job. It's great way to get your deity whistle - but it'll never have any downtime!

Records Officer - Lizzardis
Lieutenant Records Officer - Ismael92

Again, as with our Violations Officers, we have a great tag-team here taking care of not just the roster, but roll call, and the records in the forums. However, Ismael has mentioned that Lizz is taking the brunt of the work lately, and therefore deserves the head role. Ismael isn't going inactive, but prefers to take on more of an advisory role. I haven't brought this up to Lizz yet, so I'm interested in his reaction. :-)

Either way, it's a good team. They both have been performing commendably!

Wartime Officers - All are open

Again, these have been kept inactive for a while, but I don't want to let people think I won't hear ideas about these positions.

These positions are almost like secret identities - we don't bring them out unless the portal is in peril! As for gathering information and special operations, well, many of us have different qualities and skills (covert ops, infiltration, information acquisition, double agents, etc.) that could be used in the event of wartime. The key here is to keep accurate and up-to-the-minute information flowing between the Barracks and the powers that be in NewGrounds. Second job, anyone?

Barracks Laisons - All are open

Right now, the only truly needed Laison is for the NGPD, which Lizz is handling perfectly. However, I'm always up to hearing ideas.

Hmmm...no other group comes to mind....gotta cogitate on this one a bit....


Well, that pretty much covers it! I'll be waiting to hear all of your suggestions and opinions! By the way, if you wish to make a suggestion or state an opinion privately, feel free to send me a PM or IM me through AIM. I'll be glad to hear you privately, and anyone coming to me in confidence will stay anonymous.

Thank you again, EagleRock, for the update, and for the position of Recruitment Officer. As always, I will perform my duties to the best of my abilities, with pride and intelligence (and, of course, my own brand of twisted humor!)


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 15:57:06

Oh sure, everyone else gets paragraphs and whatnot, yet Lassuk and I get one liners? Gee, thanks a lot everyone! :P

But yea, I do keep up my end of the PVO desk, and dare I say, I am a damn good PVO. :)

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-02 18:54:00

Thanks for the latest Roster update Lizzardis the list looks up to date. Sad to see people like SlashFirestorm off the list but he has been inactive like Phantom ,hopefully they will return one day. I have seen some Kitty Krew stuff in the portal not much. But seeing Chris Beer mentioned again along with the Duck Division made me nervous after last year. I think I will get Red Dawn Redemption some time maybe later this year I love GTA series so I may like this one. I played Fable good game.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-03 12:16:06



http://www.ultimatearcade.com/game/creep y-rider

Look for the copyright at the bottom. Also, I think we had flagged this guy before, though he got away with it.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-03 12:33:40

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-03 21:13:49

For now i think i need to retire from this group.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-03 21:34:45

At 7/3/10 09:13 PM, idiot-buster wrote: For now i think i need to retire from this group.

Oh, but why? We're a good bunch of people, doing good things! We have fun doing it - and we have plenty of milk and cookies!!!!

You've been a member for a while - why not just hang in there a little longer? Did someone do something that offended you? We really would hate to see you go - please let me know what's on your mind, and why you'd like to leave...

...'Relax,' said the night man, 'We are programmed to receive. You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!'...

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-04 12:51:11

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-04 13:01:36

Oh, and some more:


I've seen this uploaded before on Newgrounds, but I can't find it.


where it came from originally though, so it doesn't matter.

Dear idiots: If you're going to make a fake "professional" games account, at least stick to stealing games that have something to do with your name of choice. Neither of these have much to do with AOL at all.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-04 21:44:04



http://www.ultimatearcade.com/game/extre me-racing-2

Look at the copyright in the right corner.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-04 23:49:22

I found something pretty comical while viewing a couple flash movies and games in the portal.

http://wackjob201.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash

French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 02:00:07

Missed a bit again, I don't know what happend, I seem to lose track of time recently, I've not really done much that could have taken my attention away, kind of creepy, lol.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 02:21:46

Thanks for the update liz. I'm getting better, but need a better internet connection and more time before I can get back into fighting shape!

At 7/2/10 12:46 PM, byteslinger wrote: But if we had a decisive list that read "if so-and-so is not reachable in a reasonable time, defer to this person , and so on. At least, in those times of weirdness (like new jobs, people taking vacations, etc all at the same time) if something comes up in the forum, at least we'll be able to respond intelligently.

I DEMAND to be 19th on said list or I quit. What say you EagleRock?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 11:56:39

At 7/4/10 11:49 PM, SupraAddict wrote: I found something pretty comical while viewing a couple flash movies and games in the portal.

http://wackjob201.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash

Lol, beat ya to it! :P

Kinda annoying that I missed the free whistle points, but meh; the newspost's still there to mock anyway. >:D

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 13:09:33

I just need to confirm this, is anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? What is this, the third time? And I thought I had dropped off the radar.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 15:15:29

Well I made a thread on our forums about the [DD] making a comeback. Since we're all aware of the mayhem they caused last summer, they are NOT to be taken lightly.

since I'm not on my laptop, I do not have easy access to my forums account password. >_<

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 17:08:41

At 7/5/10 01:09 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 1292
I just need to confirm this, is anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? What is this, the third time? And I thought I had dropped off the radar.

Yep. Complete with reveiws by what I am pretty sure is an ALT.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-05 21:06:28

The Duck Division seem to have come back a year later to cause trouble hopefully not as bad as last year. I''m sorry to see you go idiot-buster you have been with EGB for a while, hopefully you will come back someday. I noticed a user who posed as a fake author got deleted she was called Retronamic, I noticed lots of stolen reviews on her flashes. I looked today and the account been deleted. She won top 3. But all the flashes must have been stolen. I wonder if Red Dawn Redemption is any good?

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-07-06 05:03:35

The EGBforums are not letting me post. I am not sure why this is, it is just giving me an error. I am guessing it;s because I did go on a hiatus due to life in general. So can someone tell me what the status is?

Thanks, Benwa