Commander Nuts reporting in!!
Heeeey there, it's been so damn long! I don't even remember what was going on when I last posted in here! Meh, whatever, I'm back after a pretty long hiatus. I've been wanting to come back for a while now, since I decided to quit slacking on NG as a whole...
Basically, I wasn't posting, was barely B/Ping and wasn't giving a damn about it. And I began to miss... being active. So here I am, back to business. :)
In the meanwhile, I have set myself a new goal: become an EGSC before the end of the year. I'm a little less than 4,000 B/P away from it, and I think I'll be able to make it, by the pace I'm going ATM(excluding upcoming more active days, a.k.a NG holidays and my own winter break).
As for the current state of the Portal... eh, the KK has returned and there are plenty of crappy submissions going through. Not only that, but the amount of stolen, or, at least, very suspiciously stolen submissions being submitted and, sometimes, going through is an absurd. I still posted that odd stolen flash in here, and they might have been pulled a few times... Who is the one in charge of PMing Wade about them? I remember it being PossiblePancakes' duty, although he's no longer around, so...
Anyway, how is it going? What should I do now that I'm back? Can I already sign up at the nifty new forums that Eagle set up? Anything else that I should know?
Now, for an oldschool feeling:
Nuts, over and out.
Ah... ;P