At 6/19/10 03:34 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Just noticed something there Eagle: the Forums link in your signature still links to the old invisionfree forum, might wanna update that to our spanking new forum :P
At 6/19/10 03:34 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Just noticed something there Eagle: the Forums link in your signature still links to the old invisionfree forum, might wanna update that to our spanking new forum :P
At 6/19/10 03:46 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:At 6/19/10 03:34 PM, EagleRock wrote:Just noticed something there Eagle: the Forums link in your signature still links to the old invisionfree forum, might wanna update that to our spanking new forum :P
Oh, and I just signed up there too. Yes, it's really me. Approve pl0x?
At 6/19/10 03:46 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:At 6/19/10 03:34 PM, EagleRock wrote:Just noticed something there Eagle: the Forums link in your signature still links to the old invisionfree forum, might wanna update that to our spanking new forum :P
I should at that. So, it's done.
Just to show I'm on the ball, I even bothered to update my NG Blog about it. There's on the ball for you!
There, signed up as SoulMaster71. Would you kindly validate me?
I've actually noticed the Clock Crew fairly active today, something about GoldenClock. A CC in-joke, I'm sure, but not anything resembling an attack thank God.
At 6/19/10 07:51 PM, jedi-master wrote: Hey guys, I just got a PM from Tom about 30 minutes ago.
Note to self: if Wade's being useless with these things, send Tom a PM instead.
Remember that user by the name of jkwlr15, who kept stealing flash games like the one mentioned earlier by sheizenhammer on this page of this topic, called nightmare adventures 2? Well, Tom deleted all of the games submitted by that user! Hooray for awesomeness!!
Oh, it gets better:
He had 2 submissions flagged earlier today (he was trying to steal Happy Tree Friends episodes this time -__-). Those weren't deleted along with the others, which means he's effectively permabanned from the Flash portal now. P-Bot automatically suspends the submitting priveliges of any account that has 2 submissions flagged, and keeps them suspended until Wade gets rid of the flags or deletes them.
Since there's no limit on how long this kind of ban can last, all Wade has to do is... well, nothing, and he'll stay portal-banned forever (or at least until Wade's next flag-clearing spree takes place, which could be months or even years from now). Uber-awesomeness!
Hey, I'm going to make a point to sign up to the new website. Eagle you said there were going to be gaps in the roster. Being lazy and all, who left? I have been very inactive in this thread and the commumity as a whole. I just hope i can find the urge to do this again.
At 6/19/10 08:35 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Hey, I'm going to make a point to sign up to the new website. Eagle you said there were going to be gaps in the roster. Being lazy and all, who left? I have been very inactive in this thread and the commumity as a whole. I just hope i can find the urge to do this again.
The rollcall results can be found here.
So far, this are the people who decided to leave:
And these are the people who didn't respond yet:
At 6/19/10 07:25 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote: There, signed up as SoulMaster71. Would you kindly validate me?
Validated. Enjoy with good health. :-)
I've actually noticed the Clock Crew fairly active today, something about GoldenClock. A CC in-joke, I'm sure, but not anything resembling an attack thank God.'s just a low-level "day" for Newgrounds, like Clock Day, except far less, and only about GoldenClock. While I wouldn't say every Flash was of the utmost quality, it's not spam or anything. Just judge them as they come and it'll work out.
At 6/19/10 08:51 PM, Ismael92 wrote: The rollcall results can be found here.
Thanks for following up for me!
Specifically, what I was referring to was the loss of Slash and Phantom, two of our Executive Officers. While neither were really inactive, it does leave shoes to fill in. Plus, Slash was the acting Recruitment Officer as well, so that's another position inactive. However, like I said before, once Roll Call is completed and I get an official roster from my Records Officers, I'll start deliberations on filling in the gaps.
Hi all, just dropping by again to inform you that I haven't fallen off of the edge of the interwebs yet. It's good to see you guys again. I'll have to cut this post a tad short though, seeing as I have burgers on the grill and I don't want them to burn. I'm cooking for 4 tonight, hehe. Anyway, sorry about the absence lately, I've been really busy.
At 6/17/10 01:47 PM, EagleRock wrote: Yep! Epilogue and all. Actually, if you had to ask me, I'd say the epilogue is my best writing in the story. But, of course, that's natural. When you write a 60,000 word story, the story is practically one huge practice for the epilogue... :-)
Nice. I would have posted again sooner to be all like, 'scratch that, I know now,' because I read your blog from January and got my ass over to the forums to do some reading, but I figured that'd be a bit spammy, so I didn't post. I like both stories very much, by the way. :)
I'm going to (slowly) migrate the stories over to the new forums, but you can read them in the old ones for now. Also, just so everyone knows, the old forums aren't going anywhere for a while. They'll be there for archive purposes, of course.
Yay! *squee*
At 6/19/10 10:58 PM, jedi-master wrote: I hope Tom doesn't mind me sharing the PM with you guys, I'm never deleting this shit. It's like a cyber-autograph to me...
That's fucking awesome. You're so lucky!
I'm hoping you don't mind that I'm saving your little autograph, lol. I'm glad to know that our admins are paying attention to us now.
At 6/19/10 11:20 PM, EagleRock wrote: Just judge them as they come and it'll work out.
Good advice as always, Eagle. :)
Specifically, what I was referring to was the loss of Slash and Phantom, two of our Executive Officers. While neither were really inactive, it does leave shoes to fill in. Plus, Slash was the acting Recruitment Officer as well, so that's another position inactive. However, like I said before, once Roll Call is completed and I get an official roster from my Records Officers, I'll start deliberations on filling in the gaps.
Indeed, the loss is pretty saddening, specifically because I know I'm going to miss a lot of the smexy antics that would go on when they were around; Still, it's a good chance for improvement though. Change is good, mostly.
Speaking of change, I signed up for the EGB forums. I can't promise I'll be all that active, due to my state, but I guarantee I'll try. ;)
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 6/19/10 08:51 PM, Ismael92 wrote: Idiot-Finder
I have no particularly strong feelings one way or the other.
I am now the number 1 B/Per in the Barracks? I'll have to work towards passing him, just to make it feel official!
Our little Oirish friend has less time for NG now, sadly
Ah, they person that gave me my first flash submission on the portal. Thanks for the memories, man.
At 6/20/10 04:02 AM, Andrea364 wrote: Anyway, sorry about the absence lately, I've been really busy.'re active quite enough...nothing to apologize for. :-)
At 6/17/10 01:47 PM, EagleRock wrote:Nice. I would have posted again sooner to be all like, 'scratch that, I know now,' because I read your blog from January and got my ass over to the forums to do some reading, but I figured that'd be a bit spammy, so I didn't post. I like both stories very much, by the way. :)
I figured you'd enjoy the epilogue. :-) I'm going to continue the story now that the new forums are pretty much set up. Keep an eye out for new chapters soon.
Yay! *squee*
Actually, all of the stories are migrated over now, so you can look for the newest updates in the new forums. :-)
At 6/20/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:PhantomI am now the number 1 B/Per in the Barracks? I'll have to work towards passing him, just to make it feel official!
See what I mean? It paves the way for new greatness in the EGB. Now, Coop's going to have to B/P his ass into next week to keep his top spot away from the rest of us. :-)
At 6/19/10 10:18 PM, jedi-master wrote: Yes, It's amazing how quickly Tom responded, it only took a day for him!
Yea, every time I PM Tom, he's always quick to respond. Usually within 3-6 hours or a day at the most. Usually he'll get back to me within like 5-10 minutes if he's online.
Which reminds me, Eagle and I were talking over AIM the other night about a new idea for next April Fool's Day. A "Ban Tom From NG" button right next to the reply button ON EVERY SINGLE FORUM! How funny would that be? I for one support this idea all the way! ^_^
Original: -Army.html
The credits say it was released in Indonesia back in 2007! and the Mini-Uzi-Games account name IS NO WHERE ON THE CREDITS OF THE ORIGINAL!
Seriously, how dumb does this guy think we are?
I just flagged it this account looks suspect he has another possible stolen game here
If you look at the copyright it says game created by Frida Dwi Iswantro ml
My sound on my keyboard is playing up again the key is stuck.
I don't fuckin' believe it! The submission I posted HAS BEEN FUCKIN' FILESWAPPED!
You believe that shit!?
What a low down, rotten, dirty thing to do!
At 6/20/10 08:54 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: I just flagged it this account looks suspect he has another possible stolen game here 9840
If you look at the copyright it says game created by Frida Dwi Iswantro ml
My sound on my keyboard is playing up again the key is stuck.
I agree, there is not a lot of info on the game on Crazy Monkey but his other game looks susipicious too. 9857
I could be imagining things so I'll let you guys have a look.
Jedi, I appreciate the attention to detail you're paying attention to the Portal, really, but if we don't have a link to the original then we technically have no right to whistle it as stolen. :\
At 6/20/10 04:26 PM, EagleRock wrote:At 6/20/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:See what I mean? It paves the way for new greatness in the EGB. Now, Coop's going to have to B/P his ass into next week to keep his top spot away from the rest of us. :-)PhantomI am now the number 1 B/Per in the Barracks? I'll have to work towards passing him, just to make it feel official!
Well, I'm 2 weeks away from passing bila, which would make me #20 in the B/P list. Phantom is currently 19, so a few more weeks on top of that and I'll ascend to a more proper #1 on this list ;)
Also, if you like stories, why aren't you reading mine?!
At 6/20/10 04:26 PM, EagleRock wrote:'re active quite enough...nothing to apologize for. :-)
Well, seeing as I keep missing all this stuff, I say that I still need some work, haha. Anyways, since all of you guys seem to be doing such good work, I think I'll go ahead and clock in for my daily shift. I'm running low on food currently, however, so I can't say how alert I'm going to be. You (probably don't) know how I get.
Yes, I'm sticking with this phrase, lol. So shoot me, I like this accent. ;)
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
I can't find any significant changes to this "new" version, and I don't think hacking someone else's game counts as your own work anyway.
So when I said I was trying to get back into things, I got distracted lol. I started playing Star Trek Online again and some other games people invited me to play with them. Also Cybernations takes up some of my attention and sleep.
It might help if I had auto load for websites like my IRC auto join, lol.
At 6/21/10 03:56 PM, Little-Rena wrote: So when I said I was trying to get back into things, I got distracted lol.
It happens. Heck, most of the times I've tried to get back into Newgrounds it ended up in some disaster, more often than not related to an imageboard. Of course, of all those times, most of them were in 2009, which wasn't the best time to be trying to do the NG thing except when certain individuals were fucking around. That makes it practically miraculous on the occasions when I do end up back here, like, uh, now.
Original is the one at the top of the list here:
It was added 10/23/08
At 6/23/10 01:33 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: It was added 10/23/08
And also, that's not the real AddictingGames account. This is the only place you should be seeing games from that website.
Original is here at the top of the page and it was posted 5/13/2010 /game/searchPage.php?pageAction=search&t ext=Hit%20Squad
I am sick of this shit making it through the Portal on a constant basis! >_<
At 6/23/10 06:38 PM, jedi-master wrote: Just PM Tom guys! Give him the proof about these stolen games, and he'll get back to you in a day or less!
I'll keep that in mind. You're living proof. :)
Anyway, just popping back in for my routine portal run. Apologies for missing the stolen flash again. I can't ever seem to catch them when I'm on. I usually just get the spam, most of which passes, despite me zero'ing it. It gets frustrating. At least the quality of the other flashes seems to be on a stable climb though.
In other news, I'm downloading flash all over again, due to a reformat issue. It's taking forever on this DSL connection that I'm on. I can't tell if it's just my crappy wifi or the weather this time. My laptop is finally fixed (for the most part), by the way, so that leaves me to ask this question. Is a download speed of about 70 KBPS considered a rip off if I'm paying for a connection that's rated for up to 3 megabits per second?
I'll be in the portal. Cheers!
Hi to all the old people, by the way. ;)
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
Tom Fulp really cool about replying back I got a PM today about stolen flashes, I had Sent although it was a few weeks back this long list i did. But its great to get a PM from Tom Fulp. Well it looks like that AddictingGames23 is a fake account pretending to be the real AddictingGames. Who last submitted in 2008 this fake account is from 6/22/10. I see Kitty Krew won TOTW.
At 6/23/10 10:40 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Well it looks like that AddictingGames23 is a fake account pretending to be the real AddictingGames. Who last submitted in 2008 this fake account is from 6/22/10.
If you can get me some hard evidence, I'll get that dealt with ASAP.
At 6/24/10 10:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 6/23/10 10:40 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Well it looks like that AddictingGames23 is a fake account pretending to be the real AddictingGames. Who last submitted in 2008 this fake account is from 6/22/10.If you can get me some hard evidence, I'll get that dealt with ASAP.
I was wondering the same thing. The fact that it has Addicting Games in its username is a little puzzling. I checked out the website, but the problem is that Addicting games is like Newgrounds, in that the submissions there are from various users, this one being FreakyTiki and AddictingGames.
The problem is on both sites, I cannot find any contact information to know that it was submitted by them. All in all, I would say to let this one go, but keep an eye on AddictingGames23.
French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind
I think this guy called AddictingGames23 is just an idiot, I think his flashes are totally stolen, we should pay a lot of attention to him, and when we find the links, let's all PM TOM!! WHOOO! Yeah!
Let's go, fellows detectives!