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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-19 23:53:58

At 5/19/10 09:36 PM, ArtDanVal wrote: ATTN, AGAIN...

The following Flash is stolen from

this site


It has since passed judgment, almost passing with a "great score" marker. I'm fairly sure the person who submitted it is not the author. Judging by his other entries, this isn't the only Flash he's stolen.

is from

this site


I think I just died a little inside...well, if there was anything alive to begin with, it is nowsurelydead. Oh well, guess we'll just have to write Wade an e-mail later or something. P-bot must still be fried from last year's incident, judging by all the BS that made it through this week.


Take care of yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 00:54:17

Jeez, I go off to finish a few hours of typing, and miss this great discussion about the rise and fall of Newgrounds. Yeah, it's seen better days, but in the long run, I believe it'll get better again.

We have been through a lot these past 12 months - serious issues with child porn, countless stolen flashes, account hacking, spam runs - all of these things pointed at some serious flaws in the system. The ranks of the EGB and the NGPD are at an all-time low because many members have gone on to school, or work, or found real life. This leaves the younger script-kiddies and wannabees to have free-reign here.

So, yes, there are a lot of things passing on the portal that would have been blammed a few years ago. Why? Because there are a lot less "good guys" than "bad guys", and then there's a bigger sub-culture of stat-whores who just want points, so they vote "5" on everything that crawls into NewGrounds.

We have two choices here in the EGB - either whine about the portal's condition - or do something about it. I'm not into whining, but I like to kick butt every now and then. The EGB needs SERIOUS users that understand the rules of NewGrounds, and who are not afraid to judge each flash on it's own REAL merit, making sure it follows the website rules. We need users not afraid to blam when that's the obvious action, and really not care about their total BP points.

We need to grow our ranks again with active, intelligent, fun-loving people who will help keep the balance and the peace at Newgrounds - without being a vigilante. I think RogerBK would make a nice addition to the EGB, and I do think that the enlistment process will begin in the next few days.

On a different note - after a 2-month hiatus, I have just finished
Chapter 23 - Unlearning and Undoing. So much for a simple night's sleep ...hehehehe!

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 07:13:23

At 5/20/10 12:54 AM, byteslinger wrote: So, yes, there are a lot of things passing on the portal that would have been blammed a few years ago. Why? Because there are a lot less "good guys" than "bad guys", and then there's a bigger sub-culture of stat-whores who just want points, so they vote "5" on everything that crawls into NewGrounds.

As we know, there was a serious shift in the voting habits of the community in 2007 - more Saves, less Blams and it shook up the community, as well as the stats lists.

While some of this may be attributed to changing voting habits, better quality movies and statwhores voting 2-5 on movies that they think will pass, just for the points, I think that there is the problem of mass voting as well. Groups pushing through shoddy flash with their numbers of low voting power accounts and some alts on proxies is a cancer on Newgrounds.

We have two choices here in the EGB - either whine about the portal's condition - or do something about it. I'm not into whining, but I like to kick butt every now and then.

So I've noticed.

The EGB needs SERIOUS users that understand the rules of NewGrounds, and who are not afraid to judge each flash on it's own REAL merit, making sure it follows the website rules. We need users not afraid to blam when that's the obvious action, and really not care about their total BP points.

The simple rule to follow is not to look at the title, the icon or the user that submitted the flash, but to look at the flash itself.

For example, if you saw something by Sidorio, I don't think you'd hesitate to vote 0 or 1 for any of his works, yet he continually gets through the portal, granting more save points and more lost Blams to me.

Now, please only view that as an example - I have no personal axe to grind with Sidorio, more than any other user that I would term a spammer.

We need to grow our ranks again with active, intelligent, fun-loving people who will help keep the balance and the peace at Newgrounds - without being a vigilante.

I wonder how much the voting power of all active members of the EGB would give us... We couldn't make the 50 minimum voters required to single handedly blam a piece, but it's something to think about.

I think RogerBK would make a nice addition to the EGB, and I do think that the enlistment process will begin in the next few days.

Somebody post the terms & conditions, to get the ball rolling. I can't find them and I'm struggling at present. Once he's accepted that, we need to get the thread in the EGB forum made for him.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 07:55:52

Personally, given the knowledge that a flash is more likely to be saved than blammed, I believe that the advertisements some flash have built into them contributes to members not wanting to wait long enough for the movie to load before voting.

As for myself, I'm more likely to vote for a movie to pass than I am to blam it.
Even if the movie sucks, when I see a movie reach it's reach "Verge of death" status, I like voting 5 just to see if my v/p was enough to save it from it's fiery demise.

Though e-penis related, I find it pretty cool knowing my voting power is high enough to significantly influence a flash movie from being saved or blammed.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 10:20:26

At 5/20/10 07:55 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: Personally, given the knowledge that a flash is more likely to be saved than blammed, I believe that the advertisements some flash have built into them contributes to members not wanting to wait long enough for the movie to load before voting.

Well, that is definitely an issue for those minions of NewGrounds that don't have the patience to watch a flash long enough to give it a fair evaluation. Obviously, if a spam flash starts up spinning and being repulsive and full of porn, you probably wouldn't need to watch it for 20 minutes. But if someone who is new to Flash is trying to showcase their work, the least we should do is watch it to the end and give it a fair appraisal.

As for myself, I'm more likely to vote for a movie to pass than I am to blam it.

Is there any reasoning behind that? Is it because you are compassionate about new work, or do you just feel the need to follow the general populace, rather than give constructive criticism and low scores for work that could be improved?

Even if the movie sucks, when I see a movie reach it's reach "Verge of death" status, I like voting 5 just to see if my v/p was enough to save it from it's fiery demise.

If you are voting 5 just to prove that you can, you are contributing to the ever-growing problem of spam and low-grade flashes passing into Newgrounds. If something is on the "verge of death", especially in today's environment of "pass just about anything", the least you should do is look at it and see what's being blammed. What if it truly is porn, or violates the rules of Newgrounds? What if it's stolen or contains extensive racial slurs? Voting "5" on those flashes is basically your way of saying "It's not about what's right for Newgrounds - it's what's right for ME."

Though e-penis related, I find it pretty cool knowing my voting power is high enough to significantly influence a flash movie from being saved or blammed.

With great power comes great responsibility. You've been here a while, and I can see based on your silver whistle that you know how to stop abusive reviews and flashes. I would like to think that maybe you'd be a little bit more objective about watching flashes and voting on them as they merit .

You have the power to help bring balance back to Newgrounds. But do you have the desire?

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 12:57:29

I know it's a very noob question, but what is exactly an e-penis?? I saw it in Coop's blog, andI saw it now... What is it?

Also, i think that the voting power is pretty cool, since it's nice to feel powerful after those hard and long years visiting NewGrounds everyday, it's the least a person could win after those whole years... A good example is Pimp. I can barely think on how much points he can add. I was reviewing a song, and I 5'd it, the song got 0.45 points... I wonder if Pimp votes 5 in it... It must be awesome...

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 13:27:30

At 5/19/10 09:30 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/19/10 09:16 PM, RogerBK wrote: Hah, yeah, I apologize for the *Salute* if you don't use it anymore,
Well, some of the old farts still use it, but it's really not necessary around here.

And you do indeed meet the requirements of the EGB, but this (as you may know) is a 2-stage process. Now the current EGB members have a vote on whether you should be accepted as a member. That'll happen as soon as someone gets around to making the voting thread, and will last a few days. If you pass that, you're in.

Yeah but you forgot about the first stage... RogerBK has to agree to our terms and conditions. Usually, these are posted by one of our higher ups, but I guess we can make an exception considering that Coop couldn't find them :P

First, I will present you with the shortened code of conduct for the Barracks, along with links to the relevant FAQ's on our forums. You must read them, understand them, and post here again confirming that you accept those principles. A simple "yes, I agree" will be sufficient. This process serves two purposes:

1) Ensuring that you're not a "drive-by applicant" who asks to join and then never comes back, and

2) Ensuring that you know how we operate so there won't be any complications in the future, such as "wait, we're not supposed to be mass voting?".

After you agree to the code of conduct, the Barracks community will discuss your qualifications and decide whether to allow you into the group. Our requirements aren't too strict; beyond the main qualifications of 2500+ B/P and a Bronze Whistle or better, we'll be looking for sufficient post quality (low number of one-liners, intelligent posts that contribute to the topic), helpful reviews, any potentially problematic flashes, stuff like that. After discussion and a vote, I'll make the final call and PM you with the results. Assuming that no objections are raised, the process usually takes a day or two.

Here is our abbreviated Code of Conduct. Read it, learn it, and post again with confirmation of your understanding. If you can't abide by these principles, say so.


1. Voting fairly.

This is the foundation of the Elite Guard Barracks. All members are expected to give every flash a fair vote, regardless of who made it or what their group affiliations are. We do not target any flash group, not favorably or in opposition; our only enemies are those who break the rules of the site, not those who merely bend them.

Everyone has a different definition of quality, and all members are expected to vote based on what they honestly feel a flash deserves, not on whether they think the flash will pass or be blammed. While Barracks members are proud of their high ranks, and are eager to compete with others, a high B/P score means nothing if achieved through petty point-whore voting, and any member who admits to doing so will be removed from the organization.

2. Stopping Portal abuse.

Numerous stolen, malicious, and unsuitable flash are submitted to the Flash Portal every day, and it is our job to ensure that as many of them are removed as possible. Members are expected to report any suspicious flash to the Barracks, including any evidence or doubts that they might have, and only whistle something if they are sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is whistle-worthy.

Just as with B/P, points mean nothing if achieved through inappropriate means. There should be no blind rush to whistle a flash that is merely suspected of wrongdoing; it's better to let an uncertain case go by rather than wrongly whistle an innocent submission. If evidence of wrongdoing is discovered after a flash passes judgment, we can always (and will always) inform Wade of our findings.

In the case of a beyond-reasonable-doubt rulebreaking flash, members are encouraged to share their results with the Newgrounds Police Department and the Newgrounds Department of Defense.

3. Cleaning up the review system.

Members are expected to be familiar with the review guidelines and whistle abusive reviews when they come across them, and report severe cases of abuse to a review mod. Additionally, members are expected to write helpful reviews, offering constructive criticism and remaining civil even when the author refuses to do so. We must set a good example for other Newgrounders, in hopes that they will improve their own reviews as well.

4. Setting an example for others to follow.

Barracks members are expected to post intelligently, contributing to threads rather than merely dropping a one-liner opinion on it. Flaming, spamming, and other ban-worthy behavior is strictly prohibited, and extreme misbehavior will lead to removal from the EGB.

Members are also expected to act civilly towards all Newgrounders. You are expected to be helpful and patient when dealing with newer members, whether simply showing them the FAQ or explaining more complex concepts that they do not understand. Concepts such as fair voting, intelligent posting/reviewing, and keeping an open mind are essential for newer members to learn, and we are just the ones to teach them.

For those with more experience, you are expected to show respect and understand that they may, in fact, know more about Newgrounds than you do, even if you're a seasoned veteran. This applies both to fellow Barracks members and Newgrounders in the general population.

Members are expected to put reasonable effort into any flash or audio submissions, and be careful with who they become Portal Buddies with. We are quite generous with our definition of reasonable effort; examples of unacceptable submissions would be static images, single frames, ridiculously small loops, or purposefully bad music. Anyone submitting rulebreaking content would, obviously, be removed from the Barracks and reported to Wade.

5. Not starting shit.

As mentioned above, the Barracks has no enemies beyond those who break the rules of the site. Our roster has included current and former members of various flash groups, including the Clock Crew, Barney Bunch, and Kitty Krew, and we are open to anyone willing to follow our principles. Barracks members are expected to be civil to others and not start fights, and anyone found to be starting shit with anyone, even if they deserve it, will be removed. You are representing the Barracks with your actions, and if your actions do not reflect our principles, you will not be a part of the organization.

6. Remaining active with the group.

Barracks members are expected to remain reasonably active in the thread, as well as with their duties. Those who are inactive for long periods (months) may be removed from the roster at any time, and rollcalls are occasionally sent out to all members to determine who is active. Members who expect to be inactive for some time due to IRL reasons (such as school, employment, vacation, etc) should inform the Barracks in advance.


In addition to the above, please examine the following materials.

The Barracks Manifesto
The Barracks FAQ



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 13:27:40

At 5/20/10 12:54 AM, byteslinger wrote: So, yes, there are a lot of things passing on the portal that would have been blammed a few years ago. Why? Because there are a lot less "good guys" than "bad guys", and then there's a bigger sub-culture of stat-whores who just want points, so they vote "5" on everything that crawls into NewGrounds.

We have two choices here in the EGB - either whine about the portal's condition - or do something about it. I'm not into whining, but I like to kick butt every now and then. The EGB needs SERIOUS users that understand the rules of NewGrounds, and who are not afraid to judge each flash on it's own REAL merit, making sure it follows the website rules. We need users not afraid to blam when that's the obvious action, and really not care about their total BP points.

We need to grow our ranks again with active, intelligent, fun-loving people who will help keep the balance and the peace at Newgrounds - without being a vigilante. I think RogerBK would make a nice addition to the EGB, and I do think that the enlistment process will begin in the next few days.

I'm completely on-board with this idea, it's the spirit that makes me proud to wear the badge of the Elite Guard. It is true that if the NG community simply put their selfish desires and pointless stat-whoring behind them - instead voting with their honest opinion and gave fair judgment - that the Newgrounds Portals would be a significantly cleaner place for artists and worthy pieces to thrive. Right now we can only dream of that day, but I'm sure that if we made a greater effort of kicking ass and gathering like-minded users to our side, that one day that dream will become a reality.

The users of this site are a bit too forgiving in my opinion. While one always has to be considerate of others and no one may like to have their work criticized, there has to be someone who has the guts to tell these guys "your shit sucks, bro." and vote accordingly. To vote based on the quality of the submission and not because the artists or group in question because you "know they always pass" regardless.

Such people who solely base their vote on the latter thought are like a "cancer" as you have mentioned, there are more of them than there are reasonable, rational voters such as ourselves. I don't like the phrase "bad guys" and "good guys" though, I'd like to think of it more as "ignorant individuals" and "sensible people". "Good" and "Bad" carry too strong a connotation to just be used so freely, IMO.

While other members may have since moved on, and our ranks hindered, our purpose has not been forgotten here. I'm going to be living the college life in a little less than a month from now, working a tedious job for over 30-hours a week, trying to fit into a new community of people and experiences, managing the other costs of living, and who-knows what else I may come across there. That doesn't mean I will forget the power and duty I can help contribute to our cause, to ensure that the power we have accumulated isn't just there to stroke our ego. I will still come by the Flash Portal whenever I have a free moment and B/P as I see just.

Anyway, I have a strange sense that yet another Flash was stolen overnight, so I'll go investigate the matter and see if I can come up with anything conclusive. I will write a news article later today that will express the majority of my dissent towards these negative trends on Newgrounds. Maybe the EGB should get together and inform the public about this issue in a way our intended audience can get a clear view of it.

EGB PSA collab, anyone? If only I had Flash...

Take care of yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 13:38:15

At 5/19/10 09:09 PM, ArtDanVal wrote:
At 5/19/10 08:50 PM, RogerBK wrote: Hey guys, I'm here to ask you if I can join the Barracks...

At ease, Private. No one here honestly behaves like that...well, not all the time at least. As long as you're willing to uphold the integrity and vitality of the Newgrounds Flash Portal with your vote, you are welcome to stay.

Even though I don't know you (besides seeing the thread you made in the Wi/Ht? a couple of days ago) I want to welcome you back to Newgrounds and to the EGB. A lot of things have changed since you left, but hopefully you'll get used to the "New Newgrounds" easily :D

At 5/19/10 09:41 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 5/19/10 09:30 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: ....Come to think of it, who is in charge of making the voting threads right now? RonanTheBarbarian did the last one, but I've not seen anything of him since.
Wow, RohanTheBarbarian?! I don't see him since the beggining of the year...

He doesn't post frequently, but he does lurk the BBS every now and then.

At 5/20/10 12:54 AM, byteslinger wrote: On a different note - after a 2-month hiatus, I have just finished
Chapter 23 - Unlearning and Undoing. So much for a simple night's sleep ...hehehehe!

Thanks, I've been waiting for this for a long time! I'll make sure to read it when I get some free time :D

At 5/20/10 12:57 PM, RogerBK wrote: I know it's a very noob question, but what is exactly an e-penis?? I saw it in Coop's blog, andI saw it now... What is it?

The more cool things you do online, the bigger your e-penis is. As in real life, you can brag about how big your e-penis is, but probably not many people will care about it.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 14:14:01

At 5/20/10 01:27 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
And you do indeed meet the requirements of the EGB, but this (as you may know) is a 2-stage process. Now the current EGB members have a vote on whether you should be accepted as a member. That'll happen as soon as someone gets around to making the voting thread, and will last a few days. If you pass that, you're in.

Yeah, man, sorry if I forgot something... I agree the Terms & Conditions of the club, and I'll do my best to be nice and fair.

Also, thanks for explaining me the e-penis thing... Mine isn't too big... :P

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 15:29:05

At 5/19/10 09:30 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/19/10 09:16 PM, RogerBK wrote: Hah, yeah, I apologize for the *Salute* if you don't use it anymore,
Well, some of the old farts still use it, but it's really not necessary around here.

AHEM! It has come to my attention that a lack of respect and discipline is becoming prevalent among the younger, less experienced personnel in the EGB. Apparently, the simple concept of saluting a fellow officer, or properly addressing your commanders, seems to escape the limited minds of those who will now be on permanent janitorial duty! (This means YOU, Mr. Sheizenhammer!)

I am neither "old" (I'm experienced), nor a "fart" (that's crude). I was brought up to show respect, and in return, ask for respect as well. NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 50, MAGGOT!!!!!

Okay, now that that's out of my system, I do have one final parting comment regarding e-penii: Considering the female gender, does this mean I have an e-vag? And do I really want it big, or small and tight and...oh, I don't like where this is going... Stupid metaphors!

Well, if I were to have an e-penis, it would definitely be bigger than average. Maybe not as big as Coops, but definitely bigger than Sheiz's!!! (ooohhhh.... you want some ice for that burn?)

And you do indeed meet the requirements of the EGB, but this (as you may know) is a 2-stage process. Now the current EGB members have a vote on whether you should be accepted as a member. That'll happen as soon as someone gets around to making the voting thread, and will last a few days. If you pass that, you're in.

Looking forward to that vote....

....Come to think of it, who is in charge of making the voting threads right now? RonanTheBarbarian did the last one, but I've not seen anything of him since.

Yeah, he did the Ninja thing - showed up once, made the post, and then disappeared as fast as he arrived. Haven't heard from him since....hmmmm... maybe he's hanging out with EagleRock...

As you were...


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 15:38:05

Big catch up post

Byte, I'll be reading the latest chapter in about 15-30 minutes, I've yet to complete my daily internet rounds.

Roger, your E-Peen/E-Pen0r refers to your post count. The more posts you have the bigger your e-pen0r!

Also, Roger, Art was talking about why spammers get so damn heavy in the fall-late spring/early summer. It's because most of the good users are in school and have other things on their mind.

Art, welcome to real life. It is constantly changing, get used to it. :P As Sheizen so well pointed out, the state of the portal all last year was a friggin' mess! Most of the spam that made it through was because of the [DD] a.k.a., The Duck Division. So far, they are the worst spam group I have ever seen. They were the ones doing the fileswapping and when their submissions passed, the switched them out with the decapitation shock video. God that was horrible! (I really hope that didn't actually happen.) They were also the ones responsible for the hacking, unscouting of everyone in the Art Portal and the CP IN THE ART PORTAL! A few of the members are still around, one in particular, Genderless-Hooker is nothing a total loser and a blog thief.

Baron, you know that doing that makes the entire EGB/NGPD look like a bunch of idiots, right? I move we currently ignore him until such time he cleans up his voting ways.

I think that's all for now, if not, I'll get to it later. OY!

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 21:54:26




Everyone, I suggest that we all contact




's Flash kleptomania. With the exception of that shitty "fireball dodge" game, every single one of his Flash subs are blatantly stolen from other websites. For example:

is nicked from

this site



are both from





was taken from

Neave Games


is from


as well.

I can't quite find the source for that Etch-a-sketch Flash he submitted, but if it's like the others, it is likely blatantly stolen. I wrote him a message to see if he can back up these submissions with credible proof that he is their true author. If he fails to provide any conclusive evidence that clearly identifies him as their creator before his next Flash submission, then I obligate everyone to bring this to the attention of the administrators. Stolen Flash is as bad as a shitty flash.

Take care of yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 22:15:03

At 5/20/10 03:29 PM, byteslinger wrote: I am neither "old" (I'm experienced), nor a "fart" (that's crude). I was brought up to show respect, and in return, ask for respect as well. NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 50, MAGGOT!!!!!


I dropped the 50; it broke. Oh well, I tried.

Okay, now that that's out of my system, I do have one final parting comment regarding e-penii: Considering the female gender, does this mean I have an e-vag? And do I really want it big, or small and tight and...oh, I don't like where this is going... Stupid metaphors!

I prefer e-tits for a girl. That way there's no weird gynaecological sentence manglings involved. ;)

Well, if I were to have an e-penis, it would definitely be bigger than average. Maybe not as big as Coops, but definitely bigger than Sheiz's!!! (ooohhhh.... you want some ice for that burn?)

E-penis is for people with no outdoor lives anyway.
Also: whistle. :P

Yeah, he did the Ninja thing - showed up once, made the post, and then disappeared as fast as he arrived. Haven't heard from him since....hmmmm... maybe he's hanging out with EagleRock...

And now for the important bit:
Aren't we supposed to have officers for specific things around here? which one is actually expected to do these?
Meh; obviously whoever is supposed to be doing it isn't here, so... I dunno. What happens when everyone in positions of responsibility buggers off like this?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 22:21:27

At 5/20/10 09:54 PM, ArtDanVal wrote:

I wrote him a message to see if he can back up these submissions with credible proof that he is their true author...

Here's an update. Apparently he says that he "advertises things he likes or used to", and that although he admits "it seems shady", he is "the author" and "didn't steal them from the sights".

What do you think, guys?

The Elite Guard Barracks

Take care of yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 23:17:10

At 5/20/10 10:21 PM, ArtDanVal wrote: What do you think, guys?

Protip: no-one's gonna call themselves a flash thief in a PM. I think he's bullshitting.

If you want the real answer, you're gonna have to e-mail the original sites they came from. I'd do it now but it's 4AM here and I need some goddamned sleep. G'night.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-20 23:35:13

Well, now that you mention it Dan, there are some sights that allow you to make your own games and upload them elsewhere. One of which is PlayCrafter. The only thing these sites do is provide the coding and whatnot.

So he may very well be the author. I had completely forgotten about that possibility until just now.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 07:24:42

At 5/20/10 10:15 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/20/10 03:29 PM, byteslinger wrote: Yeah, he did the Ninja thing - showed up once, made the post, and then disappeared as fast as he arrived. Haven't heard from him since....hmmmm... maybe he's hanging out with EagleRock...
And now for the important bit:
Aren't we supposed to have officers for specific things around here? which one is actually expected to do these?

Actually, there is a special officer that should take care of these things. And it is... Slash :P
It's in our Officer List.

Meh; obviously whoever is supposed to be doing it isn't here, so... I dunno. What happens when everyone in positions of responsibility buggers off like this?

I've never thought about it, but while I was looking at the officer list I realized that all four executive officers are inactive :/

At 5/20/10 10:21 PM, ArtDanVal wrote: Here's an update. Apparently he says that he "advertises things he likes or used to", and that although he admits "it seems shady", he is "the author" and "didn't steal them from the sights".

What do you think, guys?

IMO his lying, though the only way to be sure is, as Sheizenhammer, e-mailing the sites these games came from.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 14:42:25

At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote:
What do you think, guys?

I think he stole it, but not sure, if he truly did it, and it's deleted, we'e going to be unfair...

IMO his lying, though the only way to be sure is, as Sheizenhammer, e-mailing the sites these games came from.

Yeah, I agreed, the only way is to contact the sites, they wouldn't lie to us...

Also... IT'S FRIDAY!! WHOOO, I have karate championship tomorrow, so, I'll be inactive, I'll just try to submit my daily points... So, ;)

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 15:37:01

At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote: I've never thought about it, but while I was looking at the officer list I realized that all four executive officers are inactive :/

.....We have a situation here.

According to that list, the person in charge of doing the voting thread should be, and I quote:
"- For peacetime-related decisions, the decision is made by the Relations Officer."
Except, "relations officer" did not at any point appear in the list of official roles in the OP. That would mean (if I read it right) that the remaining officers are supposed to sort it out amongst themselves who's doing what.

That means you, Lizzardis and, Cobra and Coop are basically running the show for however long it takes for one of the higher-ups to come back.

RogerBK, I'm sorry about this, but we seem to have had a bit of an administration fail here. If that voting thread isn't made in a couple of days, I'll make it so we can get this out of the way (and since there's no actual rule saying I can't do the recruitment officer's job for him anyway, why not?).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 16:30:26

At 5/21/10 03:37 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote: I've never thought about it, but while I was looking at the officer list I realized that all four executive officers are inactive :/
That means you, Lizzardis and, Cobra and Coop are basically running the show for however long it takes for one of the higher-ups to come back.

lol @ bureaucracy
Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)

lol, I feel important for doing this

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 17:42:19

At 5/21/10 04:30 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)

lol, I feel important for doing this

And I feel important for having a thread... :) Fro'll make one in my B-day...

Also, guys, vote fairly, and everyone should vote, since I'm a very cool guy (idiot mode: on)..


Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:22:06

At 5/21/10 05:42 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 5/21/10 04:30 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)

lol, I feel important for doing this
And I feel important for having a thread... :) Fro'll make one in my B-day...

Everyone gets their own thread after applying to join :)

Also, guys, vote fairly, and everyone should vote, since I'm a very cool guy (idiot mode: on)..


Don't worry, I assure you that everyone will vote fairly. Besides, the process not only consists on voting, but people have to back up their vote as well. Unfortunately, not many people vote in these situations :(

Our roster may be big, but many members are inactive and only a few people actually vote and discuss when someone new applies :(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:29:58

At 5/21/10 04:30 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
At 5/21/10 03:37 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote: I've never thought about it, but while I was looking at the officer list I realized that all four executive officers are inactive :/
That means you, Lizzardis and, Cobra and Coop are basically running the show for however long it takes for one of the higher-ups to come back.

Wow. If you look at the Current Roster the only active high-ranking officers (SC) at this time seem to be Coop83, aldlv and myself. Although I'm not officially an executive, I will volunteer to temporarily step in as needed, if the remaining EGB wish it so. I do NOT want the job full time, but as of now, we have no active leadership in the high command. We do have our regular business to attend to, and we look pretty silly by not responding to requests for membership or the like. So, if you guys want me to temporarily fill in anywhere until the bosses get back, I'll be glad to help.

lol @ bureaucracy
Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)

Been there, done that! Thanks!

lol, I feel important for doing this

Oh, you are so very important! Here's another cookie (my faithful minion ... hehehe...)

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:32:48

At 5/21/10 06:22 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
Our roster may be big, but many members are inactive and only a few people actually vote and discuss when someone new applies :(

Ah, bad thing, huh?? I just wanna enter the club, it'd be nice to B/P with you guys... You're very cool, proved it when I was in the NGPD...

It'll be nice if I enter or not, I just wanna be happy (I'm weird... lol)...

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:38:35

At 5/21/10 03:37 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: That means you, Lizzardis and, Cobra and Coop are basically running the show for however long it takes for one of the higher-ups to come back.

Hey, works for me! Now then, where's my desk und Mein Kampfy Chair? That's right, I went there. If anyone is going to be running this show, it's gonna be me! Hehehehe, *incites a mutiny!!* jk jk

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:43:46

At 5/21/10 06:29 PM, byteslinger wrote:
At 5/21/10 04:30 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
At 5/21/10 03:37 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote: I've never thought about it, but while I was looking at the officer list I realized that all four executive officers are inactive :/
That means you, Lizzardis and, Cobra and Coop are basically running the show for however long it takes for one of the higher-ups to come back.
Wow. If you look at the Current Roster the only active high-ranking officers (SC) at this time seem to be Coop83, aldlv and myself. Although I'm not officially an executive, I will volunteer to temporarily step in as needed, if the remaining EGB wish it so. I do NOT want the job full time, but as of now, we have no active leadership in the high command. We do have our regular business to attend to, and we look pretty silly by not responding to requests for membership or the like. So, if you guys want me to temporarily fill in anywhere until the bosses get back, I'll be glad to help.

So I finally understand why you want to dominate NG (and/or the world) you are a witch! You read my mind :/

After saying that all our executive officers were inactive, I thought that we should appoint someone who can temporarily take care of the EGB. And you were the first person to come to my mind: you're active, mature, and you have gained everyone's respect around here.

lol @ bureaucracy
Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)
Been there, done that! Thanks!

It's a shame that voting threads are deleted after the voting is finished... Your post was great :P

lol, I feel important for doing this
Oh, you are so very important! Here's another cookie (my faithful minion ... hehehe...)

I love you and your evil empire.

At 5/21/10 06:32 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 5/21/10 06:22 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
Our roster may be big, but many members are inactive and only a few people actually vote and discuss when someone new applies :(
Ah, bad thing, huh?? I just wanna enter the club, it'd be nice to B/P with you guys... You're very cool, proved it when I was in the NGPD...

It'll be nice if I enter or not, I just wanna be happy (I'm weird... lol)...

You're not weird, we all want to be happy :)

And one more thing about the voting stage: Once the voting process starts, it usually takes one or two days before making a final decision.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 18:55:50

At 5/20/10 11:17 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Protip: no-one's gonna call themselves a flash thief in a PM. I think he's bullshitting.

I figured as much, didn't really buy his story myself...

At 5/20/10 11:35 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Well, now that you mention it Dan, there are some sights that allow you to make your own games and upload them elsewhere. One of which is PlayCrafter. The only thing these sites do is provide the coding and whatnot.

So he may very well be the author. I had completely forgotten about that possibility until just now.

I asked him if he could recall what programs he used to create those games, and apparently he doesn't remember on account of his computer dying just recently.

AFAIK, Playcrafter was created in 2009, yet the Soundboards were posted at their original locations in 2005...suspicious, much? Another thing I find curious is that none of the games appear to have been made with the Playcrafter service, and soundboards are all but impossible to make on its limited engine.

Besides, I very much doubt that this user can be Rishi Rajan (creator of the soundboards), Paul Neave (made the frogger clone), or an employee of the Ukrainian Flash group Absolutist (who created the Bubble Shooter game) and be the same person.

At 5/21/10 07:24 AM, Ismael92 wrote: IMO his lying, though the only way to be sure is, as Sheizenhammer, e-mailing the sites these games came from.

Screw it, after all the sleuthing I have done here, I am filing a complaint directly to Wade@newgrounds.com to bring it to his attention. There is very little doubt left in my mind that this guy ripped those games off the net without asking...

At 5/21/10 04:30 PM, Ismael92 also wrote:

Voting thread for RogerBK. Every member should go there and vote :)

Will do. Good to have you on our side, Private RBK. I suggest you start grabbing a few more BLAMs to even out your B/P - something just doesn't seem right about having so many saves and so few BLAMs without it being a gimmick.

Take care of yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 19:53:48

At 5/21/10 06:55 PM, ArtDanVal wrote:
Will do. Good to have you on our side, Private RBK. I suggest you start grabbing a few more BLAMs to even out your B/P - something just doesn't seem right about having so many saves and so few BLAMs without it being a gimmick.

Ah, everyone says this... I've been working on my Blams since I've entered the NGPD, in my first B/P days, I didn't care about the blams, but now, I care about, I'm getting even better at blamming, since I'm becoming even more critical than I was before, so, I'm getting more blams those past weeks... So, I think I answered your question...

And thanks guys, for the calorous welcomes, altough, I still didn't enter the club... :)

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2010-05-21 20:30:27

So, guys, bye, as I said before, I'll be inactive tomorrow, so, I think I'll miss the news, but, who cares?? Just posted to leave a one-day goodbye... lol

*Punching and kicking the air, preparing for the big fight tomorrow...*

Wish me luck!!

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

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