Catch up posts won't come in any certain order because firefox is gay and opens up tabs in a different order. Some go to the back of the list and some go to the front of the list.
Sorry, I've been inactive for several reasons, but I'll make up for it now. A couple of the reasons being the users in this club, but most of it has to do with how busy I've been in real life, the production of a couple of games, and just one of those phases I go through where I rather play the great games on newgrounds than post.
At 4/1/10 07:08 AM, Lizzardis wrote:
Barracks Roster 1st April 2010
So, today is April fools day.. And I'm annoyed. Haha. This "April fools" Theme is rather annoying. Moreso than the China one that was on last year. For some reason this one is more annoying than anything. But oh well, after this roster I'm not coming back on here until tomorrow anyway because of that reason.
Thanks for the roster, but if I say it one time I'll say it a thousand times. April fools is suppose to be annoying and make people mad. It's the day that you play practical jokes on people. If people enjoyed the practical joke then well... it wouldn't be a joke at all.
Plus, as you will have seen, I have added a new section to the roster. This being a back up file. Since a few days ago I "accidentally" deleted the roster for the NGPD... It was only pure luck that I got the roster back because I made a back up of it and linked it to the roster. So I will be doing that from now on. I wouldn't want to be put under the pressure of making the EGB roster again... It's too much hard work as it as and I couldn't recreate it even if I tried. Haha.
Yeah, nice idea. That would suck having to make an entire list over again. *Imagines what would happen if Bahamut's files were deleted*
But yeah, this month has been a slow one for me on NG. Mearly because my real life has been picking up a lot. Plus, I've got exams and such coming over the next few months, so therefore I will be studying a lot... Hopefully.
Good luck with the studying and keep having fun!
Byteslinger - 10k Blams
Congrats, we need more blams around here.
Aldlv - 23k Saves, 35k B/P Total
Keep it up man.
DumbassDude - 5k Blams, 17k Saves, 22k B/P Total
RohanTheBarbarian - 20k B/P Total
You two are almost there. It will happen sooner than you know.
SupraAddict - 7k Saves
SlntCobra1 - 9k B/P
Sushi13 - 5k Saves
Ismael92 - 8k B/P Total
Congrats to the lower ranking members for getting to higher milestones.
Lizzardis - 14k B/P Total
And bringing up the rear is Lizzardis. ;)
Calipe - Sgt. Major
Lizzardis - Captain
Sushi13 - Sgt. First Class
Ismael92 - Sgt. First Class
Congrats to everyone! Must be nice to still be able to rank up. It's nicer not having to worry about ranking up anymore though.
Entering the list:
And they have been as inactive as me since. :)
The List:
08] 34,595 | 0,000 | 00.0 | + 0.00 SlashFirestorm Sup. Com.
09] 33,145 | 0,161 | 05.2 | -- 3.19 Shanus Sup. Com.
I just don't think there is anyway to catch you guys, but I'm still pretty happy with being in the top 10.
10] 32,264 | 0,408 | 13.2 | + 7.48 Fro Sup. Com.
My numbers have been really low lately, but I have hardly any motivation to B/P. I go through phases though were I'll randomly get 200 in a week compared to the usual 20 that I get in a week.
Top 5 Gainers
ByteSlinger - 1,671
Coop83 - 1,661
DumbassDude - 948
Sushi13 - 945
Ismael92 - 862
Congrats to the top 5. Coop might be up there in the top 3 someday soon.
At 4/15/10 06:31 AM, sushi13 wrote:
I just want Princess Laucherella to get deleted next, I would get probably 50 blam points for that.
I would enjoy this very much. I'm guessing I would have somewhere from 50 to 100 blam points coming in from this user as well. :)
At 4/1/10 12:30 PM, byteslinger wrote:
At 4/1/10 10:35 AM, phantomlassuk wrote:
1 like the Aprils Fools day look Kevin Bacon LOL although 1 thought maybe last years one was better. Anyway thanks for the [roaster] update Lizzardis. The bacon icon is cool 1 like the layout for today cool. Hello there S1ashFirestorm.
Would that be a roaster of Bacon today, then? Personally, 1 like it a little crispy, not too overdone, with a side of hash browns and three eggs over-easy.
Breakfast, any?
Man, I can't get enough breakfast. I love eating breakfast at university. I love having my eggs a little runny and the bacon crispy. I'll put two eggs on an English muffin, two pieces of sausage, two pieces of cheese, and top it off with bacon. It makes the perfect sandwich. :)
My girlfriend is making me breakfast right now and it's a good thing because this post made me really hungry.
At 4/2/10 01:22 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:
At 4/2/10 12:16 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Now I can't wait for Pico Day! Though, if I can't see flash by then, I'm gonna be seriously pissed off! And it's 4 weeks from now! >_> God, not being able to see flash sucks!
Yeah bacause of the lack luster dial-up connection i'm having to live with makes it pretty damn hard to even watch flash. So I have to grade what I think is good just by looking at a few factors. And can't write reviews either which sucks cause I really would like to start doing that again.
Hm, I don't B/P until I can watch the entire submission. I don't find it honest or fair to vote on a submission if you can't watch the flash.....
When I had dial up at home (from 2004 to like a month ago) I would just B/P on the lower file flash submissions. That was with a 36 kb connection as well. Now I have dsl at home and the college internet is wireless of course so I picked it up later on in my career. Let alone I didn't have any B/P till 2007.
At 4/17/10 05:43 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
At 4/17/10 02:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
I think in this circumstance, it wasn't required for the link to be provided - the brash manner of "I've brought this game from somewhere else, because they make good games" was evidence enough.
Personally, I never trust comments alone: you can't tell for certain if they're lying or not without doing your own research into where the flash came from, in which case, why not just trust your own findings and forget about the author's comments anyway?
I can back this up Coop. There was one time when Rages thread was still alive that a bunch of spammers just said their flashes were stolen in the comments and they made the menu's look professional. I remember none of them being stolen though and after a few minutes of being on the portal they changed the author comments back to something normal. It was already posted in the thread though and people marked it as stolen.
About a month later there were talks about a glitch because a bunch of people went to garbage.
At 4/7/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
27th Birthday.
That is all.
Carry on.
I'm thinking about bumping my old 8 page topic instead of having a new thread made for me as well. That seems like a good strategy.
At 4/10/10 10:29 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
Ad-block is fun.
Congrats on making newgrounds go out of business sooner! Don't worry I make up with it by clicking on an ad on newgrounds everyday. :)
At 4/1/10 11:07 AM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
Fuck you word filter. In fact, the whole damn BBS looks so stupid, ï'm gonna spend most of today elsewhere. This shit is just annoying.
If I said it once... I'll say it a 1,000 times.. nah don't worry.. I guess people don't understand that a practical joke is suppose to annoy or bother a person. I guess you can just say it was successful if it bothered you this much.
Is anyone going to give the results for Yamor? I think it's kind of rude not having the results after voting had ended so long ago. I don't have the rank to do it so I guess it's up to someone else.