At 3/5/10 05:51 PM, Lizzardis wrote:At 3/5/10 04:15 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Also, I think we already got what was coming to us 9 years, 5 months, and 22 days ago. 9/11/01. I think that pretty much qualifies for us getting what we had coming to us.Not really. Your country is overly ignorant, always thinking that for one... You're the best country in the world. While yes, you are one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the most developed and have the biggest land mass available as a whole country...
America is in my opinion the most ignorant country in the world. The other richer countries follow suit, but not to the point that we do. That being said ignorant people are like children. They never deserve to die simply because they don't know what they are doing to the rest of the world. God just because someone eats a hamburger they create demand for beef, which creates deforestation in Brazil, which creates war over land, which kills thousands of people everyday.
It's the governments fault in my opinion. I love the movie V for Vandetta as well. :P
But take it from me, a kid... You're not all that great.
None of the rich countries are. We pick on the small guys and when they fight back we call them the bad guys.
For one, the stereotypical view of an American is fat. Hey, I can't help that, it's just the view of what other people have of America. Personally I don't have that view... But it doesn't stop the majority of the other people around the world having that opinion.
It's very true though. Actually I only see people at the two extremes. I see a bunch of skinny people that choose not to eat and are very thin and unhealthy. I can't believe that there are people in the world that CHOOSE not to eat when there are people in the world that couldn't eat even if they wanted to and they do want to.
Then on the other hand there are fat people who just don't stop eating. You barely find the in between healthy people. We are a fat and selfish nation.
Two, okay you're a great country, but you're pathetic at war. Yes you have all these beautiful machines to fight your wars.... But the people behind the controls don't know which one is a friendly and which one is the enemy.
Nah, we have one of the best armies there are. We have a tough mentality. Kill whatever gets in the way. It's quite different from what it use to be though. When my grandfather was in the war they were tough men. Now things aren't so tough anymore.
Thirdly, you're political debates about finding Osama, and the whole thing with Saddam.... Yeah that was pointless wasn't it? You were like dogs chasing your own tail there. You knew where he was, what he was doing and how to catch him LOOONNNGGGG before you actually did anything.
Well the whole thing is these things should have never happened in the first place. We asked for these countries to take a loan for us and when they wouldn't we sent in assassins. When the assassins failed we sent in the army and said he was doing illegal things. It was all a false thing from the start because we couldn't get our own way.
Finally, you're whole bastarding country comes to a standstill after 9/11. While yes... I respect the fact that people lost their lives and for one, I can relate to how they must feel since losing as family member is hard and even worse when you see actually how they died... But I mean come on. Every chance you guys get you bring up that date.
That's ignorant. You would too. Don't even say you wouldn't because you haven't had it happen to you.
Yes yes okay okay people died, it's a hard time... But please stop bringing it up! We've had it rough too you know! People died in London when those bombings happened on 7/7... We don't bring it up all the time.
You just did.
Sure we mourn on the date, after that though we realise that we are stronger than those who actually committed the crime by actually getting on with our lives and living each day as it comes.
And we do the same thing?
So... Now can we PLEASE stop with the whole America Vs. Britain? Both countries are as bad as each other. Both are pathetic and think they are the best thing since sliced bread yet BOTH COUNTRIES can't even sort out ONE country from the Taliban.
What many people don't know is that both countries are actually the terrorist countries. We take food, water, land, resources, etc... away from these other countries to the point that they can't even have a drink of water. We point guns at them and make them walk through check points everyday. THEN they turned to "terrorism". It wasn't before, it was after we did these things. That's why I said we clearly have everything coming that's coming. We deserve it all. Not the people so much, but the government.
Plus, I was going to make, you know one of those super huge long catch up posts? But I really can't be bothered now. So, without sounding rude and somewhat.... Back-seat moderating (Sorry coop if I am)... Can we get back on topic please? A bit too off-Topic here.
Discussions are never really off topic if they are intelligent are they?