Oh, come on, Lizz - that's a lot of harsh words from a sweet kid like you!
Besides, we're not "off-topic", per se. The general construct of this particular forum is based on a structured military organization whose purpose is to defend Newgrounds from spam, junk and other violators of the laws of the land. It is not a far stretch to bring real-life military discussions into this forum.
That being said, I need to remind most of you why America is more awesome than England:
1) Our leader: A young, decent-looking and intelligent mixed-race gentleman with a lot of good ideas, a beautiful wife, great kids, and a cute puppy who can actively lead the most powerful country on the planet. Your leader: A kindly little old lady who is nothing more than a grandmotherly figurehead.
2) We have better dentists and dental care plans
3) We get to celebrate the 4th of July (and, at YOUR expense...hehehe)
4) We were the first country to put a man on the moon - multiple times. UK count: 0
5) The entire UK would fit in our little podunk state of Iowa
6) We don't get fog and rain most of the year - except for Seattle.
7) We drive on the RIGHT side of the road.
8) Our police force uses better weapons - because being nice to bad guys just doesn't seem to always work.
9) We have the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, Mt. McKinley, the Utah Salt Flats, the Everglades national park, half of Niagra Falls, the Rocky Mountains and Death Valley. The UK has some holes in the ground (Buttertubs), a few cliffs (Dover), and a few rocks of interest (the Logan Stone).
10) We have baseball and football. You have cricket and rugby, which are the crude basics for our games. We made them an art form and national passions.
11) We have Harley Davidson - don't even bother trying to top that
12) We have Chuck Norris - need I say more?
I could go on, but despite the few problems you've brought to light, I still think that the USA beats the UK hands down. In fact, we can just send Chuck over and let him do it for us.
Yeah, we may have our faults and our short-comings, and some of our leaders were idiots (like Bush and Bush Light), but you can't top our spirit, our strength and our unity. We take care of our own, and we're not afraid to get our hands dirty and our noses bloodied...
*cues up 'America the Beautiful', salutes, and walks off into the sunset *