At 12/24/09 01:48 AM, SlntCobra1 wrote: 1. I HAVE MY DEITY WHISTLE!!!!! HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!
Good work there. Top notch effort! It's also fitting for a Portal Violations Officer to hit the upper echelons of the whistleblowers. Kudos to you!
All in all I'd say this year ended on a good note as far as I'm concerned.
save far one incident with my laptop & my parents. >_<
Gosh, I wonder what that could be?????
At 12/24/09 03:38 AM, KrevZabijak wrote: Cobie surfin pronz again?
Yep. That.
At 12/24/09 06:45 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Mefinks it's time for Auntie Krev to gives Cobie the talk on the birdies and the bees :3
And it's time for Unkie Eagle to show Cobie how to hide is pr0n a bit more effectively from the 'rents. :-)
At 12/24/09 09:23 AM, byteslinger wrote: I'm not quite sure what a "mistle" is, but why do we lop off it's toes, make it a festive decoration, and then force people to osculate in it's presence? A very odd Christmas tradition, indeed.
By the way, does anybody see the irony that we celebrate the birth and life of Christ by cutting down and killing a perfectly good fir tree, dragging it inside, keeping it alive by sticking the stump in some water, and when New Years rolls around, chuck out the corpse on the street?
Well, I didn't see the irony, but apparently you did. :-P Yeah, we have an artificial one too.
Of course, if you want to go philosophical on this one, you could consider the tree as a mimicking of Christ's death and resurrection. The tree is alive and special at Christmastime, but it eventually dies since it was cut down. It dries out and dies, and is put out to the street. The grumpy garbage man then collects the tree, where it goes to the town mulcher. The tree is then turned into mulch, which is used by town members to enrich their landscapes for the upcoming spring, the time of rebirth, which is also coincidentally around Easter, the time of the Passion and the Resurrection. OH DEAR GOD MASSIVE CONSPIRACY LOL!!!!!111oneoneeleven
Congratulations on blowing it longer and harder - well done, indeed!
Now that I think about it, that might have something to do with his parental computer issues...:-PPPPP
Excellent. You are well on your way to joining the Dark Side, young padawan.3. I made "A"s in my Intro to Computers & my Psychology classes!!!!!!!
I agree. Cobra, I expect you to present to me 4 examples of a compiled Linux kernel, all version 2.6.32-2, especially compiled for these four situations:
1. Debian GNU/Linux, 4 processors, AMD64 architecture, especially compiled for minimalist use
2. Arch Linux, 2 processors, i386 architecture, compiled for fast boot times
3. RedHat or CentOS Linux, 16 processors, Itanium archtecture, compiled for a high-I/O database server
4. Ubuntu Linux, 2 processors, Core 2 Duo architecture, compiled to make the spinny compizfusion cubes to go faster. :-)
It'll get better, Lizz. High School is "general" studies, but once you're in college, you have a bit more control over the classes you take. If you declare your major early on, you'll avoid all of the "liberal arts" classes that are pretty much just an extension of high school.
Also, here's a nutshell description on your teachers and how they work throughout your schooling:
1. High School - Pretending you are managing your own tasks while pretending to expect you to think for yourself
2. Undergrad - Actually expect you to manage your own tasks while pretending to expect you to think for yourself
3. Grad School - Actually expect you to manage your own tasks while they actually expect you to think for yourself
Point is, even you learn exponentially more as you hit the higher levels of school, as it's not just about memorizing facts in college. They don't annoyingly ask for status updates and all this crap as they give you these large projects in high school. In college, if you fail, you fail. They won't really check up on you. Also, grad school is even harder. Triple the coursework and expect to come up with unique ideas and show you put a ridiculous amount of thought into it. Each level is more engrossing and interesting than the next. Each level of education requires less and less of regurgitation of what the teacher thinks, and is more about what you think.
Point is, there's much to look forward to. :-)
Tell me what the mating habits of avians and insects have to do with the courtship and dating rituals of the human species? I mean, in a bee hive, there is one queen and countless male drones, all serving her until death, not questioning her demands. That's a strong example of a balanced and healthy relationship, right? And with birds, while most birds take a mate and then nest to have offspring, once they are born and fed for a few months, they are literally tossed out of the nest, and those that fly away are now on their own - and those that don't, well they make little messes on the sidewalk. This is a good example for humans on raising and nurturing children?
The answer to that depends on the gender of the person to whom you are asking the question.
Anyway, let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, Joyous Kwanza, Happy Festivis, Glorious Winter Solstice or whatever you are celebrating this year, and I hope that 2010 is better for all of us! I am grateful for having all of you around - you are all good friends and a load of fun, and I look forward to much more of it all next year!
And a Merry McHolidays to you too!
Now where did I put my Festivus pole?
At 12/24/09 12:04 PM, Ismael92 wrote: lol. There's no Christmas tree in my house, because no-one cares about it. Anyway, since you brought this up, if you are the kind of person that cares a lot about the environment, you may want to read this: 8 tips for a Green Christmas. Apparently, Americans produce about 1 million extra tons of trash around the holidays, so if you feel like it, take those advices ;)
Per person? Wow... ;-)
And here's something that some of you may find interesting too: 12 Last-Minute Gifts for tech addicts. I know it may be late, but if it wasn't late it wouldn't be a last minute gift, right? I think that the "Scratch-N-Scroll" is pretty cool and it isn't too expensive.
I agree that the scratch-n-scroll is a great gift idea, but some of those suck. No self-respecting geek would spend $55 on an 8-gig Flash Drive, and those portable projectors are horrible. One we tried in the office was only about 10 lumens bright, so it barely lit up in a pitch-black room. Great link, though!
At 12/24/09 01:24 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Need some help here, I'm having trouble deciding which idea I should use on the next intermission chapter:
1) The truth behind Cal Ripken Jr's streak (based from some urban legend)
2) Canas getting phished
But can't it be both? :-P How about the big secret behind Canas' phishing work being behind Cal Ripken Jr? Maybe he was injecting ban-hammer mojo into his bat for all of those swats he did?
At 12/24/09 02:25 PM, TailsPrower wrote: Hey fellas, I thought I'd drop by with a present. Happy holidays everyone!
Thanks for the note. Also, hope the holiday is doing great for you too!
At 12/25/09 05:12 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Just a quick post to wish you all a very merry Christmas. I hope you and your families are all well and that you enjoy the day. Try not to eat TOO much. Haha.
Oops. Too late. Also, aren't you from the UK? Don't you say Happy Christmas over there? I call foul!
On an upside however, over the course of this week and the run up to Christmas, loads of flashes have actually been submitted and I've gained over 300 B/P this week, so it's not all bad. Hehe.
Meanwhile, my B/P has suffered because I've been out all the time. Oh well.
Take care everyone. Have a wonderful day ;)
Same to you! I'm heading to the in-laws' again, so I'll be out all day. But I hope everyone enjoys this holiday as much as I plan to! We'll need to talk about presents and rake-ins later!