At 6/30/09 08:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
I'll trade you - it's sweltering down here in Worcester. About 28 degrees and probably about 50-60% humidity and rising
Having complained it has actually been a very pleasant day here in the low 20s, though I am a bit of a sun worshiper and 28 sounds heavenly to me (ignoring the humidity, always ruins a good sunny day in the country). Still, spending the summer up here has it's advantages, NO DEAL!
At 6/30/09 09:02 AM, DumbassDude wrote:
I was in Bath yesterday and it was around the same temperature, lovely heat. But hearing it could get up to 39 degree's is abit worrying.
Aww, I miss Bath at the moment. I'm looking forward to getting back there in a couple of months already, with girlfriend in tow of course (long distance relationships get very old after a while...). How's the building work going in the centre?
39 degrees though... where did you hear that? Seems like a crazy sort of figure to me, but then stranger things have happened.
Regarding the FF flashes being deleted, it's about time really, their animations were annoying and all they did was clog up the portal. I'm not sure if they broke a rule or anything, they might have just pissed Wade off. Good riddance.
I'm sure there was a good reason for the deletion, generally the admins seem lenient and only delete when there is no other choice. Good riddance to bad rubbish anyway.
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