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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 18:03:26

At 6/19/09 06:00 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
At 6/19/09 08:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/09 07:29 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
At 6/18/09 07:23 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote:
I was simply making a comparison to how bad the portal was this time yesterday.

Speaking of yesterday, how was everyone's B/P turnout? I know it's not the reason why we exist as a club, but I'm just curious.

Also, poor Lizzardis.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 18:12:17

Well I had a previous record high of 79 B/P in one day, and yesterday I surpassed it with 82. Man, 18 shy of 100. That would've been SWEET!

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 21:04:37

I have had a look at The Art Portal looks cool I must admit though that I'm not that excited by it yet still give it time. I love the new banner but what do you mean about The Art Portal only lasting two days? I'm a little confused about that. I was pleased Chris Beer been deleted again all the DD in the obituaries. My B/P is around 2 per day! yep not that good. 500,000 flash submitted amazing stuff. Glad to see new people wanting to join.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 21:08:07

At 6/19/09 06:12 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Well I had a previous record high of 79 B/P in one day, and yesterday I surpassed it with 82. Man, 18 shy of 100. That would've been SWEET!

I have had a pretty good week myself, I have raked in the B/P and ranked up in the process.
Also, Chris Beer getting deleted, thats got to be like, the 20th time or something and I was glad to see one his usual attempts to submit a shitty flash was thwarted today, blammed even.

Anyway, this week;
Weekly: 440 B/P Points (125 blams and 315 saves) since last Saturday (06/13/09). Pace of 73.333 B/P per day.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 21:16:06

At 6/19/09 09:11 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Chris Beer left some very violent threats on Wade's last blog before he was deleted. If he keeps it up, he'll get more than an account deletion, he'll get fucking arrested. I can't say that I wouldn't be satisfied if such a thing happened.

We would be lucky to have him arrested, less racist spam to deal with.
Wade doesn't take kindly to threats, remember the secret service thread he posted 2 years ago? He will have your account terminated if anyone makes threats to anyone on the site.

So it's definitly coming towards summer, and I'm raking in the B/P. To celebrate the summer i'm going to a music festival called 'Glastonbury'. Better known as the annual hippy festival of England.

Everyone just sits around smoking weed while listening to old, new and hundreds of indie bands.

Should be fantastic, leaving on Wednsday and will be back on the Sunday.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 22:18:55


I though the world of rid of you in the 80s?

Peace loving freaks. >_>
The above is by no means an insult.

Let me say this, peace is an illusion. It will never happen. What has mankind been doing since the dawn of time? FIGHTING. No we cannot all just get along. If that were to happen, what's left to hate?(Not that I'm an ethnicist[racist]) But seriously, mankind has not reached a level of maturity where we can stop fighting. Humans are an innately violent creature.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-19 22:37:51

At 6/19/09 10:18 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Let me say this, peace is an illusion. It will never happen.

Yes it will.

What has mankind been doing since the dawn of time? FIGHTING. No we cannot all just get along.

Yes we can.

If that were to happen, what's left to hate?(Not that I'm an ethnicist[racist])

This doesn't make any sense.

But seriously, mankind has not reached a level of maturity where we can stop fighting.

We're making progress.

Humans are an innately violent creature.

Yet humans have an innate resistance to killing. Read the book on Killing for proof.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 01:03:36

At 6/19/09 10:18 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Let me say this, peace is an illusion. It will never happen. What has mankind been doing since the dawn of time? FIGHTING. No we cannot all just get along. If that were to happen, what's left to hate?(Not that I'm an ethnicist[racist]) But seriously, mankind has not reached a level of maturity where we can stop fighting. Humans are an innately violent creature.

Well, I would have to respectfully disagree with you. While humans are certainly capable of violence, we are just as capable of compassion and love.

The question to ask is: what drives humans to violence? What triggers the need for one man to hurt another in such a way? Simple: when they themselves get hurt, and respond with the childish notion that hurting back makes everything even.

The other components are ego and a sense of entitlement. When a man's ego is bruised, he tends to react like a child - and children don't think, they react. Or, if someone feels that they deserve something (such as a piece of land or chunk of money) and they don't get it, they feel cheated - and react as such.

The common thread to all of this is that the reaction to pain is the childish notion to give back more pain in return - violence, if you will. The counter balance to all of this is intelligence and a sense of humility. Roy Rogers once said "show me a man who's resorted to violence, and I'll show you a man who's run out of ideas." Someone who is not egotistical and thinks before they act tend to solve problems without violence.

And each year, slowly, the world is changing. More people are aware of the rest of the world - and the violence is a little less and less. Those men in power still will guide armies into war, but only for their own needs. The average soldier (from any country) would much rather be at home with his family than putting their ass on the line.

But there is hope: half of the world's population won't resort to violence first. That half is called "women". We tend to get even - not mad - and we can get our point across without ever laying a finger on anyone. If every world and religious leader was a women, there would be no wars over land or resources. Why not? Because no mother ever wants to see their children die. Unlike men, who deceive themselves with the self-rationalization that if their child dies fighting in a war, it's an honorable thing, women value life higher - as they give birth to it.

And, as women become more and more prevalent in business, government and religion, you will see a shift away from violence. It won't happen over night - and probably not in our lifetime - but it will eventually happen.

So, don't give up, or into the notion that we will always be violent. We have changed, we have evolved (maybe not fast enough) and we are heading in the right direction.

One more thing: violence is a learned response. Want to help move the world forward away from violence? Be peaceful yourself. When you get married and have kids, teach them peace. Be a small example of intelligence over ego - be part of the solution - and instead of lamenting the violence, you can say you helped stop it just a little. But as you pass it on to your kids, they can pass it to theirs, and eventually, peace becomes the norm.

It's not impossible - it will just take some time and patience. Peace is not an illusion - as long as people have seen it, found it and can share it - and make it grow. I have seen it and felt it; I know it exists, and I know that only I can control how I react to things - peaceful or otherwise. I choose peace. I wish other people would do the same.

Sorry for the long rant. But it was a lot that needed to be said. And as I said before, no disrespect is intended.


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 03:29:20


I am NOT going to link this directly:


Prepare for the worst, fellow members.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 14:23:51

Man, if I hadn't uploaded that other ACTE logo to the art portal, I'd still have my scouting abilities. Could someone scout me so I can patrol the art portal, please?

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 14:59:42

At 6/20/09 05:07 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Important notice on our forums. Please read.

Also, if you haven't voted on the three(!) potential recruits yet, now's your last chance; I'll likely render my verdict on all three of them later today.

So that's where you vote on those little things....
I have a couple questions about crew moderation and regulations.
I've discussed it with Corky52 over aim, but I still am not entirely sure what he was hinting at, so I'll have to be blunt and ask now.

When a spammer come into the crew, how do you deal with him (other than ignoring him)?

Who moderates this club (i.e. deletes malicious posts, bans the users etc.)?

Are there ranks, or are we all treated equal?

French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 15:11:46

As far as spammers are concerned, we just ignore them and a mod will delete the post. Ranks, so farr I do believe we're treated equally. You'd have to ask Slash about that one though. Moderating the clubs, you would think that would fall under the jurisdiction of the leader and the mods. So far I think it's an even divide.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 15:14:42

At 6/20/09 02:59 PM, SupraAddict wrote: When a spammer come into the crew, how do you deal with him (other than ignoring him)?

Who moderates this club (i.e. deletes malicious posts, bans the users etc.)?

We just ignore him, sooner or later any forum moderator will delete the rule breaking post(s). Of course, if we see this thread is being abused, we can PM forum mods to let them know.

Are there ranks, or are we all treated equal?

There are some special ranks which can be seen at the Officer List in our forums. But yeah, we're all treated equal :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 15:16:52

At 6/20/09 02:59 PM, SupraAddict wrote: When a spammer come into the crew, how do you deal with him (other than ignoring him)?

Pretty much just that, ignore them and report them to a moderator if necessary.

Who moderates this club (i.e. deletes malicious posts, bans the users etc.)?

Moderating? Nobody other than the BBS mods moderate the club, there are a few guys in charge but I'll deal with that below.

Are there ranks, or are we all treated equal?

Well if you read
this it will outline the Officership positions here at the Barracks, who they are, what they do etc. Other than the command officers (SlashFirestorm, then Phantom, then Coop83, then me), everybody is pretty much equal here.

Drop me a PM if you have any more questions.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 18:43:19

I flagged it, Slash. Is there anything else we can do besides report it? I imagine taking any other course of action is out of our jurisdiction.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 18:52:12

At 6/20/09 06:36 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Scroll down fast and flag this shit.

Flagged. Motherfuckers, spam is one thing, but this is beyond ANY kind of a fucking joke. Christ al-fucking-mighty. I'd get onto Wade ASAP, see if he can do an IP trace or contact some sort of authority, we'll see who the fuck is laughing then when they're doing mandatory jail time.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 18:53:17

At 6/20/09 06:43 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote: I flagged it, Slash. Is there anything else we can do besides report it? I imagine taking any other course of action is out of our jurisdiction.

That's all we can do for now. We could possibly PM an active art mod so he can delete it ASAP. But anyway it shouldn't take long until an art mod sees it, especially if several people have flagged it already.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 18:56:28

It was just deleted. Good work guys, good to see this shit being deleted quickly.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 18:59:27

Another one

This one had the balls to post a thread asking for it to be scouted as well.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:01:57

At 6/20/09 06:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Another one

This one had the balls to post a thread asking for it to be scouted as well.

Oh for fuck's sake...


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:08:04

At 6/20/09 06:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Another one

This one had the balls to post a thread asking for it to be scouted as well.

Fuck I can't believe it. Either it's the same person, or they have planned a raid. I don't like to say this but we'll probably see more soon >:(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:11:08

At 6/20/09 07:08 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
At 6/20/09 06:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Another one

This one had the balls to post a thread asking for it to be scouted as well.
Fuck I can't believe it. Either it's the same person, or they have planned a raid. I don't like to say this but we'll probably see more soon >:(

I'm sure they will. We'll have to be vigilant, this isn't like spam where it's bored 15 year olds or whatever, this is the lowest kind of "human" we're dealing with here. I'd vent further but I wouldn't give them the steam off my piss let alone the attention they're looking for.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:38:13

Guys, I was combing through the latest signups looking for more potential DD accounts, when I found this account. Slash already knows about it, but I noticed it has an Art tab with nothing in it...yet. So be aware, this might be used for posting up CPat some point.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:49:42

At 6/20/09 07:38 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Guys, I was combing through the latest signups looking for more potential DD accounts, when I found this account. Slash already knows about it, but I noticed it has an Art tab with nothing in it...yet. So be aware, this might be used for posting up CPat some point.

CP has just been submitted using that account.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:51:52

At 6/20/09 07:38 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Guys, I was combing through the latest signups looking for more potential DD accounts, when I found this account. Slash already knows about it, but I noticed it has an Art tab with nothing in it...yet. So be aware, this might be used for posting up CPat some point.

Check again - there's shit in his art list now! Looks like it's a little boy's naked crotch - Not Cool!!!!

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:55:05

Whenever I click on it it always says the page cannot be found. Either it's in the middle of being deleted or something.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:55:08

Man I should be a detective or something, I am either ridiculously lucky to have caught that account before it submitted CP or my instincts are better than I thought. At least we were prepared for this one. Whistle blown.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:57:01

At 6/20/09 07:55 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Whenever I click on it it always says the page cannot be found. Either it's in the middle of being deleted or something.

I got that initially as well, try clearing your cache first (Ctrl + F5 in case you didn't know) and see if that works. Sorry for thr double post, at this rate I will be hitting the 4 post limit if I'm not careful.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 19:57:25

At 6/20/09 07:55 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Man I should be a detective or something, I am either ridiculously lucky to have caught that account before it submitted CP or my instincts are better than I thought. At least we were prepared for this one. Whistle blown.

Well done. I can still see it on my link, but my guess it's in my cache and will be deleted damn soon.
I have to clear my cache - don't want that on my PC at all!!!

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-06-20 20:21:42

Also, there's a flash from the [FF] under judgment, which apparently responds to the recent... events :/

Not that it's abusive or anything, but I just felt like letting you guys know.