Cool, update time.
At 6/1/09 04:47 PM, Ismael92 wrote: Barracks Roster 1st June 2009
I've added the repeat offenders thingy, Corky mentioned it last month and I think it's a good idea :)
Good to hear, though I can't see myself ever making it onto that particular list haha.
Congrats to everyone who achieved something this month B/P wise.
Entering the list:
Welcome lads, hope you like it around here.
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
15] 16,385 | 0,115 | 03.8 | + 0.10 ever-vigilant Mjr.
16] 14,640 | 0,969 | 32.3 | --1.00 RohantheBarbarian Cpt.
17] 13,363 | 0,001 | 00.0 | + 0.03 DarkSoldier Lt.
Looks like it will take at least two months to move up the list, so I'll be hanging on in at #16 for another while.
Top 5 Gainers
byteslinger - 2,545
KrevZabijak - 1,879
Little-Rena - 1,662
DumbassDude - 1,426
Coop83 - 1,342
Top gainers, repeat offenders: byteslinger (5), Coop83 (4), KrevZabijak(2)
Congrats to all, although frankly byteslinger is putting us all to shame and short of some unforeseen cause of inactivity, I could see her NEVER being knocked out of the Top 5 and Repeat Offenders lists.
Total Gain for the month = 16,573
That's 552.4 points per day, or 15.3 per day per member.
Cool, I pulled double this on average this month, so I'm happy despite relative inactivity.
May update.
Thanks for the update Ismael!