I feel that it'd be helpful to clarify a few points at this time.
1. The roster of the Barracks is rather varied. We have people from all over the world, from teenagers to adults, with all sorts of backgrounds. Our members range from normal users to spam group members to review mods. But there's one thing we all have in common, one reason why we're all here in this group. And it has nothing to do with stats.
We're all here to make Newgrounds a better place.
The purpose of being on the Portal or flagging abuse isn't to get shiny images on our profiles, it's to keep this site clean. When it comes to helping this site, B/P ranks and whistle levels are nothing but information that, by themselves, mean very little. While they are qualifications for membership, they're not the deciding factors---I check a lot more than stats when I make my final call on prospective recruits. There are plenty of Supreme Commanders and Deity Whistlers that I wouldn't want anywhere near the EGB, because they earned their stats for the wrong reasons, and confused the reward for the reason.
Make sure you're here for the right reason. Helping make Newgrounds a good place is why the Barracks exists. Ranks and whistles mean jack shit to that mission statement. Voting power and flag strength are not our goals, not our reasons, and they're not means to an end. They're just rewards and the least of our concerns.
2. Despite their differences, both the B/P and whistle systems have a bit in common, mainly that both voting and flagging are meant to be individual decisions. Forming groups to target specific people or submissions leads to bias and abuse, the exact damn thing we're supposed to be fighting. This potential for influence on an individual function is the reason why blam clubs are no longer allowed, why discussing one's votes on currently UJ flash is not allowed in the Barracks, and why we no longer have abusive review lists---not Rage's thread, not in the EGB, not anywhere.
3. As has been explained before, targeting specific reviews is the same as targeting specific flashes---it's mass voting. A group takes over for what's supposed to be an individual decision, and when that group is wrong, the negative effects of that mistake are multiplied, both of them and their target. That the group can also be right is irrelevant; better for a dozen abusive reviews to remain on the site than one legit review be wrongly flagged.
Remember that the whistle system is NOT the B/P system---with flash submissions, there's only a brief window when they can be deleted; with reviews, the probability of an abusive review being deleted approaches one as time nears infinity. There's no time limit to abuse getting deleted, meaning that there's no reason to swarm a review. It'll either be (A) never seen, and thus harmless, or (B) seen by other people, who will flag it and eventually get it deleted just as the system intends.
4. Remember that the mods---all of them, BBS and review and audio and icon---are human, and thus have different ideas on what constitutes rulebreaking. They follow the same rulebook, and that rulebook might get clearer over time, but since they're human (as opposed to this absolute hive mind that some people are craving), their decisions won't always be the same every single time.
There's nothing wrong with that.
And it's not that difficult to deal with, either. When you're in the BBS, you easily avoid being banned by posting in a way that would satisfy the stricter mods. When you see a review, you only flag it if you're sure that any review mod would find it abusive. And just like you shouldn't post in a thread that you know some mods might consider to be spam, you shouldn't flag anything you aren't sure any mod would delete.
5. As for showing whistle points...lolno. There is no reason whatsoever to allow that. That would make whistling into "just another stat", as opposed to the maintenance function it's supposed to be. If you're whistling properly, you wouldn't give a shit if the whistle levels disappeared tomorrow; you don't need a damn number.
On that note, I wouldn't mind if blam/save totals got squished into one single point total, except that it would make save-whores harder to spot and keep away from my precious Barracks. Points are not the reason, points are the reward.